BEA Systems, Inc.

Type-Safe Access to BEA WebLogic Server 9.2 MBeans (Deprecated)

(Methods marked with @since are not available through the deprecated MBeanHome interface.)
Interface OverloadProtectionMBean

All Superinterfaces:
ConfigurationMBean, weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean, DynamicMBean, MBeanRegistration, NotificationBroadcaster, weblogic.descriptor.SettableBean,

public interface OverloadProtectionMBean
extends ConfigurationMBean

This Mbean has attributes concerning server overload protection.

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

This is a type-safe interface for a WebLogic Server MBean, which you can import into your client classes and access through As of 9.0, the MBeanHome interface and all type-safe interfaces for WebLogic Server MBeans are deprecated. Instead, client classes that interact with WebLogic Server MBeans should use standard JMX design patterns in which clients use the interface to discover MBeans, attributes, and attribute types at runtime. For more information, see "Developing Manageable Applications with JMX" on

Field Summary
static String ADMIN_STATE
          Enable automatic suspend of the server on failed state.
static String FORCE_SHUTDOWN
          Enable automatic forceshutdown of the server on failed state.
static String NO_ACTION
static String SYSTEM_EXIT
          Exit the server process when the kernel encounters a panic condition like an unhandled OOME.
Fields inherited from interface
Method Summary
 ServerFailureTriggerMBean createServerFailureTrigger()
          Configure a trigger that marks the server as failed when the condition is met.
 void destroyServerFailureTrigger()
 String getFailureAction()
          Enable automatic forceshutdown of the server on failed state.
 int getFreeMemoryPercentHighThreshold()
          Percentage free memory after which the server overload condition is cleared.
 int getFreeMemoryPercentLowThreshold()
          Percentage free memory below which the server is considered overloaded.
 String getPanicAction()
          Exit the server process when the kernel encounters a panic condition like an unhandled OOME.
 ServerFailureTriggerMBean getServerFailureTrigger()
          Configure a trigger that marks the server as failed when the condition is met.
 int getSharedCapacityForWorkManagers()
          Total number of requests that can be present in the server.
 void setFailureAction(String action)
          Enable automatic forceshutdown of the server on failed state.
 void setFreeMemoryPercentHighThreshold(int percent)
          Percentage free memory after which the server overload condition is cleared.
 void setFreeMemoryPercentLowThreshold(int percent)
          Percentage free memory below which the server is considered overloaded.
 void setPanicAction(String action)
          Exit the server process when the kernel encounters a panic condition like an unhandled OOME.
 void setSharedCapacityForWorkManagers(int capacity)
          Total number of requests that can be present in the server.
Methods inherited from interface
freezeCurrentValue, getName, getNotes, isSet, restoreDefaultValue, setComments, setDefaultedMBean, setName, setNotes, setPersistenceEnabled, unSet
Methods inherited from interface
getMBeanInfo, getObjectName, getParent, getType, isCachingDisabled, isRegistered, setParent
Methods inherited from interface
getAttribute, getAttributes, invoke, setAttribute, setAttributes
Methods inherited from interface
postDeregister, postRegister, preDeregister, preRegister
Methods inherited from interface
addNotificationListener, getNotificationInfo, removeNotificationListener
Methods inherited from interface weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean
addBeanUpdateListener, addPropertyChangeListener, createChildCopy, createChildCopyIncludingObsolete, getDescriptor, getParentBean, isEditable, removeBeanUpdateListener, removePropertyChangeListener

Field Detail


public static final String ADMIN_STATE
Enable automatic suspend of the server on failed state. The server goes into admin state after the suspend operation. The server self-health monitoring detects fatal failures and mark the server as failed. The suspend operation is applied only when the server as an admin channel and is in the running state before the failure. Otherwise it will remain in the failed state till an administrator issues a shutdown command.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String FORCE_SHUTDOWN
Enable automatic forceshutdown of the server on failed state. The server self-health monitoring detects fatal failures and mark the server as failed. The server can be restarted using NodeManager or a HA agent.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String NO_ACTION
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String SYSTEM_EXIT
Exit the server process when the kernel encounters a panic condition like an unhandled OOME. An unhandled OOME could lead to inconsistent state and a server restart is advisable if backed by node manager or a HA agent.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public ServerFailureTriggerMBean createServerFailureTrigger()
Configure a trigger that marks the server as failed when the condition is met. A failed server in turn can be configured to shutdown or go into admin state.


public void destroyServerFailureTrigger()


public String getFailureAction()
Enable automatic forceshutdown of the server on failed state. The server self-health monitoring detects fatal failures and mark the server as failed. The server can be restarted using NodeManager or a HA agent.


public int getFreeMemoryPercentHighThreshold()
Percentage free memory after which the server overload condition is cleared. WorkManagers stop performing overloadActions and start regular execution once the overload condition is cleared.


public int getFreeMemoryPercentLowThreshold()
Percentage free memory below which the server is considered overloaded. WorkManagers perform overloadAction once the server is marked as overloaded.


public String getPanicAction()
Exit the server process when the kernel encounters a panic condition like an unhandled OOME. An unhandled OOME could lead to inconsistent state and a server restart is advisable if backed by node manager or a HA agent.


public ServerFailureTriggerMBean getServerFailureTrigger()
Configure a trigger that marks the server as failed when the condition is met. A failed server in turn can be configured to shutdown or go into admin state.


public int getSharedCapacityForWorkManagers()
Total number of requests that can be present in the server. This includes requests that are enqueued and those under execution.

The server performs a differentiated denial of service on reaching the shared capacity. A request with higher priority will be accepted in place of a lower priority request already in the queue. The lower priority request is kept waiting in the queue till all high priority requests are executed. Further enqueues of the low priority requests are rejected right away.


public void setFailureAction(String action)
Enable automatic forceshutdown of the server on failed state. The server self-health monitoring detects fatal failures and mark the server as failed. The server can be restarted using NodeManager or a HA agent.


public void setFreeMemoryPercentHighThreshold(int percent)
Percentage free memory after which the server overload condition is cleared. WorkManagers stop performing overloadActions and start regular execution once the overload condition is cleared.


public void setFreeMemoryPercentLowThreshold(int percent)
Percentage free memory below which the server is considered overloaded. WorkManagers perform overloadAction once the server is marked as overloaded.


public void setPanicAction(String action)
Exit the server process when the kernel encounters a panic condition like an unhandled OOME. An unhandled OOME could lead to inconsistent state and a server restart is advisable if backed by node manager or a HA agent.


public void setSharedCapacityForWorkManagers(int capacity)
Total number of requests that can be present in the server. This includes requests that are enqueued and those under execution.

The server performs a differentiated denial of service on reaching the shared capacity. A request with higher priority will be accepted in place of a lower priority request already in the queue. The lower priority request is kept waiting in the queue till all high priority requests are executed. Further enqueues of the low priority requests are rejected right away.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc.