Interfacing With U. S. Federal Systems

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topic(USF) Referring Delinquent Items to the DMS

This section provides an overview of the delinquent debt referral process, lists prerequisites and common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Delinquent Debt Referral Process

The Debt Collection Improvement Act (DCIA) requires that any non-tax debt or claim owed to the United States that has been delinquent for a period of 180 days shall be turned over to the DMS of the U.S. Department of Treasury for appropriate action. This is known as cross-servicing. Debts less than 180 days delinquent can be voluntarily submitted to private collection agencies and agency Debt Collection Centers (DCCs). These are referred to as pass through debts.

Using the PeopleSoft Receivables delinquent accounts feature, you can:

You can verify that each process runs successfully by viewing the log files for errors.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before creating debt referral files:

  1. Enable DMS processing by selecting the DMS Interface check box on the Installation Options - Receivables page.

  2. Enter business unit-level DMS data on the DMS Information page.

  3. Enter customer DMS information in the DMS Customer 1, DMS Customer 2, and DMS Customer 3 pages.

See Also

(USF) Defining Debt Management Information

Defining Receivables Installation Options

Entering Customer DMS Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements in This Section

Admin Debt Classification (administrative debt classification)

Select the appropriate value for credit bureau reporting. Values are: Employee Advance, Fee, Fine, Miscellaneous Debt, Overpayment, and Penalty.

Business Unit

Enter the business unit for which you want to select items for referral. Generally, you process referrals monthly for a given business unit.

Program ID

Enter a code that enables the DMS to group related debts in their system for processing under specific business rules.

Referral Type

Select the type of referral for the items. Values are:

Passthrough: Debts for referral to the Debt Management Service Center (DMSC) and Financial Management Service (FMS) system for referral to Private Collection Agencies (PCAs) under existing FMS contracts.

Cross-Servicing: Debts for referral to the DMS for general collection activities.

Destination File Name

Enter the file path and file name of delinquent account file that you are creating.

Secured Debt

Select to indicate that the debt is secured with collateral.

Manual Selection

Select to refer debts that are less than 180 days.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Refer Delinquent Items to the Debt Management Service

Page Name

Object Name



View/Update Item Details - Detail 1


  • Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information, View/Update Item Details, Detail 1

  • Click the View Detail button for an item on the Select Referral items page.

View item information and access the DMS Information page.

DMS Information


Click the DMS Information link on the View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page.

Update DMS information for the item.

Select Referral Items


Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Delinquent Accounts, Select Referral Items, Select Referral Items

Select items to be referred to the DMS.

Create Referral File


Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Delinquent Accounts, Create Referral File, Create Referral File

Create a file of referred debt for submission to the DMS.

Create Adjustment File


Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Delinquent Accounts, Create Adjustment File, Create Adjustment File

Create a file of subsequent collections and adjustments of previously referred debt.

Process Receipts


Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Delinquent Accounts, Process Receipts, Process Receipts

Process an inbound file of collections or adjustments against previously referred debt.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Items for Referral

Access the Select Referral Items page.

Select a business unit and referral type. The system processes one file for each business unit and referral type combination.

The page displays delinquent items for referral.

Viewing Item-Level Information

For each item listed in the grid, you can view the business unit, item ID, customer ID, and due date.

Click the View Detail button for an item to access the View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page and access and change the DMS information for the item.

Selected Flag

Select to mark individual items for referral.

Viewing and Adjusting DMS Information

Select the DMS Detail tab to view the DMS Information for the item. This information is automatically populated based on the business unit and customer DMS setup. You can override these default values as needed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Debt Management Referral File

Access the Create Referral File page.

Select the business unit for which you want to create the referral file, the referral type you want to process (Cross-Servicing or Passthrough), and enter the file path and name for the destination file.

Run the DMS Referral process to create the referral file for the DMS.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Debt Adjustment File

Access the Create Adjustment File page.

Select the business unit and enter the destination file path and name.

Run the DMS Adjustment process. This process generates a file of subsequent adjustments or collections for debt previously referred to the DMS.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Receipts from the Debt Management Service

Access the Process Receipts page.

Attached File

Displays the name of the file received from the DMS.

Click the Add Attachment button to browse for the file to attach. Once you have located the file, click the Upload button to load the file.

Click the Delete Attachment button to delete the currently selected attachment.

Click the View Attachment button to view the currently selected attachment.

Run the DMS Process Receipts process to insert delinquent account data from the DMS into the Pending Item PS_PENDING_ITEM table using the DMS Inbound process.

Completing the Process Receipts Process

To complete the Process Receipts process:

  1. Check the message log for errors.

  2. View the group using the External Pending Item Entry component (ENT_EXTAID_UPDT) and select a posting action for the group.

  3. Run the Receivable Update Application Engine process (ARUPDATE) to post the pending items.

See Also

Entering Pending Items

Click to jump to parent topic(USF) Submitting Transactions Between Agencies Using the IPAC System

This section provides an overview of IPAC processing, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding IPAC Processing

The IPAC system is maintained by the U.S. Department of Treasury for intra-governmental transactions. The IPAC system transmits billing information electronically, using a formatted file, to the U. S. Department of Treasury specifications so that bills and payments can be applied to the correct account. If your organization requires that you use the IPAC system, you can use PeopleSoft Receivables to create an extract file with receivables data that you send to the U. S. Department of Treasury. You create a request to collect funds from customers that are federal agencies by creating a flat file in PeopleSoft Receivables and sending the file online or in a bulk file connection to the IPAC system.

PeopleSoft Receivables supports four types of IPAC transactions:

The system includes transactions in the file only if they are marked as Not Processed in the IPAC record.

This graphic shows the flow of the IPAC information.

IPAC processing

See Also

Changing and Reviewing Item Information

Selecting EFT Layouts

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you export PeopleSoft Receivables transactions to IPAC:

  1. Enable the IPAC interface on the Installation Options - Receivables page.

  2. Assign an IPAC billing agency location code and sender DO (disbursing office) to a setID for each business unit.

  3. When defining customers, select the options for the IPAC interface and the customer agency location code.

  4. Select a primary IPAC contact for each customer.

If you want to automatically populate the SGL account information, you must perform these tasks:

  1. Create entry event codes that include the WS-01 step for the ARUPDATE entry even process on the Entry Event Code Definition page.

  2. Add two ChartField attributes for accounts to which IPAC processing applies on the ChartField Attributes page:

When you run the Receivable Update process (ARUPDATE), the system compares the GL accounts in the entry event code definition to the Account ChartField attributes to determine whether IPAC processing applies and if so uses the four-character GL account that you enter for the USSGL attribute value to populate the SGL Account fields.

See Also

Defining General Options

Defining Receivables Installation Options

Adding Customer Names and Levels and Assigning Roles

Maintaining Contacts

Defining Entry Event Codes

Defining and Using Account Types and Attributes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Submit Transactions Between Agencies Using IPAC

Page Name

Object Name



View/Update Item Details - Detail 1


Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information, View/Update Item Details, Detail 1

Change information about open and closed items.

Receivable IPAC Transactions


Click the Transfer to IPAC Transactions link on the View/Update Item Details - Detail 1 page.

Enter information required by IPAC.

IPAC Description


Click the Description link on the Receivable IPAC Transactions page.

Enter a detailed description for an IPAC transactions.

IPAC Miscellaneous Description


Click the Misc Info (miscellaneous information) link on the Receivable IPAC Transactions page.

Enter additional text to describe an IPAC transaction and additional sender and receiver information.

Override Options


PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Processes, Override Options

Enter override options for the Format EFT File process.

AR IPAC Run Request


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Request IPAC Interface, AR IPAC Run Request

Run the Format EFT File process, which creates a file that can be uploaded into IPAC.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering IPAC Information for an Item

Access the Receivable IPAC Transactions page.

Some of the information displayed on this page comes from the default values for IPAC that you assigned to business units, customers, and contacts. You can override the default values as needed.

Entering IPAC Header Information

Billing ALC (billing agency location code)

Displays the billing agency location code that you assigned to the setID for the business unit. Override the code if needed.

Customer ALC (customer agency location code)

Displays the agency location code that you assigned to the customer associated with the item. Override if needed.

Sender DO (sender disbursing office)

Displays the five-digit ID you assigned to the setID for the business unit. Override if needed.


Select an IPAC transaction type. Values are:

Collection: Use for new transactions that you are sending to the IPAC system.

Adjustment: Use for IPAC payment transactions received from another agency to add information and adjust the amount due. This option is not available if you initiated the transaction.

Post SGL: Use to add or change the SGL account information for prior transactions that you sent for collection.

Zero: Use for IPAC transactions that you have already sent to the IPAC system to change information other than the amount or the SGL account information.

None: Use for information purposes only. No data is sent to the Department of Treasury.

Note. The fields that require entry on the page vary based on the transaction type.


Click to validate that there are no previous transactions for the item and to create IPAC transactions. Any previously entered transactions for the item must have a process status of Processed. After you click the create button, the system enables data fields based on the IPAC record type selected.

If you click the Create button after IPAC detail records have been created, the system issues a message warning that the existing IPAC detail records for this IPAC transaction will be recreated. You can proceed or cancel the action.

Note. If you want to create additional IPAC transactions for an item that has prior transactions with a Processed status, you must insert a new record and IPAC type prior to clicking the Create button.

Total Amount

Displays the total amount of the IPAC transaction for all item lines.

Entering IPAC Details

Only the Original Line Item Number field is available for adjustment types. No other fields are available.

Sender TAS (sender treasury account symbol)

Enter the account number assigned by the U. S. Department of Treasury to classify transactions. Indicates the agency that initiated the billing.

Receiver TAS (receiver treasury account symbol)

Enter the account of the fund that will receive the payment.

Receiver Dept (receiver department)

Displays the receiver department code of the customer.

Trace ID

Displays the user-assigned identification number to enable back-end systems to match transactions.

Cross Ref Doc (cross reference document)

Displays the document reference number on the header of the original transaction. This field appears only for zero dollar transaction types.

Original Line # (original line number)

Displays the detail line number from the original transaction used for adjustments only.


Click to add information about the IPAC description.

Misc Info (miscellaneous information)

Click to add additional information about the transaction.


Displays the quantity amount that can be used to verify that the amount on each IPAC detail record equals the quantity times unit price, except for the Zero Dollar record type.

UOM (unit of measure)

Displays the units by which goods and services are measured. Not available for adjustment type.

Unit Price

Displays the total amount of each IPAC unit, which is quantity multiplied by unit price. Required for payment and collection.

Obligation Doc (obligation document)

Displays the billing agency's internal accounting document associated with a specific bill.

Final Pay

Select to indicate if a payment is final (F) or partial (P).


Displays a unique number used to identify a contract between two trading partners.

Contract Line

Displays a contract line item number.


Displays if a payment is from a requisition or a partial payment.

PO ID (purchase order ID)

Displays a purchase order number. Required for IPAC collections. A PO must exist before IPAC is created.

ACL/CD (account classification code/code)

Displays a project code and is supplied to the billing agency by the customer on the original request for services.

ACRN (account classification reference number)

Appears for adjustment type only.


Not available for adjustment type.

JAS (job agency site)

Displays a combination of job order number, accounting classification record number, and site ID.

FSN (fiscal station number)

Displays an eight-digit number identifying the subdivision of an agency location code.

DoD Activity (activity address code)

Displays the activity address code.

Contact Name and Contact Phone

Displays information about the primary IPAC contact that you assigned to a customer.

Entering IPAC SGL Information

If you entered an entry event code for the item in PeopleSoft Billing or during pending item entry on the Pending Item 1 page, the Receivable Update process populates the fields in the SGL Information grid. You can override the values if needed. If you did not enter an entry event code, you must enter SGL account information for Post SGL transaction types, and you can optionally enter SGL account information for the Collection and Adjustment transaction types. The SGL information fields are not available for zero dollar transaction types.

SGL Account (standard general ledger account)

Enter a chart of accounts used by the U.S. Department of Treasury for central agency reporting.

Dr/Cr (debit/credit)

Select a debit or credit, which determines the type of amount entered. Upon saving, the system validates that the total debit amount is equal to the total credit amount.

SGL Amount

Enter an SGL amount. The Dr/Cr field determines the type of amount entered. Used to verify that the total SGL debit amount is equal to the total SGL credit amount. Also verifies that the individual SGL amount is no greater than the amount on the IPAC detail record

Sender/Receiver Flag

Select a value to indicate whether the SGL account information for the line is for the Sender (your agency) or the Receiver (the customer’s agency).

Federal Flag

Select a value to indicate whether the SGL account information for the line is Federal or Non-Fed (non-federal).

SGL Action

Select a value that indicates the action for the line. Values are:

Add: Indicates this is a new line.

Edit: Indicates this is a changed line.

For Post SGL transaction types, the action is Edit for existing lines and Add for new lines. For Adjustment transaction types, the action is Edit even though there are no existing rows.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Additional IPAC Information

Access the IPAC Miscellaneous Description page.

Enter comments about the collection request in the text box.

Fiscal Year Obligation ID

Select a value to indicate the fiscal year of the obligation. Values are: Not Applicable, Current Fiscal Year, and Prior Fiscal Year.

Sender BETC (sender business event type code) and Recvr BETC (receiver business event type code)

Enter the code used in the Governmentwide Accounting and Modernization Project (GWA) system to indicate the type of activity being reported, such as payments, collections, and so on. This code must accompany the Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) and the dollar amounts to classify the transaction against the fund balance with the Treasury.

Sender DUNS (sender Dun and Bradstreet number) and Recvr DUNS (receiver Dun and Bradstreet number)

Enter the Dun and Bradstreet number used to identify the sender (your agency) or the receiver (the customer’s agency).

Sender DUNS4 and Recvr DUNS4 (receiver DUNS4)

Enter the four-character identifier that, along with the DUNS number, identifies individual business locations for federal vendors and federal customers.

The fields that are available on this page vary based on the IPAC transaction type. This table shows the fields that are available based on the IPAC type:

IPAC Transaction Type

Available Fields


All fields.


All fields except Sender DUNS, Sender DUNS4, Receiver DUNS, and Receiver DUNS4.

Zero Dollar

All fields except Fiscal Year Obligation ID, Sender BETC, and Receiver BETC.

Post SGL

Only the text box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Override Options for the Format EFT File Process

Access the Override Options page.

If you run PeopleSoft Receivables on a DB2 database on a Microsoft Windows NT or IBM OS390 server, you must manually insert an owner ID parameter in the list of parameters for the process definition before you can run the Format EFT Files process.

Parameters List

Enter Prepend.


In the Parameters field next to the Parameters List field, enter %%OWNERID%% :EFT_WRK_PARM1 as shown in the example above. Note that there is a space between the owner ID parameter ( %%OWNERID%%) and :EFT_WRK_PARM1.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Format EFT File SQR Process

Access the AR IPAC Run Request page.

IPAC Interface Options

Select an IPAC Interface option: Values are: Generate for All Units, Generate for One Unit, Generate for One Customer, and Rerun for Previous Job.

Click to jump to parent topic(USF) Reclassifying Receivables Accounting Entries, Direct Journal Accounting Entries, and Open Items

To set up agency location codes (ALCs) and government wide accounting (GWA) reporting options for reporting, use the Agency Location component (AGENCY_LOC_CD).

To create Partial SF224 reports, use the SF224/ SF1220 Report Definition component (SF224_SF1220_DEFN).

This section provides an overview of Partial SF224 reporting and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Partial SF224 Reporting

The Financial Systems Integration Office (FSIO) has issued Core Systems Requirements that impact the SF224 report and the electronic interface that is used to report cash receipt and cash disbursement activity by Agency Location Code (ALC) to the U.S. Treasury. The FSIO Core System Requirements are based on new Governmentwide Accounting (GWA) Partial 224 Business Rules . The GWA business rules set the stage for ultimately phasing out the SF-224 report over the next several years to be replaced by the Partial SF224 report. The new GWA Business Rules dictate how specific activity is to be excluded from SF224 reporting as the U.S. Treasury systems are modified in the future. When agencies can finally report cash activity by the Business Event type Codes (BETC), the agencies will report only non-BETC coded cash activity and cash reclassifications using the Partial SF224 report.

The U. S. Treasury will be implementing the BETC for federal agencies to use to identify and report specific information about cash receipt and disbursement transactions in lieu of that provided by the SF224 report. The BETC is being implemented by the U.S. Treasury during the next few years for IPAC (collections and payments), Cashlink II (collections), Electronic Certification System (payments), and for the Treasury Disbursement Office (TDO) systems.

Agency financial systems will be modified so that the BETC code can be specified for all cash transactions. The evolution of the BETC drives the need for agency financial systems in the short term to be configurable so as to identify those interfaces (IPAC, CA$HLINK, TDO Payments) as they are modified to pass BETC with the associated cash activity to the U.S. Treasury.

Note. The Partial 224 report will not be available for use until the U.S. Treasury implements BETC.

Contact the U.S. Treasury Financial Management Service (FMS) for its schedule for implementation of the BETC. Until such time as the BETC is implemented by the FMS, you must continue to produce the full SF224 - Statement of Cash Transactions report.

See Also

Defining, Generating, Creating, and Printing SF224, SF1219, and SF1220 Reports

(USF) Setting Up Agency Location Codes

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Object Name



Reclassify AR Accounting Entries


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Reclassify AR Entries

Change the fund associated with posted accounting entries. You can reclassify the entire stream of the transaction. The reclassification entries are recorded into the PS_ITEM_DST table with a sequence number starting from 600.

Reclassify Direct Journal Entries


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Reclassify Direct Jrnl Entries

Identify accounting entries for direct journals and reclassify the entries to correct the fund. The reclassification entries are recorded into the PS_PAY_MISC_DST table with a line number starting from 600.

Transfer Selection


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Reclassify Open Item

Create a new worksheet or add items to a transfer worksheet.



Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Reclassify Open Item, Worksheet 1

Select the items to transfer.



Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Reclassify Open Item, Worksheet 2

Override the default receivable distribution code.

Transfer Action


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Reclassify Open Item, Transfer Action

Select a posting action for a worksheet. Also use this page to delete a worksheet, create accounting entries online for the worksheets, or to delete accounting entries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReclassifying Receivables Accounting Entries

Access the Reclassify AR Entries Page.

Item Search

Click to display the accounting lines that match the entered business unit, item ID, customer ID, fund code, and accounting date.

Selection Criteria

Select the types of entries to display in the Accounting Lines area. the values are All Entries and Reclassification Entries.


Click to generate new accounting entries for the selected accounting lines, after you have entered the appropriate fund code and accounting date.

The system generates reversal entries for the selected accounting lines and creates new accounting entries with the following attributes:

  • The fund code and accounting date are changed to the specified values.

  • The distribution sequence number begins at 600.

  • The value in the Distribution Status field changes to N if the value in the selected rows is N or D.

    For distribution status I in the selected rows, the value remains the same.

  • The entry event process status is updated to N.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReclassifying Direct Journal Accounting Entries

Access the Reclassify Direct Journal Entries Page.


Click to display the accounting lines that match the entered deposit unit, payment sequence, fund code, and accounting date.

Selection Criteria

Select the types of entries to display in the Accounting Lines area. the values are All Entries and Reclassification Entries.


Click to generate new accounting entries for the selected accounting lines, after you have entered the appropriate fund code and accounting date.

The system generates reversal entries for the selected accounting lines and creates new accounting entries with the following attributes:

  • The fund code and accounting date are changed to the specified values.

  • The distribution sequence number begins at 600.

  • The value in the Distribution Status field changes to N if the value in the selected rows is N or D.

    For distribution status I in the selected rows, the value remains the same.

  • The entry event process status is updated to N.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReclassifying Open Receivables Items

This section discusses how to:

Building a Transfer Worksheet for Reclassifying Receivables Items

Access the Worksheet Selection page.

Enter your customer and reference selection criteria.


Click to build a worksheet that reclassifies an open item.

See Building a Customer or Business Unit Transfer Worksheet.

Reclassifying Open Receivables Items

Access the Worksheet1 page.

Sel (select)

Select the items to reclassify.

Modifying the Distribution Code

Access the Worksheet2 page.

Dist ID AR (receivables distribution code)

Override the default distribution code that was assigned to the business unit. For reclassification, use the RECLASSIFY distribution code.

See Modifying Item Information.

Choosing an Action for a Receivables Reclassification Worksheet

Access the Transfer Action page.

See Selecting a Transfer Worksheet Action.

Click to jump to parent topic(USF) Tracking Memo Status Changes

This section provides an overview of the track memo status changes business process, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Track Memo Status Changes Process

The DMS requires you to maintain account information on individual accounts receivable. To support this requirement, PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to track multiple statuses for a receivable item.

This involves:

Two tables are required to use the track memo changes:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before tracking memo status:

See Also

(USF) Setting Up Memo Status Codes

Defining Receivables Installation Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Track Memo Status Changes

Page Name

Object Name



View/Update Item Details - Detail 2


Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information, View/Update Item Details, Detail 2

Check an item's current memo status.

Memo Status Changes


Click the Detail button on the View/Update Item Details - Detail 2 page.

Add and maintain a history of memo status code changes.

Memo Status Changes (report)


Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information, Memo Status Change Report, Memo Status Changes

Runs the Memo Status Changes report (AR34006). Use the report to see the history of memo status changes by item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChecking an Item's Current Memo Status

Access View/Update Item Details - Detail 2 page.

Memo Status Code

Displays the current memo status for the item. This field appears only if you have enabled this feature on the Installation Options - Receivables page.


Click to access the Memo Status Changes page, where you can review a history of status changes for the item and add a status change as needed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging an Item's Memo Status

Access the Memo Status Changes page.

Change an item's memo status by adding a new row to the Memo Status Changes grid.

Date Assigned

Enter the date of the status change.

Memo Status

Select from any memo status codes that you have defined or one of the following PeopleSoft-delivered memo status codes:

FOREBEAR: In forbearance or appeal.

GARNISH: In wage garnishment.

RESCHEDULE: Rescheduled.

WAIVE: Waiver or unwaived.

ELGBOFF: Eligible for Treasury offset.

REFOFF: Referred to Treasury for offset.

ELGBINT: Eligible for internal offset.

ELGBCROSS: Eligible for cross-servicing.

REFCROSS: Referred for cross-servicing.

REFCOLL: Referred to private collection.

REFJUST: Referred to Department of Justice.

OFFSET: Offset.

SUSPENDED: Suspended.

COMPROMISE: Compromised.

WRITEOFF: Written-off.

CLOSEOUT: Closed out.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Memo Status Changes Report

Access the Memo Status Changes (report) page.

You can specify a date range for the report, a specific business unit, customer ID, and whether or not to include closed items on the report. If you specify a date range, the report includes only items with a memo status change within the specified date range.

Click to jump to parent topicWriting Off by ChartFields

This section provides an overview of the Write Off By ChartField Application Engine process (AR_WOBYCF) and discusses how to run the Write Off by ChartField process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Write Off By ChartField Application Engine Process

The Write Off by ChartFields process searches for items that contain distribution lines with ChartField values that match the selection criteria that you enter on the run control. Run this process to close out a specific ChartField, such as a Fund. If all the distribution lines for an item qualify, the process assigns the entire open amount of the items to a pending group and sets the posting action to Batch Standard. The next time you run the Receivable Update process, the process writes off the items and closes the group. If the qualifying distribution lines for an item only make up a portion of the open amount, the Write Off by ChartField process assigns the remaining balance of the items to a maintenance worksheet. You must access the maintenance worksheet and decide how to write off the item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Write Off by ChartField

Page Name

Object Name



Write Offs By ChartField


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Maintenance, Automatic Maintenance, Write-Offs by Chartfield, Write Offs By ChartField

Enter ChartField selection criteria to select items to write off by running the Write Off by ChartField process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Write off by ChartField Process

Access the Write Offs by ChartField page.

Select a business unit and customer to process. You can process only one business unit at a time. The system uses the setID for the business unit to provide prompt values for the customer and the write-off reason.

Write-off Reason

Enter an entry reason that the process assigns to the write-off items that it creates.

Field Name

Select the ChartField whose values you want to select in the ChartField value fields.

ChartField Value and ChartField TO Value

Select the range of ChartField values that are in the distribution lines for the items that you want to write off.

Click to jump to parent topic(USF) Generating the Receivables Due From the Public Report

This section provides an overview of the Receivables Due From the Public report, lists prerequisites and common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Receivables Due From the Public Report

This report creates a form used by the U.S. Department of Treasury to collect data on the status and condition of the federal government’s non-tax debt portfolio. This report is used if an agency has debts but is pursuing them through collection, such as unpaid student loans, salary overpayments, duplicate payments, or unpaid fines. The Department of Treasury shares the information in this report with other government agencies, some private sector organizations, and the public.

This section discusses:

Process Flow

Perform these tasks to include item amounts in the report and to generate the report:

  1. Assign an entity code and receivable type to an item in one of the following places:

  2. Post pending items by running the Receivable Update process.

  3. Assign a delinquency code on the Item Delinquency page to items whose amounts you want to include in various report lines.

  4. Enter report parameters and run the report using the Report On Receivables (ARSF220-9) component (RUN_SF220).

Report Lines

The report includes information for items whose entity code and receivables type code you specify on the run control page. Part II, Section D (Debt Disposition) displays the values that you enter on the Debt Disposition page.

The number of items and the amount of items for each line in other sections varies based on:

The following table describes each line that is dependent on these values and which combination of these values is used to determine the number of items and the item amount.

Note. The table does not describe lines that are calculated amounts based on values in other lines.

Part, Section, and Line

Report Line Label


Part I

Section A

Line 1

Beginning FY Balance

Total for all items whose accounting date is prior to the reporting period for customers that are not federal customers.

Part I

Section A

Line 2

New Receivables

Total for all new items in the reporting period for customers that are not federal customers.

The total does not include items with an entry type of Adjust Write-off (AD), Administrative Charges (ADMIN), Finance Charge (FC), Overdue Charges (OC), Payment (PY), Tax Receipts (TAXES), or Write-off (WO).

Part I

Section A

Line 3


Total for all items in the reporting period with an entry type of Adjust Write-off (AD), Administrative Charges (ADMIN), and Overdue Charges (OC) for customers that are not federal customers.

Part I

Section A

Line 4 (A)

At Agency

Total for all items in the reporting period with an entry type of Payment (PY) and a delinquency code of At Agency (AGN) for customers that are not federal customers.

Part I

Section A

Line 4 (B)

At Third Party

Total for all items in the reporting period with an entry type of Payment (PY) and a delinquency code of Other Third Party (OTP) for customers that are not federal customers.

Part I

Section A

Line 4 (C)

Asset Sales

Total for all items in the reporting period with an entry type of Payment (PY) and a delinquency code of Asset Sales (AST) for customers that are not federal customers.

Part I

Section A

Line 4 (D)


Total for all items in the reporting period with an entry type of Payment (PY) and no delinquency code for customers that are not federal customers.

Part I

Section A

Line 5 (A)

Reclassified/Adjusted Amounts

Total for all items in the reporting period with an entry type of Adjustments - Reclassified (ADR) for customers that are not federal customers.

Part I

Section A

Line 5 (B)

Adjustments Due to the Sales of Assets

Total for all items in the reporting period with an entry type of Adjustments Due to Sales of Assets (ADS) for customers that are not federal customers.

Part I

Section A

Line 5 (C)


Total for all items in the reporting period with an entry type of Adjustments - Consolidations (ADC) for customers that are not federal customers.

Part I

Section A

Line 6

Amounts Written-Off

Total for all items in the reporting period with an entry type of Write-off (WO) for customers that are not federal customers.

Part I

Section A

Line 6 (A)

Currently not Collectible

Total for all items in the reporting period for customers that are not federal customers. The items have an entry type of Write-off (WO) and one of the following delinquency codes:

  • At Agency (AGN)

  • Private Collection Agency (PCA)

  • At Treasury Offset (TOP)

  • Other Third Party (OTP)

  • At Treasury Cross Servicing (TXS)

  • Wage Garnishment (WGS)

Part I

Section A

Line 6 (B)

Written off and Closed Out

Total for all items in the reporting period with an entry type of Write-off (WO) and a Closed Out (CLO) delinquency code for customers that are not federal customers.

Part I

Section A

Line 7 (A)


Total for all items in the reporting period for customers whose customer type is F.

Part I

Section A

Line 7 (B)

State and Local

Total for all items in the reporting period for customers whose customer type is S.

Part I

Section A

Line 8 (A)


Total for all items in the reporting period for customers with an entry type of Rescheduled Debt (RD) and a delinquency code other than Non-delinquent (NA).

Part I

Section A

Line 8 (B)


Total for all items in the reporting period with an entry type of Rescheduled Debt (RD) and a Non-delinquent (NA) delinquency code.

Part I

Section A

Line 9

Interest and Late Charges

Total of the administration amount, finance charge amount, and penalty amount for all items prior to and including the last day of the reporting period.

Part I

Section B

All lines

Total Delinquencies

Total for all items that are past due the number of days for the line on the last date of the reporting period.

Part I

Section B

Line 2


Total for all items that are past due on the last date of the reporting period for customers whose customer type is M.

Part I

Section B

Line 3


Total for all items that are past due on the last date of the reporting period for customers whose customer type is N.

Part I

Section B

Line 4

Foreign/Sovereign Debt

Total for all items that are past due on the last date of the reporting period for customers whose customer type is F.

Part II

Section A

Line 1 (A)

In Bankruptcy

Total open amount for all items that are past due 1 to 180 days on the last day of the reporting period with an In Bankruptcy (BKR) delinquency code. The customer type for the item's customer is either M, N, F, or S.

Part II

Section A

Line 1 (B)

In Forbearance or Formal Appeals Process

Total open amount for all items that are past due 1 to 180 days on the last day of the reporting period with a Forbearance/Formal Appeals (FRB) delinquency code. The customer type for the item's customer is either M, N, F, or S.

Part II

Section A

Line 1 (C)

In Foreclosure

Total open amount for all items that are past due 1 to 180 days on the last day of the reporting period with an In Foreclosure (FRC) delinquency code. The customer type for the item's customer is either M, N, F, or S.

Part II

Section A

Line 1 (D)

At Private Collection Agencies

Total open amount for all items that are past due 1 to 180 days on the last day of the reporting period with a Private Collection Agency (PCA) delinquency code. The customer type for the item's customer is either M, N, F, or S.

Part II

Section A

Line 1 (E)

In Litigation

Total open amount for all items that are past due 1 to 180 days on the last day of the reporting period with an In Litigation (LIT) delinquency code. The customer type for the item's customer is either M, N, F, or S.

Part II

Section A

Line 1 (F)

Eligible for Internal Offset

Total open amount for all items that are past due 1 to 180 days the last day of the reporting period with an Eligible for Internal Offset (IOS) delinquency code. The customer type for the item's customer is either M, N, F, or S.

Part II

Section A

Line 1 (G)

In Wage Garnishments

Total open amount for all items that are past due 1 to 180 days on the last day of the reporting period with a Wage Garnishment (WGR) delinquency code. The customer type for the item's customer is either M, N, F, or S.

Part II

Section A

Line 1 (H)

At Treasury for Cross Servicing

Total open amount for all items that are past due 1 to 180 days on the last day of the reporting period with an At Treasury Cross Servicing (TXS) delinquency code. The customer type for the item's customer is either M, N, F, or S.

Part II

Section A

Line 1 (I)

At Treasury for Offset

Total open amount for all items that are past due 1 to 180 days on the last day of the reporting period with an At Treasury for Offset (TOP) delinquency code. The customer type for the item's customer is either M, N, F, or S.

Part II

Section A

Line 1 (J)

At Agency

Total open amount for all items that are past due 1 to 180 days on the last day of the reporting period with an At Agency (AGN) delinquency code. The customer type for the item's customer is either M, N, F, or S.

Part II

Section A

Line 1 (K)


Total open amount for all items that are past due 1 to 180 on the last day of the reporting period days with a delinquency code other than the codes used for lines A through I. The customer type for the item's customer is either M, N, F, or S.

Part II

Section B

Line 1 (B)

In Bankruptcy

Total open amount for all items that are past due over 180 days on the last day of the reporting period with an In Bankruptcy (BKR) delinquency code. The customer type for the item's customer is not F.

Part II

Section B

Line 1 (C)

Foreign Sovereign Debt

Total open amount for all items that are past due over 180 days on the last day of the reporting period for customers whose customer type is F.

Part II

Section B

Line 1 (D)

In Forbearance or Formal Appeals Process

Total open amount for all items that are past due over 180 days on the last day of the reporting period with a Forbearance/Formal Appeals (FRB) delinquency code.

Part II

Section B

Line 1 (E)

In Foreclosure

Total open amount for all items that are past due over 180 days on the last day of the reporting period with an In Foreclosure (FRC) delinquency code.

Part II

Section B

Line 1 (F)


Total open amount for all items that are past due over 180 days on the last day of the reporting period with an Exempt from Treasury Referral (OF%) delinquency code.

Part II

Section B

Line 1 (H)

Debt Referred to DOJ/Litigation

Total open amount for all items that are past due over 180 days on the last day of the reporting period with an In Litigation (LIT) delinquency code.

Part II

Section B

Line 1 (J)

Debt Referred to Treasury for Offset

Total open amount for all items that are past due over 180 days on the last day of the reporting period with a Treasury for Offset (TOP) delinquency code.

Part II

Section B

Line 2 (B)


Total open amount for all items that are past due over 180 days on the last day of the reporting period with a Private Collection Agency (PCA) delinquency code.

Part II

Section B

Line 2 (C)

Eligible for Internal Offset

Total open amount for all items that are past due over 180 days on the last day of the reporting period with a Private Collection Agency (IOS) delinquency code.

Part II

Section B

Line 2 (D)

Debt Exempted by Treasury from Cross Servicing

Total open amount for all items that are past due over 180 days on the last day of the reporting period with a Debt Exempted by Treasury (DET) delinquency code.

Part II

Section B

Line 2 (E)


Total open amount for all items that are past due over 180 days on the last day of the reporting period with a Debt Collection (DC%) delinquency code.

Part II

Section B

Line 2 (G)

Debt Referred to Treasury for Cross Servicing

Total open amount for all items that are past due over 180 days on the last day of the reporting period with an At Treasury Cross Servicing (TXS) delinquency code.

Part II

Section C

Line 1 (A)

By Private Collection Agency

Total for all items whose accounting date falls in the reporting period that were paid after the due date.

Part II

Section C

Line 1 (B)

By Litigation

Total for all items whose accounting date falls in the reporting period that were paid after the due date. The items have an In Litigation (LIT) delinquency code.

Part II

Section C

Line 1 (C)

By Internal Offset

Total for all items whose accounting date falls in the reporting period that were paid after the due date. The items have an Eligible for Internal Offset (IOS) delinquency code.

Part II

Section C

Line 1 (D)

By Third Party

Total for all items whose accounting date falls in the reporting period that were paid after the due date. The items have an Other Third Party (OTP) delinquency code.

Part II

Section C

Line 1 (E)

By Asset Sales

Total for all items whose accounting date falls in the reporting period that were paid after the due date. The items have an Asset Sales (AST) delinquency code.

Part II

Section C

Line 1 (F)

By Wage Garnishment

Total for all items whose accounting date falls in the reporting period that were paid after the due date. The items have a Wage Garnishment (WGR) delinquency code.

Part II

Section C

Line 1 (G)

By Treasury Offset

Total for all items whose accounting date falls in the reporting period that were paid after the due date. The items have an At Treasury Cross Servicing (TOP) delinquency code.

Part II

Section C

Line 1 (H)

By Treasury for Cross Servicing

Total for all items whose accounting date falls in the reporting period that were paid after the due date. The items have an At Treasury for Offset (TXS) delinquency code.

Part II

Section C

Line 1 (I)

By Agency

Total for all items whose accounting date falls in the reporting period that were paid after the due date. The items have an At Agency (AGN) delinquency code.

Part II

Section C

Line 1 (J)


Total for all items whose accounting date falls in the reporting period that were paid after the due date. The items have a delinquency code other than the codes in lines A through I.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before processing the Receivables Due From the Public report, perform the setup tasks for the Receivables Due From the Public report.

See Also

(USF) Setting Up the Receivables Due From the Public Report

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements in This Section

Entity Code

Enter the code that identifies the government agency to which you will submit the Receivables Due from the Public report.

Receivable Type

Enter the code that the system uses to determine in which Receivables Due From the Public report to include the item.

You enter the code on the run control page, and the system includes items in the report only if they have the matching receivables type code assigned to them.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Generate the Receivables Due From the Public Report

Page Name

Object Name



Pending Item 1


Accounts Receivable, Pending Items, Online Items, Group Entry, Pending Item 1

Enter information about pending items.

SF220_9 Report Types


Click the SF220 9 Types link on the Pending Item 1 page.

Assign an entity code and receivable type to a pending item.

View/Update Item Details - Detail 2


Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information, View/Update Item Details, Detail 2

Assign an entity code and receivable type to an existing item.

Delinquency Maintenance


Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information, Update Delinquency Information, Delinquency Maintenance

Assign a delinquency code to an item.



Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting Results - Upd Pend Items, Report On Receivables (SF220-9), Preparer

Enter run parameters for the Receivables Due From the Public report (ARSF220-9), including the entity type, receivables type, and information about the report preparer. The report creates a form used by the U.S. Department of Treasury.



Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting Results - Upd Pend Items, Report On Receivables (SF220-9), Address

Enter run parameters for the Receivables Due From the Public report that indicate where the report was prepared.

Debt Disposition


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting Results - Upd Pend Items, Report On Receivables (SF220-9), Debt Disposition

Enter run parameters for the Receivables Due From the Public report that define the values that appear in Part II, Section D of the report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning a Delinquency Code to an Item

Access the Delinquency Maintenance page.

Assign a delinquency code to an item. The Report on Receivables Due from the Public uses this delinquency code to determine which items to include in the count and amount for various lines.

Note. Delinquency codes are assigned to items independent of item lines.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Preparer Information and Report Parameters

Access the Report on Receivables - Preparer page.

Entity Code

Enter the code that identifies the government agency where you will submit the Receivables Due from the Public report.

Receivable Type

Select the type of receivable. The receivable type represents whether this is a direct loan, defaulted guaranteed loan, or a non-credit receivable. This code displays at the top of the Receivable Due From the Public Report, and the system uses it to determine which items to include in the report. If the receivable type is a guaranteed student loan, the report would includes values for all items to which you assigned the Guaranteed Student Loan code on either the SF220-9 Report Types page or the View/Update Item Details - Detail 2 page.

Calendar ID

Select the calendar ID that captures the period, such as monthly or quarterly, that the report will be run.

Fiscal Year

Enter the year that the report is to be run.

Accounting Period

Enter an accounting period of 1 through 12 to equal the month, such as 1 for January or 2 for February.

Enter the relevant preparer and supervisor information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering The Preparer Address

Access the Address page.

Enter the details for the address for which the report is being prepared.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Debt Details

Access the Debt Disposition page.

PCA Debt Disposition Number (private collection agency debt disposition number)

Enter the number of written-off delinquent debts that are still being pursued by private collection agencies.

PCA Debt Disposition Amount (private collection agency debt disposition amount)

Enter the amount of written-off delinquent debts that are still being pursued by private collection agencies.

TXN Debt Disposition Number (treasury or debit collection center debt disposition number)

Enter the number of written-off delinquent debts that are still being pursued by the U. S. Department of Treasury or a designated debt collection center.

TXN Debt Disposition Amount (treasury or debit collection center debt disposition amount)

Enter the amount of written-off delinquent debts that are still being pursued by the U. S. Department of Treasury or a designated debt collection center.

TOP Debt Disposition Number (treasury for offset debt disposition number)

Enter the number of written-off delinquent debts that are still being pursued by the U. S. Department of Treasury for offset.

TOP Debt Disposition Amount (treasury for offset debt disposition amount)

Enter the amount of written-off delinquent debts that are still being pursued by the U. S. Department of Treasury for offset.

OTH Debt Disposition Number (other debt disposition number)

Enter the number of written-off delinquent debts that are still being pursued by means other than those listed.

OTH Debt Disposition Amount (other debt disposition amount)

Enter the amount of written-off delinquent debts that are still being pursued by means other than those listed.

IRS 1099-C Submitted Number

Enter the number of written-off delinquent debts that have been reported to the IRS on Form 1099-C.

IRS 1099-C Submitted Amount

Enter the amount of written-off delinquent debts that have been reported to the IRS on Form 1099-C.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating the 1099-C Report

This section provides and overview of 1099–C report generation, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to run 1099-C report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding 1099–C Report Generation

The 1099-C form for Cancellation of Debt is required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the United States to summarize how much debt has been written off for a specific customer.

To generate the 1099-C form:

  1. Run the Receivables 1099-C SQR process (AR20006) that populates data into the 1099C_CUST_DATA table. Then run the 1099-C Crystal (AR20006) report to display the formatted 1009-C.

    The report displays the dollar value of debt that has been written off and identifies the portion of the debt that the agency is pursuing in collection action. Line 1 of this section displays the number and dollar amount of receivables that have been written off and not closed out. Line 2 displays debts that are written off and are closed out.

  2. Run the Receivables 1099-C Crystal report process (AR20006) to print the 1099-C form for Cancellation of Debt.

You can run each step separately or select the Produce 1099C multiprocess job (1099C) that runs both the Receivables 1099-C SQR process and prints the 1099-C form in one step.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

To generate the 1099-C report, enable this feature by selecting the 1099-C Forms check box on the Receivables Installation Options page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Generate the 1099-C Report

Page Name

Object Name



Receivables 1099-c (report)


Accounts Receivable, Receivables Update, Posting Results - Upd Pending Items, Receivables 1099-c Report, Receivables 1099-c

Enter run parameters for the 1099-C report (AR20006). Use this report to create a completed 1099-C, Cancellation of Debt form.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the 1099-C Report

Access the Receivables 1099-c page.

Select the setID, control ID, and from and to date for the report. You can also run the report for a specific business unit or customer ID.

Control ID

Select the code that identifies which government reporting entity to use. The system generates a different IRS report for each control ID.

Click to jump to parent topic(USF) Creating Federal Customer Statements

This section provides an overview of federal customer statements, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to generate federal customer statements.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Federal Customer Statements

The Federal Customer Statements report is used internally by the federal government to track agreements between federal government agencies. This feature gathers information from the PeopleSoft General Ledger, PeopleSoft Receivables, and PeopleSoft Contracts systems to produce the Federal Customer Statements report.

To create federal statements, run the Federal Customer Statements multiprocess job (ARSTFED), which includes:

If a customer has reimbursable activity and non-reimbursable activity, the report displays summary totals for both.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before creating federal customer statements:

  1. Enable the Federal Customer feature on the General Info page for the customer.

  2. Enable the Federal Reimbursable Agreement feature on the Installation Options - Contracts page.

  3. Set up the account mappings on the Reimbursable Agreement Account page.

Note. If you do not have PeopleSoft General Ledger or PeopleSoft Contracts installed on your system, disable the products on the Installed Products page to ensure that you the reports results show correct information.

See Also

Adding Customer Names and Levels and Assigning Roles

Defining Contracts Installation Options

Setting Up Federal Reimbursable Agreement Accounts in General Ledger

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Create Federal Customer Statements

Page Name

Object Name



Create Federal Statements


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Statements, Create Federal Statements, Create Federal Statements

Enter the run control parameters for the Federal Customer Statements multiprocess job that creates federal customer statements.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Federal Customer Statements

Access the Create Federal Statements page.


Enter a business unit to create statements for all customers in a specific business unit.

From Date and To Date

Enter a date range for the accounting date of items that are included in the statement activity. The dates determine the fiscal year and accounting periods used to select information from PeopleSoft General Ledger.


Leave the SetID field blank to include all tableSets. If you use only a setID, the process creates statements for each correspondence customer in every business unit that references the tableSet.


Enter only a customer ID to create statements for the specified customer. If you select a customer who is part of a correspondence group, the system addresses the statement to the correspondence customer, but includes only the specified customer's information.

Correspondence Customer

Enter only the customer ID for a correspondence customer to create statements for all customers in the correspondence group.


Optionally, enter a project ID that is associated with a reimbursable agreement to include information only for customers that have reimbursable activity for that project.

Provide more than one parameter to tailor statements even further. The following table describes the results of combining different parameters. It assumes that a parameter in the left column is combined with one or more parameters to the right of that parameter:



Business Unit

Customer ID

Business Unit

One statement for each correspondence customer in the business unit.

Not applicable (N/A)


Customer ID

A single statement for the customer. If the customer is part of a correspondence customer group, the process addresses the statement to the correspondence customer but includes only items that are for the specified customer.

A single statement for the customer, containing only items in the business unit. If the customer is part of a correspondence customer group, the process addresses the statement to the correspondence customer but includes only items for the specified customer.


Correspondence Customer

A single statement, for the correspondence customer, containing items for all customers in the correspondence group.

A single statement for the correspondence customer, containing items in the business unit for all customers in the correspondence group.

A single statement that is addressed to the correspondence customer, containing only items for the specified customer.