Using Entry Events

This chapter provides an overview of Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise entry events and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Entry Events

An entry event is a user-defined code that you enter in a PeopleSoft application transaction. The entry event transaction consists of one or more processes that comprise steps that the system uses to post additional debit and credit accounting entries to the general ledger with minimal user input. In addition, the U.S. federal government requires that organizations use entry events to categorize specific core accounting entries and generate additional debit and credit entries specific to these codes.

To enter entry event codes on the transaction lines for various applications, you must first set up the codes to use specific entry event processes and steps that come with the PeopleSoft system. These processes and steps are linked to predefined entry event source transaction definitions, which identify the source and target records for specific types of transactions. After you set up entry event codes, you select or enter them on the transaction line of a PeopleSoft application. You can select the entry event processor to run, or the processor sometimes runs automatically as part of the application's normal processing procedures. This depends on the application that you use. The entry event processor runs each process and step that is set up for the entry event code, and the processor generates the appropriate accounting entries based on the debit and credit accounts that you set up for the entry event code.

This section lists prerequisites and discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you set up and use entry events, you must:

Note. Entry events is not supported by funding source functionality.

See Enabling Entry Events at the Installation Level.

See Setting Up Control Budget Definitions.

See Setting Up Commitment Control Source Transaction Types.

See Setting Up Ledgers.

See Defining Expiration ChartFields.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBasic Setup of Entry Events

Enable entry events for each of the applications listed on the Installation Options - Entry Events page. Entry event processing depends on the following setup:

Note. Do not modify entry event source transaction definitions, and modify entry event processes and steps only under special circumstances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntry Event Source Transaction Definitions

Each PeopleSoft Enterprise product comes with predefined entry event source transactions. It is important that you do not modify these definitions, because they are essential to entry event processing. They identify a source record and a target record for the various types of transactions that use entry events, and they enable the system to distinguish one transaction from another. After you enter an entry event transaction in an application, the entry event processor selects the original subsystem accounting transactions in the source record and writes the created transactions to the target record. A list of the predefined entry event source transaction definitions appears later in this chapter.

Important! Do not modify entry event source transaction definitions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntry Event Processes and Steps

Each entry event process is associated with an entry event source transaction definition, and it comprises steps that define the source accounting transaction criteria and the data structures that the system uses to store the accounting transactions. When you enter a transaction in an application, select an entry event code and run the entry event processor, the system runs the entry event processes along with the associated steps. A list of the predefined processes for each product is provided later in this chapter.

See PeopleSoft Products That Use Entry Events.

Important! Normally you should not modify entry event processes and steps; however special considerations exist if you are setting up Commitment Control budgets using entry events.

See Setting Up Budget Journal Entry Event Codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntry Event Codes

For each product, you can use the predefined entry event codes contained in the PeopleSoft sample data as examples for setting up your own entry event codes. When you define an entry event code, you select the predefined entry event processes and steps to associate with the code. You also set up the debit and credit accounts that are generated when the entry event processor runs.

For example, if you enter an entry event code on a purchase order (PO), the selected entry event code must contain the entry event process POPOST. A list of the predefined processes for each product is provided later in this chapter.

See Defining Entry Event Codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPeopleSoft Products That Use Entry Events

Each PeopleSoft Enterprise product uses different entry event source transaction definitions, processes, steps, and codes. Some products require that you perform additional activities to use entry events.

You normally enter entry event codes into product documents on the distribution line. The entry event codes that appear within each product depend on the processes that are set up for the codes.

The following applications use entry events:

Entry event transactions do not need to be associated with Commitment Control budgeting, with the following exceptions:

Note. The system loads all Billing entry events into Receivables, where they are processed for entry event generation.

For each product, the following table lists:

Product or Feature

Transaction Types

Predefined Definitions for Entry Event Source Transactions

Predefined Entry Event Processes

Additional Setup Requirements

Project Costing

Project budgets

PC_BUDGET (create control budget)

PCBUDG (PC Budget Processing)

To use entry events to create additional debit and credit entries for Project Costing budgets, the PeopleSoft system delivers the PC Budgets process with the following steps:

  • PC_CHD (project costing child budget).

  • PC_PAR (project costing parent budget).

However, you might need to modify, add, or delete the steps depending on the budget ledger names and budget ledger group names.

The budget plan must be saved, finalized, and successfully budget-checked before the Entry Event Generator process can create additional accounting entries.

The Project Costing Budget Entry Event Interface Processor (PC_TO_EE) calls the Entry Event Generator (FS_EVENTGEN) to process Project Costing budget data to generate supplemental accounting entries, and support inquiry drill down to Project Costing source data.

See Working with Entry Events.


Billing. (All entry events used in Billing are loaded into Receivables where they are processed for entry event generation. Refer to information for Receivables.)

Billing transactions use entry events:

  • Online invoices.

