Appendix: PeopleSoft Payables Reports

This appendix lists, and provides general information about, all the reports provided with PeopleSoft Payables.

Note. For samples of these reports, see the Portable Document Format (PDF) files that are published on CD-ROM with your documentation.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

PeopleSoft Source-to-Settle Common Information Reports

Click to jump to parent topicPeopleSoft Payables Reports: A to Z

This table provides general information about delivered PeopleSoft Payables reports, sorted alphanumerically by report ID.

Report ID and Report Name



Run Control Page


Payables Report by Schedule and Appropriation Symbol

(USF) Lists voucher distribution lines by federal schedule and appropriation symbol. Because each distribution line of a voucher references a different appropriation symbol, the detailed level of this report shows individual voucher distribution lines. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Payments, Schedule and Approp Symbol, Payables Report by Schedule and Appropriation Symbol



Prompt Pay Report

(USF) Summarizes how efficiently a government agency made vendor payments for a year. (SQR Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Payments, Prompt Pay, Prompt Payment Inquiry



Federal Voucher Activity

(USF) Lists voucher activity by business unit, fund, department, program, class, account, budget period, project/grant, remaining amount, due date, and agency location code. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Vouchers, Voucher Activity, Voucher Activity Report



Federal Disbursement Activity

(USF) Lists disbursement activity by business unit, fund, department, program, class, account, budget period, project/grant, remaining amount, due date, and agency location code. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Payments, Disbursement, Payment Disbursement Report



ECS Summary Interface File

(USF) Provides summary ECS data for uploading to the U.S. Department of Treasury's ECS system for certification. (SQR)

Accounts Payable, Payments, Pay Cycle Processing, Generate ECS Summary File, ECS Summary Totals



List of Voucher Origins

Lists the voucher origin options by SetID. (Crystal Report)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Procurement Options, Reports, Voucher Origins, Voucher Origins



Business Unit List

Lists all the PeopleSoft Payables business units and their operating parameters. (Crystal Report)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Reports, Payables Units, Business Unit



Business Unit Options

Lists the PeopleSoft Payables business unit options by SetID. (Crystal Report)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Reports, Payables Options, Business Unit Options



Voucher Register

Lists vouchers by business unit, date entered, and Voucher ID. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Vouchers, Voucher Register, Voucher Register



Control Group Register

Lists vouchers entered into PeopleSoft Payables by business unit, control group ID, date entered, and voucher ID. For each Business Unit and Control Group ID combination, the report lists all the vouchers that meet these criteria by their Date Entered. For each Voucher, the report lists Voucher Header Information, Voucher Line Information, and Distribution Line Information. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Vouchers, Control Group Register, Control Group Register



Posted Voucher Listing

Lists all posted vouchers for a given business unit and date range. For each Voucher ID, the report lists Document Type, Document Date, Document Sequence, Ledger, Accounting Date, Application Journal, Dist Type, Vchr Line, Dist Line, GL Unit, Account, Dept, Product, Project, Debit Amount, Credit Amount, Currency Code, and Unpost Seq#. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Vouchers, Posted Voucher, Posted Voucher Listing



Self Billed Invoice

Lists all of the Documents that comprise an SBI. For each Document, the report lists Item, Quantity, UOM, Price, Amount, Tax Amount, Tax%, VAT Amount, VAT%, and Total. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Vouchers, Print Self-Billed Invoices, SBI Print



Self-Billed Invoices Review

Lists SBI data that has been selected by the SBI process. For each Dummy SBI Number, the report lists SBI Hold, Unit, Voucher, Invoice, Invoice Date, Item, Quantity, Merchandise Amount, VAT Amount, Tax Amount, and Total Amount. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Vouchers, Self-Billed Invoices, Self-Billed Invoices Review



AP SBI Vendors

Lists the available SBI vendors you selected on the SBI Vendor Listing page. For each Vendor ID, the report lists Vendor Name, Remit, Corporate, AR Customer Number, Entered By, Location, SBI Option, SBI Approval, and Last SBI Number. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Vendor, SBI Vendor, SBI Vendor Listing



Unapproved SBIs by Vendor

Lists unapproved SBIs by vendor. For each SBI Number, the report lists Creation Date, Business Unit, and Voucher ID. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Vouchers, Unapproved SBIs by Vendor, Unapproved SBI by Vendor



Match Exception Report

Lists the match exceptions with voucher data, purchase order data, receiver data, and match error information. For each Buyer Name, the report lists Voucher Data (Unit, Voucher, Line Vchr Qty, Vchr Price, Vchr Amt); Purchase Order Data (Unit, PO ID, Line, Sched, PO Qty, PO Price, PO Amt); Receiver Data (Unit, Recv ID, Line, Seq); and Match Error information (Match Control ID, Match Rule). (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Vouchers, Match Exceptions, Match Exceptions



1099-MISC Copy B

(USA) IRS Form 1099-MISC for your vendors. (Crystal Report)

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, 1099 Reports, Withhold 1099 Report Job, 1099 Report Post / Report / Copy B



1099-G Copy B

(USA) IRS Form 1099-G for your vendors. (Crystal Report)

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, 1099 Reports, Withhold 1099 Report Job, 1099 Report Post / Report / Copy B



1099-INT Copy B

(USA) IRS Form 1099-INT for your vendors. (Crystal Report)

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, 1099 Reports, Withhold 1099 Report Job, 1099 Report Post / Report / Copy B



Debit Memo

Provides detail debit memo adjustment voucher information for your vendors. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Batch Processes, Vouchers, Dispatch Debit Memos, Dispatch Debit Memos



List of Unpaid Debit Memos

Lists unpaid debit memo adjustment vouchers by vendor. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Debit Memos, Unpaid Debit Memos, List of Unpaid Debit Memos



List of Debit Memos on Payment Hold

Lists debit memo adjustment vouchers on payment hold by vendor. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Debit Memos, Debit Memos on Payment Hold, Debit Memos on Payment Hold



List of Vendors with Debit Memo Agreements

Lists vendors with debit memo agreements and their debit memo options. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Debit Memos, Vendors with DM Agreements, Vendors with Debit Memo Agreements



Voucher/Adjustment Voucher Cross Reference

Lists vouchers and their associated debit memo adjustment vouchers. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Debit Memos, Voucher/Debit Memo Cross Ref, Voucher/Debit Memo Cross Reference



Summary AP/GL Open Liability Account Reconciliation Report

Compares the AP Open Liability balance to the GL Open Liability balance. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Voucher Reconciliation, Open Liability Reconciliation, Payables Open Liability Reconciliation



Detail AP/GL Open Liability Account Reconciliation Report

Shows all accounting activity for accounts payable transactions for each voucher. Use the detail report to validate the AP Open Liability balance to the General Ledger. (Crystal Report)

See APY1400.

Accounts Payable, Reports, Voucher Reconciliation, Open Liability Reconciliation, Payables Open Liability Reconciliation



Payables Open Liability Report

Lists all open liabilities by business unit. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Voucher Reconciliation, Payables Open Liability, Payables Open Liability



Vendor Liability Aging Data & Report

Lists all vouchers that have not been paid by the As of Date. You can run the report in either summary or detail format for specific vendors. The report excludes vouchers that are in the Recycled status and categorized scheduled payments on hold or on hold for withholding. (Crystal Report).

Accounts Payable, Reports, Voucher Reconciliation, Vendor Liability Aging



AP/GL Journal Reconciliation Report

Lists totals by journal line and journal ID. (Crystal Report).

Accounts Payable, Reports, Voucher Reconciliation, AP/GL Journal Recon Request, AP/GL Journal Reconciliation



AP/GL Account Reconciliation Report

Lists account totals by Journal ID and Account. (Crystal Report).

Accounts Payable, Reports, Voucher Reconciliation, AP/GL Account Recon Request, AP/GL Account Reconciliation



Detailed (Summary) Payment History by Vendor

Provides a register of payments for a vendor.

Using the Print Options radio buttons on the Payment History by Vendor page, you can generate either a Detail, or a Summary version of this report. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Vendor, Payment History by Vendor, Payment History by Vendor



Detailed (Summary) Check Register

Provides a register of payments by Pay Cycle, run date, and payment method.

Using the Print Options radio buttons on the Payment Register by Payment page, you can generate either a Detail, or a Summary version of this report. (Crystal Report)

The title is based on the payment method. For example, Detailed Check Register, Detailed EFT Register, etc.

Accounts Payable, Reports, Payments, Payment History by Payment, Payment History by Payment



Detail (Summary) Payment History by Bank

Provides a register of the payments for a bank.

Using the Detail/Sum field on the Pymnt Control Rpt page, you can generate either a Detail, or a Summary version of this report. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Payments, Payment History by Bank, Payment History by Bank



Check Overflow Payment Advice

Produced only from the Pay Cycle Manager, generates the overflow payment advice for payment forms Check1, Check2, Check3, and LC1. You do not access a report page to generate this or other payment advices. (Crystal Check)

Accounts Payable, Payments, Pay Cycle Processing, Pay Cycle Manager, Pay Cycle Manager



EFT/Giro/Wire Advice

Produced only from the Pay Cycle Manager, creates checks, letters of credit, and payment advice when you run the pay cycle. (Crystal Check)

Note. If you install the bank transfer charge option, fields for information related to bank transfer charges are added to this report.

(USF) If you have federal payments enabled on the Installation Options - Payables page, the purchase order ID and contract ID are included in the report, if these elements exist on the voucher.

Accounts Payable, Payments, Pay Cycle Processing, Pay Cycle Manager, Pay Cycle Manager



AP Trial Payment Register

Provides a printable summary of payments by bank account, after payment selection and creation, but before you print checks or create EFT or ACH files. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Payments, Trial Register, Register



SF1166 Schedule Register

(USF) Provides a listing of all vouchers that were paid by a schedule ID. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Payments, Schedule Register, Register



Payment Forecast

List of your payment forecasts. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Forecast, Forecast Report Request, Forecast Report Request



Payment History by Payment Method - Detail or Summary

Provides a history of payments by payment method. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Payments, Payment History by Pay Method, Payment Hist by Pymnt Method



Payment Aging Summary (Detail) Report by Bank

Provides a listing of payments aging by bank. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Payments, Payment Aging by Bank, Payment Aging by Bank



Payment Aging Summary (Detail) Report by Vendor

Provides a report listing payments aging by vendor. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Vendor, Payment Aging by Vendor, Payment Aging by Vendor



Drafts Create Detail List

Provides a detailed report for created draft payments. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Payments, Drafts Create Detail, Draft Create Detail



Drafts Create Detail - Stamp Tax Summary

Provides a summary of the draft stamp tax associated with draft payments. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Payments, Drafts Stamp Tax Summary, Draft Stamp Tax Summary



Drafts Create Summary

Provides a summary report for created draft payments. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Payments, Drafts Create Summary, Draft Create Summary



Agency Location Codes

(USF) Lists the ALC's defined in the Agency Location Code setup table for federal customers. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Payments, Agency Location Code, Agency Location Code



Open Prepayments

Lists unapplied prepaid vouchers. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Prepayments, Open Prepayments, Open Prepayments Report



Prepayment Settlements

Lists regular voucher payment schedules that have been fully applied. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Prepayments, Prepayment Settlements, Prepayment Settlements Report



Vendor Withholding Balances Control Report

Lists withholding activity for internal audits. We recommend that you run the report on a regular basis to check the withholding summaries. (Crystal Report)

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, General Reports, Withhold Control Report, Withholding Control Report



Outstanding Balance by Vendor

Lists the gross amount of all the outstanding vouchers for the specified vendor. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Vendor, Vendor Balance, Outstanding Balance by Vendor



Duplicate Vendors

Shows potential duplicate vendors. These vendors may share duplicate TINs, withholding names, withholding addresses, vendor names, vendor short names, or vendor addresses, depending on your search criteria. (Crystal Report)

Vendors, Vendor Information, Maintain, Duplicate Vendor Report, Duplicate Vendor Request



Payment Archive Selection

Shows payment transactions selected for archiving by Payment ID, Payment ID Reference, Name, Payment Amount, Payment Date, Clear Date, Reconcile Different Amount, Business Unit, Invoice ID, Paid Amount, and Paid Amount Discount, so you can check that the correct payments have been selected. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Archiving, Payment Archive Report



Voucher Archive Selection

Lists vouchers selected for archiving by Voucher ID, Vendor ID, Invoice ID, Invoice Date, Gross Amount, Merchandise Amount, Currency Code, Payment ID, Paid Amount, and Paid Amount Discount, so you can check that the correct vouchers have been selected for archiving. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Archiving, Voucher Archive Report



Vendor Archive Selection

Lists vendors selected for archiving by Vendor ID, Short Name, Name, Vndr Status, Vndr Class, Vndr Persist, Remit Vndr, Corp Vndr, Cust ID, Wthd Sw, VAT Sw, and Lst Activ Dt, so you can check that the correct vendors have been selected. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Archiving, Vendor Archive Report



Withholding Rules

Shows the information entered on the withholding rule page. For each As of Date, the report lists Withholding Rule, VAT, Freight, Sales/Use Tax, Discount, Payment, Hold, Percent, and Minimum Amount. (Crystal Report)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Procurement Options, Withholding, Rules Report, Withhold Rule



Withholding Types

Shows the information from the Withholding Type page. For each Withholding Type, the report lists Class and Description. (Crystal Report)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Procurement Options, Withholding, Types Report, Withhold Type



Withholding Entities

Shows the information from the Entity page. For each entity, the report lists vendor SetID, vendor ID, location, currency, rate type, last report date, file layout, type, jurisdiction, class, rule, business unit, account, department, product, and project ID. (Crystal Report)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Procurement Options, Withholding, Entities Report, Withhold Entity



Withholding Codes

Shows information entered on the Withholding Code page. For each code, the report lists entity, type, jurisdiction, and class. (Crystal Report)

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Procurement Options, Withholding, Codes Report, Withhold Code



Withholding Calculations Verification Report

Shows calculations made during the pay cycle that pertain to withholding. For each voucher ID, the report lists detail withholding calculation information, including withholding entity, withholding type, and withholding rules that applied to the voucher. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Payments, Withhold Calculation, Withholding Calculation Report



Japan Withholding Report

(JPN) Provides details of amounts withheld from payments for goods and services. (Crystal Report).

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, Global Withholding Reports, Withholding Report, Withhold Report

Select WTH as the Withholding Report ID.



Spain IRPF Model 190

(ESP) Provides details of amounts withheld from payments for goods and services. (Crystal Report).

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, Global Withholding Reports, Withholding Report, Withhold Report

Select IRPF as the Withholding Report ID.



Spain IRPF Model 190 File

(ESP) Provides a file of detailed amounts withheld from payments for goods and services. (Crystal Report).

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, Global Withholding Reports, Withholding Report, Withhold Report

Select IRPF_FILE as the Withholding Report ID.



CIS (construction industry scheme) File

(UK) Provides a file of detailed amounts withheld from payments for goods and services. (SQR).

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, Global Withholding Reports, Withholding Report, Withhold Report

Select CIS as the Withholding Report ID.



DAS-2 'Declaration d'honoraires'/Fees return

(FRA) Provides details of payments subject to DAS2. (Crystal Report).

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, Global Withholding Reports, Withholding Report, Withhold Report

Select DAS2 as the Withholding Report ID.



PAYG Voluntary Agreement

(AUS) Provides a payment summary for vendors working under voluntary agreements that enable businesses to withhold amounts from their payments and send them to the ATO (SQR Report).

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, Global Withholding Reports, PAYG Withholding by Vendor, Withholding by Vendor



PAYG Labour Hire

(AUS) Provides a payment summary for vendors working under labour hire agreements that enable businesses to withhold amounts from their payments and send them to the ATO (SQR Report).

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, Global Withholding Reports, PAYG Withholding by Vendor, Withholding by Vendor



PAYG No ABN Quoted

(AUS) Provides a payment summary for vendors with no Australian Business Number (ABN) (SQR Report).

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, Global Withholding Reports, PAYG Withholding by Vendor, Withholding by Vendor



PAYG Payment Summary Statement

(AUS) Provides details of amounts withheld from payments for goods and services to vendors having an Australian Business Number (ABN) (SQR Report).

Note. You must select the Issued option on the Withholding by Vendor page to retrieve the proper data for this report, since it provides information about the payments issued to payees during the fiscal year.

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, Global Withholding Reports, PAYG Withholding Summary, Withholding Summary



PAYG No ABN Quoted Summary Statement

(AUS) Provides details of amounts withheld from payments for goods and services where a vendor (payee) has not quoted an Australian Business Number (ABN) (SQR Report).

Note. You must select the Issued option on the Withholding by Vendor page to retrieve the proper data for this report, since it provides information about the payments issued to payees during the fiscal year.

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, Global Withholding Reports, PAYG Withholding Summary, Withholding Summary



PPS Remittance Advice to ATO

(AUS) Provides details of amounts withheld from payments for goods and services. (Crystal Report).

Note. You must select the Issued option on the Withholding by Vendor page to retrieve the proper data for this report, since it provides information about the payments issued to payees during the fiscal year.

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, Global Withholding Reports, Withholding Report, Withhold Report

Select PPS1 as the Withholding Report ID.



PPS Annual Reconciliation Statement to ATO

(AUS) Provides details of amounts withheld from payments for goods and services. (Crystal Report).

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, Global Withholding Reports, Withholding Report, Withhold Report

Select PPS2 as the Withholding Report ID.



PPS Payment Summary to ATO

(AUS) Provides summary information of amounts withheld from payments for goods and services, by Tax Rate. (Crystal Report).

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, Global Withholding Reports, Withholding Report, Withhold Report

Select PPS3 as the Withholding Report ID.



T4A - Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and other Income

(CAN) Produces tax form T4A that reports pension, retirement, annuity, and other income, including the amount of tax withheld. (Crystal Report).

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, Global Withholding Reports, Withholding Report, Withhold Report

Select T4A as the Withholding Report ID.



Withholding Report 770

(ITA) Provides details of amounts withheld from payments for goods and services. (Crystal Report).

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, Global Withholding Reports, Withholding Report, Withhold Report

Select IT770 as the Withholding Report ID.



1099 Withholding to Send Detail Report

Lists all the information created by the 1099 reporting process and is a replica of the data in the file you are sending to the IRS. (Crystal Report)

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, 1099 Reports, 1099 to Send Detail, 1099 to Send Report



TDS Register

(IND) Contains detailed information for each withholding class and vendor on TDS applicable vouchers and related payments issued to the withholding entity. It also includes total amounts of applicable invoice on which tax has not been deducted . (SQR Report)

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, Global Withholding Reports, TDS Reports, TDS Reports



TDS Certificate

(IND) Certificate issued by the payer to the payee for proof of deduction of income tax. (Crystal Report)

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, Global Withholding Reports, TDS Certificates, TDS Certificates



TDS Challan Information

(IND) Report generated every month, when the payment of tax deduction for that month is paid to the government to provide information for the TDS Challan. (Crystal Report)

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, Global Withholding Reports, TDS Reports, TDS Reports



Work Cont. Certificate

(IND) Certificate issued by the payer to the payee for proof of deduction of tax on Work Contract. (Crystal Report)

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, Global Withholding Reports, TDS Certificates, TDS Certificates



Withholding Mismatch Report

Identifies all voucher lines on which the withholding applicable flag does not match the withholding flag on the vendor. The report does not compare the withholding code on the vendor to the withholding code on the voucher lines. It only checks the withholding flag. (Crystal Report)

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, General Reports, Wthd Voucher/Vendor Mismatch, Withhold Mismatch Request



Federal Schedule Report

(USF) Lists federal payment schedules paid as of a specific date. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Payments, Federal Schedule, Federal Schedule Report



Registered Voucher Listing

Lists all registered vouchers that have not been completed. For each vendor, the report lists voucher, invoice, accounting date, VAT amount, gross amount, and voucher status. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Vouchers, Registered Voucher, Registered Voucher Listing



EFT Bank Transfer Charge Detail

Provides a list of all EFT payments processed in a specified period of time shown with bank charge information. This report supports GENX only. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Payments, Bank TRF Charge Detail, Process Bank Charges



EFT File Cover Sheet

Provides cover sheet for your EFT payments. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Payments, EFT File Cover Sheet, Create EFT File Cover Sheet



DTAUS Cover Sheet

(GER) Provides cover sheet for your EFT payments. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Payments, EFT File Cover Sheet, Create EFT File Cover Sheet



EFT Bank Advice Letter

Provides advice for your EFT payments. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Payments, EFT Remittance Advice Letter, EFT Remittance Advice Letter



EFT Remittance Advice Letter

Provides advice for your EFT payments. (Crystal Report)

Accounts Payable, Reports, Payments, EFT Remittance Advice Letter, EFT Remittance Advice Letter



Withholding Record

Corresponds to the year-end Withholding report (APY8025), which is printed per vendor. The summary sheet has both detailed and summarized information for the applicable withholding transactions that are processed (paid) in the PeopleSoft Payables module. (Crystal Report)

Vendors, 1099/Global Withholding, Global Withholding Reports, Withholding Report by Class, Withholding Report by Class