Using Commitment Control Processing in PeopleSoft Receivables

This chapter provides an overview of revenue estimate processing and discusses how to perform commitment control processing in PeopleSoft Receivables.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Revenue Estimate Processing

This section provides an overview of revenue estimate processing and discusses:

The role of PeopleSoft Receivables in the commitment control process is to create source transactions for the revenue entries in the control budgets. A budget in PeopleSoft Receivables is a fixed income allocation (that is, a revenue estimate) with two monetary buckets, a recognized revenue bucket and a collected revenue bucket. Recognized revenue is revenue that has been billed to the customer but for which payment has not yet been received. In other words, it is open receivables. Collected revenue is cash that has been received as payment. The combined amounts should eventually match the total estimated amount, which is your budget.

Most receivable functions that you perform update one of the two revenue buckets. In some cases, they update both. This diagram shows which functions update each revenue bucket.

Revenue Estimate processing in Receivables

You run the following processes to update the control budgets:

The Receivable Update Application Engine process (ARUPDATE) automatically runs the Revenue Estimate process and Budget Processor when it completes if you enabled commitment control for PeopleSoft Receivables. If you have errors in the source transaction or budget checking errors, you must run the Budget Processor after you correct the errors. If you choose to delete the activity's source transactions, you must rerun the Revenue Estimate process prior to running the Budget Processor again. You only need to rerun these processes if you have corrected errors.

Note. The Revenue Estimate process does not change the distribution of PeopleSoft Receivables accounting entries in PeopleSoft General Ledger. If you enabled commitment control for PeopleSoft Receivables and for the general ledger business unit associated with the receivables business unit, you must budget check the entries before you distribute them to PeopleSoft General Ledger.

See Also

Processing Source Transactions Against Control Budgets

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicThe Revenue Estimate Application Engine Process

The Revenue Estimate process uses the revenue accounting lines in the Item Distribution (PS_ITEM_DST) table to generate the source transactions for the control budget ledger. It generates one source transaction for each revenue line. If the activity does not generate a revenue line, the Revenue Estimate process searches the preceding activity for a revenue account and follows these rules:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecial Condition Handling During the Revenue Estimate Process

This section describes how the Revenue Estimate process generates source transactions for these special conditions:


If you have an overpayment (MT-05, WS-04, WS-05, or WS-06 item activities) and you leave the cash or credit on-account, the process does not create source transactions for the overpayment amount. When you apply the remaining cash or credit to an item, it updates the collected revenue bucket. However, if you write off an overpayment, the process updates both the recognized and collected revenue buckets.

Here is an example of revenue estimate entries for on-account overpayments:




Original 100.00 item



110.00 payment



Here is an example of revenue estimate entries for writing off an overpayment:




Original 100.00 item



110.00 payment



Write-off of 10.00



Note. You cannot combine cash and a credit memo when you create an overpayment. If you have an overpayment, the entire amount should come from cash or the entire amount should come from a credit memo. This is necessary because the system updates the buckets differently depending on whether the overpayment is from cash or a credit memo. If you combine them, it cannot determine how to update the buckets.


If you have an underpayment and you pay off the item and create an adjustment item, the process updates the collected revenue bucket with the full item amount at that time. When you pay for the adjustment of the item, the system does not create any further source transactions.

Here is an example of revenue estimate entries for an underpayment with an adjustment:




Original 100.00 item



90.00 payment and 10.00 adjustment



Apply 10.00 payment to the adjustment

No entries


When you have an underpayment and you write off the remainder of the item, the process creates one source transaction that updates the collected revenue bucket for the amount of the payment. It also creates another source transaction that debits the recognized bucket for the write-off.

Here is an example of revenue estimate entries for an underpayment and a write off:




Original 100.00 item



90.00 payment



10.00 write-off item




When you create the prepayment item (WS-04), the Revenue Estimate process does not create source transactions for the control budget. When you create the IT-01 item for the prepayment, the Revenue Estimate process generates the source transactions that update both the collected and the recognized bucket. It uses the accounts from the new item to create the entries.

Here is an example of revenue estimate entries for a prepayment:




100.00 Prepayment (WS-04)



100.00 Item (IT-01)



If you create prepayments using the draft worksheet, the process is the same except that it does not create the source transactions when you create the IT-01 item if the cash for the draft has not been recognized yet. When the cash is recognized at the discount date or at the due date, the process looks to see if an IT-01 item already exists for the prepayment and generates the source transactions. If you void, dishonor, or cancel the remittance for a draft with prepayments, the process reverses transactions only if the prepayment has already been applied to an item.

Draft Processing

When the process creates source transactions for the Pay an Item (DM-01), Write-off an Overpayment (DM-08), and Write-off an Underpayment (DM-09) activities on the draft worksheet, it places them in two holding tables (PS_ARCC_HLDTRN_HDR and PS_ARCC_HLDTRN_TBL) until the cash is recognized for the draft. When the cash is recognized either at the discount date or at the due date, it moves the source transactions from the holding tables to the application tables (PS_AR_CC_TRAN_HDR and PS_AR_CC_TRAN_TBL) that hold the source transactions for budget processing.

The process also uses the holding tables when you void or dishonor a draft or when you cancel a draft remittance.

Write-offs on Maintenance Worksheets and in Automatic Maintenance

If you write off an item on a maintenance worksheet or if the Automatic Maintenance Application Engine process (AR_AUTOMNT) writes off an item, the system uses the reason for the write-off item to determine which bucket to update. You define which buckets to update in the automatic entry type for the write-off system functions for maintenance groups.

Source Transactions for PeopleSoft Billing and PeopleSoft Contracts Items

If you enter your invoices (IT-01 or IT-02 items) in PeopleSoft Billing, PeopleSoft Receivables creates the source transactions for them in the recognized revenue bucket if PeopleSoft Receivables generates the accounting entries. When PeopleSoft Billing creates the accounting entries, PeopleSoft Receivables does not create the source transactions to update the recognized bucket. You must create the source transactions in PeopleSoft Billing.

When you a apply payment to an item interfaced from PeopleSoft Billing, the Revenue Estimate process uses the revenue lines in the PeopleSoft Billing accounting entry table (PS_BI_ACCT_ENTRY) to generate the source transactions for the collected bucket. The Revenue Estimate process creates the source transactions for the payments only after the billing source transactions have been budget checked. If the item has an associated contract line in PeopleSoft Contracts, then the process uses the revenue lines that reside on the PeopleSoft Contracts accounting line tables. PeopleSoft General Ledger updates and budget checks the recognized revenue lines for the budget when you post the PeopleSoft Contracts journals in PeopleSoft General Ledger. The process looks for the revenue lines in these tables to populate the revenue collected bucket:

  1. Contracts Accounting Line Projects table (PS_CA_ACCTG_LN_PC), which contains the revenue lines for rate-based contracts.

  2. Contracts Accounting Line table (PS_CA_ACCTG_LINE), which contains the revenue lines for amount based contracts.

    The process uses the most recent revenue entry that was posted for the contract line in the Contracts Accounting Line table (PS_CA_ACCTG_LINE). It is recommended that you use the same revenue distribution lines for amount-based contracts throughout the life of the contract. At least one revenue event must be posted in PeopleSoft Contracts before you apply the first payment to the item associated with the contract line. If there are no posted revenue lines for the contract line, the process does not update the collected revenue bucket and the process generates an error message.

    If you receive an error, you should post some revenue lines for the contract line in PeopleSoft Contracts, and then rerun the Revenue Estimate process.

Directly Journalled Payments

When you journal a payment directly to the general ledger, the system uses the information in the PS_PAY_MISC_DST table to update the recognized and collected buckets. There will be no source transactions for direct journals in the revenue estimate tables: PS_AR_CC_TRAN_HDR and PS_AR_CC_TRAN_TBL. Therefore, you do not need to run the Revenue Estimate process for directly journalled payments.

Realized Gains and Losses

If you apply a payment to an item in a foreign currency and there is either a realized gain or loss, the process creates an additional transaction to adjust the amount in the collected bucket.

Here is an example of revenue estimate entries for a transaction with realized gain or loss:




Original Item






Realized Gain or Loss



Unpost Groups

When you unpost a group, the Revenue Estimate process creates source transactions to reverse the original entries in the revenue budget.

Items with VAT

If an item contains a VAT amount or sales tax, only the base amount of the transaction updates the revenue buckets. For example, if the total item is 108.00 EUR and the VAT amount is 8.00 EUR, the process updates the revenue budgets with 100.00 EUR.

Multiple Revenue Lines

If an item has multiple revenue lines and it is completely paid by one payment, the system uses the same amounts for each revenue account as the original revenue lines.

If an item has multiple revenue lines and you make a partial payment, the system provides a page in the worksheet components where you can specify how to distribute the revenue amount. This page is available only if you selected Allow Manual Distribution in the Multiple Revenue Line field for the business unit. If you do not enable manual distribution, the system automatically prorates the payment amount across the remaining revenue balances.

See Also

Setting Up Item and Automatic Entry Types for Revenue Estimate Processing

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can run the revenue estimate processes, you must perform the following tasks:

  1. Enable commitment control accounting for PeopleSoft Receivables on the Installation Options - Installed Products page.

  2. Set up the system for commitment control accounting.

  3. Review the source transaction definition for the commitment control transactions for the Revenue Estimate process and for direct journal payments.

  4. If the system function for an item entry type specifies that the revenue estimate bucket is user-defined, specify which bucket to update for each entry reason.

  5. If the system function for an automatic entry type specifies that the revenue estimate bucket is user-defined, specify which bucket to update for each entry reason.

  6. Make sure the user-defined accounting lines (revenue lines) contain ChartFields in the control budget ledger.

  7. Define the defaults for revenue estimate processing for each business unit by tableSet on the Receivables Options - General 2 page.

  8. Disable PeopleSoft Billing and PeopleSoft Contracts on the Installed Products page if you do not have those products installed on your system.

    This improves performance, because the Revenue Estimate process does not search records in PeopleSoft Billing or PeopleSoft Contracts for revenue lines.

See Also

Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

Defining Additional General Options

Defining Options for Installed PeopleSoft Applications

Setting Up Basic Commitment Control Options

Setting Up Commitment Control Source Transaction Types

Click to jump to parent topicPerforming Commitment Control Processing

This section provides an overview of the commitment control process flow, an overview of budget checking error correction and warnings, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Commitment Control Process Flow

Perform these tasks for revenue estimate and budget checking processing:

Note. These steps do not apply to direct journal payments.

  1. Run the Receivable Update process to post groups, create accounting entries, create the source transactions, and budget check the source transactions.

    Note. The Receivables Update process runs the Revenue Estimate process and budget checks the transactions only if you have enabled commitment control for PeopleSoft Receivables and the general ledger business unit associated with the receivables business unit.

  2. (Optional) Review the source transactions.

  3. Correct errors in the source transactions if needed.

    For example, you might post some revenue lines for a contract line in PeopleSoft Contracts.

  4. Run the Revenue Estimate process again if you corrected errors in source transactions.

    In some cases, you need to unpost the original group and correct the accounting lines. If this is the case, you run the Receivable Update process to post the group again and it automatically runs the Revenue Estimate process.

    See Understanding Budget Checking Error Correction and Warnings.

    Note. You can run the Budget Processor process at the same time if you do not want to review the source transactions before you budget check the transactions.

  5. Run the Budget Processor process again if you corrected errors in the source transactions.

  6. View budget checking errors and warning exceptions and resolve them.

  7. Run the Budget Processor again if you corrected errors or overrode the exceptions.

See Also

Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator

Journalling Payments Directly to the General Ledger

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Budget Checking Error Correction and Warnings

Transactions typically fail the budget checking process because the amount of the source transactions exceeds the amount in the control budget and the commitment control option for the budget. If this occurs, you have two options:

A transaction could also fail because you provided a revenue account that is not in the revenue estimate budget. If this is the case, you need to perform the following tasks:

  1. Set the group that included the source transactions to unpost.

  2. Run the Receivable Update process, which reruns the Revenue Estimate process and the Budget Processor.

    The Revenue Estimate process deletes the source transactions and does not create new sources transactions.

  3. Recreate the items with the correct data.

  4. Run the Receivable Update process again, which reruns the Revenue Estimate process and the Budget Processor.

If you run the Budget Processor when you run the Receivable Update process or from the Budget Processor page, use the message log to see if you have received any warnings. Alternatively, go directly to the budget exception pages to see if you have any warnings. Select Only Warnings Exist in the Process Status field, when you search for exceptions to display only transactions with warnings.

If you budget check transactions from an online page, such as the Direct Journal Payments - Accounting Entries page or the Corrections page for the Revenue Estimate process, the system displays a warning message for any type of warning including the warning for negative expense budgets. Users must go to the appropriate budget exceptions page to determine the type of warning. If there is a warning status at the line level, you can drill directly down to the warning on the exception page by clicking the Budget Check Options button.

Note. You receive the warning message when you budget check transactions online only if you selected the Pop Up Error/Warning Message check box on the Installation Options - Commitment Control page.

See Also

Unposting Groups

Running Receivable Update

Defining PeopleSoft Receivables Processing Options

Running the Revenue Estimate Process

Running the Budget Processor

Entering and Posting Commitment Control Budget Journals

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements in This Section

Click the Revenue Line Source button to access the accounting entries inquiry page where you can review the original accounting entries for the item activity.

Note. This option is not available for transactions with errors on the Revenue Estimate Correction page.

Accounting Date

Displays the accounting date for the item activity.

Amount and Base Amount (for all source transactions)

Displays the total amount of the source transactions for the item in the entry currency and the base currency.

Amount (for a single source transaction)

Displays the entry amount and currency of the item activity.

Base Amount (for a single source transaction)

Displays the base amount and currency of the item activity.

Budget Date

Displays the default budget date for entries to the recognized bucket is the accounting date for the item. Although you can change the budget date, it is recommend that you do not. This keeps the entries in the control budget ledger synchronized with the entries to the actual ledger. For entries to the collected bucket, the default varies based on your selection on the Receivables Options - General 2 page for synchronizing budget dates. If you selected Yes, the date for entries to the collected bucket matches the date for entries to the recognized bucket for the item. Otherwise, it is the accounting date for the current transaction. We recommend that the budget date for entries to the two buckets be the same so that the entries fall in the same budget period.

Budget Status (for all activity source transactions)

Displays the status of all the source transactions in the budget checking process. Values are:

Error: At least one of the source transactions failed to pass budget checking.

Not Chk'd (not checked): The Budget Processor has not processed the source transactions.

Valid: All the source transactions passed budget checking and the process created the journal lines in the ledger.

Budget Status (for a single source transaction)

Displays the status of a single budget line entry. Values are:

Error: The budget line failed to pass budget checking.

Not Chk'd (not checked): The Budget Processor has not processed the line.

Valid: The budget line passed budget checking and the process created the journal line in the ledger.

Warning: The Budget Processor issued a warning for a line, but also updated the control budget ledger.

Entry Type and Reason

Displays the entry type and reason that you assigned to the item activity.

GL Unit

Displays the general ledger unit that is linked to the receivables business unit for the item.

Group Unit, Group ID, and Group Type

Displays the business unit and ID for the group, and the group type for the item activity.

Ledger Grp (ledger group) and Ledger

Displays the General ledger group and ledger for the entries. These values appear only if the process created multibook entries.

Posted Date

Displays the date that you posted the item activity.

Rev Estimate (revenue estimate)

Indicates whether the source transactions for the item activity updated the Collected, Recognized, or Both buckets.


Displays the sequence number for the item in the item group.


Indicates whether source transactions passed the revenue estimate process successfully, or if they were in error. If an error exists, the Status field displays the reason. Values are:

Corrected: You corrected the source transactions on the Revenue Estimate Correction page.

Error: A source transaction has an unknown error.

Gen by BI (generated by billing): The process did not find revenue lines for invoices, credit memos, debit memos, or overdue charge invoices (IT-01, IT-02, or FC-01 activities) in the PS_ITEM_DST table, but it found them in the PS_BI_ACCT_ENTRY table. The process does not need to generate the source transactions because PeopleSoft Billing generates them for the recognized revenue bucket.

Out of BU (out of business unit): The process could not create the source transactions because the item was transferred out of the business unit. The accounts were not available to update.

Processed: The process successfully generated source transactions for the item.

No Itm Rev (no item revenue lines): The process could not create the source transactions because no item revenue lines were associated with the current item activity or with the previous item activity.

Transferred: The process could not create the source transactions because it could not find the from item for a transferred item. (The process obtains the revenue accounts from the from item).

No Rev: The process could not create the source transactions because no user-defined revenue lines were set up for the item entry type or automatic entry type that you associated with the system function.

Skip: The system skips the request when the process runs.

Err Exists (error exists): The process could not create the source transactions because an error exists in a prior activity that affects the current activity. Correct the errors and run the process again.

View/Update Conversations

Click to access the Conversations page where you view conversations associated with the item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used for Commitment Control Processing

Page Name

Object Name



Revenue Estimate Review


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Revenue Estimates, Review Transactions by Item, Revenue Estimate Review

View source transactions that the Revenue Estimate process created for all activities for an item. You can view both completed transactions and transactions with errors. However, you can change only the budget date for the transactions.

Revenue Estimate by Activity


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Revenue Estimates, Review Trans by Activity, Revenue Estimate by Activity

View source transactions that the Revenue Estimate process created for a single item activity. You can view both completed transactions and transactions with errors. However, you can change only the budget date for the transactions.

Revenue Estimate Correction


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Revenue Estimate, Correct Transactions, Revenue Estimate Correction

Correct source transactions for the commitment control ledger that have errors. You can also flag the transactions to bypass budget checking before you process them or if they fail budget checking.

Revenue Estimate


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Revenue Estimates, Create Transactions, Revenue Estimate

Re-create the source transactions for the control budget and optionally budget check the transactions.

Budget Processor


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Revenue Estimates, Budget Check Transactions, Budget Processor

Rerun the Budget Processor process independently of the Revenue Estimate process.

Revenue Estimate Exceptions


Commitment Control, Review Budget Check Exceptions, Revenues, Revenue Estimate, Revenue Estimate Exceptions

View budget checking errors or warning exceptions for receivables source transactions. Users who have authority can also override the budget error exceptions.

Refine Inquiry Criteria (transaction exceptions)


Click Advanced Budget Criteria on the Revenue Estimate Exceptions or Misc Payment Exceptions pages.

Refine selection criteria for budgets to view.

Commitment Control


Click the Budget Check Details button on the Revenue Estimate Exceptions or the Misc Payment Exceptions pages.

View details about a source transaction with exceptions, including the amount type and override information.

Receivables Revenue Estimate Line Drill Down


Click the View Exception Details button on the Revenue Estimate Exception page for a specific budget line.

View line details for receivables items with budget exceptions.

Line Exceptions


Commitment Control, Review Budget Check Exceptions, Revenues, Revenue Estimate, Line Exceptions

View individual transaction lines in a receivables source transaction with budget checking errors or warning exceptions.

Exception Details (lines)


Click the View Exception Details button on the Line Exceptions page for the source transaction.

View budget and exception details for a transaction line.

Misc Payment Exceptions


Commitment Control, Review Budget Check Exceptions, Revenues, Direct Journal, Misc Payment Exceptions

View individual transaction lines in a source transaction for a direct journal payment with budget checking errors or warning exceptions.

Receivables Miscellaneous Payment Line Drill Down


Click the View Exception Details button on the Misc Payment Exception page for a specific budget line.

View line details for direct journal payments with budget error exceptions.

Direct Journal Exceptions - Line Exceptions


Commitment Control, Review Budget Check Exceptions, Revenues, Direct Journal, Line Exceptions

View individual transaction lines in a source transaction for a direct journal payment with budget checking errors or warning messages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Revenue Estimate Entries

Access the Revenue Estimate Review page or the Revenue Estimate by Activity page.

Use the Item Activity scroll area to view each activity for an item on the Revenue Estimate Review page. Use the Revenue Estimate scroll area to see source transactions for an item activity. The Revenues grid displays information for each source transaction.

Click the Budget Check button to run the Budget Processor, which checks the source transactions and creates the entries in the revenue bucket for the budget. This button is available only if the transactions have no revenue estimate errors. It is not available if you already ran the Budget Processor.

Note. The system displays a warning message if transactions passed budget checking but receive a warning status.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCorrecting Revenue Estimate Entries

Access the Revenue Estimate Correction page.

The page shows the source transactions for a single item activity. It shows only transactions with errors from the Revenue Estimate process or the Budget Processor.

Revenue Estimate

The Revenue Estimate group box displays information about the source transactions that the Revenue Estimate process generated.

Click the Delete Revenue Estimates button to delete all the source transactions for the item activity. This resets the Revenue Estimate process so that it can process the activity again. This button is not available if the Correction Complete check box is selected.

Note. If you delete an individual line, it will not update the control budget.

Click the Budget Check button to run the Budget Processor, which checks the source transactions and creates entries in the revenue bucket for the budget. This button is available only after you correct the errors and select Correction Complete. It is not available if you have already run the process.

Note. The system displays a warning message if transactions passed budget checking but receive a warning status.

Click the Budget Check Options button to open the Commitment Control page where you can flag the source transactions in error to bypass budget checking. You must have authority to override budget checking. Click the Go to Transaction Exception link on the Commitment Control page to go to the budget exception page to view details about the a budget checking error or warning. This button appears only if the item activity has a budget checking error.

Correction Complete

Select after you correct the errors so that the Budget Processor will check the source transactions the next time you run the process.

Max/Min Rev Amount (maximum or minimum revenue amount)

Displays the minimum or maximum amount permitted for the activity. You receive an error message when you save the page if the total of the revenue estimate lines exceeds the maximum or minimum revenue amount. If the activity credits revenue, the amount cannot exceed the maximum amount. If the activity debits revenue, the amount cannot exceed the minimum amount.


The Revenues grid displays information for each source transaction. Change information in this grid as needed to correct the transaction.

The Revenue Estimate process may generate errors for several reasons. The following table lists the reasons and the corresponding resolutions.



You transferred the item from one business unit to another. Since different business units might use different revenue accounts, the process does not know which revenue accounts to use.

Enter the revenue accounts manually.

The system could not find revenue lines for the current item activity or in a previous activity for the item.

Enter the revenue lines manually.

The process could not find the From transfer information for a transferred item.

Enter the revenue lines manually.

You applied a payment to an item that was interfaced from PeopleSoft Billing and the item has an associated contract line in PeopleSoft Contracts for an amount-based contract. The process could not find any revenue lines for the contract in the PeopleSoft Contracts PS_CA_ACCTG_LINE table.

You must first post some revenue lines for the contract line in PeopleSoft Contracts and then run the Revenue Estimate process again.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Revenue Estimate Process

Access the Revenue Estimate page.

From Date and To

Enter the beginning and ending accounting date of the item activities to include in the run.

Send Transactions Generated

Select to run the Budget Processor automatically immediately following the revenue estimate process.

Specify Transaction Type

Select the source transaction type that the budget processor uses to read the source data and to perform budget checking. The page displays the default source transaction type specified on the Receivables Options - General 2 page. This check box is available only if you select the Send Transactions Generated check box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Budget Processor

Access one of the following pages to run the Budget Processor:

See Also

Running the Revenue Estimate Process

Reviewing Revenue Estimate Entries

Correcting Revenue Estimate Entries

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Budget Checking Exceptions for Revenue Estimate Source Transactions

Access the Revenue Estimate Exceptions page.

Use the pages in the Revenue Estimate component (KK_XCP_AR1) to review the budget exceptions and if you have authority to override specific budgets for a failed transaction, as well as all budgets for a failed transaction.

Click the View Related Links button at the top of the page to open a page that has the following options:

Go to Source Entry and Go to Source Adjustment: Opens the Revenue Estimate - Correction page, where you can change the source transaction and run the Budget Processor process.

Go to Source Inquiry: Opens the Revenue Estimate - Review page, where you can view the source transaction and run the Budget Processor process.

The process to use the Revenue Estimate component is similar to using the Generic Exceptions component (KK_XCP_GEN).

See Also

Viewing and Handling Budget Transaction Exceptions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Direct Journal Exceptions

Access the Misc Payment Exceptions page.

Use the pages in the Direct Journal component (KK_XCP_AR2) to review the budget exceptions. If you have authority, use the pages to override specific budgets for a failed transaction, as well as all budgets for a failed transaction.

Click the View Related Links button at the top of the page to open a page that has links to the Directly Journalled Payments page, where you can change the source transaction and run the Budget Processor process.

The process to use the Direct Journal component is similar to using the Generic Exceptions component.

See Also

Viewing and Handling Budget Transaction Exceptions