Type 4 JDBC Drivers

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Using WebLogic Type 4 JDBC Drivers

BEA WebLogic Type 4 JDBC drivers from DataDirect provide JDBC high-performance access through WebLogic Server to industry-leading data stores across the Internet and intranets. The BEA WebLogic Type 4 JDBC drivers are optimized for the Java environment, allowing you to incorporate Java technology and extend the functionality and performance of your existing system.

The WebLogic Type 4 JDBC drivers from DataDirect are proven drivers that:

The following sections provide more information about the BEA WebLogic Type 4 JDBC drivers:


JDBC Specification Compliance

BEA WebLogic Type 4 JDBC drivers are compliant with the JDBC 3.0 specification. They also support several JDBC 2.0 Standard Extension Features. For details, see JDBC Support.



WebLogic Type 4 JDBC drivers are installed with WebLogic Server in the WL_HOME\server\lib folder, where WL_HOME is the directory in which you installed WebLogic Server. Driver class files are included in the manifest classpath in weblogic.jar, so the drivers are automatically added to your classpath on the server.

The WebLogic Type 4 JDBC drivers are not included in the manifest classpath of the WebLogic client jar files (e.g., wlclient.jar). To use the drivers with a WebLogic client, you must copy the following files to the client and add them to the classpath on the client:


License Requirements

BEA WebLogic Type 4 JDBC drivers are licensed for use with WebLogic Server and with WebLogic Server clients only. At least one of the following files must be in your classpath for the license check to succeed:


Supported Databases

Table 2-1 shows the databases supported by each of the BEA WebLogic Type 4 JDBC drivers.

Table 2-1 Supported Databases
Supported Databases
  • DB2 Universal Database (UDB) v7.x, v8.1, and v8.2 on Linux, UNIX, and Windows via DRDA
  • DB2 UDB v7.x and v8.1 for z/OS via DRDA
  • DB2 UDB V5R1, V5R2, and V5R3 for iSeries
Informix 9.4 and higher
  • Oracle 9i (R1 and R2)
  • Oracle 10g (R1)
SQL Server
  • Mircosoft SQL Server 2000
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000)
  • SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition (64-bit)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005
  • Sybase Adaptive Server 11.5 and 11.9
  • Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 12.0, 12.5, 12.5.1, 12.5.2, and 12.5.3
  • Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15


Connecting Through WebLogic JDBC Data Sources

To use the WebLogic Type 4 JDBC drivers, you create a JDBC data source in your WebLogic Server configuration and select the JDBC driver to create the physical database connections in the data source. Applications can then look up the data source on the JNDI tree and request a connection.

See the following related information:


Specifying Connection Properties

You specify connection properties for connections in a data source using the WebLogic Server Administration Console, command line interface, or JMX API. Connection properties vary by DBMS. For the list of the connection properties specific to each BEA WebLogic Type 4 JDBC driver, see the appropriate driver chapter:

Limiting Connection Creation Time with LoginTimeout

When creating database connections in a JDBC data source, if the database is unavailable, the request may hang until the default system timeout expires. On some systems this can be as long as 9 minutes. The request will hang for each connection in the JDBC data source. To minimize this hang time, you can specify a LoginTimeout value for the connection. All WebLogic Type 4 JDBC Drivers support the LoginTimeout connection property. When you specify a LoginTimeout connection property, if the connection is not created immediately, the request waits for the time you specify. If the connection cannot be created within the time specified, the driver throws an SQL exception.

For details on configuring connection failover, see the appropriate driver chapter:


Required Permissions for the Java Security Manager

Using the BEA WebLogic Type 4 JDBC drivers with the Java Security Manager enabled requires certain permissions to be set in the security policy file of the domain. WebLogic Server provides a sample security policy file that you can edit and use. The file is located at WL_HOME\server\lib\weblogic.policy. The weblogic.policy file includes all necessary permissions for the drivers except for access to temporary files and access to tnsnames.ora. If you use the weblogic.policy file without changes, you may not need to grant any further permissions. If you use another security policy file or if you use driver features that require additional permissions, see the following sections for details about required permissions.

Note: Web browser applets running in the Java 2 plug-in are always running in a Java Virtual Machine with the Java Security Manager enabled.

For more information about using the Java Security Manager with WebLogic Server, see " Using Java Security to Protect WebLogic Resources" in Programming WebLogic Security.

Permissions for Establishing Connections

To establish a connection to the database server, the BEA WebLogic Type 4 JDBC drivers must be granted the permissions as shown in the following examples. You must grant permissions to the wlbase.jar and wlutil.jar files as well as the jar for your specific database management system. You can grant the permissions to all JAR files in the directory or just to the specific files.

For all JAR files in the directory:

   grant codeBase "file:WL_HOME${/}server${/}lib${/}-" {
      permission java.net.SocketPermission "*", "connect";

For individual JAR files:

   grant codeBase "file:WL_HOME${/}server${/}lib${/}wlbase.jar" {
      permission java.net.SocketPermission "*", "connect";
   grant codeBase "file:WL_HOME${/}server${/}lib${/}wlutil.jar" {
      permission java.net.SocketPermission "*", "connect";

And one or more of the following:

   //For DB2:
   grant codeBase "file:WL_HOME${/}server${/}lib${/}wldb2.jar" {
      permission java.net.SocketPermission "*", "connect";
   //For Informix:
   grant codeBase "file:WL_HOME${/}server${/}lib${/}wlinformix.jar" {
      permission java.net.SocketPermission "*", "connect";
   //For MS SQL Server:
   grant codeBase "file:WL_HOME${/}server${/}lib${/}wlsqlserver.jar" {
      permission java.net.SocketPermission "*", "connect";
   //For Oracle:
   grant codeBase "file:WL_HOME${/}server${/}lib${/}wloracle.jar" {
      permission java.net.SocketPermission "*", "connect";
   //For Sybase:
   grant codeBase "file:WL_HOME${/}server${/}lib${/}wlsybase.jar" {
      permission java.net.SocketPermission "*", "connect";

where WL_HOME is the directory in which you installed WebLogic Server.

In addition, if Microsoft SQL Server named instances are used, permission must be granted for the listen and accept actions as shown in the following example:

   grant codeBase "file:WL_HOME${/}server${/}lib${/}-" {
      permission java.net.SocketPermission "*", "listen, connect, accept";

Granting Access to Java Properties

To allow the BEA WebLogic Type 4 JDBC drivers to read the value of various Java properties to perform certain operations, permissions must be granted as shown in the following example:

   grant codeBase "file:WL_HOME${/}server${/}lib${/}-" {
      permission java.util.PropertyPermission "false", "read";
      permission java.util.PropertyPermission "user.name", "read";
      permission java.util.PropertyPermission "user.language", "read";
      permission java.util.PropertyPermission "user.country", "read";
      permission java.util.PropertyPermission "os.name", "read";
      permission java.util.PropertyPermission "os.arch", "read";
      permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.specification.version",

where WL_HOME is the directory in which you installed WebLogic Server.

You can also grant these permissions to individual files as shown in Permissions for Establishing Connections.

Granting Access to Temporary Files

Access to the temporary directory specified by the Java Virtual Machine configuration must be granted in the security policy file, typically in the security policy file used by the JVM in the JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security folder. To use insensitive scrollable cursors or to perform client-side sorting of DatabaseMetaData result sets, all code bases must have access to temporary files. The following example shows permissions that have been granted for the C:\TEMP directory:

   // permissions granted to all domains
   grant codeBase "file:WL_HOME${/}server${/}lib${/}-" {
   // Permission to create and delete temporary files.
   // Adjust the temporary directory for your environment.
   permission java.io.FilePermission "C:\\TEMP\\-", "read,write,delete";

where WL_HOME is the directory in which you installed WebLogic Server.

You can also grant these permissions to individual files as shown in Permissions for Establishing Connections.

Granting Access to Oracle tnsnames.ora Files

If you are using an Oracle tnsnames.ora file to connect with the BEA WebLogic Type 4 Oracle driver, read access to the tnsnames.ora file must be granted to the driver in the security policy file of the Java 2 Platform.

   grant codeBase "file:WL_HOME${/}server${/}lib${/}-" {
      permission java.io.FilePermission "C:\\oracle\\ora92\\network\\admin\\
         tnsnames.ora", "read";

where WL_HOME is the directory in which you installed WebLogic Server.

You can also grant these permissions to individual files as shown in Permissions for Establishing Connections.

See Performance Considerations for more information about using tnsnames.ora files to connect to Oracle databases.


XA Support

Although the WebLogic Type 4 JDBC drivers support XA, you may need to configure your database to support XA with the drivers. See the following sections for more details:


Unicode Support

Multi-lingual applications can be developed on any operating system platform with JDBC using the BEA WebLogic Type 4 JDBC drivers to access both Unicode and non-Unicode enabled databases. Internally, Java applications use UTF-16 Unicode encoding for string data. When fetching data, the WebLogic Type 4 JDBC drivers automatically perform the conversion from the character encoding used by the database to UTF-16. Similarly, when inserting or updating data in the database, the drivers automatically convert UTF-16 encoding to the character encoding used by the database.

The JDBC API provides mechanisms for retrieving and storing character data encoded as Unicode (UTF-16) or ASCII. Additionally, the Java string object contains methods for converting UTF-16 encoding of string data to or from many popular character encodings.


Error Handling

The BEA WebLogic Type 4 JDBC drivers report errors to the calling application by throwing SQLExceptions. Each SQLException contains the following information:

Driver Errors

An error generated by a WebLogic Type 4 JDBC driver has the following format:

   [BEA][WebLogic Type 4 JDBC driver name]message

For example:

   [BEA][SQLServer JDBC Driver]Timeout expired.

You may need to check the last JDBC call your application made and refer to the JDBC specification for the recommended action.

Database Errors

An error generated by the database has the following format:

   [BEA][WebLogic Type 4 JDBC driver name][DBMS name] message

For example:

   [BEA][SQL Server JDBC Driver][SQL Server] Invalid Object Name.

Use the native error code to look up details about the possible cause of the error. For these details, refer to your database documentation.

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