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5. Exploring Persistence Settings

Time to complete this step: 15 minutes

Manage persistence configuration file with JPA Persistence Configuration Editor

The persistence.xml file defines the context for JPA persistence. The ORM Workbench provides a graphical interface for editing the persistence.xml file. You can edit the persistence configuration file by right-clicking JPA Configuration, then selecting Open. This will open the persistence.xml configuration file in the JPA Persistence Configuration Editor.

You can also open the persistence.xml file by double-clicking it in AppXplorer. The persistence.xml file is located at this path in your project hierarchy: web\WEB-INF\src\java\META-INF

The JPA Persistence Configuration Manager is organized in four category tabs:

Specify the Connection properties


Specify JPA mapping files

Specify Configuration Properties

In the JPA Configurations Editor, the Properties tab displays the current JPA configuration properties and their values through the form editor.

Understand validation and code completion facility

The AppXRay provides validation and code completion in the JPA Configurations Editor. When you're editing in the Source tab, you're helped by code completion.

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