Package com.bea.tuxedo.control

Interface Summary
IJavaClass Interface providing access to a Java Class object's fields.
IJavaField Interface representing a single publicly accessible field in a class.
ITuxClass Interface providing access to a Tuxedo FML or View buffers's fields.
ITuxField Interface representing a single field in a Tuxedo view or FML buffer.
TuxedoControl The TuxedoControl interface is the base interface for the Tuxedo Control.

Class Summary
Accessors Class providing utility functions to parse field accessor names.
CoercionUtil This class provides a bunch of static methods to try and coerce one data type into another if permitted and possible.
Debug Provides a static class to control all debugging output in the control.
Deserializer A Deserializer is responsible for moving fields from a Tuxedo buffer into the arguments of the method signature.
FieldDeserializer Map an FML/FML32 or View/View32 buffer received from Tuxedo into a Java object.
FieldSerializer Map incoming Java objects to an FML/FML32 or View/View32 buffer.
JavaClassSerialize Get a list of publicly asscessible fields in a class.
JavaClassValidate Get a list of publicly asscessible fields in a class.
JavaFieldSerialize Provide access to a single field in a Java class.
JavaFieldValidate Provide access to a single field in a Java class.
MappingIssue A MappingIssue is logged with the TuxedoControl whenever an inexact mapping occurs in mapping a method's signature to the Tuxedo buffers used in the method call.
Primitives Class providing translation of a primitive type to a type code.
RuntimeResources Provide access to localized strings for run-time code in the Tuxedo Control.
Serializer A Serializer is responsible for moving fields from the arguments of the method signature to a Tuxedo buffer.
StringUtil This class contains utility methods for dealing with Strings.
TuxClassFMLSerialize Provide access to the fields in an FML or FML32 buffer.
TuxClassFMLValidate Provide access to the fields in an FML or FML32 buffer.
TuxClassViewSerialize Provide access to the fields in a View or View32 class.
TuxClassViewValidate Provide access to the fields in a View or View32 class.
TuxedoControlChecker This is the main validation class.
TuxFieldFMLSerialize Class used by the serialization code.
TuxFieldViewSerialize Provide access to a single field in a View or View32 buffer.
TuxValidateField Validate the inputs to a method against an FML or View buffer.
TypeMap This class implements the Functional Spec map of behavior for different combinations of Java types and Tuxedo FML/FML32 field types.

Enum Summary
TuxedoControl.AccessorName The naming convention used in classes, view/view32 classes or FML/FML32 classes
TuxedoControl.BufferType The different values for the type of the Tuxedo Buffer
TuxedoControl.DebugLevel The level of debug information
TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness The level of mapping strictness employed when coercing types
TuxedoControl.ServiceType The difference values for type of the service
TuxedoControl.TransactionMode Whether this call supports transactions or not

Exception Summary
TuxedoControlException Extension of the ControlException in order to retrieve the results of the invocation in those cases where the call fails but meaningful data may still have been returned.

Annotation Types Summary
TuxedoControl.tuxedo The Tuxedo service called