Using Document Sequencing in PeopleSoft Receivables

This chapter provides overviews of document sequencing and document sequencing with PeopleSoft Receivables transactions, and discusses how to:

See Also

Defining Document Sequencing

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Document Sequencing

Some countries legally require that all financial transactions or documents be classified into different transaction types, and that within each transaction type, all documents be numbered sequentially. The document sequencing feature helps to maintain established business practices by meeting the following requirements:

This section discusses:

See Also

How the System Assigns Sequence Numbers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPeopleSoft Receivables Document Types

After you set up the system for document sequencing, you can define the receivables document types, such as AR-CASH and AR-MAINT, by using the Document Type page.

Use the Sequence Range field to set up sequence ranges. Select the Automatic Numbering field if you want the system to generate document sequence numbers automatically.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPeopleSoft Receivables Group Types and Document Types

Documents in PeopleSoft Receivables include billing (items or invoices), overdue charges, payments, direct debits, drafts, transfer worksheets, and maintenance worksheets. Each document is associated with a group type. For example, the group type for payment is P.

You create document types and assign a document type to each group type. The system determines whether to assign a document sequence number automatically to an item in a group based on the document type that is assigned to the group type. You assign a document type to a group type on the Group Types page.

Note. For group types that the system creates in background processing, you must assign a document type that is set up for automatic numbering.

Because you enable the document sequencing option at the installation and the general ledger business unit level, all or none of the documents in the group have document sequence numbers.

See Also

Setting Up Group Types and Group Origins

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDocument Types and Receivables Accounting Entries

Use the Journal Generator Template - Defaults page and Summarization page to assign a document type to the accounting entries that PeopleSoft Receivables generates. The Journal Generator Application Engine process (FS_JGEN) uses this information to assign document sequence numbers to journals.

To retain and pass the document sequence numbers to PeopleSoft General Ledger, access the Summarization page and then select the Retain Detail in the How Default Specified field.

See Also

Setting Up for Journal Generator

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Document Sequencing with PeopleSoft Receivables Transactions

This section describes how document sequencing affects the following transactions and activities in PeopleSoft Receivables processing:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverdue Charges

Since the system creates overdue charges in a background process, you must assign a document type to the overdue charge group type that is set up for automatic numbering.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPayments

When you receive payments, the transaction may or may not have a document sequence number. If document sequencing is enabled for the business unit, either the Payment Predictor Application Engine process (ARPREDCT) or the payment worksheet automatically assign a number.

Because the Payment Predictor process and payment worksheets generate items and assign document sequence numbers by using background processes, you must assign a document type, which is set up for automatic numbering, to the payment group type to get the proper next sequential number assigned.

Payment Worksheets

If you want to enter a document sequence number manually for a payment worksheet, you can assign a document type that is set up for manual numbering when you build the worksheet and then assign a document sequence number. If the worksheet uses the default document type, the system assigns a document sequence number when you save the worksheet.

The document sequence number is at the worksheet level. Accounting entries for all items that are created or selected by the worksheet have the same document sequence number as the payment.

Payment Predictor

The Payment Predictor process assigns a document sequence number to payments that do not already have the document sequence number assigned when it generates worksheets or when it creates a payment group.

Direct Journal Accounting Entries

Direct journal accounting entries have the same document sequence information as the payment.

Cash Control Accounting

For cash control payments that are entered in a payment interface, such as a lockbox, a bank statement, or an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transmission, the system assigns the document sequence number when it creates the payment and accounting entries.

Cash control accounting entries have the same document sequence information as the payment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDrafts

The system automatically assigns a document sequence number for each draft accounting event. The setup for each draft event on the Business Events page for document sequencing determines if you assign a document type to the Draft group type or to an event that is associated with a bank account which has a Draft payment method.

Since the process that creates the drafts must be able to assign a document sequence number automatically, you must assign a document type to the group type or the draft event that is set up for automatic numbering.

The Receivable Update Application Engine process (ARUPDATE) assigns the document sequence number to drafts each time that it processes a draft event.

The system provides the default document type when you approve a draft on a draft worksheet. If you want to change the document type, you click the Document Sequence button to access the Document Sequence page. If you select a document type that is set up for manual numbering, you must enter a document sequence number before you save the draft. If you select a document type that is set up for automatic numbering, the system assigns a number when you save the draft.

See Also

Reviewing Business Events and Subevents

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDirect Debits

Because the background process that creates the direct debits must be able to assign a document sequence number automatically, you must assign a document type to the direct debit group type that is set up for automatic numbering.

If you select a document type that is set up for manual numbering, you must enter a document sequence number before you submit the request. If you select a document type that is set up for automatic numbering, the system assigns a number when you submit the request.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintenance Worksheets and Transfer Worksheets

You should assign a document type to the maintenance and transfer group types that is set up for automatic numbering. If you want to enter a document sequence number manually, you can assign a document type that is set up for manual numbering when you build the worksheet, and then assign a document sequence number. If the worksheet uses the default document type, the system assigns a document sequence number when you save the worksheet.

The document sequence number is at the worksheet level. All accounting entries that result from the items that you create or that the worksheet selects have the same document sequence number.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPosting and Unposting

The Receivable Update process verifies that all accounting entries (except interunit entries) have a document sequence date. If there is a value in only one of these fields—document sequence number and document sequence date—on the pending item distribution table (PS_PENDING_DST), the system issues a document sequencing error for the item and the process does not post the item. If both fields are blank, the process automatically assigns both numbers. The document sequencing date is the system date and the sequencing number is assigned based on the accounting date of the item.

For example, if your created an item on January 22, 2004 and the item accounting date is December 19, 2003:

When you unpost a group and document sequencing is enabled, the system creates an unpost group with accounting entries that have a new document sequence number using the original document type. However, the system uses the document type that you define for the Unpost group type on the Group Type page if:

If you unpost a group that has transactions with both interunit accounting entries and document sequencing, the system uses a different document type for the interunit transactions. The system uses the document type that is assigned to the business unit for interunit accounting entries on the Business Unit Definition page.

See Also

Establishing General Ledger Business Unit Defaults

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInterunit Accounting Entries

When you create accounting entries by using the Pending Group Generator Application Engine process (AR_PGG_SERV) for interunit transactions, the accounting entries that are for the general ledger business unit that initiates the interunit entries inherit the document type from the transaction itself. For interunit accounting entries, the posting process automatically assigns document sequence numbers by using this document type.

However, the accounting entries for the other general ledger business units that are involved in the interunit transaction have blank values in the document type, document sequence number, and document sequence date fields. The Journal Generator process fills in the document sequence values for entries in the other general ledger business units.

Click to jump to parent topicChanging Document Types and Document Sequence Numbers

If you generate documents online, use the Document Sequence page to specify document sequence values for documents. Use this page to override the default document type for a receivable transaction. If you enter document sequence numbers manually, use this page to manually enter a document sequence number.

Since you assign a document type to each group type, the system automatically assigns a default document type to each item when you enter the item.

Suppose that the AR-CASH document type is set to automatic numbering. On the Document Sequence page, the document sequence number changes to Next by default. If you do not select automatic numbering, you cannot edit the Document Sequence Number field. When you save the group, the system assigns the document sequence number to the item.

Note. Invoices that come from PeopleSoft Billing should already have document sequence numbers. The system handles their document sequencing the same way that it handles other PeopleSoft Receivables items.

See Also

Entering Document Sequence Numbers Online

Click to jump to parent topicChanging or Deleting Documents with Document Sequence Numbers

The system assigns a document sequence number when you save an entered item. After you save an item, you enter a reason for the deletion for the audit trail.

If you change the accounting date or document type after the system assigns a document sequence number, you may need to assign a new number depending on local laws and regulations. If you assign a new number or change a manually entered number, the system deletes the original number and records the change for the audit trail. It also validates the new number based on the setup options.

If you delete a document sequence number, you must specify a reason for the audit trail. If you try to delete the whole group and more than one item in the group has a document sequence number, the system displays an error message asking you to delete each item one by one. You then must delete items row by row and enter the reason for the deletion. If there is only one item in the group, you can delete the whole group and the system prompts you to enter the reason for the deletion.

See Also

Modifying a Document