This topic lists the ideas this tutorial introduced, along with links to topics for more information. You may also find it useful to look at the following:
Concepts and Tasks Introduced in This Tutorial
- Workshop for WebLogic is based on the Eclipse platform and many of the
Workshop for WebLogic commands will be familiar to Eclipse users. For more
information about Eclipse and its features, see
or from the Workshop for WebLogic window, click Help > Help Contents
and choose Workbench User Guide.
- An enterprise application in Workshop for WebLogic is stored in a workspace
with its associated project folders and the contents of the projects.
- Workshop for WebLogic projects are typically connected into enterprise
applications through a master project called an enterprise application (EAR)
project. Single web projects that do not include any web services can be
deployed without an EAR project.
- A page flow is a collection of files that implement a user interface
function such as logging in. Workshop for WebLogic page flows are based
on the Apache Beehive NetUI platform. For more information see Web
Applications. Beehive uses Java 5 annotations based on JSR-175, the
Java specification for metadata annotations.
- Annotations specify metadata, replacing configuration files. An annotation
applies to a class or method and directly precedes the class or method definition.
Annotations have the form @name(parameters).
Annotations are created and updated as you create page flows in Workshop
for WebLogic.
- To create a page flow in Workshop for WebLogic, create a dynamic web project.
A default page flow is created automatically in the web project. A web project
can contain multiple page flows, and you can explicitly create additional
page flows in the same web project as needed.
- The initial source files for the default page flow are a controller (
and a JSP page (index.jsp). The controller
is automatically recognized as a page flow through its Beehive annotations
when deployed with WebLogic Server.
- As you develop applications with Workshop for WebLogic, you test and
debug code on a running instance of WebLogic Server. To test a page flow,
you run it on a WebLogic Server and the results are displayed in a dynamically
generated browser page in the editor area of the window.