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Your Workshop installation includes several zipped workspaces containing sample code.

Topics in this section describe the samples provided with Workshop.

Topics Included in This Section

JSF: Duke's Book Store

How to open and run the Duke's Book Store sample.

JSF: Guess Number

How to open and run the Guess Number sample.

JSF: MyFaces Examples

How to open and run the MyFaces Examples.

Struts: Struts 1.1 Example

How to open and run the Struts 1.1 Example.

Struts: Struts 1.1 Upload

How to open and run the Struts 1.1 Upload example.

Struts: Struts 1.1 Validator

How to open and run the Struts 1.1 Validator example.

Struts: Struts 1.2 Examples

How to open and run the Struts 1.2 examples.

Struts: Struts 1.2 Mail Reader

How to open and run the Struts 1.2 Mail Reader examples.

The Samples Workspace

Describes the contents of SamplesWorkspace, one of the sample workspaces provided with Workshop.

Beehive NetUI Samples

Describes the contents of the NetUI samples. These samples represent importing two NetUI samples (NetUI Samples and JSF Integration) into Workshop web projects.

Tutorial-based Samples

Describes the contents of the tutorial-based workspaces. Each of these workspaces represents the result of successfully completing a Workshop tutorial.

The Workshop Samples Domain

Describes the resources configured for the Workshop samples server domain.

Note: For Workshop for JSP users, most advanced Workshop development features are available only for the first 30 days after installation. After the 30 day trial period, these features are disabled.

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