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Step 1: Create a New Web Service Project

First you will create two new projects: a Web Service project and and a new EAR project. Note that you can enable the schema compilation either here, when you're creating the project, or later, through project properties.

The tasks in this step are:

To Start Workshop

If you haven't started Workshop yet, follow these steps: Start Workshop.

To Create a New Workspace (Optional)

If you would like to execute the tutorial in a separate workspace follow these steps: Create a New Workspace.

Note: If you already have a workspace open, this will restart Workshop. Before beginning, you might want to launch help in standalone mode to avoid an interruption the restart could cause, then locate this topic in the new browser. See Using Help in a Standalone Mode for more information.

For Workshop Studio and Workshop for JSP Users: Install WebLogic Server

If you are using Workshop for WebLogic, skip this step and go directly to the next step.

If you are a Workshop Studio or Workshop for JSP user, follow these instructions in install the WebLogic Server domain for Workshop:

This server domain contains runtime libraries required by the tutorial application.

To Create a New Web Service Project

In this step you will import control files into your web project, control files that provide access to customer data.

  1. Select File > New > Project.
  2. In the New Project Wizard, select the node Web Services > Web Service Project, then click Next.
  3. In the Project Name field, enter XMLBeansWebService. Place a check mark next to Add project to an EAR. (This will create a new EAR project named XMLBeansWebServiceEAR).
    Click Next.
  4. Under Select Project Facets, expand the XMLBeans node, select the XMLBeans Builder facet, then click Finish.

To Add a WebLogic Server

In this step you will point to a server where you can deploy your application.

Note: If you have executed the XmlBeans tutorial before or deployed the XmlBeans sample, it is recommended that you remove previous tutorial code from your server.

  1. Click the Servers tab.
  2. Right-click anywhere within the body of the Servers tab, and select New > Server.
  3. In the New Server dialog, select BEA Systems > BEA WebLogic Server v10.0.
    Click Next.
  4. In the Domain home field, use the pulldown to set the domain to BEA_HOME/wlserver_10.0/samples/domains/workshop_10.1. (Note: if you are using a newly created server domain for the Xml tutorial, then use the Browse button to navigate to that new server domain, e.g., BEA_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain.)
    Click Next.
  5. In the Available projects column, select XMLBeansWebServiceEAR. Click the Add button to move the selected project to the Configured projects column.
  6. Click Finish.

    A new server is added to the Servers tab.

You can use the Servers tab to manage your servers and project deployments as you develop your applications.

To deploy or undeploy a project from a server, right-click the server and select Add and Remove Projects.

For more properties, double-click a server.

Click one of the following arrows to navigate through the tutorial:

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