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Configuring tBridge


The following sections provide information on tBridge functionality and configuration.

Overview of the tBridge

The tBridge is a part of the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector that provides a bi-directional JMS interface for your WebLogic Server applications communicate to Tuxedo application environments. The transfer of messaging between the environments consists of JMS based messages containing text, Byte, or XML data streams used to invoke services on behalf of the client application.

The following features determine the functionality of the tBridge:

WebLogic Tuxedo Configuration XML File Configuration for tBridge

The WebLogic Tuxedo Connector tBridge connectivity is determined by the XML configuration file which contains the necessary information to establish a connection to Tuxedo.

Starting the tBridge

The tBridge is started as part of the WebLogic Server application environment if the tBridge section of the XML configuration file is configured. Any configuration condition that prevents the tBridge from starting results in an error being logged.

Error Logging

WebLogic Tuxedo Connector errors are logged to the WebLogic Server error log.

tBridge Connectivity

The tBridge establishes a one-way data connection between instances of a JMS queue and a Tuxedo /Q or a JMS queue and a Tuxedo service. This connection is represented in the tBridge section of the configuration file as a <fromto> element. Each data connection provides a one-to-one connection between the identified points. Three types of connections can be configured. Each connection type is represented in the tBridge section of the configuration file as the value of the <direction> element. The following is a description of each of the connection types:

Example Connection Type Configurations

The following sections provide example configurations for each connection type.

Example JmsQ2TuxQ Configuration

The following section provides example code for reading from a JMS queue and sending to Tuxedo /Q.


The following section describes the components of the JmsQ2TuxQ configuration:

From: JMS Message Type

To: WebLogic Tuxedo Connector JATMI (Tuxedo)





TextMessage (translateFML = NONE)




TextMessage (translateFML = FLAT)




The following table provides information on JmsQtoTuxQ message mapping:

Example TuxQ2JmsQ Configuration

The following section provides example code for importing Tuxedo /Q into WebLogic Server.



The following section provides example code for reading from a Tuxedo /Q and sending to a JMS queue.


The following section describes the components of the TuxQ2JmsQ configuration:

From: WebLogic Tuxedo Connector JATMI (Tuxedo)

To: JMS Message Type





TypedString (translateFML = NONE)




TypedFML32 (translateFML = FLAT)




TypedFML (translateFML = FLAT)








The following table provides information on TuxQ2JmsQ message mapping:

Example JmsQ2TuxS Configuration

The following section provides example code for reading from a JMS queue, calling a Tuxedo service, and then writing the results back to a JMS queue.


The following section describes the components of the JmsQ2TuxS configuration:

JMS Message Type

WebLogic Tuxedo Connector JATMI (Tuxedo)

JMS Message Type







TextMessage (translateFML = NONE)






TextMessage (translateFML = FLAT)






The following table provides information on the JMSQ2TuxX message mapping:

Priority Mapping

Use priorityMapping to map priorities between the JMS and Tuxedo.

This section provides a mechanism to map the priorities between the Tuxedo and JMS subsystems. There are two mapping directions:

Defaults are provided for all values, shown below in pairs of value:range.

- The value specifies the given input priority.

- Tthe range specifies a sequential group of resulting output priorities.

JmstoTux- 0:1 | 1:12 | 2:23 | 3:34 | 4:45 | 5:56 | 6:67 | 7:78 | 8:89 | 9:100

TuxtoJms- 1-10:0 | 11-20:1 | 21-30:2 | 31-40:3 | 41-50:4| 51-60:5 | 61-70:6 | 71-80:7 | 81-90:8 | 91-100:9

Note: tBridge does not take the priority when setting JMS priority for the message using setJMSPriority(), set to QueueSender using setPriority().


The following priorityMapping represents the default mapping:























































































For this configuration, a JMS message of priority 7 is assigned a priority of 78 in the Tuxedo /Q. A Tuxedo /Q with a priority of 47 is assigned a JMS priority of 4.

Error Queues

When tBridge encounters a problem retrieving messages from Tuxedo Queue or JMS Queue after the retry interval:


The wlsErrorDestination queue is used if a JMS message cannot be properly delivered due to Tuxedo failure or a translation error.

Unsupported Message Types

If an unrecognized JMS message is received, an appropriate error message is logged and the message is discarded. This is considered a configuration error and the tBridge does not redirect the message to the error queue.


The tuxErrorQueue is the failure queue for the JATMI primitive tpenqueue during a JMS to Tuxedo /Q operation.


The tBridge error queues have the following limitations: