Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

This chapter provides an overview of receivables processing options, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Note. This chapter is required. You must complete the tasks discussed in this chapter to implement receivables.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

Before you enter or process items and payments, you must set up the tables that form the foundation of your PeopleSoft Receivables system. Some of these tables apply to both receivables and payments, some apply to only one.

PeopleSoft Receivables creates and maintains the System Functions table (PS_ENTRY_USE_TBL), and you cannot modify it. The Entry Type table (PS_ENTRY_TYPE), Automatic Entry Type table (PS_AUTO_ENTRY_TBL), and Item Entry Type table (PS_ITEM_ENTRY_TBL) define subsets of the system functions and determine the structure for reporting, tracking, and general ledger processing.

System functions represent all the processes and actions that are possible for both receivables and payments. Entry types are set up for each sort of transaction that you anticipate. You associate system functions with entry types through subsets of automatic entry types and item entry types. Item entry types comprise the subset of system functions that involve the entry of invoices, credit memos, and debit memos. Automatic entry types take care of all the rest—entry types for all of the worksheets and batch processes that generate pending items.

Note. You must set up entry types as either item entry types or automatic entry types before you can use them.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can set up receivable processing options, you must:

See Also

Defining and Using ChartFields

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up System Functions

To define system functions, use the System Functions component (ENTRY_USE_TABLE).

This section provides an overview of system functions and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding System Functions

System functions are the activities that your PeopleSoft Receivables system supports. The System Functions table lists the system functions and describes how the system generates accounting entries for general ledger. Each system function has an accounting entry definition that indicates how the system creates accounting entries. You cannot change these accounting entries—they are system-defined entries. Specify the user-defined entries either in an item entry or automatic entry template or during processing on the Accounting Entries pages.

Each system function is prefixed with a two-letter identifier describing the part of the system that uses the function:




Direct debit management


Draft management


Overdue charges


Item entry


Maintenance worksheet, item splits, or Automatic Maintenance Application Engine process (AR_AUTOMNT)


Transfer worksheet


Payment worksheet or Payment Predictor Application Engine process (ARPREDCT)

This table lists the system function parameters that might be helpful when mapping entry types and automatic entry types to system functions:

System Function ID


Entry Function




Auto Number

Accounting Entry


Direct Debit Remit - Clearing






DR Cash Control

CR Accounts Receivable


Direct Debit Remit - Cash






DR Cash Received

CR Accounts Receivable


Direct Debit Cancel - Clearing






DR Accounts Receivable

CR Cash Control


Direct Debit Cancel - Cash






DR Accounts Receivable

CR Cash Received


Direct Debit Cash Clearing






DR Cash Received

CR Cash Control


Direct Debit Cash Clearing






DR Bank Cash Received

CR Cash Control


Direct Debit Cancel - Clearing






DR Accounts Receivable

CR Cash Control


Direct Debit Cancel - Cash






DR Accounts Receivable

CR Cash Received


VAT at Due Date






DR VAT Output Intermediate 

CR VAT Output Final


Pay an Item






DR Draft Receivable

CR Accounts Receivable


Prepay an Item






DR Draft Receivable

CR AR Distribution


Place an Amount On Account






DR Draft Receivable

CR AR Distribution


Adjust Remaining Overpayment






DR Draft Receivable

CR AR Distribution


Adjust Remaining Underpayment






DR AR Distribution

CR Draft Receivable


Create a Deduction






DR AR Distribution

CR Draft Receivable


Write off an Item






DR User line

CR AR Account(s)


Write off an Overpayment



2nd - DM-04



DR AR Distribution

CR User line


Write off an Underpayment



2nd - DM-05



DR User line

CR AR Distribution


Draft Remitted to Bank






DR Draft Cash Control

CR Draft Receivable


Draft Remitted with Discount






DR Discount Draft Cash Control

CR Draft Receivable


Draft Remitted to Bank






DR Cash Control

CR Draft Receivable


Draft Remitted to Bank






DR Remitted Draft Distribution

CR Draft Receivable


Draft Remitted with Discount






DR Draft Discount Receivable

CR Draft Receivable


Collect Cash on Discount Draft






DR Cash Received

CR Cash Control


Collect Cash on Discount Draft






DR Cash Received

CR Cash Control


Collect Cash on Discount Draft






DR Cash Received

CR Cash Control


Collect Cash on Discount Draft






DR Cash Received

CR Draft Discount Liability


Collect Cash on Draft






DR Cash Received

CR Cash Control


Reverse Discount Liability






DR Draft Discount Liability

CR Draft Discount Receivable


Collect Cash on Draft






DR Cash Received

CR Cash Control


Reverse Discount Liability






DR Draft Discount Liability

CR Draft Discount Receivable


Collect Cash on Draft






DR Cash Received

CR Draft Receivable


Reverse Discount Liability






DR Draft Discount Liability

CR Draft Receivable


Collect Cash on Draft






DR Cash Received

CR Remitted Draft Distribution


VAT on Discounted Draft







(This function only generates VAT accounting for items with declaration point of payment.)


Dishonor Draft






DR Dishonored Draft Distribution

CR Draft Receivable


Dishonor Draft






DR Dishonored Draft Distribution

CR Cash Control


Dishonor Draft






DR Dishonored Draft Distribution

CR Cash Control


Dishonor Draft






DR Dishonored Draft Distribution

CR Cash Control


Dishonor Draft






DR Dishonored Draft Distribution

CR Remitted Draft Distribution


Dishonor Draft






DR Dishonored Draft Distribution

CR Discount Draft Receivable


Dishonor Draft






DR Dishonored Draft Distribution

CR Cash Received


Dishonor Draft






DR Dishonored Draft Distribution

CR Cash Received


Draft Bank Fees






CR Cash Received


Cancel Remitted Draft







(PeopleCode creates accounting entries based on the status of the draft.)


Void Drafts







(PeopleCode creates accounting entries based on the status of the draft.)

FC-01 Overdue Charge

Create an Overdue Charge






DR Accounts Receivable

CR User line

IT-01 Item Entry

Create an Invoice/Debit Memo






DR Accounts Receivable

CR User line

IT-02 Item Entry

Create a Credit Memo






DR User line

CR Accounts Receivable

MT-01 Maintenance Worksheet

Offset an Item






DR Maintenance Control

CR Accounts Receivable

MT-02 Maintenance Worksheet

Write off a Credit






DR Accounts Receivable

CR User line

MT-03 Maintenance Worksheet

Write off a Debit






DR User line

CR Accounts Receivable

MT-04 Maintenance Worksheet

Create New Debit






DR AR Distribution

CR Maintenance Control

MT-05 Maintenance Worksheet

Create New Credit






DR Maintenance Control

CR AR Distribution

MT-06 Maintenance Worksheet

Write off Remaining Credit



2nd - MT-05



DR AR Distribution

CR User line

MT-07 Maintenance Worksheet

Write off Remaining Debit



2nd - MT-04



DR User line

CR AR Distribution

MT-08 Maintenance Worksheet

Refund Remaining Credit



2nd - MT-05



DR AR Distribution

CR Refund Control

MT-09 Maintenance Worksheet

Refund a Credit






DR Accounts Receivable

CR Refund Control

TR-01 Transfer Worksheet

Transfer Item From Customer






DR Transfer Control

CR Accounts Receivable

TR-02 Transfer Worksheet

Transfer Item To Customer






DR Accounts Receivable

CR Transfer Control

TR-03 Transfer Worksheet

Transfer Item to Doubtful Receivable Account






DR Doubtful Receivables Distribution Code

CR Transfer Control

WS-01 Payment Worksheet

Pay an Item






DR Cash Received

CR Accounts Receivable

WS-02 Payment Worksheet

Take Earned Discount






DR User line

CR Accounts Receivable

WS-03 Payment Worksheet

Take Unearned Discount






DR User line

CR Accounts Receivable

WS-04 Payment Worksheet

Prepay an Item






DR Cash Received

CR AR Distribution

WS-05 Payment Worksheet

Place An Amount On Account






DR Cash Received

CR AR Distribution

WS-06 Payment Worksheet

Adjust Remaining Overpayment






DR Cash Received

CR AR Distribution

WS-07 Payment Worksheet

Adjust Remaining Underpayment






DR AR Distribution

CR Cash Received

WS-08 Payment Worksheet

Create a Deduction






DR AR Distribution

CR Cash Received

WS-09 Payment Worksheet

Write off an Item






DR User line

CR Accounts Receivable

WS-10 Payment Worksheet

Write off an Overpayment



2nd - WS-06



DR AR Distribution

CR User line

WS-11 Payment Worksheet

Write off an Underpayment



2nd - WS-07



DR User line

CR AR Distribution

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up System Functions

Page Name

Object Name



System Functions 1


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Options, System Functions, System Functions 1

View the processing attributes for a system function. PeopleSoft Receivables maintains the system attributes. You cannot change most attributes.

VAT Distribution Type


Click the VAT Distribution Type button on the System Functions 1 page.

View the rules for updating the VAT tables during the Pending Group Generator Application Engine process (AR_PGG_SERV).

System Functions 2


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Options, System Functions, System Functions 2

Review the system-defined portion of the accounting entries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting System Function Attributes

Access the System Functions 1 page.

Activity Type

Select an activity type that indicates how system functions are classified. You must associate each system function with an activity type. You can assign an activity type to more than one system function. This structure determines how the system presents data on the Unit Activity page and the Unit Activity report.

Activity Type/Origin/Bank Code

When you view the inquiry page by activity type and origin, the system uses the Activity Type/Origin/Bank Code field to determine whether to break the category down by origin or bank code. This determines how the system displays information on the Unit Activity page.

For example, suppose that you select Billing for the activity type and Breakdown by Origin for the Activity Type/Origin/Bank Code. On the Unit Activity page, under Activity Type/Origin/Bank Code, you will see that billing activity came from two different origins, OBILL and XBILL. The individual totals for each origin appear on the page.

If you choose not to break down by origin, select Do Not Break Down By Origin for system functions IT-01 and IT-02. The Unit Activity page lists billing without an origin—meaning that the system has bundled together all the billing transactions, rather than breaking them into totals under their associated origin IDs.

As another example, if you select Breakdown by Origin for the WS-01 system function, you will see a separate row for each bank account for the payment activity. If you select Do Not Break Down By Origin, all the payment activities are combined in one row.

Entry Function

Displays a system-defined value. It can be either Auto Entry (automatic entry) or Item Entry. Item entry types identify pending items created during online item entry or by an external interface. The system uses item entry types to handle processing when you directly build a pending item—during online entry or when an interface process constructs groups of pending items. When you enter or build pending items that comprise a group, you use entry types that you have specifically enabled for use as item entry types. Item entry types take two forms:

  • Positive amounts (IT-01, FC-01).

  • Negative amounts (IT-02).

Automatic entry types work behind the scenes to translate instructions for overdue charging, payments, maintenance, transfers, direct debits, and drafts into pending items. When you initiate an online or background process for these types of groups (such as selecting an item on one of the worksheets, running the Payment Predictor process, or the Automatic Maintenance process), the system creates the necessary pending item using the information that you defined on the automatic entry type for that action.

For example, every time you select an item for payment on the payment worksheet, the system uses the entry type, entry reason, and accounting entry information from the WS-01 (Pay An Item) automatic entry type to create the pending item. Automatic entry types fall into the following categories:

  • Overdue charges (prefaced with FC).

  • Maintenance worksheet (prefaced with MT).

  • Payment worksheet (prefaced with WS).

  • Transfer worksheet (prefaced with TR).

  • Direct debit management (prefaced with DD).

  • Draft management (prefaced with DM).

Natural Sign

Displays the sign that the system expects to see (+ or –). The system uses this sign on the pending items to determine the effect a system function has on the customer balance. The only unsigned system functions are transfers, offsets, direct debits, and drafts (they can be said to offset an item), because their sign varies with the sign of the item being offset, transferred, or included in draft and direct debit processing. Debit memos must be positive, and credit memos must be negative.

Effect on VAT Processing

Indicates how VAT balances are adjusted for the system function.

VAT Distribution Type

Click to view the account types that you selected for each declaration point for the system function.

Automatically Creates New Item

Displays the system setting. If selected, the system creates a new item for activities that occur behind the scenes. These system functions are all automatic entry types: new debits and credits, prepayments, on-account payments, deductions, and adjustments for overpayments and underpayments.

Automatically Creates 2nd Item

Displays the system-setting. If selected, it enables write off of remaining debits and credits on the maintenance worksheet and by the Automatic Maintenance process, or write off of overpayments and underpayments on the payment worksheet, draft worksheet, and by the Payment Predictor process.

Allow Entry Reason Prompting

Displays the system-setting. If selected, it indicates that entry types tied to the system function can require an entry reason. Entry types define activity, and entry reasons enable you to further qualify the activity. So if a system function enables you to require an entry reason, you can generate reports, run aging, and view history at a greater level of detail.

Supports Auto Numbering (supports automatic numbering)

Displays the system-setting. If selected, it enables you to enter a prefix and starting number for pending items. For example, these system functions could be assigned:

PR: Prepayments.

AO: Overpayment adjustments.

AU: Underpayment adjustments.

DE: Deductions.

OA: On-account payments

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Rules for VAT Processing

Access the VAT Distribution Type page.

The values determine how to update the VAT tables for the system function. If there is more than one row in the grid, the processing varies depending on the declaration point.

Declaration Point

Indicates when the system recognizes VAT transaction information for reporting purposes. Values are:

Invoice: Recognize VAT at invoice time.

Payment: Recognize VAT at the time of payment.

Delivery: Recognize VAT at the time of delivery.

VAT Accounting Entry Type

The accounting entry types, together with VAT codes and VAT transaction types, determine VAT accounting and reporting.

Effect on VAT Processing

Specifies the action for VAT processing. Values are:

  • Adjust intermediate VAT liability.

  • Include in item entry totals.

  • None.

  • Move intermediate VAT to final.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing System Function Accounting Entries

Access the System Functions 2 page.

System Defined Entries

The system-defined entries fall into one of two categories:

Revenue Estimate Attributes

If you enabled the Commitment Control option for PeopleSoft Receivables, the Revenue Estimate Attributes group box appears. The revenue estimate attributes define whether source transactions for the control budget should be generated and if so, how.

Revenue Estimate Affected

Determines whether the Revenue Estimate Application Engine process (AR_REV_EST) creates source transactions. Yes indicates the process creates source transactions, and No indicates it does not.

User Definable

Indicates whether you must specify which revenue bucket to update for each entry type and reason combination for the auto-entry type or item entry type associated with the system functions. Yes indicates that you must specify the revenue buckets for the auto-entry type or item entry type, and No indicates that the system function defines them.

Revenue Estimate Updated

Indicates whether the accounting entries update the recognized or collected bucket or both buckets. If the bucket is user-defined for the auto-entry type or item entry type, the default bucket appears.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Entry Types and Reasons

To define entry types and reasons, use the Entry Type component (ENTRY_TYPE_TABLE1).

This section provides overviews of entry types and entry reasons and discusses how to:

  1. Define entry types.

  2. Define entry reasons.

See Also

Entry Types and Reasons

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Entry Types

Thinking through and defining a comprehensive set of entry types is second in importance only to defining business units and tablesets. An entry type categorizes your pending items and the system uses them to create or update items. The Receivable Update Application Engine process (ARUPDATE) uses pending items along with associated entry types and reasons to create or update items and to maintain customer balances.

During processing, you sometimes enter pending items directly—for example, when you enter an invoice, a debit memo, or a credit memo. Sometimes the system creates pending items for you based on commands that you provide. For example, it creates deductions and on-account payments behind the scenes as you use the payment worksheet or the Payment Predictor process.

To use all of the receivable processing and payment features, at a minimum you must accommodate the following entry types. You can assign a single entry type to several functions and you can name them whatever you want.

This table lists the entry types that you must create if you process direct debits or drafts:

Direct debits


Direct debit remitted to bank-cash clearing

Draft remitted to bank

Direct debit remitted to bank-cash

Draft remitted with discount

Direct debit cancelled-cash

Collect cash on discount draft

Direct debit cash clearing

Collect cash on draft


Reverse discount liability


Dishonored draft


Cancel remitted draft


Void draft


Bank fees (for discounted drafts)

Note. You must create either an item entry type or automatic entry type for each entry type before you can use them.

If you use the vendor rebate claim functionality in PeopleSoft Purchasing or the claimback functionality in PeopleSoft Order Management, you might want to create unique entry types for the interfaced items to identify them on the payment worksheet or on inquiries and reports.

Entry Types and Reasons for Partial Payments

PeopleSoft Receivables delivers entry types and reasons in the sample database. If you use the Payment Predictor process to apply your payments, the #DTL_TLR algorithm group uses these entry types and reasons to determine how to create accounting entries for underpayment, overpayment, and discount conditions. You must use these entry types and reasons when you create your automatic entry types if you want to process partial payments and discounts correctly.

Important! If you cannot use these entry types and reasons due to your business practices, you need to change the SQL for the #DTL_TLR algorithm group. You should, however, avoid making these changes.

PeopleSoft delivers these entry types:


Prepay an Item.


On Account.


Adjust Remaining Underpayment.


Adjust Remaining Overpayment.


Create a Deduction.


Write-Off Item.


Write Off an Overpayment.


Write Off an Underpayment.

PeopleSoft delivers these entry reasons:


Invoice Overage Within Tolerance.


Invoice Underage Within Tolerance.


Discount Overage Within Tolerance.


Discount Underage Within Tolerance.


Invoice Overage Exceeds Tolerance.


Invoice Underage Exceeds Tolerance.


Discount Overage Exceeds Tolerance.


Discount Underage Exceeds Tolerance.

When you set up automatic entry types for these system functions, you must use these entry type and reason combinations:

System Function

Entry Type and Reason





























The #DTL_TLR algorithm group uses a default system function for overpayments, underpayments, and unearned discounts. However, you can override the default system function for each business unit on the Predictor Detail Options page by assigning a different entry type and reason. The entry type and reason that you assign must be consistent with the intended usage of the system function. For example, adjust overpayment should not be used with an underpayment entry type and reason.

See Also

Using #DETAIL and #DTL_TLR for Partial Payments and Deductions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Entry Reasons

Use different entry reasons to set up different accounting entry templates for different conditions.

Some of the entry types that create entries behind the scenes accommodate the use of an entry reason; others do not. Use entry reasons for:

Note. You specify if entry reasons are required on the Item Entry Type - Selection page and the Automatic Entry Type - Selection page.

You can also use entry reasons for reporting or inquiry purposes to further identify items.

Entry Reasons for Vendor Rebate and Claimback Processing

You must set up entry reasons for any entry types that you use to pay or offset items for vendor rebate and claimback processing.

For the entry types that you associate with the Pay an Item (WS-01) and (DM-01), and Offset an Item (MT-01) system functions, you must create a minimum of two entry reasons:

You can create as many entry reasons as you want, but you must create at least one for the base amount and one for the VAT amount for each entry type that you use to pay or offset items for vendor rebate and claimback processing. When you create automatic entry types for the WS-01, DM-01, and MT–01 system functions, you must enter all of these entry reasons on the Automatic Entry Type - Selection page. When you apply a payment to a vendor rebate claim or claimback item on the payment worksheet, you create two entries in the payment worksheet for each item if the business unit for the item requires VAT. One entry is for the base amount of the item and one entry is for the VAT amount. You assign the appropriate entry reason to each line. When you apply a draft to a claimback or vendor rebate claim on the draft worksheet or offset a claimback or vendor rebate claim on the maintenance worksheet, you follow the same procedure.

Note. If you have no business units that require VAT, it is not necessary to create an entry reason to record the VAT amount for an item and you do not need to create two entries on the worksheets.

Note. If the receivables business unit does not require VAT, you create only one entry for the base amount. You must enter the entry reasons to use for the business unit on the AR Integration page. The system enables you to select only the entry reasons associated with the item's business unit on the worksheets.

When you run the AR Rebate Notification Application Engine process (AR_REBATE) to update the claim management workbench, the process sends the base amount and the VAT amount for each item paid or offset. When you run the Claim Settlement process for AP Application Engine process (PO_CLMSETTLE_AP) on the claim management workbench, the process uses this information to generates the base and VAT distribution lines when it creates adjustment vouchers or a claimback vouchers.

See Running the AR Rebate Notification Process.

See Working with Claimbacks.

See Understanding Vendor Rebates.

See Defining Account Receivables Integration Options for Vendor Rebates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Entry Types and Entry Reasons

Page Name

Object Name



Entry Type


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Options, Entry Type, Entry Type

Create and define entry types.

Entry Reason


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Options, Entry Type, Entry Reason

Specify the appropriate entry reasons for an entry type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Entry Types

Access the Entry Type page.

Don't Post Duplicate Entries

This check box handles:

  • Timing: An adjustment to an invoice is posted before the invoice.

  • Duplication: Two entries with the same entry type attempt to update an item.

Select when you post a subsequent event—such as a debit memo or a credit memo—that has the same business unit, customer ID, item ID, and item line as the invoice before you post the invoice. This occurs if:

  • You are converting closed item detail from your previous receivables system.

  • The feeder billing systems cannot guarantee sequencing.

  • Your business often generates related transactions such as an invoice and a credit memo together.

Normally the system creates an Item record for each new item with its entry type. Subsequent entries create item activity lines but do not alter the entry type on the Item table (PS_ITEM). If the original item is a debit or credit memo instead of an invoice, you are stuck with the debit or credit memo entry type on the Item record. What you really want is the invoice entry type.

It is important to have the appropriate entry type on the Item record, because entry types determine aging redirection, correspondence inclusion, and weighted average days late calculations. If a prepayment or credit memo posts first and the invoice posts second, you need to update the Item record with the entry type and date of the invoice.

When you select the Don't Post Duplicate Entries check box for an entry type, it means:

  • The entry type takes precedence over whatever entry type exists on the Item record (unless the entry type on the Item record also has the option selected).

    It enables you to use the invoice entry type as the controlling entry type, even though the invoice was not posted first. Select only for those entry types that represent an invoice.

  • After you post a pending item, other pending items with this selected option are not posted against this item, because any given item can have only one dominant pending item.

  • The system catches duplicate invoices for a particular business unit or customer combination.

    The Receivable Update process does not post a second pending item that also has the option selected against the same business unit, customer ID, item ID, and item line combination.

Note. Be sure that you select this check box only for invoice type or dominant transaction types and that only dominant entry types can be posted against an item.

Exclude From Days Late Calcs (exclude from days late calculations)

Select to exclude items with this entry type from history calculations for average days late and weighted average days late.

Aging Category

Enter an aging category in which to place items, rather than aging them normally.

Note. If you define a rule for aging deductions, disputes, or collections in an aging ID other than aging normally, that rule takes precedence over a category that you select here.

Summary Category

Select a summary category to place items in a different summary category from the one associated with the aging category.

Include in Dunning, Include in Overdue Charging, and Include in Statements

Select to include items with the entry type in dunning letters, on overdue charge invoices, and on statements. In the delivered system, all entry types are included; clear the check boxes to exclude those that you do not want to appear in correspondence. This applies only to the entry type on the item itself, not to item activities.

Include in Drafts, Include in Direct Debits, and Profile ID

Select to include items of this entry type in drafts and direct debits. If you select Include Direct Debits, enter a profile ID to use a specific direct debit profile for all items using this entry type. Otherwise, leave Profile ID blank to use the profile ID assigned to the customer. If you enter a profile ID, you must select the Use Entry Type field on the Direct Debit Profile page.

See Also

Setting Up Direct Debit Profiles

Understanding Aging Setup

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Entry Reasons

Access the Entry Reason page.

For each entry type that you define, you can set up as many valid entry reasons as needed.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Distribution Codes

Distribution codes simplify the process of generating accounting entries by defining a valid combination of ChartField values.

To define distribution codes, use the Distribution Code component (DST_CODE_TABLE).

This section discusses how to:

  1. Define distribution codes.

  2. Link draft distribution codes to AR distribution codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Distribution Codes

Page Name

Object Name



Distribution Code


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Distribution Accounting, Distribution Code, Distribution Code

Define or review distribution codes.

Draft Details


Click the Draft Distribution Codes button on the distribution code page.

Specify the draft distribution codes to link to accounts receivable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Distribution Codes

Access the Distribution Code page.

Distribution Type

Select a value that indicates how the account is to be used. Values are:

AR (accounts receivable): Used for pending items. You must assign default distribution codes for pending item groups. The system obtains the default distribution codes using the following hierarchy:

  1. From the entry reason on the Item Entry Type - Selection page for billing groups or the entry reason on the Automatic Entry Type - Selection page for payment, draft, maintenance, and overdue charges groups.

  2. From the customer on the General Information - Bill To Options page.

  3. From the business unit on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 1 page.

Also used by the Revaluation Application Engine process (AR_REVAL) to create accounting entries. Create a separate distribution code if you use translation ledgers.

Disc Draft (discounted drafts): The receivable account for discounted drafts. Specify this code on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 2 page and override it by draft type and business unit on the Draft Type Distribution Codes page.

Dishonor: The receivable account for dishonored drafts. Specify this code on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 2 page and override it by draft type and business unit on the Draft Type Distribution Codes page.

Doubtful: The receivable account for doubtful receivables. Specify this code on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 1 page.

Draft Liab (draft liability): The draft liability account for drafts discounted with recourse. Specify this code on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 2 page and override it by draft type and business unit on the Draft Type Distribution Codes page.

Draft: The receivable account for items that have been applied to any draft. Specify this code on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 2 page and override it by draft type and business unit on the Draft Type Distribution Codes page.

Maint Ctrl (maintenance control): Used to create the offsetting entry for transactions in maintenance groups. Specify this code on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 2 page.

Real G/L (realized gain and loss): Used behind the scenes by the maintenance and payment worksheets and draft processing to create adjusting entries for multicurrency processing. You can define as many distribution codes as you choose, but each business unit can have only one realized gain and one realized loss code.

Also used during translation for a realized gain or loss for translation ledgers. If you want to track realized gains and losses separately you must create separate distribution codes for realized gains and realized losses.

Specify these codes on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 1 page and the Receivables Definition - Options 2 page.

Refund Ctrl (refund control): The ChartField combination used to record the liability for a refund. Specify this code on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 2 page. If you use the commitment control option, the system does not update either the Recognized or Collected budget if you use an expense Account. Instead, the system updates an Expense budget.

Remit Drft (remitted drafts): The receivable account for non-discounted drafts that have been remitted to the bank. Specify this code on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 2 page and override it by draft type and business unit on the Draft Type Distribution Codes page.

Round: Used when you apply a payment to an item on the payment worksheet whose currency differs from the currency of the item or when the payment and item are in the same currency, but differ from the base currency of the business unit. The Receivable Update process posts any remaining amount from the currency conversion to this rounding account. Specify this code on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 1 page.

Trans Ctrl (transfer control): Used to create the offsetting entry for transactions in transfer groups. Specify this code on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 2 page.

Unreal G/L (unrealized gain and loss): Used only during revaluation. This code enables you to summarize gains and losses into one line that updates the unrealized gain and loss account. If you want to track unrealized gains and losses separately, you need to create separate distribution codes for unrealized gains and unrealized losses. Specify these codes on the Receivables Definition - Accounting Options 2 page.

Unbilled AR Distribution Code

Select if the distribution type is AR and you have unbilled accounts receivables. This field is available only when the distribution type is AR.

Note. PeopleSoft Receivables does not directly use these distribution types: Corp Vchr, Cust Dep, Dfr Disc, Dfr Rev, Dfr Surch, Discount, DM New Opr, DM Orig CR, DM Orig De, DM Orig Op, Dst no GL, GST, Match Ctrl, IU Pay, IU Rec, Reim, Coll, Revenue, Reverse, Reverse CR, Reverse DR, Sales/Use, Send Back, Surcharge, and Unbill AR, Unbill Dsc, and UnflCOwAdv. PeopleSoft Receivables also does not use these distribution types: Cash,Cash Ctrl, Disc Ctrl, and Draft Ctrl. PeopleSoft Receivables uses the ChartFields that you assign to the bank account on the External Accounts page for cash and cash control accounting entries.

ChartField Values

Enter the combination of ChartField values that general ledger uses to process activity with the distribution code unless your inheritance setup overrides the distribution code.

See Also

Defining Business Unit Defaults for Individual Business Units

Defining External Account Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLinking Draft Distribution Codes to AR Distribution Code

Access the Draft Details page.

If you link draft distribution codes to an accounts receivable distribution code, the system uses that code to create accounting entries. Otherwise, it uses the codes that you assign to a draft type and business unit combination.

Draft AR Distribution Code

Enter the code that defines the receivable account for approved drafts.

Remitted Draft Receivable Code

Enter the code that defines the receivable account for remitted drafts.

Draft Discount Receivable Code

Enter the code that defines the receivables account for the discounted drafts.

Draft Discount Liability Code

Enter the code that defines the liability account for drafts discounted with recourse.

Dishonored Draft Code

Enter the code that defines the receivable account for dishonored drafts.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Item Entry Types

The system uses item entry types for items that you enter online or receive through an interface. By mapping entry types to system functions, you create item entry types.

To define item entry types, use the Item Entry Type component (ITEM_ENTRY_TABLE2).

This section discusses how to:

  1. Define item entry types.

  2. Define item entry type accounting templates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Item Entry Types

Page Name

Object Name



Item Entry Type - Selection


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Payments, Item Entry Type, Selection

Set up item entry types, specify whether you need to distribute accounting entries to the general ledger, and assign entry reasons to the item entry type.

Item Entry Type - Accounting Template


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Payments, Item Entry Type, Accounting Template

Define how the system creates accounting entries for the general ledger.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Item Entry Types

Access the Item Entry Type - Selection page.

System Function ID

Enter the system function to associate with the entry type. You can have more than one item entry type per system function. For example, system function IT-02 defines the process for entering a credit memo. You can map multiple entry types—CR1 and CR2—to IT-02, representing different kinds of credit memos.

Distribute to GL

Select this check box to distribute accounting entries for this item type to general ledger. Your accounting entry design determines whether you use this feature.

Require Reason

Select this check box to require users to enter a value in the Entry Reason field every time they use this item entry type during pending item entry and on the maintenance and payment worksheets. If you clear this check box, the system automatically adds a row to the Entry Reason Detail grid that has a blank reason. If Require Reason is selected, every row in the grid must have an entry reason.

AR Distribution Code

Select a distribution code if the accounts receivable ChartField combination is different for each combination of entry type and entry reason. The distribution code governs the default ChartFields used in generating system-defined accounting entries for items bearing the item entry type and the specified type and reason combination. If the accounts receivable account is the same for all combinations, set a default accounts receivable distribution code on the Account Options 1 page. If the accounts receivable account varies by item, you can enter it on the Pending Item 1 page for individual pending items.

Rev Estimate (revenue estimate)

If you enabled the Commitment Control option, and the system function that you selected for the item entry type indicates the revenue bucket is user-defined, you must specify whether you need to update the collected or recognized bucket or both buckets. If the bucket that you update varies under certain circumstances, create two entry reasons and select a different bucket for each entry reason. If the system function defines the bucket, the field is unavailable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Item Entry Type Accounting Templates

Access the Item Entry Type - Accounting Template page.

Entries Must Balance

If this check box is selected, you must define 100 percent of the accounting entries and enter an account for every line in the User Defined Entries grid. You can override the default account after the lines are created during processing. Clear to leave the user-defined entries blank and complete them during processing.

If you have defined ChartField inheritance options on the Receivables Revaluation (AR Reval) and Billing (AR/BI) groups as Always Inherit or Inherit within BU, you cannot insert multiple user-defined lines for the following system functions:

MT-02: Write off a credit.

MT-03: Write off a debit.

WS-02: Take Earned Discount.

WS-03: Take Unearned Discount.

WS-09: Write off an Item.

System Controlled Entries

The information for system-defined accounting entries comes from the system function table and the distribution codes. It also stipulates that the system distributes the entire amount to AR either as a credit (–) or a debit (+).

User Defined Entries

User-defined entries are specific to your particular organization and are not always required. You provide defaults for the template, but you can change any information on the user-defined entries after you generate accounting entries. Enter the ChartField values for the revenue line, as needed. You cannot specify a statistical account for any item entry accounting templates.

Note. If you enabled the Commitment Control option for PeopleSoft Receivables, you must use ChartFields that are in the control budget ledger as well.

If you want to vary the ChartField combinations entered at a level lower than the entry type and entry reason, you have two options:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Automatic Entry Types

To define automatic entry types, use the Automatic Entry Type component (AUTO_ENTRY_TABLE2).

This section provides an overview of automatic entry types and discusses how to:

  1. Define automatic entry types.

  2. Define automatic entry type accounting templates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Automatic Entry Types

Automatic entry types define how the system assigns entry types to pending items created behind the scenes. When you use online pages to tell the system what to do—for example, create a deduction or place a payment on account—the system uses automatic entry types. Batch processes that generate pending items also use entry types.

Automatic entry types are related to the subset of system functions that includes transfers, drafts, direct debits, overdue charges, and worksheet functions. To enable the use of an underlying system function, you must:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Automatic Entry Types

Page Name

Object Name



Automatic Entry Type - Selection


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Payments, Automatic Entry Type, Selection

Set up new automatic entry types. Specify whether you distribute accounting entries to general ledger and assign entry reasons to the automatic entry type.

Automatic Entry Type - Accounting Template


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Payments, Automatic Entry Type, Accounting Template

Define how the system creates accounting entries for the general ledger.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Automatic Entry Types

Access the Automatic Entry Type - Selection page.

Entry Type

Select the entry type that is appropriate for pending items that the system creates for the system function. Each automatic entry type assigns only one entry type to a pending item.

Distribute to GL

Select this check box to distribute accounting entries for this item type to general ledger. Your accounting entry design determines whether you use this feature.

Require Reason

Select this check box if you want the system to require an entry reason when it uses this automatic entry type. For example, if a cash applier creates a write-off on the payment worksheet, this setting determines whether the cash applier must supply an entry reason.

Predictor Reason

If you selected Require Reason, enter the entry reason that the Payment Predictor process assigns to all items that it creates using the system function for the automatic entry type.

When a payment predictor method specifies conditions under which it creates an item, the method itself contains the system function it uses for the item, but does not specify an entry reason. It uses the entry reason that you supply. This applies only to these system functions:

WS-04: Prepay an item.

WS-05: Place an amount on account.

WS-06: Adjust remaining overpayment.

WS-07: Adjust remaining underpayment.

WS-08: Create a deduction.

WS-10: Write off an overpayment.

WS-11: Write off an underpayment.

Automatic Maintenance Reason

If you selected Require Reason, enter the entry reason that the Automatic Maintenance process assigns to all items that it creates using the system function. This applies only to these system functions:

MT-02: Write off a credit.

MT-03: Write off a debit.

MT-04: Create new debit.

MT-05: Create new credit.

MT-06: Write off remaining credit.

MT-07: Write off remaining debit.

Entry Reasons

The Entry Reasons grid contains the valid entry type and entry reason combinations.


Enter a sequence number to prioritize the order in which the Payment Predictor process applies payments to overdue charge line items.

See Using the #OVERDUE Algorithm Group.

Entry Reason

Each automatic entry type can have more than one entry reason. To enable an entry type to be used without an entry reason, you must have one row in the grid that contains just the entry type with a blank reason. You must include the entry reason specified for the Payment Predictor or Automatic Maintenance processes in the grid.

Important! If you use vendor rebate claim processing in PeopleSoft Purchasing or claimback processing in PeopleSoft Order Management, you must enter the entry reasons for the WS-01 and DM-01 system functions that you set up for VAT processing. Also you must enter entry reasons for the MT-01 system function.

See Understanding Entry Reasons.

Entry Event

Enter the entry event used to generate supplemental accounting entries for each entry reason if you create one overdue charge for all of a customer's eligible items. This option is available only for the Create an Overdue Charge (FC-01) system function and if you enabled the entry event option for your organization.

AR Distribution Code

Select a different code to vary the accounting entries that the system creates for an automatic entry type.

Maximum Write-Off Amount

Enter the maximum amount that you can write off for either an individual item or for the remaining balance for a normal group or match group on the maintenance worksheet or in the Automatic Maintenance process. This enables write-offs for an amount below the maximum amount as long as it does not exceed the percentage of the original amount for the item. For example, if you enter an amount of 25.00, the process allows write-off amounts up to 25.00. However, if you enter a maximum write-off percent of 10, and the total original amount of a item is 240.00, the system does not write off more than 24.00.

For no limit, enter all 9s.

See Write-off Tolerances.

Maximum Write-Off Percent

For the maintenance worksheet, enter the maximum percentage of the item amount that the system can write off. The write-off percent applies only to write-offs for individual items, not for remaining amounts for items or match groups.

For the Automatic Maintenance process, enter the maximum percentage that the remaining balance can be for a match group. The process adds the total debits or totals credits and divides the higher amount by the remaining balance for the match group to determine the percentage that can be written off.

The maximum percentage that you can enter is 100. For no limit, enter 100.

Note. Because the calculation for the Automatic Maintenance process and the maintenance worksheet are different, you might want to create a unique entry reason for automatic maintenance write-offs. If you do this, select the Require Reason check box and enter the entry reason in the Automatic Maintenance Reason field.

Days Until Write-Off

Enter the minimum age of items before you can write them off on the maintenance worksheet or during automatic maintenance. The system calculates the age by subtracting the accounting date from the current date. For no limit, enter 0.

Note. The write-off tolerance fields are available only for the MT-02, MT-03, MT-06, and MT-07 system functions.

Rev Estimate (revenue estimate)

If you enabled the Commitment Control option for PeopleSoft Receivables and if the system function associated with the automatic entry type indicates that the revenue bucket is user-defined, specify whether you must update the Collected or Recognized bucket, Both buckets, or none of the buckets. The options vary by system function. If the system function defines the bucket, the field is unavailable.

See Setting Up Item and Automatic Entry Types for Revenue Estimate Processing.

If the bucket that you update varies under certain circumstances, create two entry reasons and select a different bucket for each entry reason. For example, when you offset an item (system function MT-01) on the maintenance worksheet, you can offset it with on-account cash or a credit memo. If you offset it with cash, you should update the collected bucket. If you offset it with a credit, you reverse the amount of both the original item and the credit memo in the recognized budget. You do not update the collected bucket. In this case, you set up a separate entry reason for a cash offset and a credit memo offset to update the correct buckets.

For example, suppose the user selects the following entries on a maintenance worksheet:








Offsets CREDIT1 credit memo




Offsets ITEM001




Offsets OA-01 on account cash




Offsets ITEM002

The Revenue Estimate process then generates these source transactions:






Reverses ITEM001



Reverses CREDIT1



From ITEM002

You also need to create two entry reasons for MT-09 (refund of a credit):

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Automatic Entry Type Accounting Templates

Access the Automatic Entry Type - Accounting Template page.

Entries Must Balance

If this check box is selected, you must define 100 percent of the accounting entries and enter an account for every line in the User Defined Entries grid. You can override the default account after the lines are created during processing. Clear to leave the user-defined entries blank and complete them during processing.

System Defined Entries

The information for system-defined accounting entries comes from the system function table and the distribution codes. It also stipulates that the system distributes the entire amount to AR either as a credit (–) or a debit (+).

User Defined Entries

User-defined entries are specific to your particular organization and are not always required. You provide defaults for the template, but you can change any information on the user-defined entries after you generate accounting entries. Enter the ChartField values for the revenue line, as needed. You cannot specify a statistical account for any automatic entry accounting template. For some automatic entry types, you do not define the user-defined entries. In this case, the user-defined grid is not available.

If you want to vary the ChartField combination at a level lower than the entry type and reason, you have two options:

Note. If you enabled the Commitment Control option for PeopleSoft Receivables, you must use ChartFields that are in the control budget ledger as well.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Item and Automatic Entry Types for Revenue Estimate Processing

Revenue Estimate processing creates the source transactions for the revenue entries to control budgets. A budget in PeopleSoft Receivables is a fixed income allocation (that is, a revenue estimate) with two monetary buckets:

See Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables.

The entry type (or the combination of the entry type and reason) defines how and when to generate source transactions based on preset values in the system function. The system function specifies whether the bucket that the process updates is user-defined on the item entry type or automatic entry type. If it is not user-defined, the system function specifies whether to:

Note. When the user enters the item information, the user must enter the correct entry type and reason to update the correct buckets.

System Function Attributes

This table lists the revenue estimate definitions for each system function. PeopleSoft sets these defaults and you cannot modify them. If the bucket to update is user-defined, the information in the table provides a suggestion for how to set up the item entry type or automatic entry type associated with the system function.

System Function ID


Update to Recognized Bucket

Update to Collected Bucket


Transaction Generated


Direct Debit Remit - Clearing






Direct Debit Remit - Cash


Credits budget


One for each of the item’s user-defined lines. The amount comes from the AR line and the accounts come from the item’s user-defined lines. If there are multiple user-defined lines, the amounts are prorated.


Direct Debit Cancel - Clearing






Direct Debit Cancel - Cash


Debits budget


One for each of the item’s user-defined lines. The amount comes from the AR line and the accounts come from the item’s user-defined lines. If there are multiple user-defined lines, the amounts are prorated.


Direct Debit Cash Clearing


Credits budget


One for each of the item’s user-defined lines. The amount comes from the Cash Control line and the accounts come from the item’s user-defined lines. If there are multiple user-defined lines, the amounts are prorated.


Direct Debit Cash Clearing


Credits budget


One for each of the item’s user-defined lines. The amount comes from the Cash Control line and the accounts come from the item’s user-defined lines. If there are multiple user-defined lines, the amounts are prorated.


Direct Debit Cancel - Clearing






Direct Debit Cancel - Cash


Debits budget


One for each of the item’s user-defined lines. The amount comes from the AR line and the accounts come from the item’s user-defined lines. If there are multiple user-defined lines, the amounts are prorated.


VAT at Due Date






Pay an Item (Draft Accepted)


Credits or debits budget


If an IT-01, IT-02, or FC-01 item activity generates the item, the process creates one transaction for each of the item’s user-defined lines. The amount comes from the AR line and the accounts come from the item’s user-defined lines. If there are multiple user-defined lines, the amounts are prorated. The system places the transaction on hold until the cash is recognized. Then the Budget Processor Application Engine process (FS_BP) checks the source transaction.


Prepay an Item





Note. The system updates the revenue budget when you receive the invoice.


Place an Amount On Account





Note. The system updates the revenue budget when you apply the payment to an item.


Adjust Remaining Overpayment





Note. The system updates the revenue budget when you apply the payment to an item.


Adjust Remaining Underpayment






Create a Deduction






Write off an Item

Credits or debits budget



If an IT-01, IT-02, or FC-01 item activity creates the item, the process creates one transaction for each user-defined line. The amounts and accounts come from the user-defined lines.



Credits budget

Credits budget


If a MT-05, DM-02, DM-03, or DM-04 item activity creates the item, the process creates one transaction for each user-defined line. The amounts and accounts come from user-defined lines. (Because the original item did not create any source transaction, you need either to update neither bucket or to update both buckets for the buckets to balance.)



Debits budget

Debits budget


If a MT-04, DM-05, or DM-06 item activity creates the item, the process creates one transaction for each user-defined line. The amounts and accounts come from user-defined lines. The collected bucket must be reversed, because the bucket was updated when you created the underpayment.


Write off an Overpayment

Credits budget

Credits budget


One transaction for each user-defined line. The amounts and accounts come from user-defined lines. (Because the original item did not create any source transaction, you need either to update neither bucket or to update both buckets for the buckets to balance.)

Note. The system places these transactions on hold until the cash is recognized. Then the Budget Processor checks the source transactions.


Write off an Underpayment

Debits budget

Debits budget


One transaction for each user-defined line. The amounts and accounts come from user-defined lines. The collected bucket must be reversed, because the bucket was updated when you created the underpayment.

Note. The system places these transactions on hold until the cash is recognized. Then the Budget Processor checks the source transactions.


Draft Remitted to Bank






Draft Remitted with Discount






Draft Remitted to Bank






Draft Remitted to Bank






Draft Remitted with Discount






Collect Cash on Discount Draft




Takes the source transactions that the process generated for a prior activity off hold and releases them for budget checking.


Collect Cash on Discount Draft




Takes the source transaction that the process generated for a prior activity off hold and releases them for budget checking.


Collect Cash on Discount Draft




Takes the source transaction that the process generated for a prior activity off hold and releases them for budget checking.


Collect Cash on Discount Draft




Takes the source transactions that the process generated for a prior activity off hold and releases them for budget checking.


Collect Cash on Draft




Takes the source transactions that the process generated for a prior activity off hold and releases them for budget checking.


Reverse Discount Liability






Collect Cash on Draft




Takes the source transactions that the process generated for a prior activity off hold and releases them for budget checking.


Reverse Discount Liability






Collect Cash on Draft




Takes the source transactions that the process generated for a prior activity off hold and releases them for budget checking.


Reverse Discount Liability






Collect Cash on Draft




Takes the source transactions that the process generated for a prior activity off hold and releases them for budget checking.


VAT on Discounted Draft






Dishonor Draft




Generates transactions to reverse a prior draft activity.


Dishonor Draft




Generates transactions to reverse a prior draft activity.


Dishonor Draft




Generates transactions to reverse a prior draft activity.


Dishonor Draft




Generates transactions to reverse a prior draft activity.


Dishonor Draft




Generates transactions to reverse a prior draft activity.


Dishonor Draft




Generates transactions to reverse a prior draft activity.


Dishonor Draft




Generates transactions to reverse a prior draft activity.


Dishonor Draft




Generates transactions to reverse a prior draft activity.


Bank Fees






Cancel Remitted Draft




Generates transactions to reverse a prior draft activity.


Void Draft




Generates transactions to reverse a prior draft activity.

If the draft is voided before the cash is recognized, it does not create transactions.


Create an Overdue Charge

Credits Budget



One transaction for each user-defined line. The amount and accounts come from the user-defined line.

IT-01 Item Entry

Create an Invoice/Debit Memo

Credits Budget



One transaction for each user-defined line. The amount and accounts come from the user-defined line.

IT-02 Item Entry

Create a Credit Memo

Debits Budget



One transaction for each user-defined line. The amount and accounts come from the user-defined line.


Deduction Write-off

Debits budget

Debits budget


One transaction for each user-defined line. The amounts and accounts come from user-defined lines. The collected bucket must be reversed, because it was updated when you created the deduction.

MT-01 Maint Wksht

Offset an Item

If the offset is an item, it either debits or credits the budget.

If the offset is cash, it debits the budget.


If an IT-01, IT-02, or FC-01 item activity generates the item, the process creates one for each of the item’s user-defined lines. The amount comes from the AR line and the accounts come from the item’s user-defined lines. If there are multiple user-defined lines, the amounts are prorated.

The update to either the recognized or collected budget is determined by the entry reason, which indicates whether the offset is an item or cash.

MT-02 Maint Wksht

Write off a Credit

Credits budget



If an IT-02 item activity generates the item, the process creates one transaction for each user-defined line. The amount and account come from user-defined lines.



Credits budget

Credits budget


If a MT-05, WS-04, WS-05, or WS-06 item activity generates the item, the process creates one transaction for each user-defined line. The amount and account come from user-defined lines.

Note. This information provides a suggested setup for this system function. Specify by reason code which buckets to update.

MT-03 Maint Wksht

Write off a Debit

Debits budget



If an IT-01 or FC-01 item activity generates the item, the process creates one transaction for each user-defined line. The amount and account come from user-defined lines.



Debits budget

Debits budget


If an MT-04, WS-07, or WS-08 activity generate the item, the process creates one transaction for each user-defined line. The amount and account come from user-defined lines.

MT-04 Maint Wksht

Create New Debit





MT-05 Maint Wksht

Create New Credit





MT-06 Maint Wksht

Write off Remaining Credit

Credits budget

Credits budget


If the amount does not come from IT-02 item activity (partial or full), the process creates one transaction for each user-defined line. The amount and account come from the user-defined line.

MT-07 Maint Wksht

Write off Remaining Debit

Debits budget

Debits budget


One transaction for each user-defined line. The amount and accounts come from the user-defined line.

MT-08 Maint Wksht

Refund Remaining Credit





Note. None of the refunded credit should come from an IT-02 item activity.

MT-09 Maint Wksht

Refund a Credit


Debits budget


If it is an IT-02 item activity, the amount and accounts come from Refund Control.

Warning! If you use an expense Account in the distribution code for refund control, the system updates an expense budget and not a recognized revenue or collected revenue bucket.

If it is not an IT-02 item activity, the system does not generate transactions.

(We recommend that you use two entry reason codes.)

TR-01 Transf Wksht

Transfer Item From Customer





TR-02 Transf Wksht

Transfer Item To Customer






Transf Wksht

Transfer Item To Doubtful Acct





WS-01 Pay Wksht

Pay an Item


Credits or debits budget


If an IT-01, IT-02, or FC-01 item activity generates the item, the process creates one transaction for each of the item’s user-defined lines. The amount comes from the AR line and the accounts come from the item’s user-defined lines.

If there are multiple user-defined lines, the amounts are prorated if users do not perform a manual revenue allocation on the worksheet.

WS-02 Pay Wksht

Take Earned Discount

Debits budget



One transaction for each user-defined line. The amount and accounts come from the user-defined line.

WS-03 Pay Wksht

Take Unearned Discount

Debits budget



One transaction for each user-defined line. The amount and accounts come from the user-defined line.

WS-04 Pay Wksht

Prepay an Item





Note. The system updates the revenue budget when you apply the payment to an item.

WS-05 Pay Wksht

Place An Amount On Account





Note. The system updates the revenue budget when you receive the invoice.

WS-06 Pay Wksht

Adjust Remaining Overpayment





Note. The system updates the revenue budget when you apply the payment to an item.

WS-07 Pay Wksht

Adjust Remaining Underpayment





WS-08 Pay Wksht

Create a Deduction





WS-09 Pay Wksht

Write off an Item

Credits or debits budget



If an IT-01, IT-02, or FC-01 item activity creates the item, the process creates one transaction for each user-defined line. The amounts and accounts come from the user-defined lines.



Credits budget

Credits budget


If an MT-05, WS-04, WS-05, or WS-06 item activity creates the item, the process creates one transaction for each user-defined line. The amounts and accounts come from user-defined lines. (Because the original item did not create any source transactions, you need either to update neither bucket or to update both buckets for the buckets to balance.)



Debits budget

Debits budget


If an MT-04, WS-07, or WS-08 item activity creates the item, the process creates one transaction for each user-defined line. The amounts and accounts come from user-defined lines. The collected bucket must be reversed, because the bucket was updated when you created the underpayment.

WS-10 Pay Wksht

Write off an Overpayment

Credits budget

Credits budget


One transaction for each user-defined line. The amounts and accounts come from user-defined lines. (Because the original item did not create any source transaction, you need either to update neither bucket or to update both buckets for the buckets to balance.)

WS-11 Pay Wksht

Write off an Underpayment

Debits budget

Debits budget


One transaction for each user-defined line. The amounts and accounts come from user-defined lines. The collected bucket must be reversed, because the bucket was updated when you created the underpayment.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Group Types and Group Origins

To define group types and group origin IDs, use the Group Type (GROUP_TYPE_TABLE) and Origin (ORIGIN_TABLE1) components.

This section provides overview of group types and group origins and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Group Types

A group is a postable entity, a collection of pending items that are ready to post. Groups that you enter—such as billing groups—as well as groups that are created during processing—such as transfers, offsets, overdue charges and payments—must be assigned a group type. You must establish codes to categorize the types of groups that you process. Reports that list group activity use group types to sort and select information.

You must establish a minimum of eight group types: B, D, F, M, P, T, U, and X.You can establish as many additional group types as you need for query and reporting purposes. If you do not establish the group types, the corresponding function is not authorized.

If you use the vendor rebate functionality in PeopleSoft Purchasing, you must establish a group type using R as the code. If you use the claimback functionality in PeopleSoft Order Management, you must establish a group type using C as the code. The AR Rebate Notification process looks at the group type for the original item associated with a Pay an Item (WS-01 or DM-01) or Offset (MT-01) activities to determine whether to send notification that the original item was paid or offset. Then the process sends notification of the payment or offset to PeopleSoft Purchasing or PeopleSoft Order Management. You assign these group types to a business unit on the AR Integration page. PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Order Management assign the appropriate group type to the claims (items) based on the business unit for the claim.

This table lists the group types that you must set up:

Group Types



Draft groups


Created at each stage in processing when you use drafts to pay items.

Overdue charge groups


Created when you run the Overdue Charges Application Engine process (AR_OVRDUE) and then post the overdue charge to the customer balance. The process creates a group only if you selected Create A Group To Post Charges for the overdue charge ID.

Maintenance groups


Created when you use the maintenance worksheet or Automatic Maintenance processing to match or offset existing items, apply on-account payments or prepayments to items, or write-off items. Also created when you split items.

Payment groups


Created during express deposit, payment worksheet application, and Payment Predictor processing when you apply a payment to specific open items, or create any other entries such as deductions, on-account payments, or prepayments.

Transfer groups


Created when you use the transfer worksheet to move items from one customer to another.

Unpost groups


Created when you unpost a draft group or reverse a payment.

Direct debit


Created at each stage of processing when you use direct debits to pay items.

Billing groups


Created when items are entered either online or through a billing interface.

Purchasing vendor rebate groups


Created when items, which are vendor rebate claims or reversals, are interfaced from PeopleSoft Purchasing.

Order Management claim back groups


Created when items, which are claimbacks, are interfaced from PeopleSoft Order Management.

See Also

Understanding Vendor Rebates

Working with Claimbacks

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Group Origins

You might have three origin IDs: one for external billing, one for online billing and adjustments, and the required PS_AR origin ID for system-generated groups. If you use the vendor rebate claim functionality in PeopleSoft Purchasing and the claim back functionality in PeopleSoft Order Management, you should set up two additional origin IDs to identify these items. Assign the vendor rebate and claimback origin IDs to a business unit on the AR Integration page. PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Order Management assign the appropriate origin ID to the claims (items) based on the business unit for the claim.

The system uses the origin IDs to classify groups of pending items based on how they are created or brought into the system. You can view the origin IDs for items on inquiry pages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Group Types and Group Origins

Page Name

Object Name



Group Type


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Options, Group Type, Group Type

Set up new group types. Assign each group type a journal template to create journal entries and a document type if you use document sequencing.



  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Options, Origin, Origin

  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing, Setup, Origin, Origin

Define origin IDs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Group Types

Access the Group Type page.

Journal Template

Select the journal template that the system uses to create journals for your general ledger. Templates summarize your receivables accounting entries and determine the journal header, date options, and other characteristics. If you plan to generate only one format of journal entry from PeopleSoft Receivables, you can set up a single journal template and associate it with each group type. You can have a different journal format for each group type.

Document Type

Select a document type if you are using document sequencing.

Transaction Type

You can vary the opening and closing period for a receivables business unit for specific types of transactions from the periods for the general ledger business unit associated with the receivable business unit. Select the transaction type to associate with items created for the group type. Values are:

ARD (AR direct journals): Use for direct journal payments.

ARI (AR items): Use for overdue charge and billing groups.

ARM (AR maintenance): Use for maintenance and transfer groups.

ARP (AR payments): Use for payment, draft, and direct debit groups.

ARU (AR unpost): Use for unpost groups.

DEF (default): Use when you want to use the default opening and closing periods for the business units and do not want unique periods for the group type.

See Also

Using Document Sequencing in PeopleSoft Receivables

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Group Origin IDs

Access the Origin page.

Origin Type

Select an origin type. Values are:

Billing: When entering a billing group, the origin represents the source of the group, such as a particular billing system. Billing groups can be brought into the system online or through an external interface. If you plan to enter billing information online, as well as bring it into the system through an interface, you must establish a minimum of two billing origins. Also, use Billing for item interfaces from PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Order Management.

System: System groups are created behind the scenes during processing. They include Payment, Maintenance, Transfer, Overdue Charge, Drafts, and Unpost. The system assigns an origin ID of PS_AR to such groups. You must establish this origin ID, and it must be named PS_AR.

Origin Method

Indicates whether you enter the group online or receive it from an external source, such as items coming from a billing, purchasing, or order management interface.

Important! You cannot change an origin type once you save it.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up ChartField Combination Editing

This section provides an overview of ChartField combination editing and discusses how to set up ChartField combination editing.

You track receivables transactions based on the ChartField combinations that you define when you set up ChartField combination editing in PeopleSoft General Ledger. PeopleSoft General Ledger uses your accounts in combination with other ChartFields to create journal entries. In PeopleSoft Receivables, ChartField combination editing provides a method to validate online and batch accounting entries.

By defining valid combinations, you can filter entries before you post them to ledgers, saving time and effort during reconciliation and closing. The Journal Editing Application Engine process (GL_JEDIT) also performs the final validation of journal entries before you post them to the ledger.

To set up ChartField combination editing:

  1. Set up ChartField combination editing.

    1. Review the system-defined ChartField editing templates.

    2. Create ChartField combination definitions.

    3. Create combination edit rules.

      The combination edit rule defines which ChartFields can be used in combination with an anchor ChartField.

    4. Create combination edit groups.

  2. Enable ChartField editing for business units on the Receivables Options - General 2 page.

  3. Ensure that the ChartField combinations for the Cash and Cash Control lines for the bank on the External Accounts page conform to the combination rules.

  4. Ensure that the ChartField combinations for distribution codes, item entry accounting templates, and automatic entry accounting template conform to the combination rules.

See Also

Editing ChartField Combinations