BEA NetUI tags and APIs are included for backward compatibility only. For new applications, use the Beehive tags and APIs.

Package com.bea.wlw.netui.tags

Interface Summary
DataAccessProvider The DataAccessProvider interface is implemented by objects that need to provide their children with data and wish to make it available to them with the container binding context.
IAttributeConsumer This interfaces is implemented by tags that allow attributes to be set externally to the tag.

Class Summary
AbstractBaseTag Abstract tag class that most netui tags are based from.
AbstractPageError This is a "struct" class that contains the base information for an error occuring in a tag on a page.
DataSourceTag Abstract tag class that adds support for a dataSource on the tag.
DefaultableDataSourceTag Abstract tag class that adds support for a default value on the tag.
DocumentRenderingUtils Provides rendering logic utilities that can be used at the lowest levels of the back compat tags without causing circular dependencies
EvalErrorInfo This is a "struct" class that contains the information for an expression evaluation error.
OptionsDataSourceTag Abstract tag class that adds support for an OptionsDataSource.
TagErrorInfo This is a "struct" class that contains the information for an expression evaluation error.

BEA NetUI tags and APIs are included for backward compatibility only. For new applications, use the Beehive tags and APIs.