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Upgrading to Workshop 10.1

Using tools provided with Workshop 10.1, you can upgrade applications created with WebLogic Workshop 8.1 (SP4, SP5, or SP6) or migrate projects created with previous versions of Workshop. This section describes how to upgrade applications. It describes the tools provided as well as tips and workarounds for issues you might encounter in your upgraded coded.

Current Release Information:
Useful Links:
Other Resources:

Topics Included in This Section

General Considerations When Upgrading to 10.1

Notes on upgrading or migrating your projects to Workshop 10.1.

Upgrading Projects from Workshop Studio Version 3.0

Notes on upgrading Workshop Studio 3.0 projects to Workshop 10.1.

Migrating from Workshop Studio Versions 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3

Notes on migrating Workshop Studio 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 projects to Workshop 10.1.

Migrating from Workshop for WebLogic 10.0

Notes on migrating Workshop for WebLogic 10.0 projects to Workshop 10.1.

Migrating from Workshop for WebLogic 9.2

Notes on migrating Workshop for WebLogic 9.2 projects to Workshop 10.1.

Key Differences for WebLogic Workshop 8.1 Users

Orientation for WebLogic Workshop 8.1 users.

Upgrading WebLogic Workshop 8.1 Applications

How to upgrade from version 8.1.


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