Uses of Class

Packages that use TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness

Uses of TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness in com.bea.tuxedo.control

Fields in com.bea.tuxedo.control declared as TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness
protected  TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness Serializer._mappingStrictness
protected  TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness Deserializer._mappingStrictness

Methods in com.bea.tuxedo.control that return TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness
static TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness[] TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in com.bea.tuxedo.control with parameters of type TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness
static int TypeMap.compareTypes(int fromType, int toType, TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness strictness)
          Return the action to be performed when mapping from one type to another.
static Boolean CoercionUtil.toBoolean(Object obj, TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness _strict, List _issues, String name)
          Try and coerce the passed object to a Boolean, depending upon the level of mapping strictness passed in.
static Byte CoercionUtil.toByte(Object obj, TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness _strict, List _issues, String name)
          Try and coerce the passed object to a Byte, depending upon the level of mapping strictness passed in.
static Character CoercionUtil.toCharacter(Object obj, TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness _strict, List _issues, String name)
          Try and coerce the passed object to a Character, depending upon the level of mapping strictness passed in.
static CoercionUtil.toDecimal(Object obj, TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness _strict, List _issues, String name)
          Try and coerce the passed object to a Decimal, depending upon the level of mapping strictness passed in.
static Double CoercionUtil.toDouble(Object obj, TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness _strict, List _issues, String name)
          Try and coerce the passed object to a Double, depending upon the level of mapping strictness passed in.
static Object CoercionUtil.toFieldType(Object obj, TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness _strict, List _issues, String name, int fldType)
          Determine the type of the field and try to coerce if possible and allowed.
static Float CoercionUtil.toFloat(Object obj, TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness _strict, List _issues, String name)
          Try and coerce the passed object to a Float, depending upon the level of mapping strictness passed in.
static Integer CoercionUtil.toInteger(Object obj, TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness _strict, List _issues, String name)
          Try and coerce the passed object to a Integer, depending upon the level of mapping strictness passed in.
static Object CoercionUtil.toJavaType(Object obj, TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness _strict, List _issues, String name, int typeCode)
          Try to coerce a field into a specific java type
static Long CoercionUtil.toLong(Object obj, TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness _strict, List _issues, String name)
          Try and coerce the passed object to a Long, depending upon the level of mapping strictness passed in.
static Short CoercionUtil.toShort(Object obj, TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness _strict, List _issues, String name)
          Try and coerce the passed object to a Short, depending upon the level of mapping strictness passed in.
static String CoercionUtil.toString(Object obj, TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness _strict, List _issues, String name)
          Try and coerce the passed object to a String, depending upon the level of mapping strictness passed in.

Constructors in com.bea.tuxedo.control with parameters of type TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness
Deserializer( buff, TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness strictness, List issues, TuxedoControl.AccessorName conv, TuxedoControl.DebugLevel logLev)
FieldDeserializer( buff, TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness strict, List issues,[] fldTables, TuxedoControl.AccessorName conv, TuxedoControl.DebugLevel logLev)
          Constructor for FML buffers.
FieldDeserializer( buff, TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness strict, List issues, TuxedoControl.AccessorName conv, TuxedoControl.DebugLevel logLev)
          Constructor for View or View32 buffers.
FieldSerializer( buff, TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness strict, List issues,[] fldTables, TuxedoControl.AccessorName conv, TuxedoControl.DebugLevel logLev)
          Constructor for FML buffers.
FieldSerializer( buff, TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness strict, List issues, TuxedoControl.AccessorName conv, TuxedoControl.DebugLevel logLev)
          Constructor for View or View32 buffers.
Serializer( buff, TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness strict, List issues, TuxedoControl.AccessorName conv, TuxedoControl.DebugLevel logLev)
StringDeserializer( buff, TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness strict, List issues, TuxedoControl.DebugLevel logLev)
TuxValidateField(MethodDeclaration methodDecl, AnnotationProcessorEnvironment procEnv, ITuxClass fields, TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness strict, boolean fml, TuxedoControl.AccessorName conv)