BEA Systems, Inc.
Interface DeployableCredentialMapperMBean

All Superinterfaces:
CredentialMapperMBean, weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean, ProviderMBean, weblogic.descriptor.SettableBean,

public interface DeployableCredentialMapperMBean
extends CredentialMapperMBean

The SSPI MBean that must be extended by all Credential Mapper providers that can store credential maps created while deploying a component.

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

In addition to being used as a base class that provides functionality to security provider MBeans, JMX applications can use this class directly as a type-safe interface. When used as a type-safe interface, a JMX application imports this class and accesses it through As of 9.0, the MBeanHome interface and all type-safe interfaces for WebLogic Server MBeans are deprecated. Instead, JMX applications that interact with WebLogic Server MBeans should use standard JMX design patterns in which clients use the interface to discover MBeans, attributes, and attribute types at runtime. For more information, see "Developing Manageable Applications with JMX" on

Method Summary
 boolean isCredentialMappingDeploymentEnabled()
          Returns whether this Credential Mapping provider stores stores credential maps created when deploying a resource adapter.
 void setCredentialMappingDeploymentEnabled(boolean ignored)
          Sets whether this Credential Mapping provider stores stores credential maps created when deploying a resource adapter.
Methods inherited from interface
getDescription, getName, getRealm, getVersion
Methods inherited from interface
setName, wls_getDisplayName, wls_getInterfaceClassName, wls_getObjectName
Methods inherited from interface weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean
addBeanUpdateListener, addPropertyChangeListener, createChildCopy, createChildCopyIncludingObsolete, getDescriptor, getParentBean, isEditable, removeBeanUpdateListener, removePropertyChangeListener
Methods inherited from interface weblogic.descriptor.SettableBean
isSet, unSet

Method Detail


boolean isCredentialMappingDeploymentEnabled()
Returns whether this Credential Mapping provider stores stores credential maps created when deploying a resource adapter.


void setCredentialMappingDeploymentEnabled(boolean ignored)
                                           throws InvalidAttributeValueException
Sets whether this Credential Mapping provider stores stores credential maps created when deploying a resource adapter.

ignored - - the new credential mapping deployment enabled value
See Also:

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc.