WebLogic Tuxedo Connector Quick Start Guide

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WebLogic Tuxedo Connector Quick Start Guide

Note: For more detailed information on how to configure the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector for this WebLogic Server Release, see the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector Administration Guide.

The following sections describe how to use the WebLogic Server console to configure WebLogic Tuxedo Connector to allow WebLogic Server to interoperate with Tuxedo Releases 6.5 and higher:


Where to Find WebLogic Tuxedo Connector Samples

For this release of WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC), samples are available on the BEA dev2dev website under Code Share. Create a wtc directory within the samples directory of your WebLogic Server installation. Download the WTC samples to this directory. To run the samples referenced in this document, you must download the simpapp and simpserv samples from the WebLogic Server 9.0 Code Share postings.



Configuring the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector

Note: This section summarizes how to configure the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector on a Windows platform. UNIX users can adapt the instructions by making appropriate substitutions such as replacing the "\" with "/" and ".cmd" with ".sh".

This example extends the Tuxedo simpapp application to run over Tuxedo Domains (TDomains). This allows clients of the TOUPPER service to run on either the Tuxedo server or the WebLogic Server examplesServer. The example provides the following services:

The following sections describe how to configure WebLogic Tuxedo Connector using the Administration Console:

Build the Simpapp Example

Note: You may want to enable tracing to monitor WebLogic Tuxedo Connector. See Monitoring the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector.

Use the following steps to build the simpapp example:

  1. Boot your WebLogic examplesServer.
  2. Open a new shell window and set environment variables using the SAMPLES_HOME\domains\examples\setExamplesEnv.cmd file.
  3. Change directories to the location where you have downloaded the simpapp sample. For example, SAMPLES_HOME\server\examples\src\examples\wtc\atmi\simpapp directory.
  4. Build the wtc_toupper.jar file using ant. This will deploy the EJB on WebLogic Server. Enter the following command: ant
  5. Change directories to the location where you have downloaded the simpserv sample. For example, SAMPLES_HOME\server\examples\src\examples\wtc\atmi\simpserv directory.
  6. Build the wtc_tolower.jar file. This will deploy the EJB on WebLogic Server. Enter the following command: ant
  7. Launch the Administration Console in your browser. Use the following URL: http://your_machine:7001/console. Replace your_machine with the IP address for your machine or your machine name.
  8. In the navigation tree, Click Deployments and confirm that the wtc_tolower.jar and wtc_toupper.jar are deployed.

Create a WTC Service

Use the following steps to create and configure a WTC service using the WebLogic Server Console:

  1. Expand Interoperability and select WTC Servers in the navigation tree.
  2. On the WTC Servers page, click New.
  3. On the Create a New WTC Server page, enter the name of your WTC Service in the Name field. Example: mySimpapp
  4. Click OK.
  5. Your new WTC Service appears in the WTC Servers list.

Create a Local Tuxedo Access Point

Note: When configuring the Network Address for a local access point, the port number used should be different from any port numbers assigned to other processes. Example: Setting the Network Address to //mymachine:7001 is not valid if the WebLogic Server listening port is assigned to //mymachine:7001.

Use the following steps to configure a local Tuxedo access point:

  1. In the Administration Console, expand Interoperability and select WTC Servers.
  2. On the WTC Servers page, click the name of a WTC Service, such as mySimpapp, to access the settings page.
  3. Click the Local APs tab.
  4. Enter the following values for the following fields on the WTC Local Access Points page:
  5. Access Point: myLocalAp

    AccessPoint ID: TDOM2

    Network Address: the network address and port of your local access point

    Example: //

  6. Click OK.
  7. If you are connecting to a Tuxedo 6.5 domain, do the following:
    1. Click the Connections tab.
    2. Set the Interoperate field to Yes.
    3. Click Save.

Create a Remote Tuxedo Access Point

Use the following steps to configure a remote Tuxedo access point:

  1. In the Administration Console, expand Interoperability and select WTC Servers.
  2. On the WTC Servers page, click the name of a WTC Service, such as mySimpapp.
  3. Click the Remote APs tab.
  4. Enter the following values for the following fields on the WTC Remote Access Points page:
  5. Access Point: myRemoteAP

    AccessPoint ID: TDOM1

    Local Access Point: myLocalAp

    Network Address: the network address and port of your remote access point

    Example: //

  6. Click OK.

Create Exported Services

Use the following steps to configure an exported service:

  1. In the Administration Console, expand Interoperability and select WTC Servers.
  2. On the WTC Servers page, click the name of a WTC Service, such as mySimpapp.
  3. Click the Exported tab.
  4. Enter the following values for the following fields on the WTC Exported Services page:
  5. Resource Name: TOLOWER

    Local Access Point: myLocalAp

    EJB Name: tuxedo.services.TOLOWERHome

    Remote Name: TOLOWER

  6. Click OK.

Create Imported Services

Use the following steps to configure an imported service:

  1. In the Administration Console, expand Interoperability and select WTC Servers.
  2. On the WTC Servers page, click the name of a WTC Service, such as mySimpapp.
  3. Click the Imported tab.
  4. Enter the following values for the following fields on the WTC Imported Services page:
  5. Resource Name: TOUPPER

    Local Access Point: myLocalAp

    Remote Access Point List: myRemoteAP

    Remote Name: TOUPPER

  6. Click OK.

Target mySimpapp to the examplesServer

  1. In the Administration Console, expand Interoperability and select WTC Servers.
  2. On the WTC Servers page, click the name of a WTC Service, such as mySimpapp.
  3. Click the Targets tab.
  4. Click the checkbox for the examplesServer.
  5. Click Save.

Register TDOM1 as a WebLogic Server User

Use the following steps to register TDOM1 as a WebLogic Server user:

  1. Click Security Realms in the navigation tree.
  2. Click myRealm.
  3. Click on Users and Groups tab.
  4. Click Users.
  5. Click Lock & Edit.
  6. Click New.
  7. In the Create a New User page, do the following:
    1. Add TDOM1 in the Name field.
    2. Enter and confirm a password.
    3. Click OK.
  8. Click Release Configuration.


Configuring Tuxedo

Use the following steps to configure your Tuxedo domain:

  1. Your PATH environment variable needs to include the path of your C compiler. Use set PATH to check the status and add the path if necessary.
  2. Copy the simpapp example from your Tuxedo installation and create a working Tuxedo simpapp directory.
  3. Change directories to your working Tuxedo simpapp directory.
  4. Set environment variables using the setEnv.cmd located at TUXDIR. Update the following parameters:
  5. TUXDIR - base directory of the TUXEDO Software
    APPDIR - base directory of the sample program

  6. Build the clients:
  7.      buildclient -o simpcl -f simpcl.c
         buildserver -o simpserv -f simpserv.c -s TOUPPER
  8. Copy the ubbdomain and dom1config files from the SAMPLES_HOME\server\examples\src\examples\wtc\atmi\simpapp directory to your Tuxedo simpapp directory.
  9. Copy the tolower.c file from the SAMPLES_HOME\server\examples\src\examples\wtc\atmi\simpserv directory to your Tuxedo simpapp directory.
  10. Modify the ubbdomain for your Tuxedo environment. This includes setting the pathnames for APPDIR, TUXCONFIG, and TUXDIR and setting the machine name. Replace all <braced> items with information for your environment.
  11. Example:

  12. Load the ubbdomain file: tmloadcf -y ubbdomain
  13. Modify the dom1config for your Tuxedo environment. This includes creating log devices and updating the network addresses.
  14. Example:

         TDOM1 NWADDR="//TuxedoMachine:1234"
         TDOM2 NWADDR="//WTCMachine:5678"
  15. Load the dom1config file.
  16.      set BDMCONFIG=d:\mydomain\simpapp\bdmconfig
         dmloadcf -y dom1config
  17. Build the tolower client
  18.      buildclient -f tolower.c -o tolower
  19. Boot the Tuxedo domain
  20.      tmboot -y


Run the Example

Run each client to demonstrate interoperability between Tuxedo and WebLogic Server.

WebLogic Server to Tuxedo Interoperability

Start a WebLogic Server client from the directory location to which you downloaded the samples. For example, SAMPLES_HOME\server\examples\src\examples\wtc\atmi\simpapp directory to invoke the TOUPPER EJB and connect to the Tuxedo TOUPPER service. Use the following command:

     ant simpapp

The Tuxedo service replies to your WebLogic Server application with:

     Buildfile: build.xml 
          [java] Beginning statefulSession.Client...

          [java] Creating Toupper

          [java] converting HelloWorld
          [java] converted to: HELLOWORLD

          [java] End statefulSession.Client...


Tuxedo to WebLogic Server Interoperability

Run the tolower client from the Tuxedo simpapp directory to invoke the Tolower EJB and return the results to the client. Use the following command:

     tolower ALLSMALL

The WebLogic Server service replies to your Tuxedo client with:

     Returned string is: allsmall

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