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WebLogic XML/Non-XML Translator Samples Guide



Running the Purchase Order Sample

What is Included in the Purchase Order Sample

Prerequisite Considerations

Understanding the Data Formats Used with XML Translator

About Binary Data (Non-XML Data)

About XML Documents

About MFL Documents

Performing Binary to XML Translation

Analyzing the Data to be Translated

Using the Format Builder To Test the Translation

Step 1. Starting Format Builder and Creating the Message Format

Step 2. Creating Fields

Step 3. Creating Groups

Step 4. Creating a Group Reference

Step 5. Creating the Remaining Items

Step 6. Saving the Message Format

Step 7. Testing the Message Format

Performing XML to Binary Translation


Running the WebLogic Process Integrator Sample Applications

Prerequisite Considerations

Running the WebLogic Process Integrator Servlet Sample

What is Included in the Servlet Sample

How to Run the Servlet Sample

Using WebLogic 5.1

Using WebLogic 6.0

Running the WebLogic Process Integrator EJB Sample

What is Included in the EJB Sample

How to Run the EJB Sample

Step 1. Configure and Run WebLogic Process Integrator using WebLogic Server 5.1

Step 2. Configure and Run WebLogic Process Integrator using WebLogic Server 6.0

Step 2. Create the Business Operations for the Workflow

Step 3. Create the Template and Import the Template Definition

Step 4. Open and Activate the Template

Step 5. Start the Workflow