Setting Up Draft, Payment, and Voucher Processing

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Bank Transfer Charges

To set up your bank transfer charges, use the following components:

This section provides an overview of bank transfer charge setup and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Bank Transfer Charge Setup

To set up bank transfer charge processing:

  1. Create bank transfer charge codes (which are used to create the Bank Transfer Charge table) on the Bank Transfer Charge Code page.

  2. Define charge codes according to the interbank and intrabank remittance on the Bank Transfer Charge page.

  3. Define the processing options at the external bank account level.

  4. Define the processing options at the vendor location level.

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Object Name



Bank Transfer Charge Code


Banking, Banks and Branches, Bank Transfer Charge Code

Define a set of bank charge amounts to be used in the Bank Transfer Charge table. The bank charge amounts are set up according to the bank account of the addressee and the range of payment amounts.

See Defining Bank Transfer Charges.

Bank Transfer Charge


Banking, Banks and Branches, Bank Transfer Charge

Define the bank charge code according to the interbank and intrabank remittance.

See Defining Bank Transfer Charges.

External Accounts


Banking, Bank Accounts, External Accounts

Set up external accounts.

Vendor Information - Location: Payables Options


Vendors, Vendor Information, Add/Update, Vendor, Location

Click the Payables link on the Vendor Information - Location page and expand the Electronic File Options section.

Define the party to whom the bank transfer charge is charged.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnabling Bank Transfer Charge Processing at the Bank Level

Access the External Accounts page.

To enable bank transfer charge processing:

  1. Select the TRF Charge check box in the Account Use group box.

    The system inserts a new row in the Chartfields tab.

  2. Bnk Charge (bank charge) appears by default as the account type in the Acct Type (account type) field in the Chartfields tab.

  3. Enter the account code for suspense accounting for the bank transfer charge in the Account field in the Chartfields tab.

    During payment posting, the system uses this code to hold the bank transfer charge deducted from the vendor payment.

See Also

Defining External Account Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Bank Charge Options at the Vendor Level

Access the Vendor Information - Location: Payables Options page.

Expand the Electronic File Options collapsible section.

Use this page to define the party to whom the bank transfer is charged. Bank transfer charges are based on either the Classified Charge Amount table or a user-specified amount.

Transfer Cost Code

Select from the following options:

Payee: If you select this option, one of two things happens depending on the option you select in the Bank Charge source field.

Payer: If you select this option, this function is not activated regardless of the Bank Charge source. The bank transfer charge is not considered during payment processing, and no accounting entry for the bank transfer charge is generated.

Bank Charge source

Select from the following options:

Table: If you select this field in conjunction with the Payee option in the Transfer Cost Code field, the system looks for the amount of charge defined in the table based on the payment condition and deducts that amount from the payment. The system also creates an accounting entry for this charge at the time of payment posting.

User: If you select this field in conjunction with the Payee value in the Transfer Cost Code field, the system deducts the amount that you entered in the Amount field.

Warning! When the bank charge source is User, the bank transfer charge setting is not mandatory because the payment process does not access the Bank Transfer Charge table. However, the system uses the table to output the difference between the assumable charge, which is calculated from the table, and the actual deducted amount of the payment. For reporting purposes, the Bank Transfer Charge table must exist even though the bank charge source is User. Otherwise, the assumable charge amount appears as 0.

Note. Within the pay cycle, the system does not select scheduled payment when the amount of the charge exceeds the amount of the remittance.

See Also

Defining Vendor Bank Accounts

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Payment Rescheduling

To set up your payments rescheduling, use the Reschedule Payments component (SMT_SPLIT_CDTN_COM).

This section discusses how to:

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Object Name



Reschedule Payments


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Procurement Options, Payments, Reschedule Payment Conditions, Reschedule Payments

Add, update, and correct reschedule conditions that define agreements with your vendors.

Vendor Information - Location: Payables Options


Vendors, Vendor Information, Add/Update, Vendor, Location

Click the Payables link on the Vendor Information - Location page and expand the Additional Payables Options section.

Access reschedule payment option.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Reschedule Payments Conditions

Access the Reschedule Payments page.


Enter the amount. The system applies the condition in the Maintain Reschedule ID group box, if the total amount of vouchers is less than or equal to this amount. Otherwise, the system applies the conditions in the Reschedule ID Control group box.

Terms SetID

Displays the setID for payment terms.

Sight SetID

Displays the setID for draft sight code. You can only modify this field when any kind of draft, such as BEF (customer-initiated EFT draft), BOO (customer-initiated draft), or DFT (vendor-initiated draft), is specified as payment method that requires draft sight code.

Draft Sight

Select the draft sight code when the payment method is BEF, BOO, or DFT. This field is disabled when the specified payment method is nondraft. It is enabled and also becomes required when any kind of draft (BEF, BOO, or DFT) is specified as payment method.

Payment Method

Select the payment method, such as ACH (automated clearing house), EFT (electronic funds transfer), or Manual.

Using the example in the screen shot, the following conditions apply:

Reschedule ID Control

Select the Details tab.

Basis From Day and Basis To Day

Enter the range of dates for conditions. When the Reschedule Payments Application Engine process (AP_SMT_SPLIT) refers to conditions in the Reschedule ID Control group box, it refers to a reschedule condition that the base date on the Reschedule Payments Request page is between the Basis From Day and Basis To Day that you enter here. For example, suppose three conditions are specified in the Reschedule ID Control group box with the following Basis From Day and Basis To Day values: 1st to 10th, 11th to 20th, and 21st to 31st. If the base date on the Reschedule Payments Request page is January 5, the system refers a condition with Basis From Day and Basis To Day of 1st to 10th.

Reschedule Percentage

To reschedule payments into parts, enter the percentage of the total amount of vouchers.


Select the setID of the payment terms for the reschedule ID control.


Select the payment terms for the reschedule ID control.


Displays the setID of the draft sight for the reschedule ID control. You can only modify this field when the payment method is BEF, BOO, or DFT.

Draft Sight

Select the draft sight when the payment method is BEF, BOO, or DFT.


Select this check box if you run the Reschedule Payments process several times in a certain period and want to process the vouchers each time that you run the process. Once the process generates vouchers, the system does not typically process the vouchers again. This option enables you to process the vouchers at another time.

Select the Bank Account tab.

Bank SetID, Bank Code, and Bank Account

Enter information in these fields to replace the payment bank and account information on the selected scheduled payment information. When you run the Reschedule Payment process, the system replaces the bank account information on scheduled payments with the bank account information that you specify here.

Note. You can specify only one reschedule payment code per vendor.

Payment Method

Select the payment method for the reschedule ID control.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Reschedule Options for Vendors

Access the Vendor Information - Location: Payables Options page.

Expand the Additional Payables Options collapsible section.

Additional Payment Information

Reschedule ID

Enter the reschedule ID to apply to this vendor location. Entering an ID here enables the Reschedule Payments process to process the vendor location. The Reschedule Payments process processes vouchers of only those vendor locations with an ID in this field.

Note. If you select the Withholding check box on the Identifying Information page, the Reschedule Payments process does not process vouchers for the vendor even if you enable reschedule options.

See Also

Maintaining Vendor Information

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Aging Categories for Vendor Liability Aging Reports

To set up your aging categories for vendor liability aging reports, use the AP Aging Cycle component (AP_AGING_CYCLE).

This section discusses how to set up aging categories for vendor liability aging reports.

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AP Aging Cycle (accounts payable aging cycle)


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Procurement Options, Payments, Define Aging Categories, AP Aging Cycle

Define aging cycles with aging time periods that specify a numerical range representing days, weeks, and so forth. Aging cycles are used in Vendor Liability Aging (APY1408) reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Aging Categories for Vendor Liability Aging Reports

Access the AP Aging Cycle page.


Enter a category number. Each category number relates to a time period that classifies invoices that are due for payment. An aged liability report includes a column for invoices that are not yet due followed by four columns, which are classified by aging category for overdue amounts. Each of the four overdue columns corresponds to an aging category.

For example, define the following three aging categories:

  • Category 1 = 1 to 30 days.

  • Category 2 = 31 to 60 days.

  • Category 3 = 61 to 90 days.

When the aged liability report is generated, it includes the following five columns:

  • Invoices not yet due.

  • Invoices overdue from 1 to 30 days.

  • Invoices overdue from 31 to 60 days.

  • Invoices overdue from 61 to 90 days.

  • Invoices overdue more than 90 days.


Enter the beginning value for the category aging period. All invoices that are overdue as of the date that is specified in this field are printed in the corresponding aging category column of the aged liability report.


Enter an ending value for the category aging period. All invoices that are overdue up to the date specified in this field are printed in the corresponding aging category column of the aged liability report.

Held Items Aging Option

Select to determine how invoices that are on hold for payment appear on the aged liability report. Options are:

Categorize: Select to specify where held invoices are printed in the aged liability report. For example, you might print all held invoices in the fourth aging category column. If this option is selected, the Held Items Aging Bucket field becomes active. Enter the aging category that you want to contain held invoice amounts.

Exclude: Select to exclude held invoices on the aged liabilities report.

Normal: Select to have all invoices on hold classified by aging categories in exactly the same way as invoices that are not on hold. All invoices on hold are printed in the appropriate aging category column in the aged liability report.

Held Items Aging Bucket

Enter the aging category number into which you want held items to appear on the aged liabilities report. This field is available only if you select Categorize in the Held Items Aging Option field.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Draft Processing

To set up your draft processing, use the following components:

This section lists common elements and discusses how to:

See Also

Understanding Draft Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section


Displays the payment currency.

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Draft Sight Codes


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Procurement Options, Payments, Sight Codes, Draft Sight Codes

Create, modify, or view available draft sight codes.

Stamp Tax


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Procurement Options, Management, Stamp Tax

View default settings for draft optimization, including a description for the tax table, the stamp tax amount range, the stamp tax minimization amount for each range and stamp tax currency, the draft amount range, the applicable currency, and the maximum value of the draft before it is split.

Stamp Tax Rule


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Procurement Options, Management, Stamp Tax, Stamp Tax Rule

Create, modify, or view the stamp tax minimization rules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Draft Sight Codes

Access the Draft Sight Codes page.


Displays the bank setID for the vendor’s bank account.

Draft Sight Code

Displays a user-defined value that represents the draft payment terms to which you and your vendor agree.

Effective Date

Specify the beginning date that the sight code is in effect.


Specify whether the status of the sight code is active or inactive.

Sight Code Detail

Basis Date Code

Specifies the scheduled due date for the draft. It is used to calculate the draft maturity date:

Invoice DT (invoice date): Uses the invoice date on the voucher as the basis date.

Issue Date: Uses the scheduled due date as a basis date.

Number of Days

Enter the number of days from the basis date on which the draft matures.

Number of Months

Enter the number of months from the basis date on which the draft matures.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Stamp Tax Definition

Access the Stamp Tax page.

Draft Amount From

Displays the beginning of the draft amount range. When you define the stamp tax amounts, the system calculates the value in this field based on the value that you enter in the Draft Amount To field, plus one. The first line displays the draft amount from 1.

Stamp Tax Amount

Enter the amount of the stamp tax that the system applies to drafts in the desired draft amount from and draft amount to range.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Stamp Tax Minimization Rules

Access the Stamp Tax Rule page.

Stamp Tax Minimization Rules

During the Draft Staging Application Engine process (AP_DFT_PROC), the values in the Stamp Tax table determine where the draft payment is split.


Selecting this check box activates the Draft Split Amount field, where you enter the maximum value that the draft in the selected draft amount range should reach before it is split.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Multicurrency Tables

The pages that define the currency codes, rate types, and exchange rates that are used for currency conversion are common to all financial, manufacturing, and distribution applications. Set up the currency tables once for use by all applications.

To set up your multicurrency tables, use the following components:

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Processing Multiple Currencies

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Object Name



Currency Code


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Currency, Currency Code

Add or update a currency code, and confirm that the currencies that you use in your business are already defined.

PeopleSoft Payables uses currency codes in reporting and displays them on pages throughout the system to identify the currency of vouchers, payment, and base currency amounts. PeopleSoft populates this table with many of the common currencies in use, using the International Standards Organization (ISO) code as the identifier. The system also uses currency codes to determine precision for rounding.

Note. If you change the number of decimal places for a currency code definition—for example, three decimal places instead of two decimal places—you must also restart the Application Server to see this change on the voucher component.

See Maintaining Currency Tables.

Accounting Entry Template


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Accounting Entry Templates, Templates, Accounting Entry Template

Define or modify an accounting entry template.

Accounting Entry Definition


General Ledger, Journals, Subsystem Journals, Accounting Entry Definition

Identify the system source that distributes data to your general ledger and the record and field names for the Accounting Entry table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Gain or Loss ChartFields

Access the Accounting Entry Template page.

Assign ChartFields for realized gain, realized loss, unrealized gain, and unrealized loss to each PeopleSoft Payables business unit.

Unique account numbers enable the PS/AP Revaluation Application Engine process (AP_REVALUE) to post gains and losses to separate accounts.

Note. Because you associate each vendor with a different accounting template, each vendor can have a different set of accounts for posting gains and losses.

See Also

Creating Accounting Entry Templates

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying a Journal Template

Access the Accounting Entry Definition page.

Specify the journal template to use when transferring revaluation information to general ledger for each PeopleSoft Payables business unit.

See Also

Defining Accounting Entries

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Multiple Currencies in PeopleSoft Payables Control Tables

Set up your PeopleSoft Payables control tables before you can process vouchers and payments in multiple currencies. Among other things, the control tables that you establish in PeopleSoft Payables define currency codes, rate types, and exchange rates for multicurrency processing.

To set up your multiple currencies in PeopleSoft Payables control tables, use the following components:

This section discusses how to:

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General Ledger Definition - Definition


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, General Ledger, General Ledger Definition, Definition

Define currency options for the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit.

Payables Options - Vouchering Options 1


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Payables, Payables Options, Vouchering Options 1

Define currency options for the PeopleSoft Payables business unit.

Voucher Origin - Vouchering Options 1


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Procurement Options, Vouchers, Voucher Origin, Vouchering Options 1

Define currency options for the voucher origin.

Group Information - Vouchering Options


Accounts Payable, Control Groups, Group Information, Vouchering Options

Define currency options for the control group.

Vendor Information - Location: Procurement Options


Vendors, Vendor Information, Add/Update, Vendor, Vendor Information, Location

Click the Procurement link on the Vendor Information - Location page and expand the Additional Procurement Options section.

Define currency options for the vendor. Override the voucher transaction currency and rate type in the control hierarchy that is applied during voucher entry.

External Accounts


Banking, Bank Accounts, External Accounts

Define currency options for the bank.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Currency Options for PeopleSoft General Ledger Business Units

Access the General Ledger Definition - Definition page.

Assign a base currency to the PeopleSoft General Ledger business units with which your PeopleSoft Payables business units is associated. The base currency for a PeopleSoft Payables business unit is defined by the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit with which it is associated and cannot be changed.

PeopleSoft Payables processing supports interunit accounting, which enables you to track accounting transactions among PeopleSoft General Ledger business units with different base currencies. You can separate distribution and payment interunit entries.

See Also

Understanding the Accounting Environment Setup

Defining General Ledger Business Units

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Currency Options for PeopleSoft Payables Business Units

Access the Payables Options - Vouchering Options 1 page.

Designate a default transaction currency and rate type for vouchers. The currency that you select here can be different from the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit base currency, if necessary.

Note. Currency option rules follow the PeopleSoft Payables control hierarchy. Default values that you enter at the business unit level automatically change to the transaction level, unless you override the defaults with values stored at an intermediate level, such as voucher origin, control group, or vendor.

See Also

Defining the Voucher Approval Rules, Default Currency, and Single Payment Master Vendor

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Currency Options for Voucher Origins

Access the Voucher Origin - Vouchering Options 1 page.

Override the business unit default currency and rate type. The control hierarchy is applied during voucher entry. Using this capability, you can define an origin, such as a user in a foreign subsidiary, to enter vouchers in a currency different from the business unit’s normal default transaction currency.

You can enter a rate type directly when specifying a voucher currency that is different from the control hierarchy default.

See Also

Specifying Voucher Approval, Matching, Currency, and Document Sequencing Settings

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Currency Options for Control Groups

Access the Group Information - Vouchering Options page.

Override the default voucher entry transaction currency code for a group of vouchers. You can use control groups to group together vouchers of like currencies to ensure that the user applies the proper currency code.

You can also use control groups to create groups of vouchers for data entry purposes. The key control elements on the record are the control amount and the control totals. Control amount totals are not sensitive to the transaction currency; you can enter vouchers of different currencies in the same control group. The system tallies the transaction amounts of all vouchers in the control group to determine whether the group is in balance.

Note. The control group total adds amounts only and does not convert currencies.

The Control Group Register report displays currency information for individual vouchers in the control group.

See Also

Establishing Vouchering Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Currency Options for Vendors

Access the Vendor Information - Location: Procurement Options page.

Expand the Additional Procurement Options collapsible section to override the default currency and rate type.

See Also

Specifying High-Level Procurement Processing Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Currency Options for Banks

Access the External Accounts page.

Each bank code can cover multiple bank accounts, and each bank account can have multiple currencies. All payments from a specific bank account must be made in one of the valid currencies that is set up for that bank account. During payment selection, the system alerts you if you have scheduled payments on a bank account in a currency other than the valid bank account currencies. You’ll also receive an error message when you save a voucher online.

See Also

Defining External Account Information

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the PeopleSoft Payables Revaluation Process

To set up your PeopleSoft Payables revaluation process, use the following components:

This section provides an overview of the PS/AP Revaluation process, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the PS/AP Revaluation Process

The PS/AP Revaluation process finds all unpaid, posted vouchers for the specified business units as of the specified date whose transaction currency is not the same as the base currency of the general ledger business unit. For each unpaid voucher, it uses the specified exchange rate and calculates a revaluation amount. The accounting entry consists of an unrealized gain or loss entry with a matching offset on the payables account.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Specify account numbers on the accounting entry template for unrealized gain and loss.

See Also

Assigning Gain or Loss ChartFields

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Object Name



Journal Generator Template - Defaults


General Ledger, Journals, Subsystem Journals, Journal Generator Template, Defaults

Select a reversal code.

Procurement Control - GL Templates


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Procurement, Procurement Control, GL Templates

Attach PeopleSoft Payables journal generator templates to PeopleSoft General Ledger business units.

Payables Definition - Definition


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Payables, Payables Definition, Definition

Select a revaluation posting option.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting a Reversal Code

Access the Journal Generator Template - Defaults page.

Select a reversal code.

PeopleSoft General Ledger uses the Journal Generator template to handle reversals. The PeopleSoft Payables revaluation routing does not reverse entries because of document sequencing. Therefore, you must select one of these PeopleSoft General Ledger reversal codes: Beginning of Next Period, End of Next Period, or Next Day.

You should not select Do Not Generate Reversal, or your revaluation will be overstated.

See Also

Defining Journal Generator Template Defaults

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecify PeopleSoft Payables Journal Templates

Access the Procurement Control - GL Templates page.

Specify the PeopleSoft Payables journal generator templates for the PeopleSoft General Ledger business units. Journal generator templates include accruals, payments, cancels, closes, revaluations, and cash clearings.

See Also

Defining General Ledger Templates

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting a Revaluation Posting Option

Access the Payables Definition - Definition page.

Select a revaluation posting option to determine how the transactions that you are revaluing are grouped.

Unit (business unit)

The PS/AP Revaluation process creates one accounting entry for each business unit/transaction currency combination.


The PS/AP Revaluation process creates one accounting entry for each vendor/business unit/transaction currency combination. Grouping does not cross business units. For a vendor that has both gains and losses, only the net gain or loss is posted to PeopleSoft Payables and then to PeopleSoft General Ledger.


The PS/AP Revaluation process creates one accounting entry for each voucher.

Example: Defining Revaluation Posting Options

This table lists sample data for our example:

Business Unit




Transaction Currency
















Depending on the revaluation option that you select, the system generates the following entries:

  1. For the business unit.

    There is one balanced entry per business transaction currency combination. In our example, both vendors have the same currency so there is only one entry. If they had different currencies, there would have been two entries.

    Business Unit




    Transaction Currency






  2. For the vendor.

    There is one balanced entry per vendor, business unit, currency combination. The summation does not cross business units.

    Business Unit




    Transaction Currency











  3. For the voucher.

    Each voucher creates a set of accounting entries; there is no summation.

    Business Unit




    Transaction Currency
















See Also

Linking PeopleSoft Payables Business Units with General Ledger Business Units

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the PeopleSoft Financial Gateway Integration

To set up your PeopleSoft Financial Gateway integration, use the following components:

This section provides an overview of the PeopleSoft Financial Gateway integration setup, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PeopleSoft Financial Gateway Integration Setup

PeopleSoft Payables integrates with the PeopleSoft Financial Gateway functionality as an alternate electronic payment processing method. PeopleSoft Financial Gateway acts as a broker between PeopleSoft Payables and a financial institution, formatting payments and managing payment messages between the systems.

For PeopleSoft Payables, integration with the PeopleSoft Financial Gateway functionality involves the following steps:

  1. Registering PeopleSoft Payables as a source subsystem with PeopleSoft Financial Gateway.

  2. (Optional) Defining payment errors email notification defaults.

Source registration is a required implementation step. Once registered as a source subsystem, PeopleSoft Payables uses the existing PeopleSoft Financial Gateway infrastructure during pay cycle processing to settle PeopleSoft Financial Gateway-specific payments.

Registering PeopleSoft Payables also enables PeopleSoft eSettlements to integrate with PeopleSoft Financial Gateway. PeopleSoft eSettlements leverages both the PeopleSoft Financial Gateway and Payables infrastructures to manage PeopleSoft Financial Gateway-specific payments. As PeopleSoft eSettlements uses the existing architecture, it does not need to be registered as an independent source.

We deliver default source registration data, applicable to most organization's needs.

Important! You should carefully analyze the delivered data with your organization's business needs before changing any values. Editing certain registration values might adversely affect payments' settlement through the applications. Also, system administrators should configure the appropriate security for this page, limiting user access to avoid accidental edits.

After registering as a source, you can optionally set up payment errors email notifications. This alerts designated users when payments cannot be settled through PeopleSoft Financial Gateway.

See Also

Pay Cycle Processing Using the PeopleSoft Financial Gateway

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

To process payments through the PeopleSoft Financial Gateway, you must correctly configure and activate payments' bank accounts using the External Accounts - Payment Methods page. On the page, you must specify at least one layout that is settled by PeopleSoft Financial Gateway.

See Also

Defining Payment Methods

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up the PeopleSoft Financial Gateway Integration

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Object Name



Source Registration


Financial Gateway, Administration, Source Registration

Register a subsystem to integrate with PeopleSoft Financial Gateway, and define high-level registration details.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, User Preferences, Define User Preferences

Click the Paycycle link on the User Preferences page.

Define default output destinations for the Pay Cycle Manager and the Express Check Manager components. These default values are not required to perform any pay cycle process.

Payment Selection Criteria - Preferences


Accounts Payable, Payments, Pay Cycle Processing, Payment Selection Criteria, Preferences

Set pay cycle general options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRegistering PeopleSoft Payables with PeopleSoft Financial Gateway

Access the Source Registration page.

We deliver PeopleSoft Payables with defined integration values, as shown in the page screenshots. Your organization's integration values may be different, based on your business needs.

You should avoid editing any of the delivered values, except for these:

See Also

Defining Financial Gateway Integration Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Payment Errors Email Notification

Access the PayCycle page, and the Payment Selection Criteria - Preferences page.

To establish payment error notification emails for user IDs:

  1. Define an email address on the User Preferences - PayCycle page.

  2. Define a payment error notification user ID on the Payment Selection Criteria - Preferences page.

See Defining Pay Cycle User Preferences.

See Setting Pay Cycle Preferences.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Inquiry Search Criteria

This section discusses how to define inquiry search criteria.

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Object Name



Named Search Criteria List


Accounts Payable, Review Accounts Payable Info, Payables Search Criteria, AP Search Criteria

Create a search criteria definition for a user profile (used by one user or multiple users), and define the search criteria fields that display on specific PeopleSoft Payables inquiry components. When users access the system using the user profile, the system displays the defined search criteria for the Draft Inquiry, Payment Inquiry, Vendor Aging Inquiry, Vendor Balance Inquiry, Vendor Scheduled Payments Inquiry, and Voucher Inquiry search pages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Inquiry Search Criteria

Access the Named Search Criteria List page.


Select an available field's check box and click this button to move the field to the Selected Fields region. This adds the field to the defined user's search criteria for PeopleSoft Payables inquiry pages.

Move Selected Lines Down

Select fields and click this button to remove fields from the Selected fields region; this removes them from the inquiry search criteria.