Setting Up History and Aging

This chapter provides an overview of history calculations and discusses how to:

Note. This chapter is required. You must complete the tasks discussed in this chapter to implement history and aging.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding History Calculations

Both the Receivable Update Application Engine process (AR_UPDATE) and the Aging Application Engine process (AR_AGING) update the system-defined customer history elements.

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCustomer History Calculations in the Receivable Update Process

The Receivable Update process updates these system-defined customer history elements:

Average Days Late

Days late is the number of days between the due date and the accounting date of the entry that closed the item. The Receivable Update process calculates average days late as:

sum (days late) ÷ number of items

For example, suppose that a customer has these closed items: a 1,000.00 USD item 2 days late, a 2,000.00 USD item 5 days late, and a 3,000.00 USD item 4 days late.

The average days late for this customer = (2 + 5 + 4) ÷ 3, or 11 ÷ 3, or 3.67

Use the Receivable Update Request page to indicate that you want to update the Average Days Late figures for subcustomer levels (assuming subcustomer is enabled). The system date at the start of the Receivable Update run and the accounting calendar determine the accounting period for the result.

The Receivable Update process considers items only if they have been closed since the last time the history was updated.

It can exclude items for a variety of reasons:

For each item that meets the inclusion criteria, the system determines the number of day’s difference between the due date and the accounting date of the entry that closed the item. Consider two examples:

Previous activity for the fiscal year and accounting period determine how the Receivable Update process updates history. If a value for Average Days Late does not exist for the fiscal year and accounting period, the Receivable Update process updates the history ID by adding the number of days and dividing by the count of closed items. Here are two examples:

If a value for Average Days Late does exist, the system computes a running average. It adds the sum of the days late of the closed items to the product of the existing value and the number of existing closed items, and then divides by the sum of the existing items and the newly closed items. For example, the previous values are 15 days late, 3 items; the recent closed items values are 40 days late, 2 items. The formula is:

[(15 * 3) + 40)] ÷ (3 + 2) = 17 days late, 5 items

Days Sales Outstanding (DSO30 and DSO90)

Days sales outstanding (DSO) is reported as two different history IDs: a 30-day based figure and a 90-day based figure. The system uses the calculation year and period from the Receivables Options - Options 1 page as the basis for calculations to determine the accounting period for the resulting history.

Use the Receivable Update Request page to indicate whether you want to update the DSO and the subcustomer history DSO figures. You should request user-defined history when you request DSO, because DSO calculations use the SALES figures updated as part of user-defined history. If you run DSO alone, the results do not reflect the latest sales figures.

The Receivable Update process calculates DSO30 by multiplying the customer's current balance by 30 and dividing by prior period sales. The prior period is the DSO calculation period on the Receivables Definitions - Accounting Options 1 page even if it crosses a fiscal year.

The Receivable Update process calculates DSO90 by multiplying the current customer balance by 90 and dividing by the sum of the prior three periods' sales. Use a view to sum sales for the three periods before the calculation period even if a fiscal year boundary is crossed.

Highest Balance (HI_BAL_AMT)

This is the highest balance for the customer for the accounting period. The system uses the system date at the time you run the Receivable Update process, as well as your accounting calendar, to determine the accounting period.

Weighted Average Days Late (WTAVGDAYS)

Use the Receivable Update Request page to indicate whether you want to update Weighted Average Days and Weighted Average Days Late figures for subcustomer levels (assuming that subcustomer levels are enabled). The system date at the start of the Receivable Update run and the accounting calendar determine the accounting period for the result.

The amount of the closed item is used to weight the days based on the assumption that a 100,000.00 EUR invoice paid 10 days late is more serious than a 10.00 EUR invoice paid 10 days late. The formula is:

sum (item amount * days late) ÷ sum (item amount)

The item amount is drawn from the first instance of item activity that has the same entry type as the closed item. Days late is the number of days between the due date and the accounting date of the item activity that closed the item.

For example, suppose that a customer has the following closed items: a 1,000.00 USD item 2 days late, a 2,000.00 EUR item 5 days late, and a 3,000.00 EUR item 4 days late. For this customer, WTAVGDAYS equals:

(1,000.00 * 2) + (2,000.00 * 5) + (3,000.00 * 4)] ÷ (1,000.00 + 2,000.00 + 3,000.00) = 24,000.00 ÷ 6,000.00 or 4

The Receivable Update process updates history for Weighted Average Days Late based on the previous activity for the fiscal year and accounting period. If a Weighted Average Days Late value does not already exist for this fiscal year and accounting period, the history is updated. If a Weighted Average Days Late value exists, a running average is computed, using additional information stored by customer history and subcustomer history, if appropriate, similar to the example for Average Days Late. The system date at the start of the Receivable Update run and the accounting calendar determines the accounting period for the result.

When an item is created, the Item Activity line contains an entry type. This entry type is stored with the item, unless a subsequent Item Activity line has an entry type with the Prevent Posting of Duplicate Entries option selected. In this case, the entry type stored with the item changes to the entry type of the subsequent entry.

The Prevent Posting of Duplicate Entries option comes into play when a debit or credit memo is posted before the invoice. Because the system uses the entry type on the item for aging redirection and correspondence inclusion, you can use the invoice entry type as the controlling entry type even though the invoice is not posted first. This is important because Weighted Average Days Late uses the amount associated with the controlling entry type rather than the original amount of the item.

Weighted Average Terms (WTAVGTERMS)

Weighted Average Terms calculates the average number of days allowed for a customer before payment is due, weighted according to the item amount. By default, the calculation is based on the accounting date unless the terms code on the item specifies a different basis date.

Customer payment terms impose limits on the allowable days, and a customer can buy with multiple payment terms. Some invoices can be due in 20 days, others in 30 or 40 days. For example, the Weighted Average Days Late calculation informs you that the customer pays, on average, 5 days late. However, that number is more meaningful when you know that the customer had an average of 25 days to make payments.

The Receivable Update process performs the calculations only if you select Payment Performance on the Receivable Update Request page. Settings on the Receivable Update Request page also determine whether the subcustomer history module runs (assuming it is enabled). The accounting period for the result is determined by the Receivable Update run date and your accounting calendar.

Weighted Average Days Paid (WTAVGPAID)

Weighted Average Days Paid is the number of days a customer takes to make payments. The average is weighted by the payment amount, on the assumption that a 1,000.00 USD payment is more significant than a 100.00 USD payment. Weighted Average Days Paid is calculated by adding weighted average terms and Weighted Average Days Late:

days allowed + days late = days taken

For example, weighted average terms of 25, plus Weighted Average Days Late of 5, means that the customer pays an average of 30 days from the invoice date–25 days were allowed, and 5 extra were taken.

The Receivable Update process performs the calculations only if you select Payment Performance on the Receivable Update Request page. Settings on the Receivable Update Request page determine whether the subcustomer history module runs (assuming it is enabled). The accounting period for the result is determined by the Receivable Update run date and your accounting calendar.

See Also

Creating Run Control IDs for Receivable Update

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCustomer History Calculations in the Aging Process

This section discusses the due and high-due formulas for each history calculation performed during aging.

The Due Family

The Aging process updates these history IDs:

The amounts are based on how you defined an aging ID (the sum category that you selected for each aging category). The history calculations are also affected by any special handling that was defined for entry types. The system date for starting the Aging run determines the fiscal year and accounting period.

The High Due Family

The Aging process updates these history IDs:

The amounts are based on the highest amount reached for a given fiscal year and accounting period. The system date for starting the Aging run determines the fiscal year and accounting period.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up History IDs

To set up history IDs, use the System Defined History (SYSTEM_HIST_TABLE) and the User Defined History (CUST_HIST_TABLE) components.

This section discusses how to:

Note. You must define at least one user-defined history ID called SALES.

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Object Name



System Defined History


Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Options, System Defined History, System Defined History

Link system-defined history IDs to the setIDs associated with customers for whom you want to track history.

User-Defined History


Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Options, User Defined History, User-Defined History

Create the customer history IDs used to summarize history about customer receivables activity. For each history ID that you create, the system maintains the total specified customer activity for each fiscal year and accounting period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing System-Defined History IDs

Access the System Defined History page.

This table lists the available system-defined history IDs:

History ID



Average Days Late


Current Due


30 Days Sales Outstanding


90 Days Sales Outstanding


Future Due


High Balance Amount


High Current Balance


High Future Due


High Other Due


High Past Due


Other Due


Past Due


Weighted Average Days Late


Weighted Average Paid


Weighted Average Terms

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining User-Defined History IDs

Access the User-Defined History page.

Define as many history IDs as you need.

The system requires a minimum of one user-defined history ID called SALES. The Receivable Update process uses the SALES history ID to calculate DSO. If you cannot use the name SALES for this history ID, then you must change the Receivable Update process to ensure that calculations for DSO are correct.

Entry Type and Entry Reason

Enter the combination that the system should use to compile customer history. If an entry type has more than one entry reason, you need to list the entry type with each entry reason.

Note. If an entry type does not require an entry reason, you must list the entry type, but leave the entry reason blank. The history then includes those items with the entry reason that you indicated.

See Also

Setting Up Entry Types and Reasons

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Aging

To set up aging, use the Aging component (AGING_TABLE).

This section provides an overview of aging setup and discusses how to set up aging IDs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Aging Setup

Aging IDs define how the Aging process and aging reports age open items. They also enable you to define unique rules for aging deduction, disputed, and collection items.

When you age deduction, disputed, and collection items, you choose to do one of the following:

The Aging process uses the aging ID assigned to the business unit to age items unless you override it for individual customers. The aging reports use the aging ID that you enter on the run control page to age the items on the reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Aging IDs

Page Name

Object Name





Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Credit/Collections, Aging, Aging

Defines aging IDs that describe how the system ages open items.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Aging IDs

Access the Aging page.

Basis Date

Select the type of date for aging open items. Values are:

As of Date: A user-defined date for aging items.

Acctg Date (accounting date): The accounting date for the item.

Item Date: Usually the invoice date, but it may differ by implementation.

Due Date: The due date assigned to the item.


Aging Category and Description

Enter an ID for the category and the description that you use to identify the categories on the reports and inquiry pages.

Start and End

Enter the number of days that define the beginning and ending of the category. Use –9999 as the start day for one category and 9999 as the end day for one category.

The start date for each category must always be one day greater than the last end day for the previous category with one exception. If you are defining a separate category for disputed, deduction, or collection items, the start and end days is always 9999.

Sum (summarization)

Select a value that links the aging category to one of these summarization categories: Current Due, Past Due, Future Due, or Other.

Credit Check

Select if the aging category should be considered in the credit checking performed by PeopleSoft Order Management.

When you run the aging reports or view aging information on inquiry pages, the system uses the aging categories that you define to determine in which bucket to place an item. Each category represents an age range for the items. For example, suppose that you run an aging report using the 30-60 aging ID, as shown in the Aging page. You use an as of date of March 1. If you created an item on January 15, the system puts the item in the 31-60 category, which indicates the item is between 31 and 60 days old. If you defined unique categories for deduction, disputed, or collection items, the system places items flagged as deductions, in dispute, or in collection in the appropriate category.

Dispute Aging, Deduction Aging, and Collection Aging

Dispute Aging, Deduction Aging, and Collection Aging

Specify how the system ages disputed, deduction, and collection items. Values are:

Categorize: Select if you have created a unique category for disputed, deduction, and collection items and enter the category ID in the Category field. You can use the same category ID for all three types of items or create a unique category for the different types of items.

Exclude: Select if you do not want to age all disputed, deduction, or collection items.

Normal: Select to age disputed, deduction, or collection items normally by the basis date.

Vary: Select to do the following:

  • Age disputed items based on the aging method for their dispute reason on the Dispute Reason page.

  • Age deduction items based on the aging method for their deduction reason on the Deduction Reason page.

  • Age collection items based on the aging method for their collection code on the Collection Code page.

The aging methods for individual dispute reasons, deduction reasons, and collections codes are to age normally, use a specific category, or be excluded from aging.


Enter a number to indicate which rule to use for an item that is marked with more than one dispute, deduction, or collection flag. An item can be aged based on only one of the reason codes. For example, if an item is a disputed item and in collection, the priority number indicates whether the system should use the disputed aging rule or the collection aging rule.

Note. Use the Entry Type page to place all items for an entry type in a specific aging category.

See Also

Setting Up Entry Types and Reasons

Setting Up Exception Reasons and Collection Codes

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up SubCustomer Qualifiers

To set up subcustomer qualifiers, use the SubCustomer Qualifier 1 (SUBCUST1) and the SubCustomer Qualifier 2 (SUBCUST2) components. This section provides an overview of subcustomer qualifiers and list pages used to setup subcustomer qualifiers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding SubCustomer Qualifiers

Use subcustomer qualifiers to record history and aging information for a subset of your business with a customer or for a cross-section of your business across different customers. Based on the selection on the Installation Options - Overall page, the system can use one subcustomer qualifier, both qualifiers, or neither. If installation options enable both subcustomer qualifiers, you can limit their use for individual customers by allowing both, one, or none for a customer on the Miscellaneous General Info page.

If you elect to use one or both qualifiers, you must define valid qualifiers by tableset.

This table provides an example of how you might use subcustomers for a large customer to whom you sell and ship products throughout the world:

SubCustomer Qualifier 1 - Collector Locations

SubCustomer Qualifier 2 - Shipping Locations


New York



You run the Receivable Update process to update DSO for the customer and discover that their DSO is at 40 days. If you select the SubCustomer check box when you run the Receivable Update process, you find that:

Note. SubCustomer qualifiers are also available as search criteria on some inquiry pages, such as the Item List page or the Outstanding Customer Payments page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define SubCustomer Qualifiers

Page Name

Object Name



SubCustomer Qualifier 1


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Customers, SubCustomer Qualifier 1, SubCustomer Qualifier 1

Define the first set of customer qualifiers that the system uses to categorize the customers’ data for recording balance, historical, aging, and reporting purposes.

SubCustomer Qualifier 2


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Customers, SubCustomer Qualifier 2, SubCustomer Qualifier 2

Define the second set of customer qualifiers that the system uses to categorize the customers’ data for recording balance, historical, aging, and reporting purposes.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Parallel Processing for Aging

This section provides an overview of parallel processing for aging and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Parallel Processing for the Aging Process

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to process multiple Aging processes in parallel to achieve higher performance. You initiate the processes using one run control and the process automatically divides the work between the number of partitions that you specify in your setup.

The Aging - Parallel multiprocess job (ARAGE) includes:

The following diagram illustrates how the process works if you have four partitions.

Aging parallel processes

When you use the Process Monitor to check the status of the process, you view the status of the Aging Parallel Preprocessor process (AR_AGEPP) and each process within the Aging Parallel multiprocess job (AR_AGE). The system does not indicate that the Aging - Parallel multiprocess job (ARAGE) is successful until each parallel process completes. The Job Message Log Summary page summarizes all the individual parallel process message log messages for the entire ARAGE job.

This section discusses:

AR_AGEPP Process

The Aging Parallel Preprocessor process (AR_AGEPP) acts as a preprocessor for the aging process and also:

The distribution of the data among the child or parallel processes is based on the composition of the data and the number of parallel processes. The process attempts to spread the data volume evenly among the processors that you previously setup. The staging phase takes a little longer, but the overall processing time is faster because multiple children processes run concurrently. You should balance the decision of using parallel processing or single thread processing based on the volume of data and the hardware capacity to get the maximum benefit from this feature.

AR_AGE Multiprocess Job

The Aging Parallel multiprocess job (AR_AGE) contains all the Application Engine process definitions that you use for parallel processing, such as AR_AGE1. Each process definition calls the AR_AGING Application Engine process, which actually ages the open items, updates the customer aging categories, and performs table cleanup before the process ends.

PeopleSoft Receivables delivers eight process definitions, AR_AGE1 through AR_AGE8. If you want to run more than eight partitions of the Aging process at once, you must define additional process definitions. Use the AR_AGE1 process definition as an example.

The standard setup for the Aging Parallel multiprocess job (AR_AGE) is to run a single threaded process and contains only the AR_AGE1 process definition. If you want to use parallel processing, you must assign additional process definitions to the job definition. You must also specify the number of partitions that your organization will use. You might have to experiment with the number of partitions that works for you. We recommend that you assign just a couple of additional partitions and increase the number, if needed.

You might also have to override the server settings for your organization. By default, you can run up to three instances of a process at one time. If you want to run additional instances, you must change your configuration. If you also use parallel processing for the Payment Predictor (AR_PREDICT), Statements (AR_STMT), and Receivable Update (AR_UPDATE) processes, the maximum instances apply to those processes, as well. For example, if you want to run eight instances for the Receivable Update process and four for the Aging process, you must configure your server for eight instances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Parallel Processing for Aging

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Server Definition


PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Servers, Server Definition

Define the maximum concurrent processes for Application Engine processes.

AR Parallel Processing Options


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options, Receivables

Then click the Parallel Processing Options link.

Specify the exact number of parallel processes or partitions that you want for Aging.

Job Definition


PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Jobs, Job Definition

Add additional Aging process definitions to run the Aging Parallel multiprocess job (AR_AGE).

Process Definition


PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Processes, Process Definition

Add additional Aging process definitions if you need to run more than eight parallel processes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Maximum Instances for PSAdmin

Open the PSAdmin tool on your server to change the configuration settings.

To change the maximum instances:

  1. Scroll to the section titled Values for config section – PSAESRV.

    The section looks as follows:

    Values for config section - PSAESRV. Max Instances = 3. Recycle Count=0 Allowed Consec Service Failures=0.

  2. Change the value for Max Instances to the maximum number of parallel processes that you want to run at once.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Maximum Concurrent Processes for the Server

Access the Server Definition page.

Process Type and Max Concurrent

For the Application Engine process type, enter the maximum number of parallel processes that you run at once. This figure must be the same or greater than the maximum instances that you defined for PSAdmin.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Enterprise Process Scheduler

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Number of Parallel Processes

Access the AR Parallel Processing Options page.

Parallel Process and Maximum Partitions

Enter the exact number of partitions or parallel processes that you want to run for the AR_AGE parallel process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding More Parallel Processes to the AR_AGE Multiprocess Job

Access the Job Definition page for the AR_AGE job.

Run Mode

Always select Parallel.

Process Type and Process Name

Enter Application Engine for the type and select from AR_AGE2 to AR_AGE8 for each separate partition or process that you want to run. If you define additional process definitions, select the name of the definitions that you added.

Note. You must have the same number of rows in the process list as you enter in the Maximum Partitions field on the AR Parallel Processing Options page.

Run Always On Warning and Run Always On Error

You must select these check boxes.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Additional Aging Process Definitions

Access the Process Definition page.

Complete the fields on this page and the other pages in the Process Definition component (PRCSDEFN) to match the AR_AGE1 process definition with two exceptions:

Use this format for the name: AR_AGE#, for example AR_AGE9.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler