Aging Receivables Items

This chapter provides an overview of the Aging Application Engine process (AR_AGING), lists prerequisite tasks and common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Aging Application Engine Process

The Aging process is part of the Aging Preprocessor multiprocess job (ARAGE).

The Aging Preprocessor multiprocess job (ARAGE) includes:

See Setting Up Parallel Processing for Aging.

The Aging process updates summary aging information that appears on various inquiry pages. Management and collection departments rely on aging to identify delinquent accounts and to assess possible cash flow issues.

The Aging process also updates the Due and High Due history IDs.

This section discusses:

See Also

Customer History Calculations in the Aging Process

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicThe Commit Cycle

When you run the Aging process, aging occurs in two phases:

Phase two is wrapped into one commit; therefore, database integrity remains intact, regardless of how you proceed after a problem.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIn Use Customers

When you run the Aging process, it marks the customers as In Use, by updating the process instance on the Customer Data (CUST_DATA) table with the process instance of the current job.

Note. If In Use customers are encountered (that is if the process instance is less than or greater than zero) during the Aging process, the aging run is not aborted. The In Use customers are simply not aged, while the rest of the customers in the requested business units are aged normally. After you determine the reason the customer is an In Use customer and correct the problem, run the aging request again.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Perform these tasks before you run the Aging process:

You should also apply all of your payments to items and run the Receivable Update Application Engine process (ARUPDATE).

See Also

Setting Up History and Aging

Defining General Options

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Element Used in This Chapter

Aging ID

Defines the aging categories into which you want transactions broken down. Also defines how the system ages disputed items.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Aging Process

This section provides an overview of aging run controls and discusses how to:

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The Aging process automatically processes all customers in all business units specified on the aging request. You can use a different method known as chunking, which enables you to process large sets of data more efficiently by breaking them into subsets or smaller units of work. You can chunk by collector, credit analyst, and receivables (AR) specialist.

To use chunking when you run the Aging process:

  1. Create a run control ID for the Aging Preprocessor multiprocess job on the Aging Request page.

  2. Modify the PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Engine steps for each AR_AGE# process on the Application Engine Request page.

    For example if you have three partitions, you define the parameters for AR_AGE1, AR_AGE2, and AR_AGE3.

  3. Return to the Aging Request page to run the process.

In most cases, you probably will run the Aging Preprocessor multiprocess job by using a scheduled job.

The name that you choose for any run control ID is significant. If you want to run aging as a separate process, we recommend that the name that you select for the run control ID be unique, such as ARAGING. Otherwise, if another Application Engine process is using the same combination of user ID and run control ID, your request for aging receivables is added to an existing request as another job step.

Warning! We do not recommend running multiple concurrent instances of aging unless you have planned the process very carefully. If you do, you must work with a unique set of customers and you might still encounter database contention issues. In addition, we do not recommend running the Aging and Receivable Update processes at the same time, because they both update customer data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run the Aging Process

Page Name

Object Name





Accounts Receivable, Receivable Analysis, Aging, Request Aging Process, Aging Request

Enter run control parameters for the Aging Preprocessor multiprocess job and run the job.

Application Engine Request


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Request Application Engine, Application Engine Request

Enter additional parameters for aging for each AR_AGE# process, such as parameters for smaller units of data or to narrow the scope of aging.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Run Control ID for Aging

Access the Aging page.

Select the business units.

Process SubCustomer

Select to update aging and history at subcustomer levels for all customers in the business unit for which subcustomer history is enabled.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Parameters to an Aging Request

Access the Application Engine Request page.

Use the State Record, Bind Variable Name, and Value fields to define exactly what data that you want to age. This enables you to process smaller units of data. Add as many rows as needed.

Using Chunking in Aging

If you have a large number of customers to age, use chunking to run the Aging process for a smaller group of customers. You can group customers by business unit or by a value that is associated with each customer on the Item record (ITEM), such as collector, AR Specialist, or credit analyst. This table provides descriptions and sample field values for how to do this:

Chunking Description

Sample Field Values

Age customers one business unit at a time.

State Record: RA_AGING_AET

Bind Variable Name: AE_CHUNK_BY

Value: BU

Age customers associated with a specific collector.

The system processes collectors individually, marking each customer with items that are associated with a particular collector. For example, suppose that Collector A is associated with items for customers 1, 5, and 10 and that Collector B is associated with items for customers 7 and 9. The customers for Collector A (1, 5, 10) form the first chunk, and the customer for Collector B (7, 9) form the second chunk.

State Record: RA_AGING_AET

Bind Variable Name: AE_CHUNK_BY


Age customers by associated collector and chunk collectors in groups of 10.

First row:

State Record: RA_AGING_AET

Bind Variable Name: AE_CHUNK_BY


Second row:

State Record: RA_AGING_AET

Bind Variable Name: AE_CHUNK_SIZE

Value: 10

Narrowing the Scope of Aging

This table describes how to narrow the scope of aging:


Sample Field Values

Age only those customers who have been active since you ran the last Aging process.

State Record: RA_AGING_AET

Bind Variable Name: RA_RUN_OPTION


Age only those customers who have not been aged since you ran the last Aging process.

State Record: RA_AGING_AET

Bind Variable Name: AGED_PI

Value: (value of last process instance)

Combining Narrowing and Chunking

You can combine chunking and narrowing by adding more rows to this page. For example, you could limit aging to only those customers with activity and also use a chunking method that limits processing to one business unit at a time.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Aging Reports

This section provides an overview of aging reports and discusses how to:

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The aging ID that you select on the run control page for the aging reports determines how to age the items.

The aging buckets on the aging reports show the amount of the items due in the aging category. The name of each bucket matches the description that you gave the category on the Aging page. For example, suppose that the description of a category for items that are 10 to 20 days old is 10 – 20, then the column heading reads: 10 – 20.

Amounts that fall under the Other column are for items whose age does not fall into any of the categories that you defined on the Aging page. For example, suppose that you have a category for items 1 to 10 days old and a category for items 21 to 30 days old, any items that are 11 to 20 days old appear in the Other column.

See Also

Setting Up Aging

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Element Used in This Section

Display Option

Select the type of items that you want to include in the aging report. Values are: Include All, Collections Only, Deductions Only, or Disputes Only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Generate Aging Reports

Page Name

Object Name



Aging Detail by Unit


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Analysis, Aging, Aging Detail by Unit Rpt, Aging Detail by Unit

Define the run parameters for the Aging Detail by Unit report (AR30003). Use the report to see aged open balances for all items in a business unit in either the base currency or the entry currency.

Aging Detail by Tree


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Analysis, Aging, Aging Detail by Tree Rpt, Aging Detail by Tree

Define the run parameters for the Aging Detail by Tree report (AR30001). Use the report to see aged open balances for all items associated with a tree structure in the base currency of the business unit. You can run the report using these trees in the sample database or using trees with a structure similar to these trees: AR CORP CUST, AR BUSINESS UNITS, COLLECTOR, CR ANALYST, and SALES PERSON.

Aging Summary by Unit


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Analysis, Aging, Aging Summary by Unit Rpt, Aging Summary by Unit

Define the run parameters for the Aging Summary by Unit report (AR30004). Use the report to see aged open balances for every customer in a business unit in either the base currency or the entry currency of the unit.

Aging Summary by Tree


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Analysis, Aging, Aging Summary by Tree Rpt, Aging Summary by Tree

Define the run parameters for the Aging Summary by Tree report (AR30002). Use the report to see aged open balances for every customer associated with a tree structure in the base currency of the business unit. You can run the report for these trees: AR CORP CUST, AR BUSINESS UNITS, COLLECTOR, CR ANALYST, and SALES PERSON.

Aging by Chartfield


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Analysis, Aging, Aging by Chartfield Rpt, Aging by Chartfield

Define the run parameters for the Aging by ChartField report (AR30006). Use this report to see aged receivables by customer, item, and ChartField selection.

Run AR30007


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Analysis, Aging, Aging by Reason Rpt, Run AR30007

Define run parameters for the Summary Aged by Reason Code report (AR30007). Use the report to see aged open balances for deductions, items in collection, or disputed items for every customer in a business unit in either the base currency of the unit or the entry currency.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Aging Summary By ChartField Report

Access the Aging by Chartfield page.

Report Option

Select the level of report detail. Values are:

Detail: Includes the individual item detail within a customer.

Summary: Summarizes information by customer.


Click to display a list of ChartFields in the Field Long Name column.

ChartField Selection

Use the ChartField Selection group box to determine which items are included in the aging totals. The process ages items that have distribution lines that include the ChartField values that you entered.

ChartField Name

Displays a list of ChartFields.


Select the ChartField for which you want to subtotal amounts.

Value and To Value

Select the range of ChartField values for each ChartField for the items that you want to age. If you do not enter any values, the system automatically ages all items that have any AR account value in the distribution lines.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Summary Aged by Reason Code Report

Access the Run AR30007 page.

You can run this report for a specific reason or all reasons. Depending on your selection in the Display Option field, the reason that you enter varies.