BEA Systems, Inc.

Type-Safe Access to BEA WebLogic Server 9.2 MBeans (Deprecated)

(Methods marked with @since are not available through the deprecated MBeanHome interface.)
Interface RealmMBean

All Superinterfaces:
weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean, weblogic.descriptor.SettableBean,

public interface RealmMBean
extends, weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean

The MBean that represents configuration attributes for the security realm.

A security realm contains a set of security configuration settings, including the list of security providers to use (for example, for authentication and authorization).

Code using security can either use the default security realm for the domain or refer to a particular security realm by name (by using the JMX display name of the security realm).

One security realm in the WebLogic domain must have the DefaultRealm attribute set to true. The security realm with the DefaultRealm attribute set to true is used as the default security realm for the WebLogic domain. Note that other available security realms must have the DefaultRealm attribute set to false.

When WebLogic Server boots, it locates and uses the default security realm. The security realm is considered active since it is used when WebLogic Server runs. Any security realm that is not used when WebLogic Server runs is considered inactive. All active security realms must be configured before WebLogic Server is boots.

Since security providers are scoped by realm, the Realm attribute on a security provider must be set to the realm that uses the provider.

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

In addition to being used as a base class that provides functionality to security provider MBeans, JMX applications can use this class directly as a type-safe interface. When used as a type-safe interface, a JMX application imports this class and accesses it through As of 9.0, the MBeanHome interface and all type-safe interfaces for WebLogic Server MBeans are deprecated. Instead, JMX applications that interact with WebLogic Server MBeans should use standard JMX design patterns in which clients use the interface to discover MBeans, attributes, and attribute types at runtime. For more information, see "Developing Manageable Applications with JMX" on

Method Summary
 AdjudicatorMBean createAdjudicator(String type)
          Creates an Adjudication provider in this security realm and removes this security realm's previous Adjudication provider.
 AdjudicatorMBean createAdjudicator(String name, String type)
          Creates an Adjudication provider in this security realm and removes this security realm's previous Adjudication provider.
 AuditorMBean createAuditor(String type)
          Creates an Auditing provider in this security realm.
 AuditorMBean createAuditor(String name, String type)
          Creates an Auditing provider in this security realm.
 AuthenticationProviderMBean createAuthenticationProvider(String type)
          Creates an Authentication provider in this security realm.
 AuthenticationProviderMBean createAuthenticationProvider(String name, String type)
          Creates an Authentication provider in this security realm.
 AuthorizerMBean createAuthorizer(String type)
          Creates an Authorization provider in this security realm.
 AuthorizerMBean createAuthorizer(String name, String type)
          Creates an Authorization provider in this security realm.
 CertPathProviderMBean createCertPathProvider(String type)
          Creates a Certification Path provider in this security realm.
 CertPathProviderMBean createCertPathProvider(String name, String type)
          Creates a Certification Path provider in this security realm.
 CredentialMapperMBean createCredentialMapper(String type)
          Creates a Credential Mapping provider in this security realm.
 CredentialMapperMBean createCredentialMapper(String name, String type)
          Creates a Credential Mapping provider in this security realm.
 KeyStoreMBean createKeyStore(String type)
 KeyStoreMBean createKeyStore(String name, String type)
 RoleMapperMBean createRoleMapper(String type)
          Creates a Role Mapping provider in this security realm.
 RoleMapperMBean createRoleMapper(String name, String type)
          Creates a Role Mapping provider in this security realm.
 void destroyAdjudicator()
          Removes the configuration this security realm's Adjudication provider (if there is one).
 void destroyAuditor(AuditorMBean auditor)
          Removes the configuration for an Auditing provider in this security realm.
 void destroyAuthenticationProvider(AuthenticationProviderMBean authenticationProvider)
          Removes the configuration for an Authentication provider in this security realm.
 void destroyAuthorizer(AuthorizerMBean authorizer)
          Removes the configuration for an Authorization provider in this security realm.
 void destroyCertPathProvider(CertPathProviderMBean certPathProvider)
          Removes the configuration for a Certification Path provider in this security realm.
 void destroyCredentialMapper(CredentialMapperMBean credentialMapper)
          Removes the configuration for a Credential Mapping provider in this security realm.
 void destroyKeyStore(KeyStoreMBean keystore)
 void destroyRoleMapper(RoleMapperMBean roleMapper)
          Removes the configuration for a Role Mapping provider in this security realm.
 AdjudicatorMBean getAdjudicator()
          Returns the Adjudication provider for this security realm.
 String[] getAdjudicatorTypes()
          Returns the types of Adjudication providers that may be created in this security realm, for example,
 AuditorMBean[] getAuditors()
          Returns the Auditing providers for this security realm (in invocation order).
 String[] getAuditorTypes()
          Returns the types of Auditing providers that may be created in this security realm, for example,
 AuthenticationProviderMBean[] getAuthenticationProviders()
          Returns the Authentication providers for this security realm (in invocation order).
 String[] getAuthenticationProviderTypes()
          Returns the types of Authentication providers that may be created in this security realm, for example,
 String getAuthMethods()
          Returns a comma separated string of authentication methods that should be used when the Web application specifies "REALM" as its auth-method.
 AuthorizerMBean[] getAuthorizers()
          Returns the Authorization providers for this security realm (in invocation order).
 String[] getAuthorizerTypes()
          Returns the types of Authorization providers that may be created in this security realm, for example,
 CertPathBuilderMBean getCertPathBuilder()
          Returns the CertPath Builder provider in this security realm that will be used by the security system to build certification paths.
 CertPathProviderMBean[] getCertPathProviders()
          Returns the Certification Path providers for this security realm (in invocation order).
 String[] getCertPathProviderTypes()
          Returns the types of Certification Path providers that may be created in this security realm, for example,
 CredentialMapperMBean[] getCredentialMappers()
          Returns the Credential Mapping providers for this security realm (in invocation order).
 String[] getCredentialMapperTypes()
          Returns the types of Credential Mapping providers that may be created in this security realm, for example,
 KeyStoreMBean[] getKeyStores()
 String[] getKeyStoreTypes()
 Integer getMaxWebLogicPrincipalsInCache()
          Returns the maximum size of the LRU cache for holding WebLogic Principal signatures.
 String getName()
          The name of this configuration.
 RoleMapperMBean[] getRoleMappers()
          Returns the Role Mapping providers for this security realm (in invocation order).
 String[] getRoleMapperTypes()
          Returns the types of Role Mapping providers that may be created in this security realm, for example,
 String getSecurityDDModel()
          Specifies the default security model for Web applications or EJBs that are secured by this security realm.
 UserLockoutManagerMBean getUserLockoutManager()
          Returns the User Lockout Manager for this security realm.
 boolean isCombinedRoleMappingEnabled()
          Determines how the role mappings in the Enterprise Application, Web application, and EJB containers interact.
 boolean isDefaultRealm()
          Deprecated. Replaced by SecurityConfigurationMBean.getDefaultRealm()
 boolean isDelegateMBeanAuthorization()
          Configures the WebLogic Server MBean servers to use the security realm's Authorization providers to determine whether a JMX client has permission to access an MBean attribute or invoke an MBean operation.
 boolean isDeployCredentialMappingIgnored()
 boolean isDeployPolicyIgnored()
 boolean isDeployRoleIgnored()
 boolean isEnableWebLogicPrincipalValidatorCache()
          Returns whether the WebLogic Principal Validator caching is enabled.
 boolean isFullyDelegateAuthorization()
 boolean isValidateDDSecurityData()
          This attribute is not used in the current BEA release.
 AuditorMBean lookupAuditor(String name)
          Finds an Auditing provider in this security realm.
 AuthenticationProviderMBean lookupAuthenticationProvider(String name)
          Finds an Authentication provider in this security realm.
 AuthorizerMBean lookupAuthorizer(String name)
          Finds an Authorization provider in this security realm.
 CertPathProviderMBean lookupCertPathProvider(String name)
          Finds a Certification Path provider in this security realm.
 CredentialMapperMBean lookupCredentialMapper(String name)
          Finds a Credential Mapping provider in this security realm.
 KeyStoreMBean lookupKeyStore(String name)
 RoleMapperMBean lookupRoleMapper(String name)
          Finds a Role Mapping provider in this security realm.
 void setAuditors(AuditorMBean[] auditors)
          Changes the invocation order of this security realm's Auditing providers.
 void setAuthenticationProviders(AuthenticationProviderMBean[] authenticationProviders)
          Changes the invocation order of this security realm's Authentication providers.
 void setAuthMethods(String methods)
          Set the authentication methods that should be used when the Web application specifies "REALM" as its auth-method.
 void setAuthorizers(AuthorizerMBean[] authorizers)
          Changes the invocation order of this security realm's Authorization providers.
 void setCertPathBuilder(CertPathBuilderMBean certPathBuilder)
          Determines which of this security realm's CertPathProviders will be used by the security system to build certification paths.
 void setCertPathProviders(CertPathProviderMBean[] certPathProviders)
          Changes the invocation order of this security realm's Certification Path providers.
 void setCombinedRoleMappingEnabled(boolean combined)
          Sets whether application role mappings are combined by the J2EE containers.
 void setCredentialMappers(CredentialMapperMBean[] credentialMappers)
          Changes the invocation order of this security realm's Credential Mapping providers.
 void setDefaultRealm(boolean isDefault)
          Deprecated. Replaced by SecurityConfigurationMBean.setDefaultRealm(
 void setDelegateMBeanAuthorization(boolean deleteMBeanAuthorization)
          Sets the value of the DelegateMBeanAuthorization attribute.
 void setDeployCredentialMappingIgnored(boolean ignored)
 void setDeployPolicyIgnored(boolean ignored)
 void setDeployRoleIgnored(boolean ignored)
 void setEnableWebLogicPrincipalValidatorCache(boolean enabled)
          Sets whether the WebLogic Principal Validator caching is enabled.
 void setFullyDelegateAuthorization(boolean fullyDelegate)
 void setKeyStores(KeyStoreMBean[] keystores)
 void setMaxWebLogicPrincipalsInCache(Integer size)
          Sets the maximum size of the LRU cache for holding WebLogic Principal signatures.
 void setRoleMappers(RoleMapperMBean[] roleMappers)
          Changes the invocation order of this security realm's Role Mapping providers.
 void setSecurityDDModel(String model)
          Sets the default security deployment model for applications deployed in this security realm.
 void setValidateDDSecurityData(boolean validate)
          Sets whether security data in the deployment descriptor is validated.
 void validate()
          Deprecated. This method is no longer required since activating a configuration transaction does this check automatically on the default realm, and will not allow the configuration to be saved if the domain does not have a valid default realm configured.
Methods inherited from interface
setName, wls_getDisplayName, wls_getInterfaceClassName, wls_getObjectName
Methods inherited from interface weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean
addBeanUpdateListener, addPropertyChangeListener, createChildCopy, createChildCopyIncludingObsolete, getDescriptor, getParentBean, isEditable, removeBeanUpdateListener, removePropertyChangeListener
Methods inherited from interface weblogic.descriptor.SettableBean
isSet, unSet

Method Detail


public AdjudicatorMBean createAdjudicator(String type)
                                   throws ClassNotFoundException,
Creates an Adjudication provider in this security realm and removes this security realm's previous Adjudication provider.

type - - The type of this Adjudication provider, for example, Use getAdjudicatorTypes to find the list of types that may be specified.
ClassNotFoundException - is thrown if an invalid type is specified.


public AdjudicatorMBean createAdjudicator(String name,
                                          String type)
                                   throws ClassNotFoundException,
Creates an Adjudication provider in this security realm and removes this security realm's previous Adjudication provider.

name - - The name of this Adjudication provider, for example, DefaultAdjudicator
type - - The type of this Adjudication provider, for example, Use getAdjudicatorTypes to find the list of types that may be specified.
ClassNotFoundException - is thrown if an invalid type is specified.


public AuditorMBean createAuditor(String type)
                           throws ClassNotFoundException,
Creates an Auditing provider in this security realm. The new Auditing provider is added to the end of the list of Auditing providers configured in this security realm.

type - - The type of this Auditing provider, for example, Use getAuditorTypes to find the list of types that may be specified.
ClassNotFoundException - is thrown if an invalid type is specified.


public AuditorMBean createAuditor(String name,
                                  String type)
                           throws ClassNotFoundException,
Creates an Auditing provider in this security realm. The new Auditing provider is added to the end of the list of Auditing providers configured in this security realm.

name - - The name of this Auditing provider, for example, DefaultAuditor
type - - The type of this Auditing provider, for example, Use getAuditorTypes to find the list of types that may be specified.
ClassNotFoundException - is thrown if an invalid type is specified.


public AuthenticationProviderMBean createAuthenticationProvider(String type)
                                                         throws ClassNotFoundException,
Creates an Authentication provider in this security realm. The new Authentication provider is added to the end of the list of Authentication providers configured in this security realm.

type - - The type of this Authentication provider, for example, Use getAuthenticationProviderTypes to find the list of types that may be specified.
ClassNotFoundException - is thrown if an invalid type is specified.


public AuthenticationProviderMBean createAuthenticationProvider(String name,
                                                                String type)
                                                         throws ClassNotFoundException,
Creates an Authentication provider in this security realm. The new Authentication provider is added to the end of the list of Authentication providers configured in this security realm.

name - - The name of this Authentication provider, for example, DefaultAuthenticator
type - - The type of this Authentication provider, for example, Use getAuthenticationProviderTypes to find the list of types that may be specified.
ClassNotFoundException - is thrown if an invalid type is specified.


public AuthorizerMBean createAuthorizer(String type)
                                 throws ClassNotFoundException,
Creates an Authorization provider in this security realm. The new Authorization provider is added to the end of the list of Authorization providers configured in this security realm.

type - - The type of this Authorization provider, for example, Use getAuthorizerTypes to find the list of types that may be specified.
ClassNotFoundException - is thrown if an invalid type is specified.


public AuthorizerMBean createAuthorizer(String name,
                                        String type)
                                 throws ClassNotFoundException,
Creates an Authorization provider in this security realm. The new Authorization provider is added to the end of the list of Authorization providers configured in this security realm.

name - - The name of this Authorization provider, for example, DefaultAuthorizer
type - - The type of this Authorization provider, for example, Use getAuthorizerTypes to find the list of types that may be specified.
ClassNotFoundException - is thrown if an invalid type is specified.


public CertPathProviderMBean createCertPathProvider(String type)
                                             throws ClassNotFoundException,
Creates a Certification Path provider in this security realm. The new Certification Path provider is added to the end of the list of Certification Path providers configured in this security realm.

The active security realm must contain at least one Certification Path provider that is a CertPath Builder provider and at least one Certificate Path provider that is a CertPath Validator provider.

type - - The type of this Certification Path provider, for example, Use getCertPathProviderTypes to find the list of types that may be specified.
ClassNotFoundException - is thrown if an invalid type is specified.


public CertPathProviderMBean createCertPathProvider(String name,
                                                    String type)
                                             throws ClassNotFoundException,
Creates a Certification Path provider in this security realm. The new Certification Path provider is added to the end of the list of Certification Path providers configured in this security realm. The active security realm must contain at least one Certification Path provider that is a CertPath Builder provider and at least one Certificate Path provider that is a CertPath Validator provider.

name - - The name of this Certification Path provider, for example, WebLogicCertPathProvider
type - - The type of this Certification Path provider, for example, Use getCertPathProviderTypes to find the list of types that may be specified.
ClassNotFoundException - is thrown if an invalid type is specified.


public CredentialMapperMBean createCredentialMapper(String type)
                                             throws ClassNotFoundException,
Creates a Credential Mapping provider in this security realm. The new Credential Mapping provider is added to the end of the list of Credential Mapping providers configured in this security realm.

type - - The type of this Credential Mapping provider, for example, Use getCredentialMapperTypes to find the list of types that may be specified.
ClassNotFoundException - is thrown if an invalid type is specified.


public CredentialMapperMBean createCredentialMapper(String name,
                                                    String type)
                                             throws ClassNotFoundException,
Creates a Credential Mapping provider in this security realm. The new Credential Mapping provider is added to the end of the list of Credential Mapping providers configured in this security realm.

name - - The name of this Credential Mapping provider, for example, DefaultCredentialMapper
type - - The type of this Credential Mapping provider, for example, Use getCredentialMapperTypes to find the list of types that may be specified.
ClassNotFoundException - is thrown if an invalid type is specified.


public KeyStoreMBean createKeyStore(String type)
                             throws ClassNotFoundException,

Creates a KeyStore provider in this security realm. The new KeyStore provider is added to the end of the list of KeyStore providers configured in this security realm.

type - - The type of this KeyStore provider, for example, Use getKeyStoreTypes to find the list of types that may be specified.
ClassNotFoundException - is thrown if an invalid type is specified.


public KeyStoreMBean createKeyStore(String name,
                                    String type)
                             throws ClassNotFoundException,

Creates a KeyStore provider in this security realm. The new KeyStore provider is added to the end of the list of KeyStore providers configured in this security realm.

name - - The name of this KeyStore provider, for example, DefaultKeyStore
type - - The type of this KeyStore provider, for example, Use getKeyStoreTypes to find the list of types that may be specified.
ClassNotFoundException - is thrown if an invalid type is specified.


public RoleMapperMBean createRoleMapper(String type)
                                 throws ClassNotFoundException,
Creates a Role Mapping provider in this security realm. The new Role Mapping provider is added to the end of the list of Role Mapping providers configured in this security realm.

type - - The type of this Role Mapping provider, for example, Use getRoleMapperTypes to find the list of types that may be specified.
ClassNotFoundException - is thrown if an invalid type is specified.


public RoleMapperMBean createRoleMapper(String name,
                                        String type)
                                 throws ClassNotFoundException,
Creates a Role Mapping provider in this security realm. The new Role Mapping provider is added to the end of the list of Role Mapping providers configured in this security realm.

name - - The name of this Role Mapping provider, for example, DefaultRoleMapper
type - - The type of this Role Mapping provider, for example, Use getRoleMapperTypes to find the list of types that may be specified.
ClassNotFoundException - is thrown if an invalid type is specified.


public void destroyAdjudicator()
Removes the configuration this security realm's Adjudication provider (if there is one). It does not remove any persistent data for the Adjudication provider (such as databases or files). automatically removes the security realm's Adjudication provider.


public void destroyAuditor(AuditorMBean auditor)
Removes the configuration for an Auditing provider in this security realm. It does not remove any persistent data for the Auditing provider (such as databases or files). automatically removes the security realm's Auditing providers.

auditor - - The Auditing provider to remove.


public void destroyAuthenticationProvider(AuthenticationProviderMBean authenticationProvider)
Removes the configuration for an Authentication provider in this security realm. It does not remove any persistent data for the Authentication provider (such as databases or files). automatically removes the security realm's Authentication providers.

authenticationProvider - - The Authentication provider to remove.


public void destroyAuthorizer(AuthorizerMBean authorizer)
Removes the configuration for an Authorization provider in this security realm. It does not remove any persistent data for the Authorization provider (such as databases or files). automatically removes the security realm's Authorization providers.

authorizer - - The Authorization provider to remove.


public void destroyCertPathProvider(CertPathProviderMBean certPathProvider)
Removes the configuration for a Certification Path provider in this security realm. It does not remove any persistent data for the Certification Path provider (such as databases or files). automatically removes the security realm's Certification Path providers.

If certPathProvider has been selected as this security realm's CertPathBuilder, then this security realm's will have no CertPathBuilder.

certPathProvider - - The Certification Path provider to remove.


public void destroyCredentialMapper(CredentialMapperMBean credentialMapper)
Removes the configuration for a Credential Mapping provider in this security realm. It does not remove any persistent data for the Credential Mapping provider (such as databases or files). automatically removes the security realm's Credential Mapping providers.

credentialMapper - - The Credential Mapping provider to remove.


public void destroyKeyStore(KeyStoreMBean keystore)

Removes the configuration for a KeyStore provider in this security realm. It does not remove any persistent data for the KeyStore provider (such as databases or files). automatically removes the security realm's KeyStore providers.

keystore - - The KeyStore provider to remove.


public void destroyRoleMapper(RoleMapperMBean roleMapper)
Removes the configuration for a Role Mapping provider in this security realm. It does not remove any persistent data for the Role Mapping provider (such as databases or files). automatically removes the security realm's Role Mapping providers.

roleMapper - - The Role Mapping provider to remove.


public AdjudicatorMBean getAdjudicator()
Returns the Adjudication provider for this security realm.


public String[] getAdjudicatorTypes()
Returns the types of Adjudication providers that may be created in this security realm, for example, Use this method to find the available types to pass to createAdjudicator


public AuditorMBean[] getAuditors()
Returns the Auditing providers for this security realm (in invocation order).


public String[] getAuditorTypes()
Returns the types of Auditing providers that may be created in this security realm, for example, Use this method to find the available types to pass to createAuditor


public AuthenticationProviderMBean[] getAuthenticationProviders()
Returns the Authentication providers for this security realm (in invocation order).


public String[] getAuthenticationProviderTypes()
Returns the types of Authentication providers that may be created in this security realm, for example, Use this method to find the available types to pass to createAuthenticationProvider


public String getAuthMethods()
Returns a comma separated string of authentication methods that should be used when the Web application specifies "REALM" as its auth-method. The authentication methods will be applied in order in which they appear in the list.


public AuthorizerMBean[] getAuthorizers()
Returns the Authorization providers for this security realm (in invocation order).


public String[] getAuthorizerTypes()
Returns the types of Authorization providers that may be created in this security realm, for example, Use this method to find the available types to pass to createAuthorizer


public CertPathBuilderMBean getCertPathBuilder()
Returns the CertPath Builder provider in this security realm that will be used by the security system to build certification paths. Returns null if none has been selected. The provider will be one of this security realm's CertPathProviders.


public CertPathProviderMBean[] getCertPathProviders()
Returns the Certification Path providers for this security realm (in invocation order).


public String[] getCertPathProviderTypes()
Returns the types of Certification Path providers that may be created in this security realm, for example, Use this method to find the available types to pass to createCertPathProvider


public CredentialMapperMBean[] getCredentialMappers()
Returns the Credential Mapping providers for this security realm (in invocation order).


public String[] getCredentialMapperTypes()
Returns the types of Credential Mapping providers that may be created in this security realm, for example, Use this method to find the available types to pass to createCredentialMapper


public KeyStoreMBean[] getKeyStores()

Returns the KeyStore providers for this security realm (in invocation order).


public String[] getKeyStoreTypes()

Returns the types of KeyStore providers that may be created in this security realm, for example, Use this method to find the available types to pass to createKeyStore


public Integer getMaxWebLogicPrincipalsInCache()
Returns the maximum size of the LRU cache for holding WebLogic Principal signatures. This value is only used if EnableWebLogicPrincipalValidatorCache is set to true


public String getName()
The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Specified by:
getName in interface


public RoleMapperMBean[] getRoleMappers()
Returns the Role Mapping providers for this security realm (in invocation order).


public String[] getRoleMapperTypes()
Returns the types of Role Mapping providers that may be created in this security realm, for example, Use this method to find the available types to pass to createRoleMapper


public String getSecurityDDModel()

Specifies the default security model for Web applications or EJBs that are secured by this security realm. You can override this default during deployment.

If you deploy a module by modifying the domain's config.xml file and restarting the server, and if you do not specify a security model value for the module in config.xml, the module is secured with the default value of the AppDeploymentMBean SecurityDDModel attribute (see AppDeploymentMBean SecurityDDModel).

Choose one of these security models:

  • Deployment Descriptors Only (DDOnly)
    • For EJBs and URL patterns, this model uses only the roles and policies in the J2EE deployment descriptors (DD); the Administration Console allows only read access for this data. With this model, EJBs and URL patterns are not protected by roles and policies of a broader scope (such as a policy scoped to an entire Web application). If an EJB or URL pattern is not protected by a role or policy in the DD, then it is unprotected: anyone can access it.
    • For application-scoped roles in an EAR, this model uses only the roles defined in the WebLogic Server DD; the Administration Console allows only read access for this data. If the WebLogic Server DD does not define roles, then there will be no such scoped roles defined for this EAR.
    • For all other types of resources, you can use the Administration Console to create roles or policies. For example, with this model, you can use the Administration Console to create application-scoped policies for an EAR.
    • Applies for the life of the deployment. If you want to use a different model, you must delete the deployment and reinstall it.
  • Customize Roles Only (CustomRoles)
    • For EJBs and URL patterns, this model uses only the policies in the J2EE deployment descriptors (DD). EJBs and URL patterns are not protected by policies of a broader scope (such as a policy scoped to an entire Web application). This model ignores any roles defined in the DDs; an administrator completes the role mappings using the Administration Console.
    • For all other types of resources, you can use the Administration Console to create roles or policies. For example, with this model, you can use the Administration Console to create application-scoped policies or roles for an EAR.
    • Applies for the life of the deployment. If you want to use a different model, you must delete the deployment and reinstall it.
  • Customize Roles and Policies (CustomRolesAndPolicies)
    • Ignores any roles and policies defined in deployment descriptors. An administrator uses the Administration Console to secure the resources.
    • Performs security checks for all URLs or EJB methods in the module.
    • Applies for the life of the deployment. If you want to use a different model, you must delete the deployment and reinstall it.
  • Advanced (Advanced)

    You configure how this model behaves by setting values for the following options:

    • When Deploying Web Applications or EJBs
      When using the WebLogic Scripting Tool or JMX APIs, there is no single MBean attribute for this setting. Instead, you must set the values for the DeployPolicyIgnored and DeployRoleIgnored attributes of RealmMBean.
    • Check Roles and Policies (FullyDelegateAuthorization)
    • Combined Role Mapping Enabled (CombinedRoleMappingEnabled)
    You can change the configuration of this model. Any changes immediately apply to all modules that use the Advanced model. For example, you can specify that all modules using this model will copy roles and policies from their deployment descriptors into the appropriate provider databases upon deployment. After you deploy all of your modules, you can change this behavior to ignore roles and policies in deployment descriptors so that when you redeploy modules they will not re-copy roles and policies.
    Prior to WebLogic Server version 9.0 the Advanced model was the only security model available. Use this model if you want to continue to secure EJBs and Web Applications as in releases prior to 9.0.

See Also:
isDeployPolicyIgnored(), isDeployRoleIgnored(), isFullyDelegateAuthorization(), isCombinedRoleMappingEnabled()


public UserLockoutManagerMBean getUserLockoutManager()
Returns the User Lockout Manager for this security realm.


public boolean isCombinedRoleMappingEnabled()

Determines how the role mappings in the Enterprise Application, Web application, and EJB containers interact. This setting is valid only for Web applications and EJBs that use the Advanced security model and that initialize roles from deployment descriptors.

When enabled:

  • Application role mappings are combined with EJB and Web application mappings so that all principal mappings are included. The Security Service combines the role mappings with a logical OR operator.
  • If one or more policies in the web.xml file specifies a role for which no mapping exists in the weblogic.xml file, the Web application container creates an empty map for the undefined role (that is, the role is explicitly defined as containing no principal). Therefore, no one can access URL patterns that are secured by such policies.
  • If one or more policies in the ejb-jar.xml file specifies a role for which no mapping exists in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file, the EJB container creates an empty map for the undefined role (that is, the role is explicitly defined as containing no principal). Therefore, no one can access methods that are secured by such policies.

When disabled:

  • Role mappings for each container are exclusive to other containers unless defined by the <externally-defined> descriptor element.
  • If one or more policies in the web.xml file specifies a role for which no role mapping exists in the weblogic.xml file, the Web application container assumes that the undefined role is the name of a principal. It therefore maps the assumed principal to the role name. For example, if the web.xml file contains the following stanza in one of its policies:
    <auth-constraint> <role-name>PrivilegedUser</role-name> </auth-constraint>
    but the weblogic.xml file has no role mapping for PrivilegedUser, then the Web application container creates an in-memory mapping that is equivalent to the following stanza:
    <security-role-assignment> <role-name>PrivilegedUser</role-name> <principal-name>PrivilegedUser</principal-name> </security-role-assignment>
  • Role mappings for EJB methods must be defined in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file. Role mappings defined in the other containers are not used unless defined by the <externally-defined> descriptor element.
For all applications previously deployed in version 8.1 and upgraded to version 9.x, the combining role mapping is disabled by default.


public boolean isDefaultRealm()
Deprecated. Replaced by SecurityConfigurationMBean.getDefaultRealm()

Returns whether this security realm is the Default realm for the WebLogic domain. Deprecated in this release of WebLogic Server and replaced by


public boolean isDelegateMBeanAuthorization()

Configures the WebLogic Server MBean servers to use the security realm's Authorization providers to determine whether a JMX client has permission to access an MBean attribute or invoke an MBean operation.

You can continue to use WebLogic Server's default security settings or modify the defaults to suit your needs.

If you do not delegate authorization to the realm's Authorization providers, the WebLogic MBean servers allow access only to the four default security roles (Admin, Deployer, Operator, and Monitor) and only as specified by WebLogic Server's default security settings.

See Also:
Default Security Policies for MBeans


public boolean isDeployCredentialMappingIgnored()

Returns whether credential mapping deployment calls on the security system are ignored or passed to the configured Credential Mapping providers.


public boolean isDeployPolicyIgnored()

Returns whether policy deployment calls on the security system are ignored or passed to the configured Authorization providers.


public boolean isDeployRoleIgnored()

Returns whether role deployment calls on the security system are ignored or passed to the configured Role Mapping providers.


public boolean isEnableWebLogicPrincipalValidatorCache()
Returns whether the WebLogic Principal Validator caching is enabled.

The Principal Validator is used by BEA supplied authentication providers and may be used by custom authentication providers. If enabled, the default principal validator will cache WebLogic Principal signatures.


public boolean isFullyDelegateAuthorization()

Returns whether the Web and EJB containers should call the security framework on every access.

If false the containers are free to only call the security framework when security is set in the deployment descriptors.


public boolean isValidateDDSecurityData()

This attribute is not used in the current BEA release.


public AuditorMBean lookupAuditor(String name)
Finds an Auditing provider in this security realm. Returns null if this security realm has no Auditing provider of the specified name.


public AuthenticationProviderMBean lookupAuthenticationProvider(String name)
Finds an Authentication provider in this security realm. Returns null if this security realm has no Authentication provider of the specified name.


public AuthorizerMBean lookupAuthorizer(String name)
Finds an Authorization provider in this security realm. Returns null if this security realm has no Authorization provider of the specified name.


public CertPathProviderMBean lookupCertPathProvider(String name)
Finds a Certification Path provider in this security realm. Returns null if this security realm has no Certification Path provider of the specified name.


public CredentialMapperMBean lookupCredentialMapper(String name)
Finds a Credential Mapping provider in this security realm. Returns null if this security realm has no Credential Mapping provider of the specified name.


public KeyStoreMBean lookupKeyStore(String name)

Finds a KeyStore provider in this security realm. Returns null if this security realm has no KeyStore provider of the specified name.


public RoleMapperMBean lookupRoleMapper(String name)
Finds a Role Mapping provider in this security realm. Returns null if this security realm has no Role Mapping provider of the specified name.


public void setAuditors(AuditorMBean[] auditors)
                 throws InvalidAttributeValueException
Changes the invocation order of this security realm's Auditing providers.

auditors - - The new invocation order for this security realm's Auditing providers. It should contain exactly the same Auditing providers that getAuditors() returns, except in a different order. Note: For the purpose of backward compatibility with previous releases of WebLogic Server, auditors may also contain Auditing providers that do not already belong to this security realm and are not contained by another security realm. In this circumstance, these Auditing providers will be moved to this security realm. Similarly, auditors can be missing some of this security realm's current Auditing providers. All missing Auditing providers will be removed from this security realm. These behaviors are deprecated in this release of WebLogic Server and will be removed in a future release.


public void setAuthenticationProviders(AuthenticationProviderMBean[] authenticationProviders)
                                throws InvalidAttributeValueException
Changes the invocation order of this security realm's Authentication providers.

authenticationProviders - - The new invocation order for this security realm's Authentication providers. It should contain exactly the same Authentication providers that getAuthenticationProviders() returns, except in a different order. Note: For the purpose of backward compatibility with previous releases of WebLogic Server, authenticationProviders may also contain Authentication providers that do not already belong to this security realm and are not contained by another security realm. In this circumstance, these Authentication providers will be moved to this security realm. Similarly, authenticationProviders can be missing some of this security realm's current Authentication providers. All missing Authentication providers will be removed from this security realm. These behaviors are deprecated in this release of WebLogic Server and will be removed in a future release.


public void setAuthMethods(String methods)
Set the authentication methods that should be used when the Web application specifies "REALM" as its auth-method.


public void setAuthorizers(AuthorizerMBean[] authorizers)
                    throws InvalidAttributeValueException
Changes the invocation order of this security realm's Authorization providers.

authorizers - - The new invocation order for this security realm's Authorization providers. It should contain exactly the same Authorization providers that getAuthorizers() returns, except in a different order. Note: For the purpose of backward compatibility with previous releases of WebLogic Server, authorizers may also contain Authorization providers that do not already belong to this security realm and are not contained by another security realm. In this circumstance, these Authorization providers will be moved to this security realm. Similarly, authorizers can be missing some of this security realm's current Authorization providers. All missing Authorization providers will be removed from this security realm. These behaviors are deprecated in this release of WebLogic Server and will be removed in a future release.


public void setCertPathBuilder(CertPathBuilderMBean certPathBuilder)
                        throws InvalidAttributeValueException
Determines which of this security realm's CertPathProviders will be used by the security system to build certification paths. The provider must implement

certPathBuilder - - The new CertPath Builder for this security realm. If null, this security realm will have no configured CertPathBuilder.
See Also:


public void setCertPathProviders(CertPathProviderMBean[] certPathProviders)
                          throws InvalidAttributeValueException
Changes the invocation order of this security realm's Certification Path providers.

certPathProviders - - The new invocation order for this security realm's Certification Path providers. It should contain exactly the same Certification Path providers that getCertPathProviders() returns, except in a different order.


public void setCombinedRoleMappingEnabled(boolean combined)
                                   throws InvalidAttributeValueException
Sets whether application role mappings are combined by the J2EE containers.

If false the containers need enternally defined mappings to use application role mappings.

combined - - the new combined role mapping value.
See Also:


public void setCredentialMappers(CredentialMapperMBean[] credentialMappers)
                          throws InvalidAttributeValueException
Changes the invocation order of this security realm's Credential Mapping providers.

credentialMappers - - The new invocation order for this security realm's Credential Mapping providers. It should contain exactly the same Credential Mapping providers that getCredentialMappers() returns, except in a different order. Note: For the purpose of backward compatibility with previous releases of WebLogic Server, credentialMappers may also contain Credential Mapping providers that do not already belong to this security realm and are not contained by another security realm. In this circumstance, these Credential Mapping providers will be moved to this security realm. Similarly, credentialMappers can be missing some of this security realm's current Credential Mapping providers. All missing Credential Mapping providers will be removed from this security realm. These behaviors are deprecated in this release of WebLogic Server and will be removed in a future release.


public void setDefaultRealm(boolean isDefault)
                     throws InvalidAttributeValueException
Deprecated. Replaced by SecurityConfigurationMBean.setDefaultRealm(

Determines whether is security realm is the Default realm for the WebLogic domain. Deprecated in this release of WebLogic Server and replaced by

isDefault - - whether or not this security realm is the Default realm for the WebLogic domain.


public void setDelegateMBeanAuthorization(boolean deleteMBeanAuthorization)
                                   throws InvalidAttributeValueException
Sets the value of the DelegateMBeanAuthorization attribute.

See Also:


public void setDeployCredentialMappingIgnored(boolean ignored)
                                       throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Sets whether credential mapping deployment calls on the security system are ignored or passed to the configured Credential Mapping providers.

ignored - - the new deploy credential mapping ignored value.
See Also:


public void setDeployPolicyIgnored(boolean ignored)
                            throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Sets whether policy deployment calls on the security system are ignored or passed to the configured Authorization providers.

ignored - - the new deploy policy ignored value
See Also:


public void setDeployRoleIgnored(boolean ignored)
                          throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Sets whether role deployment calls on the security system are ignored or passed to the configured Role Mapping providers.

ignored - - the new deploy role ignored value
See Also:


public void setEnableWebLogicPrincipalValidatorCache(boolean enabled)
                                              throws InvalidAttributeValueException
Sets whether the WebLogic Principal Validator caching is enabled.

enabled - - the new enable weblogic principal validator cache value.
See Also:


public void setFullyDelegateAuthorization(boolean fullyDelegate)
                                   throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Sets whether the Web and EJB containers should call the security framework on every access.

fullyDelegate - - the new fully delegate authorization value.
See Also:


public void setKeyStores(KeyStoreMBean[] keystores)
                  throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Changes the invocation order of this security realm's KeyStore providers.

keystores - - The new invocation order for this security realm's KeyStore providers. It should contain exactly the same KeyStore providers that getKeyStores() returns, except in a different order. Note: For the purpose of backward compatibility with previous releases of WebLogic Server, keystores may also contain KeyStore providers that do not already belong to this security realm and are not contained by another security realm. In this circumstance, these KeyStore providers will be moved to this security realm. Similarly, keystores can be missing some of this security realm's current KeyStore providers. All missing KeyStore providers will be removed from this security realm. These behaviors are deprecated in this release of WebLogic Server and will be removed in a future release.


public void setMaxWebLogicPrincipalsInCache(Integer size)
                                     throws InvalidAttributeValueException
Sets the maximum size of the LRU cache for holding WebLogic Principal signatures.

size - - the new weblogic principals maximum cache size
See Also:


public void setRoleMappers(RoleMapperMBean[] roleMappers)
                    throws InvalidAttributeValueException
Changes the invocation order of this security realm's Role Mapping providers.

roleMappers - - The new invocation order for this security realm's Role Mapping providers. It should contain exactly the same Role Mapping providers that getRoleMappers() returns, except in a different order. Note: For the purpose of backward compatibility with previous releases of WebLogic Server, roleMappers may also contain Role Mapping providers that do not already belong to this security realm and are not contained by another security realm. In this circumstance, these Role Mapping providers will be moved to this security realm. Similarly, roleMappers can be missing some of this security realm's current Role Mapping providers. All missing Role Mapping providers will be removed from this security realm. These behaviors are deprecated in this release of WebLogic Server and will be removed in a future release.


public void setSecurityDDModel(String model)
                        throws InvalidAttributeValueException
Sets the default security deployment model for applications deployed in this security realm.

model - - the new default security deployment model.
See Also:


public void setValidateDDSecurityData(boolean validate)
                               throws InvalidAttributeValueException
Sets whether security data in the deployment descriptor is validated. This setting establishes the default value for applications deployed using the realm.

validate - - the new validate deployment descriptor security data value.
See Also:


public void validate()
Deprecated. This method is no longer required since activating a configuration transaction does this check automatically on the default realm, and will not allow the configuration to be saved if the domain does not have a valid default realm configured.

Checks that the realm is valid.

Throws: - if this security realm is not valid. The exception contains a list of , one for each reason this security realm is not valid. The text of each exception describes the problem.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc.