Setting Up Exception and Collection Processing

This chapter provides an overview of exception and collection processing options and discusses how to:

Note. This chapter is required. You must complete the tasks discussed in this chapter to implement exception and collection processing.

See Also

Defining Receivables Installation Options

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Exception and Collection Processing Options

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to monitor a customer's account and take action when a condition occurs, such as reaching a credit limit or exceeding a user-defined balance due. It also enables you to create deductions, put an item in dispute or collection, and track and manage these items.

If a customer violates a condition, the Condition Monitor Application Engine process (AR_CNDMON) determines what is the appropriate action plan. The Condition Monitor process creates the actions and assigns them to an owner on a user-defined date. If field values on items, item activity, item distribution lines, and the customer match a user-defined criteria, the Condition Monitor also creates actions and assigns them to an action owner on a user-defined date.

You specify the type of owner, such as collector, credit analyst, receivables (AR) specialist, or sales person, for each type of condition. You also define the rules that the Condition Monitor process uses to determine whether a customer has violated a condition or whether an item meets specified criteria, and to determine if it should create an action plan for the customer or item.

See Also

Understanding Exception and Collection Processing

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Action Owners

To set up action owners, use the Collector (COLLECTOR_TABLE), Credit Analyst (CR_ANALYST_TABLE), and AR Specialist (AR_SPECIALIST) components.

This section provides an overview of action owners, list common elements for action owner setup pages, describes the pages to set up collectors, credit analysts, and AR (receivables) specialists, and discusses how to set up sales people.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Action Owners

Action owners are the individuals who perform the tasks for the actions assigned to customers or items. An action owner can be either a collector, credit analyst, AR specialist, or sales person. The Condition Monitor process assigns an action owner based on the type of action owner in the collection or assessment rule, and it assigns the value for that type of action owner in the Item (PS_ITEM) table. If you are monitoring information at the business unit-level, and the items have different action owners, the system uses the action owner that is assigned to the collection customer (monitoring level).

If you create an action online, you manually assign the action owner. You can also assign actions online to brokers. Brokers access their actions in the self-service web pages.

You assign the action owners to items on the pending item entry pages, the View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page, or the Bill to Options page for the customer.

If you want to assign all actions to a single action owner, you specify the user ID of that person on the Installation Options - Receivables page. Also, if you do not specify a user ID for individual credit analysts, collectors, AR specialist, or sales persons, the Condition Monitor assigns the actions that are assigned to those individuals to the default action owner that you specify in the installation options.

See Also

Setting Up Brokers and Customers for Self-Service Transactions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Before you set up action owners, you must set up a user profile for them using the User Profiles component (USERMAINT).

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Security

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

User ID

Enter the ID from the PeopleSoft user profile for the individual. If you do not specify a user ID, the system assigns actions for the individual to the default action owner defined in installation options and will not assign any actions to the individual action owner.

Name and Telephone

Enter the name and telephone number. They are informational only.

Fax Number and Title

Enter the fax number and title. They are informational only.

Email Address

Enter the email address. This is used for notifications if workflow is set up; otherwise, it is informational only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Action Owners

Page Name

Object Name





Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Credit/Collections, Collector, Collector

Define valid collectors to manage collections.

Credit Analyst


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Credit/Collections, Credit Analyst, Credit Analyst

Establish valid credit analysts to manage credit.

Receivable Specialist


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Credit/Collections, AR Specialist, Receivable Specialist

Establish valid AR specialists to manage deduction and disputed items.

Personal Data (Edit)


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Employee Data, Create/Update Personal Data, Personal Data (Edit)

Set up an employee ID for a sales person.

Team Member Types


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Team Members, Team Member Types, Team Member Types

Define sales person team types.

Team Member Personal Data - Member Data


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Team Members, Team Member Personal Data, Member Data

Set up a team member.

Team Member Personal Data - Member Commission


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Team Members, Team Member Personal Data, Member Commission

Associate a team member with a sales person team type.

Support Team Members


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Team Members, Support Team Members

Assign a sales person to a support team.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Sales People

Sales person is a required field on every item in the system. A sales person in PeopleSoft Receivables is a support team member. Several reports enable you to summarize aging according to the sales person hierarchy in your organization. You must enter at least one team member in a setID, because a default support team is a required field for customers and the default support team must have at least one sales person. Each item has a sales person associated with it as well, so you will see the sales person code on the item entry and status pages. If a pending item does not have an assigned sales person, the Receivable Update Application Engine process (ARUPDATE) assigns a sales person using the default support team member with a sales person type and the lowest priority.

To set up sales people:

  1. Create an employee ID for each sales person on the Personal Data (Edit) page.

  2. Create a support team type for sales people on the Team Member Types page.

    You must select the Is this a Sales Person? check box.

  3. Create a team member for each sales person on the Team Member Personal Data - Member Data page.

  4. Assign the support team member to a support team type for sales people on the Team Member Personal Data - Member Commission page.

  5. Set up the sales person as a support team member on the Support Team Members page.

See Also

Working With Personal Data

Setting Up Customer Support Personnel

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Workflow Notification for Action Owners

This section provides an overview of workflow notification setup and lists the pages used to setup workflow notification for action owners.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Workflow Notification Setup

The system sends an email to action owners to notify them of new actions and places the action on their worklist if you set up users for workflow notification. The email includes a universal record locator (URL) to the Action page, where the action owner works the action.

To set up users for workflow notification:

See Also

Assigning Actions and Sending Notification

Generating Additional Workflow Notifications

Entering Optional Customer Data

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Security

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: System and Server Administration

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Workflow Notification for Action Owners

Page Name

Object Name



User Profile - Workflow


PeopleTools, Security, User Profiles, Workflow, Workflow

Enter workflow processing information for the user.

User Profile - Email Addresses


PeopleTools, Security, User Profiles, General

Click the Edit Email Addresses link on the General page.

Enter the email address of the action owner to which you will send the notification.

Miscellaneous General Info


Customer, Customer Information, General Information, Miscellaneous General Info

Assign a workflow user to a customer.

URL Maintenance


PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, URLs, URL Maintenance

Set up the URL for the AR_NOTIFYURL URL identifier for workflow notification for actions.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Exception Reasons and Collection Codes

To set up exception reasons and collection codes, use the Deduction Reason (DEDUCTION_TABLE), Dispute Reason (DISPUTE_TABLE), and Collection Reason (COLLECTION_TABLE) components.

This section provides an overview of exception reasons and collection codes and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Exception Reasons and Collection Codes

Exception reasons identify the reason that an item is a deduction or is disputed. Collection codes normally identify the collection agency for an item or customer.

You can define unique aging rules for deduction, disputed, or collection items by using the reason or collection code.

This section discusses:

Deduction Reasons

You create deductions by using the payment or draft worksheet. The Payment Predictor Application Engine process (ARPREDCT) also creates deductions. The Payment Predictor process assigns the default deduction reason for the business unit to the deduction. With the worksheets, you can use the default deduction reason for the business unit or unique reasons based on the entry reason for the deduction. If you want to use unique reasons for entry reasons, you must create deduction reason codes that are the same as the entry reason codes for the deduction (DED) entry type. The system looks at the Deduction Reason table (PS_DEDUCTION_TABLE) to determine whether there is a matching value to the entry reason. If there is a matching value, it assigns the appropriate deduction reason. Otherwise, it uses the default deduction reason for the business unit. You can override the default deduction reason as needed on the worksheet or later on the View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page.

If you make an item a deduction by using the View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page, you manually assign a deduction reason.

Assign an AR specialist to a deduction reason if you want to assign specialists to deductions by reason.

Add a deduction reason for each reason that you need to describe deductions.

Dispute Reasons

You can place both customers and items in dispute. When you place a customer in dispute on the Credit Profile page or place an item in dispute on the View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page, you enter the dispute reason.

Assign an AR specialist to a dispute reason if you want to assign specialists to disputed items by reason.

Add a dispute reason for each reason that you use when putting a customer or item in dispute.

Collection Codes

You can place both customers and items in collection. When you place a customer in collection on the Credit Profile page or place an item in collection on the View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page, you enter the collection code.

Add a code for each collection code that you want to use. For example, you may want to add a code for each collection agency, or you may create codes indicating the reason that an item or customer is in collection.

See Also

Setting Up Aging

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Page Name

Object Name



Deduction Reason


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Credit/Collections, Deduction Reason, Deduction Reason

Define deduction reasons including rules for aging deductions and optionally a default AR specialist for the reason.

Dispute Reason


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Credit/Collections, Dispute Reason, Dispute Reason

Define dispute reasons including rules for aging disputes and optionally a default AR specialist for the reason.

Collection Code


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Credit/Collections, Collection Code, Collection Code

Define collection codes including rules for aging items in collection.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Deduction Reasons

Access the Deduction Reason page.

Aging Method

The system uses this aging method option only for aging IDs that have the Deduction Aging field set to Vary on the Aging page. This enables you to define aging rules for deductions based on the deduction reason assigned to the item. Options for each deduction reason are:

Age Normally: Select to age items based on the rules assigned to the aging ID.

Use Deduction Category: Select to use the aging category in the Deduction Aging group box on the Aging page for deductions with this deduction reason.

Exclude from Aging: Excludes items with this deduction reason from aging. If you prefer to exclude all deductions from aging regardless of deduction reason, select that option in the Deduction Aging group box on the Aging page.

AR Specialist (receivables specialist)

If you want to assign all deductions with this reason to the same AR specialist, enter the ID for the specialist. If you leave this value blank, the system uses the value for the business unit. If you enter an AR specialist for the customer, that value overrides the value for the deduction reason.

Exclude From Days Late Calcs (exclude from days late calculations)

Select to enable the system to skip items with this deduction reason when it calculates average days late and weighted average days late.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Dispute Reasons

Access the Dispute Reason page.

Aging Method

The system uses this aging method option only for aging IDs that have the Dispute Aging field set to Vary on the Aging page. This enables you to define aging rules for disputed items based on the dispute reason assigned to the item. Options for each dispute reason are:

Age Normally: Select to age items with this dispute reason based on the rules assigned to the aging ID.

Use Dispute Category: Select to use the aging category in the Dispute Aging group box on the Aging page for items with this dispute reason.

Exclude from Aging: Excludes items with this dispute reason from aging. If you prefer to exclude all disputed items from aging regardless of dispute reason, select that option in the Dispute Aging group box on the Aging page.

AR Specialist (receivables specialist)

If you want to assign all disputed items with this reason to the same AR specialist, enter the ID for the specialist. If you leave this value blank, the system uses the value for the business unit. If you enter an AR specialist for the customer, that value overrides the value for the dispute reason.

Exclude From Days Late Calcs (exclude from days late calculations)

Select to enable the system to skip items with this dispute reason when it calculates average days late and weighted average days late.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Collection Codes

Access the Collection Code page.

Aging Method

The system uses this aging method option only for aging IDs that have the Collection Aging field set to Vary on the Aging page. This enables you to define aging rules for items in collection based on the collection code that is assigned to the item. Options for each collection code are:

Age Normally: Select to age items with this collection code based on the rules assigned to the aging ID.

Use Collection Category: Select to use the aging category in the Collection Aging group box on the Aging page for items with this collection code.

Exclude from Aging: Excludes items with this collection code from aging. If you prefer to exclude all items in collection from aging regardless of collection code, select that option in the Collection Aging group box on the Aging page.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Hold and Message Codes for Credit Holds

To define hold and message codes for credit holds, use the Hold Codes (HOLD_CD) and Messages (MESSAGE_TBL) components.

This section provides an overview of hold and message codes and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Hold and Message Codes

When you attach messages to customers regarding their accounts, you must enter a message code. The codes that you define on the Messages page comprise the prompt list for the message field. For each code, you supply message text and define an action to take. You must select Credit Related Message for the message type for credit hold messages.

When you place a customer on a credit hold, you must enter a message code that is designated as a credit related message. PeopleSoft Receivables uses hold codes in two ways:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Hold and Message Codes for Credit Holds

Page Name

Object Name



Hold Codes


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Payments, Hold Codes, Hold Codes

Define hold codes. Create a hold code for each reason that you use for putting a customer on hold.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Options, Messages, Messages

Define message codes and select the message type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Hold Codes

Access the Hold Codes page.

The codes that you define on this page appear on the Messages page for customers designated with an action of Hold.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Messages Codes for Credit Holds

Access the Messages page.

Message Type

Select Credit Related Message for credit holds.

Specify a value in the Action group box.


Indicates no action.


Indicates that the system will reject an order if you attach this message to the customer. Only PeopleSoft Order Management uses the Reject action. It has no effect on PeopleSoft Receivables processing.


Indicates that a customer is on hold. If you select Hold, you must enter an appropriate hold code, one that you established on the Hold Codes page. If a customer has an action of Hold on the Messages page, the value appearing in the Hold Code field is the short description that you defined on the Hold Codes page. Several check boxes become available if you select Hold. These check boxes are used only by PeopleSoft Order Management.

Note. The action value that you select on this page displays in the Action field on the Messages page for the customer.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Conditions

To set up conditions, use the Condition Definition (AR_COND_DEF), Condition Definition User (AR_COND_DEF_USER), and Condition Priority (AR_COND_PRIORITY) components.

This section provides an overview of conditions and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Conditions

A condition occurs when there is a change of status for a customer's account, such as reaching a credit limit or exceeding a user-defined balance due. A condition also occurs when you create a new deduction or disputed item. The Condition Monitor process checks for customer's accounts or items that meet these conditions and creates an action based on templates and rules that you define. The process looks at the conditions for the customers with the same roles as the role that you select in each condition definition.

PeopleSoft delivers several system-defined conditions. You must set up the system-defined conditions for at least one setID. Most of the field values for the system-defined conditions are automatically populated by the system. You can also set up your own four-character user-defined conditions. Each condition is monitored at the customer-level or the item-level.

The following table describes the system-defined conditions. You define the details for the condition trigger on the Collection Rule, Assessment Rule, and Assessment Rule User pages.

Condition Description


Condition Trigger



Amount and age of customer balances that are overdue.

Approaching Credit Limit


Customers' calculated outstanding balance reaches a certain dollar amount or percentage of their credit limit. The Condition Monitor process multiplies the credit limit that you defined for the customer on the Credit Profile page by the percentage that you defined on the Assessment Rules page to determine the calculated credit limit.

Note. You define whether the balance includes in-process payments, unapplied payments, and disputed items on the Installation Options - Receivables page.

Approaching Credit Limit Expiration


Customer’s credit review date reaches a specified number of days from the run date of the Condition Monitor process. The Condition Monitor process subtracts the number of days that you specify on the Assessment Rules page from the review date the to determine whether to create an action. The customer must have a review date and credit limit on the Credit Profile page to generate an action.

Exceeded Credit Limit


Customers' calculated outstanding balance exceeds their calculated credit limit. The calculated credit limit is the limit that you defined for the customer on the Credit Profile page multiplied by the percentage that you defined over the limit on the Assessment Rules page or the amount that you defined on the page.

Note. You define whether the balance includes in-process payments, unapplied payments, and disputed items on the Installation Options - Receivables page.

Exceeded Credit Limit Expiration Date


Customer’s credit review date is passed. The customer must have a review date and credit limit on the Credit Profile page to generate an action.

Approaching Credit Card Expiration Date


Customer’s credit card expiration date reaches a specified number of days from the run date of the Condition Monitor process.

Conversation Follow Up


Customer has a conversation meeting one or more of these criteria:

  • Follow-up date is reached.

  • Follow-up action entered.

Credit Hold Code Exists


Customer message containing a credit hold code is placed on the customer’s account.

See Understanding Hold and Message Codes.

Key Statistics Exceeded


Comparison of system- or user-defined history ID amount or count for current fiscal period to assessment rule criteria. The system can also trigger the condition based on the percentage change from a prior period’s value.

Large Amount Coming Due


An invoice (or group of invoices) over a specified amount is due in a specified number of days.

Entry Type/Reason Code


Items for a specified entry type and reason code reach a specific amount or age. The existence of items with the entry type and reason can also trigger the condition. The Condition Monitor process creates one action for each item with the entry type and reason combination unless you leave the entry reason blank.

Deduction Item


A new deduction item.

Disputed Item


A new disputed item.

Online Item


An individual adds an action to an item on the item action list.

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Page Name

Object Name



Condition Definition


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Credit/Collections, Condition Definition, Condition Definition

Review and define a single system-defined condition. Displays all information for a condition.

Condition Definition User


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Credit/Collections, Condition Definition User, Condition Definition User

Set up user-defined conditions.

Condition Priority


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Credit/Collections, Condition Priority, Condition Priority

Review all conditions at one time. Reorder the priority of a condition. Displays limited information for each condition.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up System-Defined Conditions

Access the Condition Definition page.


The system populates the description for system-defined conditions, but you can override the value.

Condition Role

For all conditions except the Conversation Follow Up (CFLU) condition, select the customer role to use for monitoring customer's accounts:

  • Bill To Customer

  • Corporate Customer

  • Correspondence Customer

  • Remit From Customer

The process looks at the conditions for the customers with the same role that you select here. So when you define customer credit information, it must be set up for the customer that matches the role in the condition definition.

For the Conversation Follow Up (CFLU) condition, the role must be Bill To Customer.


Enter a priority number that determines the order in which an action for the condition appears in the action list if a customer has multiple actions. The lower the number the higher the action associated with the condition will be.

Allow Multiple Cond Entries (allow multiple condition entries)

If selected, indicates that you can use the condition in multiple rules for the same assessment level (setID, customer group, or customer). This option applies only to the Large Amount Coming Due (LACD), Key Statistics Exceeded (KSTE), and Entry Type/Reason Code (ETRC) conditions.

Allow Business Unit Monitoring

If selected, indicates that the system monitors the conditions at the business unit-level if you selected business unit monitoring on the Installation Options - Receivables page. This option applies to the Collection (COLL), Entry Type/Reason Code (ETRC), Key Statistics Exceeded (KSTE), and Large Amount Coming Due (LACD) conditions.


The fields in the Parameter group box—Amount, Count, Days, Percent, and # Periods (number of periods)—control the entry of parameters on the Assessment Rule page. Each condition may have one or more parameter flags set. The parameters are system-defined, and you cannot modify them. The values are Required, Optional, or one of the following values:

Only One

You must enter a value in only one of the fields flagged as Only One and the other fields with this flag must be blank.

All or None

You must enter a value in all fields flagged as All or None or leave all of them blank.

One or All

You must enter a value in at least one of the fields flagged as One or All or enter a value in all of the fields with this flag.

The following table lists all of the parameters for each field for each condition:






Number of Periods


Collection (COLL)






Both amount and days are required.

Approaching Credit Limit (ACLA)

One or All



One or All


Either amount or percent must be entered, or both can be entered.

Exceeded Credit Limit (ECLA)






No parameters can be entered.

Approaching Credit Limit Expiration (ACLD)






Days is required.

Exceeded Credit Limit Expiration Date (ECLD)






No parameters can be entered.

Credit Hold Exists (CHLD)






No parameters can be entered.

Approaching Credit Card Expiration Date (CCEX)






Days is required.

Conversation Follow Up (CFLU)






No parameters can be entered.

Large Amount Coming Due (LACD)






Both amount and days are required.

Key Statistics Exceeded (KSTE)

Only One


Only One

All or None

All or None

Either amount or count must be entered; either percent and period must be entered, or both fields must be blank.

Entry Type/Reason Code (ETRC)






Both amount and days are optional.

Deduction Item (DEDN)






No parameters can be entered.

Disputed Item (DISP)






No parameters can be entered.

Online Item (ONLN)






No parameters can be entered.

User-defined (any four-character code)






No parameters can be entered.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up User-Defined Conditions

Access the Condition Definition User page.

This page is similar to the Condition Definition page. However, you can define only a condition role and assign a priority.

See Also

Setting Up System-Defined Conditions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReordering Condition Priorities

Access the Condition Priority page.

This page contains the same fields as the Condition Definition page except that it has fewer fields.


Enter a new number to reorder the condition priority. The conditions display in priority order. The priority number determines the order in which an action for the condition appears in the action list if a customer has multiple actions. The lower the number the higher the action associated with the condition will be.


Click a condition link to access the Condition Definition page and view all condition details.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Actions and Action Templates

To set up actions and action templates, use the Action Code (ACTION_CODE) and Action Template (AR_TEMPLATE_TBL) components.

This section provides an overview of action definitions and action templates and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Actions and Action Templates

Actions are activities that an action owner performs in response to the condition of a customer's account, such as sending a follow-up letter or putting an account on hold. Actions are also activities that an action owner performs for items, such as deduction and disputed items.

PeopleSoft Receivables provides nine actions. However, you can add additional actions. Each action definition controls how you enter data in action templates.

Action templates define whether the system automatically performs the action or whether the system marks the action as Proposed. If an action is proposed, the action owner decides whether to take the action.

You must enter an action parameter for some actions. These parameters provide additional instructions for the system to use when it performs the action. For example, the Send a Follow-up Letter (OLTR) action needs a letter code.

The following table lists the system-defined actions:



Requires Action Parameter?

Can Be Automated?


Create an Alert




Call the Customer




Send Dunning Letter




Downgrade Credit Rating




Place Customer on Hold




Send Other Letter




Refer to Collection Agency




Send Statement of Account




Write off Customer Balance



You must set up the system-defined actions for at least one setID. Most of the field values for the system-defined actions are automatically populated by the system. You can also define user-defined actions by using a four-letter code.

An action template outlines a set of escalating actions that the system performs based on the period of time that the customer or item has been in the action plan for the condition.

You specify which template the Condition Monitor uses when you define the collection and assessment rules. Each template may contain multiple actions. You specify the number of days that you want to elapse between the time that the condition occurred and the time that the action should take place. Based on the number of days that the condition for a customer or item has existed, the system determines which action to use. You can set up the action template to send a notification to the action owner, the supervisor for the action owner, or a specialist a specified number of days before or after the action due date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

If you use the following actions, you must set up additional tables before creating action templates:


Prerequisite Table Setup

Sending a Dunning Letter (DLTR)

Letter codes and dunning IDs.

Place a Hold Message on a Customer (HOLD)

Hold codes and message codes.

Send a Follow-up Letter (OLTR)

Letter codes.

Refer to a Collection Agency (REFR)

Collection codes.

Send a Statement (STMT)

Statement IDs.

See Also

Setting Up Correspondence Options

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Page Name

Object Name



Action Definition


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Credit/Collections, Action Code, Action Definition

Review the definition for each action and change the action status. Define new actions.

Action Template


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Credit/Collections, Action Template, Action Template

Define a set of actions to perform for a condition in an escalating order based on the number of days that the condition has existed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing or Defining Action Definitions

Access the Action Definition page.


The system populates the description for system-defined actions, but you can override the value.

Due Days

Enter the number of days that defines the default due date for a new action. The system calculates the due date by adding the number of days that you specify to the system date. For example, if you create a new action on February 5 and you enter 3, the default due date for the action will be February 8. If you enter 0, the system uses the current date.

The system does not include weekends and holidays when it calculates the due date. The system uses the business calendar that you selected for the general ledger business unit associated with the receivables business unit to determine what days are holidays and weekend days. You select the calendar in the Holiday List field on the General Ledger Definition - Definition page.

Can Be Added Online

Select if you want to enable a user to add this type of action for an item online.

Can Be Automated

If selected, you can select either Proposed or Automated when you use this action in an assessment rule or action template. Otherwise, the action can only be Proposed. When an action is proposed, the action owner manually decides whether to take the action. This field is display only and is not available for user-defined actions.

Requires Action Parameter

If selected, you must enter a valid action parameter when you use this action. The system validates the action parameter by using the specified prompt table. This field is display only and is not available for user-defined actions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Action Templates

Access the Action Template page.


When a customer or item violates a condition criteria, the Condition Monitor process adds the number of days that you enter for each action to the date that the customer violated the condition criteria to determine the date to move the action to the action list. If you want the action transferred to the action list as soon as the customer or item enters the action plan, enter 0. Do not enter duplicate numbers.


Select the action, which you defined on the Action Definition page, that you want transferred to the action list.

Enter the action parameter if the action definition requires a parameter for the action. This table describes the type of parameter to enter for each type of action:


Type of Parameter

Send a dunning Letter (DLTR).

Letter code.

Note. To use the letter assigned to the action, you must assign a customer a dunning ID that uses a Dunning by Action List dunning method. Otherwise, the system uses the letter codes based on the rules for the dunning ID.

Place a hold message on a customer (HOLD).

Message code.

Send a follow-up letter (OLTR).

Letter code.

Refer to a collection agency (REFR).

Collection code.


Prop/Auto (proposed/automated)

Select Automated or Proposed to indicate whether the system should automatically perform the action or if the action owner decides whether to perform the action after it is transferred to the action list. This field is available only if an action can be automated.

Delivery Method

Select the method used to deliver correspondence for the Dunning Letter, Statement, or Follow Up Letter actions. Options are: Email, Fax, or Print.

Days To Notify Owner

Enter the number of days from the action due date to remind the action owner that the action is not complete.

Days To Notify Supervisor

Enter the number of days from the action due date to notify the action owner's supervisor that the action is not complete.

Days To Notify Specialist

Enter the number of days from the action due date to notify the AR specialist for an item that the action is not complete.

Note. Enter a positive number to send the notification after the due date and a negative number to send the notification before the due date. To send the notification on the due date enter 0. You must run the Condition Monitor process to send the notification. If you leave the fields blank, the process does not send notification.

The system does not include weekends and holidays when it calculates the notification date. The system uses the business calendar that you selected for the general ledger business unit associated with the receivables business unit to determine what days are holidays and weekend days. You select the calendar in the Holiday List field on the General Ledger Definition - Definition page.

Click to jump to parent topicAssigning Customers to a Collection Group

You may want to group customers so that you can define collection and assessment rules for a group of customers instead of all customers associated with a setID or a single collection customer. PeopleSoft Receivables provides a group type called Coll (collection) so that you can create customer groups that are used exclusively for collection and exception processing.

To assign customers to groups:

See Also

Establishing Customer Group Tables

Assigning Individual Customers to Customer Groups

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Collection and Assessment Rules

To set up collection and assessment rules, use the Schedules (SCHEDULES), Collection Rules (AR_COLLECTION_RULE), Assessment Rule (AR_ASSESS_RULE), and Assessment Rule SQL (AR_ASSESS_RULE_SQL) components.

This section provides an overview of collection and assessment rules, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Collection and Assessment Rules

The Condition Monitor process uses the collection and assessment rules to evaluate the nature of a condition to determine whether to create an action for the customer or item.

You define rules at the following assessment levels:


Rule Applies To


All customers assigned to the setID.

Customer group

Only for customers in the customer group that you specify.


Only for customers that you specify.

Rules that are at the customer level override rules that are at the other two levels, and rules that are at the customer group level override rules for setIDs. From a maintenance standpoint, you should set up defaults at the highest possible level so that if a change is required, you do not have to go to every instance at a lower level to make the change.

Collections rules apply only to the Collection (COLL) condition. The rules for collection conditions are based on both the amount and the number of days past due for outstanding balances. When the Condition Monitor process runs, it determines the age of the oldest past due item on a customer's account and the total amount past due to determine if a collection condition exists.

Assessment rules without SQL are for customer-level conditions other than the collection condition. The assessment rules are based on the existence of data specified in the rule or the comparison of data against a specified value. For example, the rule may say that the Approaching Credit Limit Expiration (ACLD) condition is violated if the numbers of days that are remaining for the customer's credit limit is less than 21 days. These rules are used for system-defined conditions other than collection conditions and item-level conditions, such as deductions and disputed items.

Assessment rules with SQL criteria are for item-level conditions and user-defined conditions. The assessment rules are based on a value in a specified field or fields on an item's record. For example, a rule may specify that the Condition Monitor process should create an action plan if the Deduction field is Y and the deduction date is 2 days less than the current system date. You need to be familiar with building SQL statements to create these assessment rules. The SQL criteria can also use fields from the Item Activity (PS_ITEM_ACTIVITY), Item Distribution (PS_ITEM_DST), Customer (PS_CUSTOMER), and Customer Options (PS_CUST_OPTION) tables. You can use assessment rules with SQL criteria only for user-defined conditions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

If you plan to define assessment rules with SQL criteria, you must create messages in the message catalog that appear as the description text on action lists.

If you create an assessment rule for these conditions, you must set up additional tables before you create the assessment rules:


Prerequisite Table Setup

Entry Type/Reason (ETRC)

Define the entry type and reasons to use in the assessment rules.

Key Statistics Exceeded (KSTE)

Define system-defined or user-defined history IDs to use in the assessment rules.

See Also

Defining Entry Types

Setting Up History IDs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Element Used in This Section


Displays the condition ID and description for which you are creating a rule.


Enter the schedule ID that determines when the Condition Monitor processes the rule. For example, if you enter Weekly and the weekly schedule is for Wednesdays, the process checks for conditions in the customer's account that violate the rule every Wednesday.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Collection and Assessment Rules

Page Name

Object Name





Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Calendars/Schedules, Schedules, Schedules

Create the schedules that you assign to the collection and assessment rules.

Collection Rule


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Credit/Collections, Collection Rule, Collection Rule

Enter the rules for the Collection condition.

Assessment Rule


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Credit/Collections, Assessment Rule, Assessment Rule

Enter the rules for the system-defined conditions other than collection conditions.

Assessment Rule User


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Receivables, Assessment Rule User, Assessment Rule User

Enter the rules for user-defined conditions using SQL criteria.

Assessment Rule User SQL Statement


Click the SQL Statement button on the Assessment Rule User page.

View the free-form SQL statement for an assessment rule or copy the statement to test it using a SQL query tool

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Schedules

Access the Schedules page.

Define the schedules that the Condition Monitor uses to determine the frequency and days to run a collection or assessment rule. You can select any frequency that you want.

See Also

Setting Up Schedules

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Collection Rules

Access the Collection Rule page.


Enter the currency for the amounts in the collection rule.


Select the type of owner for an action:

  • Collector

  • Credit Analyst

  • AR Specialist

  • Sales Person

The Condition Monitor process assigns an action to the owner based on the value assigned to the customer.

Rule Level

Indicates to whom the rule applies. Values are:

Customer: Applies to a specific customer.

Customer Group: Applies only to customers in a specific customer group.

SetID: Applies to all customers associated with a setID.

Message Set and Message Nbr (message number)

The system populates the message set and message number, and you cannot change the value. The system displays this message when the rule is violated in the action list.

Specifying Validation Criteria

Your selection criteria determine how you enter information in the grid.


Select to enable entry of a value only in the From Day column in the first row. The system assigns the value for the from day for subsequent rows by incrementing the value in the To Day field from the previous row by 1. You can enter any values that you want in the From Amount and To Amount columns.


Select to enable entry of an amount in the From Amount field in the first row. The system assigns the from amount for subsequent rows by incrementing the amount in the To Amount field from the previous row by .01. You can enter any values that you want for the From Day and To Day columns.

No Check

Select to enable entry of any values that you choose in the day and amount fields. You must make sure that there are no gaps or overlaps in the criteria.

Entering Validation Information

Days From and Days To

Enter the range of days of the oldest past due items for the customer.

From Amount and To Amount

Enter the total amount of past due items for the customer.


Enter the action template that the Condition Monitor uses when the customer's past due balance meets the days and amount criteria.


Enter a priority number for the rule. The Condition Monitor uses the priority number for each action template to determine which action template to use when a customer meets the collection rule criteria. It uses the number when:

  • A customer already has an action plan and has violated a collection rule with a higher priority number.

    In this case, it checks to see whether you selected the Enable Auto Upgrade Template check box on the Installation Options - Receivables page. If it is selected, the process cancels the current action plan and replaces it with a new action plan.

  • The validation setting for the collection rule is No Check.

    Because you can enter day and amount ranges that overlap, a customer may meet more than one set of criteria. In this case, the Condition Monitor uses the highest priority action template.

Another situation causes the Condition Monitor to cancel customers' current action plans and establish new ones. When customers enter an action plan, the Condition Monitor records the assessment level of the rule that they violated. If you subsequently enter a rule with a higher assessment level and the customer meets the new rule criteria, the Condition Monitor automatically cancels the original action plan and uses the new one. You must select the Enable Auto Upgrade Template check box on the Installation Options - Receivables page for this to occur.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Assessment Rules Without SQL

Access the Assessment Rule page.


Select the action template that the Condition Monitor uses when the customer meets the criteria that you define in the rule.


Select this check box if:

  • You are defining a rule for the Large Amount Coming Due (LACD) condition, and you want to create an action plan for a customer when the total amount of invoices that are coming due within the number of days specified in the rules exceeds the dollar amount in the rule.

    Otherwise the system creates an action plan for the customer based on the balance due and due date of individual invoices.

  • You are defining a rule for the Entry Type/Reason Code (ETRC) condition, you have not specified a reason code for the rule, and you want the Condition Monitor process to look at all items with the specified entry type and no reason code, to determine whether to create an action plan for the customer.

    In this case, the system creates one action for the condition for all items with no reason code.

    Otherwise the Condition Monitor process creates one action for each item with the specified entry type and a blank reason code.


Select the type of owner for an action:

  • Collector

  • Credit Analyst

  • AR Specialist

  • Sales Person

The Condition Monitor process assigns an action to the owner based on the value assigned to the item or customer. For example, if you select Credit Analyst for the Exceeds Credit Limit condition, the process assigns the action to the credit analyst assigned to the customer.


Indicates to whom the rule applies. Values are:

Customer: Applies to a specific customer.

Customer Group: Applies only to customers in a specific customer group.

SetID: Applies to all customers associated with a setID.

Message Set and Msg # (message number)

The system populates the message set and message number and you cannot change the value. The system displays this message on the action list when the rule is violated.


The Condition Monitor process uses the criteria in the Parameters group box to determine whether the condition has been violated. If a condition does not require a specific criteria, the field is unavailable. The following table identifies the type of criteria that are applicable for each condition:







Number of Periods

Approaching Credit Limit (ACLA)







Approaching Credit Limit Expiration (ACLD)







Exceeding Credit Limit (ECLA)







Exceeded Credit Limit Expiration Date (ECLD)







Approaching Credit Card Expiration Date (CCEX)







Credit Hold Code Exists (CHLD)







Conversation Follow Up (CFLU)







Entry Type/Reason Code (ETRC)







Key Statistics Exceeded (KSTE)







Large Amount Coming Due (LACD)







Deduction Item (DEDN)







Disputed Items (DISP)







Defining Rule Parameters


Select an operator such as less than or equal to (Less/Equal) if you are creating a comparison rule for a Key Statistics Exceeded (KSTE) or Entry Type/Reason Code (ETRC) condition.


Enter the monetary amount for the comparison.


Enter the count of times for the comparison.


If you are creating a rule for the Approaching Credit Limit (ACLA) condition, enter the percent to trigger the condition when customers' outstanding balances reaches the percentage that you enter of their credit limits. For example, a customer's credit limit is 100,000.00 EUR and you enter 80 percent. The Condition Monitor creates an action when the customer's outstanding balance reaches 80,000.00 EUR.

If you are creating a rule for the Key Statistics Exceeded (KSTE) condition, enter the number of periods and the percent for the rule. The Condition Monitor process uses these values to determine if a key statistic has changed. Enter the relative period to compare in the # Periods (number of periods) field. The current period is considered to be period 0, so if you want to monitor the change between the current period and the same period last quarter, you would enter 3 in the # Periods field. Then, enter either a positive or a negative number in the Percent field. The Condition Monitor process calculates the percentage change between the current period and the comparison period and then compares the change, using the operator that you entered and the percent for the rule.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Assessment Rules Using SQL

Access the Assessment Rule User page.


Enter the action template that the Condition Monitor process uses when an item or customer meets the SQL criteria that you enter.


Select the type of owner for an action:

  • Collector

  • Credit Analyst

  • AR Specialist

  • Sales Person

The Condition Monitor process assigns an action to the owner based on the value specified on the item or customer. For example, if you select AR Specialist for a Disputed Item condition, the process assigns the action to the specialist assigned to the item.


Indicates to whom the rule applies. Valid values are:

Customer: Applies to a specific customer.

Customer Group: Applies only to customers in a specific customer group.

SetID: Applies to all customers associated with a setID.

Message Set and Msg # (message number)

The system populates the message set and message number for system-defined conditions, and you cannot change the value. For user-defined conditions, enter the message number for the message that you want to display when the rule is violated and the message set in which you put the message.

SQL Statement

Click to access the Assessment Rule User SQL Statement page where you can view the SQL statement in a free-form format or copy the statement to test it using a SQL query tool. This button is available only after you save the SQL criteria in the grid.


(Optional) Select a character to open the SQL statement. The character is used to signify the start of a group or block of parts in the Where clause that work together to test a condition.


Select the table that contains the fields that you want to include in the SQL statement. Valid values are:

  • Item (PS_ITEM)

  • Item Distribution (PS_ITEM_DST)

  • Item Activity (PS_ITEM_ACTIVITY)

  • Customer (PS_CUSTOMER)

  • Customer Option (PS_CUST_OPTION)

Alias Name

Select a field name. The values that you select come from the table that you selected in the Record field.

  • If you select a date field, do one of the following:

    • Enter a date.

    • Select the check box that follows the Operator field.

      In the +/– field, enter the number of days between the selected date and run date for the Condition Monitor process that the rule is violated. For example, if you want to create an action for new deductions one day after they are created, you would select Accounting Date for the field name, Greater Than for the operator, and enter 1 in the +/– field.

  • If you select anything other than a date field, enter the value that you want the Condition Monitor to look for in the field that follows the Operator field.


Select a mathematical operator, such as Equal To or Greater Than.


(Optional) Select a character to close the SQL statement. The character is used to signify the end of a group or block of parts in the Where clause that work together to test a condition.

Oper (operator)

Select a value to concatenate multiple Where clause conditions. The options are: AND, OR, or blank. You leave it blank only if you enter one SQL criterion.

Click to jump to parent topicImplementing Self-Service Web Components

This section provides an overview of PeopleSoft Receivables self-service components and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Self-Service Web Components

Self-service web components provide your employees, customers, and individuals outside of your organization with secure and convenient access to information.

PeopleSoft delivers several self-service web components as templates. You can use PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Designer to modify these web components just as you would any application components.

PeopleSoft Receivables provides the following web components:




Provides details for individual items, including the amount, status, and reference information (such as the associated invoice number, payment ID, and contacts). It also provides links to actions and conversations associated with an item.


Provides a list of tasks assigned to individuals to take on an item and option to view the status for a task.

Note. Customers and brokers access the self-service web components from the Customer portal and sales people access the self-service web components from the Employee portal.


The user profile that you create for each individual who accesses your self-service web application determines the web pages that the user can access. You create user profiles in PeopleTools on the User Profiles component. You assign a role to each user profile and you link roles to permission lists. Each permission list identifies the pages that individuals assigned to a role can access. To modify the access for specific web pages for each role, you modify the permission list for the user’s role.

Note. If you modify a permission list, you change the access for all users who are assigned to roles to which the permission list is linked.

You also use the user profile to define the data to which the user has access. For example, you associate the user profile for a customer contact with a specific contact ID. When a customer logs on to the self-service web application, they receive access to item information only for the customers assigned to that contact ID.

PeopleSoft Receivables Roles

PeopleSoft Receivables provides self-service web pages for the following roles. We deliver sample definitions for each of these roles and have assigned sample permission lists to each role:

Sales people and brokers have access to self-service web pages where they can perform these tasks:

Customers have access to a self-service web page that enables them to view items.

Web Search Pages

The values that appear on the search results pages and search filter pages vary, based on the user’s role, just as they do in other PeopleSoft applications. We associated one or more of the roles that we deliver with each self-service role menu.

See the information about permission lists in the Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Security.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Brokers and Customers for Self-Service Transactions

You must perform several tasks to enable brokers and customers to use the self-service web pages. The setup defines which self-service web pages the brokers and customers can access and also identifies to which items they will have access.

To set up brokers and customers:

  1. Create separate permission lists for brokers and customers by using the Permission Lists component (ACCESS_CNTRL_LISTX).

    Use the following permission lists in the sample database as examples:

  2. Create separate roles for brokers, customers, and sales people by using the Roles component (ROLEMAINT).

    Use the following roles in the sample database as examples:

  3. Create a contact for each customer and broker on the Contact page.

  4. Enter the customers that are associated with the contact on the Contact Customer page.

    For broker contacts, you must also select the Broker Customer check box on the Self Service Security tab for the customers that correspond to the broker ID on the deductions that you want them to view.

    When a customer or broker contact accesses the Items component, the system displays items for only the customers that you enter.

  5. Link the contact to a user profile on the Contact User Profile page.

    The roles that you assign to the contact determine which self-service menus the contact can access. Assign the Customer role to your customer contacts and the Broker role to your broker contacts.

    Note. You can also use the User Profiles component to create a profile for a contact. If you use the User Profiles component, select Customer Contact for the ID Type and then assign the appropriate contact ID to the Attribute Value.

  6. Set up the setID user preference for the user on the Define User Preferences - Overall Preferences page.

  7. For brokers, select the Broker Customer check box on the General Info page for the customer.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Security

Maintaining Contacts

Defining Overall User Preferences

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Sales People for Self-Service Transactions

You must perform several tasks to enable sales people to use the self-service web pages. The setup defines which self-service web pages the sales people can access and also identifies to which items they will have access.

To set up sales people for self-service transactions:

  1. Create an employee ID for each sales person on the Personal Data (Edit) page.

  2. Create a separate permission list for sales people.

    Use the EPAR2300 permission list in the sample database as an example.

  3. Create a role for sales people.

    Use the Sales Person role in the sample database as an example.

  4. Create a user profile for the sales person.

    Select Employee for the ID Type and then assign the appropriate employee ID to the Attribute value. Assign the Sales Person role to the user profile.

  5. Create a support team type for sales people on the Team Member Types page.

    You must enable the Is this a Sales Person? check box.

  6. Set up the sales person as a support team member on the Team Member Personal Data - Member Data page.

    Associate the same employee with the sales person as you did in the user profile.

  7. Assign the support team member to a support team type for sales people on the Team Member Personal Data - Member Commission page.

  8. Specify the setID user preference for the user on the Define User Preferences - Overall Preferences page.

The sales person for each item is one of the members of a sales support team. The system displays only items to which a sales person is assigned in the Sales Person 1 or Sales Person 2 fields for the item.

See Also

Working With Personal Data

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Security

Setting Up Customer Support Personnel

Defining Overall User Preferences