Using WebLogic Logging Services for Application Logging

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Application Logging and WebLogic Logging Services

The following sections describe how to use WebLogic logging services for your application logging:


About WebLogic Logging Services

WebLogic logging services provide information about server and application events. You can use WebLogic logging services to keep a record of which user invokes specific application components, to report error conditions, or to help debug your application before releasing it to a production environment. Your application can also use them to communicate its status and respond to specific events. See " Understanding WebLogic Logging Services" in Configuring Log Files and Filtering Log Messages.

Two features of WebLogic logging services from which your application can benefit are its extensibility and support for internationalization.

You can create your own catalog of log messages and use WebLogic utilities to generate Java classes that you can use in your application code. The log messages generated from your applications will be integrated with and treated in the same way as log messages generated by the server. See Writing Messages to the WebLogic Server Log.

Log message catalogs you create can be written in any language and can be accompanied by translations for different locales. WebLogic support for internationalization ensures that the log messages are present in the appropriate language for the current locale under which WebLogic Server is running. See Internationalization and Localization for WebLogic Server.

A major advantage of integrating your application logging with WebLogic logging framework is ease of management. The Administration Console lets you manage all of the log files and related options. See " View and Configure Logs" in the Administration Console Online Help.


Integrating Application Logging with WebLogic Logging Services: Main Steps

There are several ways to generate log messages from your applications and integrate them with WebLogic logging:

Application developers who do not use WebLogic message catalogs, NonCatalogLogger, or servlet logging can do the following:


Accessing the WebLogic Server Logger

The WebLogic logging infrastructure supports a logger on each server which collects the log events generated by your own applications and subsystems. WebLogic Server provides direct access to the logger on each server, as well as to the domain logger on the Administration server.

By default, WebLogic logging services use an implementation based on the Java Logging APIs. The LoggingHelper class provides access to the java.util.logging.Logger object used for server logging. See the LoggingHelper Javadoc.

Alternatively, you can direct WebLogic logging services to use Log4j instead of Java Logging. When Log4j is enabled, you get a reference to the org.apache.log4j.Logger that the server is using from the weblogic.logging.log4j.Log4jLoggingHelper class. With a Log4j Logger reference, you can attach you own custom appender (handler) to receive the log events or you can use the Logger reference to issue log requests to WebLogic logging services. See the Log4jLoggingHelper Javadoc.

In addition, WebLogic logging services provide an implementation of the Jakarta Commons LogFactory and Log interface, so you can program to the Commons API and direct log messages to the server log file or any of the registered destinations. This API provides you with an abstraction that insulates you from the underlying logging implementation, which could be Log4j or Java Logging.

For more information, see the following sections in Configuring Log Files and Filtering Log Messages:

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