  • Online debit memos.

  • Online credit memos.

  • Transactions from the Billing Interface.

Receivables source definitions.

ARUPDATE (AR Update process).


General Ledger.

  • Journal entries.

  • Commitment Control budget adjustment journals.

  • Standard journals.

  • Allocations.

  • Interunit and Intraunit journals.

  • GL_JCREV (adjusted journal collected revenue).

  • GL_JENC (adjusted journal encumbrance).

  • GL_JOURNAL (general ledger journal).

  • GL_JPRNC (adjusted journal preencumbrance).

  • GL_JRNLIU (general ledger Interunit).

  • GLJE (GL Journal Entry process).

  • GLJEADJ (GL Commitment Control Adjustment process).

See Setting Up Budget Journal Entry Event Codes.

Commitment Control feature.

Note. You must use General Ledger to use the Commitment Control feature.

  • Commitment Control budget journal.

  • Commitment Control budget close.

  • GL_BUD_CLS (general ledger budget close).

  • GL_BUDGET (general ledger budget).

  • GL_BUDROLL (general ledger budget roll forward).

BUDG (Budgets process).

Note. To use entry events to create Commitment Control budget journals, the PeopleSoft system delivers the Budgets process with the following steps; however, you may need to modify, add, or delete the steps depending on the budget ledger names and budget ledger group names:

  • ALLOT (prepare allotment budgets step).

  • APPORT (prepare apportionment budgets step).

  • APPR XFER (prepare appropriation transfer step).

  • APPROP (prepare appropriation budgets step).

  • ORG (establish operating plan step).

  • ORG XFER (organization transfer step).

  • PRJGRT IND (project or grant indirect charge budget step).

  • PROJ_GRT (prepare project or grant budgets step).

See Setting Up Budget Journal Entry Event Codes.




  • REVEST (prepare revenue estimates step).

  • CORG (Close Operating Plan).

  • RORG (Roll Operating Plan).

  • CHILD (child budget).

  • PARENT (parent budget).



  • Vouchers.

  • Payments.

  • Cash clearing.

  • Interunit and Intraunit transactions.

  • Voucher upward and downward adjustments.

  • AP_PAYMENT (payment).

  • AP_VCHADJ (voucher upward or downward adjustments).

  • AP_VOUCHER (voucher).

  • APCSHCLRNC (cash clearing).

  • CASHCLRNG (Cash Clearing process).

  • PAYMENT (Payment process).

  • VCHRPOST (Voucher Post process).



  • POs.

  • Requisitions.

  • PO receipt accruals.

  • Upward or downward adjustments to POs.

  • PO_CLS (PO close).

  • PO_POADJDN (PO downward adjustment).

  • PO_POADJUP (PO upward adjustment).

  • PO_PURCH (purchase order).

  • PO_RECV (PO receipt accrual).

  • PO_REQ (requisition).

  • PO_REV (purchase order reversal).

  • REQ_CLS (requisition closing).

  • REQ_REV (requisition reversal).

  • POPOST (PO Post process).

  • RECVACCR (Receipt Accrual process).

  • REQPOST (Requisition Posting process).

Select Commitment Control, Define Control Budgets, Budget Definitions, Control Budget Options to access the Control Budget Options page. Select the Entries Must Balance check box.

Select Commitment Control, Define Control Budgets, Budget Definitions, Offsets to access the Offsets page. Set up offset accounts for the commitment control detail ledger group specified on the Ledgers For A Unit — Commitment Control Options page.

For the source transaction type, select the appropriate account:



Receivables and Billing.

  • Item entry.

  • Payment worksheet.

  • Maintenance worksheet.

  • Transfers.

  • All draft worksheets.

  • Direct debits.

  • Interunit and Intraunit transactions.

  • AR_ITEMS (items).

  • AR_ITEMSIU (items Interunit or Intraunit).

  • AR_JOURNAL (direct journal).

  • ARDIRJRNL (AR Direct Journal Transaction process).

  • ARUPDATE (AR Update process).

Set up an entry event code containing the ARUPDATE process to enable you to enter and process entry events on the item distribution line for items.

Set up an entry event code containing the ARDIRJRNL process to enter and process entry event codes as a direct journal entry for payments.

Set up an entry event code containing the ARUPDATE process to enter and process entry event codes on the billing distribution line for invoices.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntry Event Processing

After you set up entry event codes, you create the transaction or document and run the entry event processor based on the application's instructions. The order in which the entry event processor runs depends on the type of document or transaction that you process. Six methods of entry event processing exist:

Normal Accounting Transaction Entry Event Processing

Here are the steps for normal accounting transaction processing with entry events:

  1. You edit transaction lines as usual.

  2. The entry event processor runs and generates the additional accounting lines based on the procedures and steps that are set up for the entry event code.

  3. If the transactions are controlled by a budget, the budget processor runs to update the budget records.

  4. After all the accounting lines are generated, Journal Generator creates journals from the Payables, Receivables, and Billing transactions.

    Note. General Ledger automatically generates journal lines for online journal entry transactions.

  5. The system posts the journals to the respective ledgers in General Ledger.

PeopleSoft Purchasing Document Entry Event Processing

Accounting entries are normally neither generated nor posted for purchase requisitions and POs. However, if you use commitment-controlled budgets, the Commitment Control feature tracks purchase requisitions and POs as preencumbrances and encumbrances, respectively. You set up specific entry event codes to generate the preencumbrance and encumbrance accounting lines that the system eventually posts to the appropriate actuals ledgers in General Ledger.

Here are the steps for Purchasing document processing with entry events:

  1. You enter and edit the purchase requisition or PO.

  2. The budget processor runs and updates the preencumbrance or encumbrance budget record based on the purchasing document that you enter.

    Note. If the document is a purchase requisition, the preencumbrance amount is updated for a specific budget and the remaining amount of the budget is updated. If it is a PO and a preencumbrance amount was already created, the preencumbrance amount is liquidated and the encumbrance amount is updated.

  3. The entry event processor runs and generates accounting lines for the purchasing document based on the accounts that you set up in the entry event code.

  4. Journal Generator creates a journal from the accounting lines.

  5. The journal is posted to General Ledger.

Commitment Control Budget Journal Entry Event Processing

To process Commitment Control budget journals with entry events:

  1. Select Commitment Control, Budget Journals, Enter Budget Journals.

  2. Enter a commitment control budget journal and select the appropriate entry event code.

  3. Select Post Journal to edit and process the budget journal and run the entry event processor.

    When you post Commitment Control budget journals online, entry event transactions are created when the journal is posted and the Skip Entry Event Processing check box on the User Preferences - General Ledger page for this operator is not enabled. Similarly, when a Commitment Control budget journal is posted through batch processing, entry event transactions are created when the journal is posted unless the user selects the Skip Entry Event Processing check box. In both cases, if entry event processing is bypassed, you can run the Entry Event processor in batch mode.

Commitment Control Budget Close Entry Event Processing

To process Commitment Control budget close using entry events:

  1. Perform the Commitment Control Budget Close process.

  2. Run the Entry Event Processor to generate the accounting lines.

  3. Run Journal Generator to create the accounting journals.

  4. Post the journals to the actuals ledgers set up for the business unit.

See Using Entry Events with Commitment Control Budgets.

Commitment Control General Ledger Budget Adjustment Journal Entry Event Processing

To adjust a Commitment Control budget's preencumbrance, encumbrance, or collected revenue amount, you create a budget adjustment journal to update the amounts for the budget and use entry event codes to update the amounts for the appropriate actual ledger. The process is similar to the process for a Purchasing document; however, you do not adjust the original document in Purchasing.

To process Commitment Control budget adjustments with entry events:

  1. Create a journal entry and—depending on the type of adjustment that you need to make—select preencumbrance, encumbrance, or collected revenue as the Commitment Control amount type.

  2. Create the journal lines and select the entry event code for a budget adjustment journal.

  3. Save and then run Journal Edit online or using batch.

  4. Run budget checking to update the budget record for the adjustment.

    Note. For example, if it is an adjustment to an encumbrance amount, the amount of the encumbrance is updated along with the remaining amount of the budget.

  5. Run the entry event processor to generate the adjustment's accounting lines based on the entry event code.

  6. Run Journal Generator to generate the accounting journal.

  7. Post the journal to the appropriate ledger.

Project Costing Budget Entry Event Processing

To process entry events for project costing:

  1. Set entry event options on the Installation Options – Entry Event page for General Ledger.

    Note. The Project Costing budget uses the General Ledger Entry Event option to process entry events. Installation options of required or optional determine how the Project Costing Budget Entry Event Interface Processor (PC_TO_EE) is run.

  2. Establish commitment control budget definitions and setup entry event steps within the PC entry event processes, and codes.

    Note. When you define commitment control project budget definitions, make sure the PC Business Unit is another ChartField other than Project ID. Define a step for each ledger and ledger group combination that will impact Project Costing budgeting.

  3. On the Ledgers For A Unit — Commitment Control Options page, set the Entry Event Option for each commitment control ledger group that will be used in Project Costing budgets.

  4. Select the entry event codes that are applicable for your project costing budget rows on the Commitment Control Detail tab of the Project Budget Items - Adjust Budget Items page.

  5. Save, finalize, and successfully budget-check your budget plan.

The Project Costing Budget Entry Event Interface Processor (PC_TO_EE) initiates the Entry Event Generator (FS_EVENTGEN) to process Project Costing budget data and generate supplemental accounting entries that support entry event generation and inquiry drill down to the project costing source data.

The Project Costing Budget Entry Event Interface Processor (PC_TO_EE) can be run in two ways:

See Also

Working with Entry Events

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSource Document Adjusting Entries and Entry Event Processing

Occasionally, the entry event processor creates transactions for a document and then a user makes changes to the document in the source system. The system handles the entry event processing differently depending on the application:

See Processing Entry Events.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpward and Downward Adjustments

PeopleSoft entry events are used to automatically generate separate budgetary debit and credit accounts for upward and downward adjustments to POs and vouchers that are processed after the funding has expired

See Using Entry Event Codes for Upward and Downward Adjustments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntry Event User Preference Options

You can select these check boxes on the User Preferences - General Ledger page to enable specific users to:

See Defining General Ledger User Preferences.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Entry Events

To set up entry events, use the Entry Event Code Definition component (EE_EVENT_CODE_DEFN), the Entry Event Process Definition component (EE_PROCESS_STEP), and the Entry Event Source Definition component (EE_SRC_DEFN).

This section discusses how to:

Note. Entry event source definitions, entry event processes and steps are predefined in the system. Do not change this setup.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Entry Events

Page Name

Object Name



Source - Entry Event Source Definition


Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Entry Event, Source, Entry Event Source Definition

View predefined entry event source transaction definitions with the data structures and records that are used by the entry event processor.

Note. Warning! Do not modify any entry event source transaction definitions.

Entry Event Process Definition


Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Entry Event, Process, Entry Event Process Definition

View a predefined series of steps that are grouped by a process for similar processing. A step is predefined for each transaction type that the process includes. The entry event processor runs each step within the process. Do not modify these steps. BUDG and PCBUDG processes are exceptions. See the previous table titled PeopleSoft Products That Use Entry Events for details.

Entry Event Code Definition


Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Entry Event, Code Definition, Entry Event Code Definition

Define entry event codes that are selected or entered into the application’s detail distribution lines as part of an accounting transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Predefined Entry Event Source Transactions

Access the Source - Entry Event Source Definition page.

Entry Event Source Transaction and Description

Identifies the document that is processed. For example, in Purchasing, it differentiates between the requisition, the PO, the payment record, and the voucher accounting line record.

Source Record

Identifies the record where the original accounting entries are stored for the related PeopleSoft product: General Ledger, Payables, Receivables, Purchasing, Billing, or Project Costing.

Target Record

Identifies the record where the entry event accounting transactions are inserted.

Temporary Record

Identifies an additional record for unique processing required in General Ledger and Purchasing. General Ledger uses the temporary record to renumber journal lines and to record General Ledger budget adjustments, and Purchasing uses the temporary record for reversal and adjustment processing.

Note. Do not modify any entry event source transaction definitions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Predefined Entry Event Processes and Steps

Access the Entry Event Process Definition page.

Entry Event Process and Description

Displays the process name and description. Entry event processes and steps are normally predefined. However, you can modify processes and steps to accommodate added or modified entry event codes.

EE Step (entry event step)

Builds And statements in a Where clause to select rows from the source record.


Enter a description of the entry event step.

Entry Event Source Transaction

Select the source transaction to associate with the step.

Reversal Flag

Select to reverse the source transaction.

Default Distribution Account

Select to have the process post to the default distribution account that you identify on the Entry Event Code Definition page.

Upward/Downward Step

Select for the entry event processor to use this step for processing entry events codes that are associated with upward and downward adjustments.

Field Name

Select field names from a list of values in the source record that are defined according to the system source transaction setup.

Field Value

Enter values for all fields except the APPL_JRNL_ID field, which uses the APPL_JRNL_ID template as a field value. The APPL_JRNL_ID value for the General Ledger business unit is selected at run time. The system uses the field value mapping to build Where clauses that differentiate the various lines to create the additional entries. All fields listed have And statements in the Where clause.

Note. The PeopleSoft system delivers the entry event processes and steps with your products in the sample data. However, you can add, update, and correct processes and steps using this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Entry Event Codes

Access the Entry Event Code Definition page.


Enter the same setID that you use to set up the business unit and ChartFields. This prevents entry event processing errors.

Entry Event

Create a code to represent the type of entry event process to run.


Enter a short description of the entry event code. The description appears on reports, lists, and inquiries.

Entry Event Process

Select the entry event process that applies to the entry event code.

Entry Event Step

Select the step that applies to the selected entry event code.


Enter the default distribution account for use on the Entry Event Process Definition page.

Source Record Jrnl Template (source record journal template)

Select to carry the journal generator template identified in the source transaction to the entry event transactions. Some source transaction records have the journal generator template (APPL_JRNL_ID) populated during the posting process. Some documents (such as budget journals) do not use a journal generator template and do not require that you select this check box.

Journal Template

If you do not select the Source Record Jrnl Template option, you must select a journal template to use for the transaction. You receive an error if you select both the source record journal template and a journal template.

Typically, documents that are posted through a posting program (voucher post, payment post, AR Update) use a journal template. Other documents that are not posted do not have the journal template populated in the document. The Entry Event processor populates the journal template on the Entry Event accounting record so that they can be journal-generated.

Note. You receive the default journal template, such as EE_PCBUD for Project Costing , EE_PURCH for Purchasing and EE_BUDGET for PeopleSoft General Ledger budget transactions in the DEMO database. You can use these journal templates as guides for setting up the templates in your database.

Offset Accounts

Add the accounts and alternate accounts, if required, to debit and credit for this entry event code during processing.

DR/CR (debit and credit)

Enter DR or CR for offset accounts that are automatically generated when the entry event generator is run. You can have two or more DR/CR pairs associated with each entry event code.

Alt Acct (alternate account)

Select DR/CR for alternate accounts, if applicable.

Note. If an entry event code is copied from one document to other documents, it must be defined as a valid code for the entry event process associated with each type of document. For example, if an entry event code is entered into a PO that can be copied to a voucher, the entry event code definition must include the entry event process for the PO and the entry event process for the voucher. If the code is not defined for both, a processing error occurs due to an invalid entry event code.

See Also

Using a Single Entry Event Code in Multiple Documents or Products

Using the Journal Entry Template to Show Journal Line Columns and Define Copy Down Options

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Entry Events

This section discusses how to run the entry event processor.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Entry Events

Page Name

Object Name



Process Journals - Entry Event Journals


General Ledger, Journals, Process Journals, Entry Event Journals

Runs the entry event processor to process Entry Event Process GLJEADJ for budget adjustment journal entries.

Request Entry Event Processor


Commitment Control, Post Control Budget Journals, Request Entry Event Processor

Runs the entry event processor to process Entry Event Process BUDG for budget journal entries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Entry Event Processor

Access the Request Entry Event Processor page.

Entry Event Process

Select the name of the process to run.

Process Option

Options are:

All Business Units: Run the process for every business unit that has transactions with entry events using this process.

Business Unit: Specify a business unit in the Selection Criteria group box to run the process for that business unit.

Document: Specify a particular document in the Selection Criteria group box to run the process for that document.

Journal Date

Enter a journal date to process the entry events on that date. This field appears only when you process Commitment Control budget and budget adjustment journals.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting up and Processing Entry Event for Various Applications and Transactions

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing a Single Entry Event Code in Multiple Documents or Products

To use an entry event code in multiple documents or for multiple products, you must identify each process and its steps in the entry event code definition. Using the PeopleSoft procure-to-pay process as an example, you can enter an entry event code one time in the requisition document. It then flows through the entire process creating entry event transactions for each document. Before an entry event code can successfully move between documents and products, you first must set it up to run for each of the processes in the procure-to-pay cycle.

The PeopleSoft procure-to-pay cycle consists of several documents and processes. Entry event processing uses the following processes:

You must set up an entry event code and associate it with all four processes.

See Defining Entry Event Codes.

Example of Defining One Entry Event Code to Use with Multiple PeopleSoft Applications

Here is an example of how to define an entry event code for multiple PeopleSoft applications:

  1. Set up the PROCURE entry event code.

    Entry Event



    Requisition to Cash Clearing

  2. In the Entry Event Process group box, add the REQPOST process.

    Entry Event Process


    Effective Date




  3. In the Entry Event Step group box, add the REQPOST step.

    Entry Event Step



    696800 (example)

    Source Record Jrnl Template

    Not applicable (NA)

    Journal Template


  4. In the Offset Accounts group box, add the preencumbrance and general expenses offset accounts.



    Account and Short Desc

    696700 (example) - Preenc Res



    Account and Short Desc

    696500 (example) - GenExpOffs

  5. In the Entry Event Process group box, add the POPOST process.

    Entry Event Process


    Effective Date




  6. In the Entry Event Step group box, add the POPOST step.

    Entry Event Step



    696800 (example)

    Source Record Jrnl Template

    Select if a source record journal template exists.

    Journal Template


  7. In the Offset Accounts group box, add the encumbrance and general expenses offset accounts.

    DR/CR, Account, and Short Desc

    DR, 696600 (example), Enc Res

    DR/CR, Account, and Short Desc

    CR, 696500 (example), GenExpOffs

  8. In the Entry Event Process group box, add the VCHRPOST process.

    Entry Event Process


    Effective Date




  9. In the Entry Event Step group box, add the ACCRUAL step.

    Entry Event Step



    696800 (example)

    Source Record Jrnl Template

    Select this option.

    Journal Template


  10. In the Offset Accounts group box, add the general expenses and accounts payable offset accounts.

    DR/CR, Account, and Short Desc

    DR, 696500 (example), GenExpOffs

    DR/CR, Account, and Short Desc

    CR, 200000 (example), Accts Paybl

  11. In the Entry Event Process group box, add the PAYMENT process.

    Entry Event Process


    Effective Date




  12. In the Entry Event Step group box, add the PAYMENT step.

    Entry Event Step




    Source Record Jrnl Template

    Select this option.

    Journal Template


  13. In the Offset Accounts group box, add the accounts payable and bank disbursement offset accounts.

    DR/CR, Account, and Short Desc

    DR, 20000 (example), Accts Paybl

    DR/CR, Account, and Short Desc

    CR. 10006 (example), UBANK Disb

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Entry Events with Requisition and Purchase Order Reversals and Closures

The PeopleSoft Purchasing procure-to-pay process illustrates how you can use the same entry event code to handle reversals and closures.

Entry Event Requisition Reversal and Close

When you create and source a requisition to a PO, the Commitment Control budget processor liquidates the preencumbrance amount and increases the encumbrance amount. To ensure that the entry event accounting lines that you generated with the requisition are also reversed, the predefined entry event REQPOST process contains these predefined entry event steps:

When you create and source a requisition to a PO, the Commitment Control budget processor liquidates the preencumbrance amount for the budget and increases the encumbrance amount for the budget.

This also occurs in the entry event transactions if you add the REQREVRSAL step to the existing entry event process REQPOST. This ensures the correct setup of the debit and credit accounts so that they credit the proprietary account for preencumbrance and debit the general expense offsets.

The entry event processor also creates closure entries for a closed requisition with a portion that is not sourced to a PO. You must set up the REQCLOSE step for the REQPOST process. You set up the debit and credit accounts similarly to the REQREVRSAL step to credit the proprietary account for preencumbrance and debit the general expense offsets.

To create the reversing and closing entry event transactions for the requisition, you must run the entry event processor for the requisition after you create and budget-check the PO. You can run the entry event processor for all business units, the business unit for the requisition, or the specific requisition that you created. Select Purchasing, Requisition, Review Requisition Information, Accounting Entries, and use the accounting entries inquiry to review all of the entries, the entry event reversals, and the closures for the requisition.

Exceptions to the Reversal and Close Processes

Here are some exceptions to using the reversal and close process:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Vouchers, Payments, and Cash Clearing Transactions with Entry Events

You can set up entry events to create transactions for vouchers, payments, and cash clearing. You must set up the entry event codes with the predefined VCHRPOST, PAYMENT, and CASHCLRNG processes and steps. Depending on the entry event transactions that you want to create for an entry event code, you must set up different steps for each process. In some cases, you do not set up the CASHCLRNG process for an entry event code. You can set up the following processes and steps to create the pro forma entries:




  • ACCRUAL (voucher accrual).

  • DRAFTS (draft accrual).

  • PREPAYMNT (prepayments).

  • USETAX (use tax liability).

  • VCHCLOSE (voucher close).

  • WITHHOLD (withholding).

  • ACIUP (accrual InterUnit Payable).

  • ACIUPCLS (cancel accrual InterUnit Payable).

  • ACIUR (accrual InterUnit Receivable).

  • ACIURCLS (cancel accrual InterUnit Receivable).

  • ACUAP (accrual IntaUnit Payable).

  • ACUAPCLS (cancel accrual IntraUnit Payable).

  • ACUAR (accrual IntraUnit Receivable).

  • ACUARCLS (cancel accrual IntraUnit Receivable).

  • ACRUP (accrual Upward Adjustment).

  • ACRDN (accrual Downward Adjustment).

  • DNADJUST (Downward Collect Refund Adjustment).


  • DISCGAIN (discount gained).

  • CDISCGAIN (cancel discount gained).

  • DISCLOST (discount lost).

  • CDISCLOST (cancel discount lost).

  • LATEINT (late interest).

  • CLATEINT (cancel late interest).

  • PAYMENT (payment).

  • CPAYMENT (cancel payment).

  • PYMNTINP (payment IntraUnit Payable).

  • CPYMNTINP (cancel payment IntraUnit Payable).

  • PYMNTINR (payment IntraUnit Receivable).

  • CPYMNTINR (cancel payment IntraUnit Receivable).

  • PYMNTISP (payment InterUnit Payable).

  • CPYMNTISP (cancel payment InterUnit Payable).

  • PYMNTISR (payment InterUnit Receivable).

  • CPYMNTISR (cancel payment InterUnit Receivable).

  • PYMNTCAC (payment cash clearing).

  • CPYMNTCAC (cancel payment cash clearing).

Note. The last two steps are included in the PAYMENT process that uses cash clearing.


CASHCLR (cash clearing).

Once you create and budget-check a voucher, you can generate entry event transactions by running the entry event generator at the same time as voucher post or separately by selecting Accounts Payable, Batch Processes, Vouchers, Voucher Entry Event. The Accounts Payable Voucher Post process must create entry event transactions before steps included in the VCHRPOST process can create them.

The voucher that you pay includes the payment accounting information. If you enter an entry event code on the voucher or you copy an entry event code to the voucher from a PO, the system carries the code to the payments created for that voucher. When you create payments from vouchers, you can generate entry event transactions by running the entry event generator at the same time as payment post, or separately by selecting Accounts Payable, Batch Processes, Payment, Payment Entry Event. The Accounts Payable Payment Post process must create entry event transactions before steps included in the PAYMENT process can create them. If you use Payables, you must set up cash clearing steps for the PAYMENT process associated with an entry event code to create payment entry event transactions.

If you set up cash clearing for Payables and you want to create entry event cash clearing entries, you need to associate the entry event code with the CASHCLRNG process and the step CASHCLR. All reconciled payments create entry event transactions if you associate an entry event code with the CASHCLRNG process. The system can run the entry event processor to generate entry event transactions simultaneously with the Cash Clearing process, or you can generate them separately by selecting Accounts Payable, Batch Processes, Payment, Cash Clearing Entry Event.

See Also

Reviewing Predefined Entry Event Processes and Steps

Defining Entry Event Codes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Entry Event Codes for Upward and Downward Adjustments

In the following cases, the system must automatically generate separate budgetary debit and credit accounts for U.S. federal government adjustments to POs and vouchers that are processed after the funding has expired:

This section discusses:

To generate these budgetary debit and credit accounts, you select an entry event code when you enter the adjustment to the PO or when you enter the PO voucher that points to the predefined entry event source transaction definitions and the predefined entry event processes and steps.

Before you can enter and process these upward and downward adjustments in an expired funding period, you must:

See Defining General Ledger User Preferences.

See Enabling Entry Events at the Installation Level.

Entry Event Definitions for Upward and Downward Adjustments in PeopleSoft Purchasing and Payables

Access the Budget Definitions - Expiration ChartField page.

To use entry events for creating budgetary account adjustments in Purchasing and Payables:

  1. Verify that the following entry event source definitions exist.

    Warning! These values are predefined; do not change them.

    Entry Event Source Definition


    Source Record

    Target Record

    Temporary Record


    PO upward adjustment.





    PO downward adjustment.





    Voucher upward or downward adjustment.




  2. Verify that the following entry event process steps exist for these entry event processes.

    Warning! These values are predefined; do not change them.

    Entry Event Process

    Process Steps

    Process Step Description

    Process Step Characteristics



    PO upward adjustment.

    • Entry event source transaction: PO_POADJUP.

    • Field name and value: BALANCING_LINE, Y.

    • Field name and value: CLOSED_VALUE, N.



    PO downward adjustment.

    • Entry event source transaction: PO_POADJDN.

    • Field name and value: BALANCING_LINE, Y.

    • Field name and value: CLOSED_VALUE, Y.



    Voucher downward adjustment.

    • Entry event source transaction: AP_VCHADJ.

    • Field name and value: DST_ACCT_TYPE, APA.

    • Field name and value: POSTING_PROCESS, ACCR.



    Voucher upward adjustment.

    • Entry event source transaction: AP_VCHADJ.

    • Field name and value: DST_ACCT_TYPE, APA.

    • Field name and value: POSTING_PROCESS, ACCR.

  3. Use the entry event codes for the predefined upward and downward adjustments as the basis for setting up your own entry event codes.

Upward and Downward Adjustments Processing in PeopleSoft Purchasing

This section discusses how to process upward and downward adjustments in Purchasing.

PO upward and downward adjustments are initiated by any change to a PO that applies to expired-year funding.

Here are some important considerations:

See Defining Purchasing Processing Options.

See Creating Requisitions Online.

Here is an example. Suppose that the existing PO called PO 1 is for 7,000.00 USD against an expired fund. Due to a contract adjustment, the PO increases to 8,600.00 USD. The organization received no goods, services, or invoices. This would be an upward adjustment to the PO.

To enter and process the PO for the upward adjustment:

  1. Enter the 1,600.00 USD upward adjustment change order to PO #1.

  2. Approve the PO change order.

    The Commitment Control budget processor checks the Expiration ChartField to see if this change applies to expired-year funding. If the fund year has expired, the budget processor issues an error and stops processing.

  3. Check the budget error messages.

  4. If the error message indicates that budget checking failed because the fund year has expired, then override the budget error.

  5. Rerun the budget processor to ensure that the budget information is valid.

  6. Once the budget is valid, run the entry event processor to generate the entry events.

    The system calculates the difference between the PO's current amount and the lines posted to the entry event accounting line record.

    Note. Your standard general ledger budgetary accounts may be different than the accounts used in this example.

    In this example, the entry event processor generates the following budgetary accounting lines:

See Creating Requisitions Online.

Upward and Downward Adjustments Processing in PeopleSoft Payables

This section discusses how to process upward and downward adjustments for Payables.

Payables voucher upward adjustments are created when:

Here are some important considerations:

Note. Your standard general ledger budgetary accounts and proprietary accounts may be different than the accounts used in these examples.

Here is an example. Suppose that a PO exists for 8, 600.00 USD against an expired fund. A PO voucher was created for 9,000.00 USD against the PO.

Use these steps to enter and process the voucher for the upward adjustment:

  1. Ensure that the PO voucher was entered into Payables for 9,000.00 USD and applies to expired-year funding.

  2. The budget processor fails the PO voucher.

  3. Budget checking fails and issues a budget-checking error for the voucher indicating that the voucher applies to an expired funding year.

  4. Override the budget checking for this voucher.

  5. Run budget checking again to ensure that the voucher budget status is valid.

  6. Run the entry event processor to generate the accounting entries.

    The processor calculates the difference between the voucher and the PO and adjusts the budgetary entries upward.

The system generates the following budgetary entries:

The system generates the following proprietary entries:

Payables voucher downward adjustments are created when the following characteristics apply to the voucher:

For example, a PO exists for 4,700.00 USD against an expired fund. A PO voucher is processed against the PO for 2,700.00 USD.

Use these steps to enter and process the voucher for the downward adjustment:

  1. Ensure that the PO voucher is entered into Payables for 2,700.00 USD and applies to expired-year funding.

  2. Because the PO amount is greater than the voucher amount, the commitment control budget processor does not issue an error, and it passes the budget checking.

  3. Run the entry event processor to generate the following accounting entries.

    The processor calculates the difference between the voucher and the PO and adjusts the budgetary entries downward.

The system generates the following budgetary entries:

The system generates the following proprietary entries:

See Entering and Processing Vouchers Online: General Voucher Entry Information.

Upward and Downward Adjustments Reversals

This section discusses how the system handles upward and downward adjustments reversals.

Reversal processing for entry event generated adjustments is required when the voucher has been posted and:

See Also

Entering and Posting Commitment Control Budget Journals

Setting Up Basic Commitment Control Options

Entering and Processing Vouchers Online: General Voucher Entry Information

Creating Purchase Orders Online

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Entry Events with Commitment Control Budgets

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can use entry events with Commitment Control budgets, you must set up Commitment Control.

Note. The entry event feature is not supported by funding source functionality.

See Setting Up Basic Commitment Control Options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up and Processing Commitment Control Budget Journals with Entry Events

You can enter entry event codes in budget journals to create entry event transactions. Although the PeopleSoft system comes with a predefined BUDG entry event process and its associated steps, you may need to modify the existing steps depending on your budget ledger and budget ledger group names. The BUDG process comes with the following steps:




  • ALLOT (prepare allotment budgets).

  • APPORT (prepare apportionment budget).

  • APPR XFER (appropriation transfer).

  • APPROP (prepare appropriation budgets).

  • ORG (establish operating plan).

  • CORG (close operating plan).

  • ORG XFER (organization transfer).

  • PRJGRT IND (prepare grant indirect charge budget).

  • PROJ_GRT (prepare project or grant budgets).

  • REVEST (prepare revenue estimates).

  • RORG (roll operating plan).

  • CHILD (child budget).

  • PARENT (parent budget).

The predefined process has two fields for each entry event step. The ledger and ledger group names for the entry event budget journals should appear as the field values for each of these steps. Consequently, you may need to modify the predefined field values for the step and replace them with the organization's budget ledger and ledger group name values. The predefined field names are:

For example, to create an entry event transaction for a budget journal with the ledger group CC_ORG and the ledger CC_ORG_BUD, you would access the Entry Event Process definition page for the predefined entry event process BUDG and the entry event step ORG, and you would:

  1. Scroll to the Field Name and Field Value group box.

  2. Enter the field value CC_ORG_BUD next to the field name ASSOCIATED_LEDGER.

  3. Enter the field value CC_ORG next to the field name ASSOCIATED_LED_GRP.

    Important! Do not change the field names.

  4. Create a new entry event code (such as BUDG 1), or select the predefined entry event code BUDGPOST for the setID FEDRL.

  5. Access the Entry Event Code Definition page.

Entry Event Process


Effective Date




Entry Event Step




Source Record Jrnl Template


Journal Template


Offset Accounts


Note. You must add steps for each type of budget used by the organization. These steps are predefined for the BUDG process.

See Also

Entering and Posting Commitment Control Budget Journals

Reviewing Predefined Entry Event Processes and Steps

Defining Entry Event Codes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Automatic Generation of Parent Budgets, Adjustments, and Transfers that Involve Entry Events

Entry event is supported by the automatic generation of parent budgets from originating child budget journals, adjustment journals, and transfer journals.

The use of entry events and automatic generation of parent budgets is discussed in the commitment control chapter dealing with the posting of budget journals.

See Generate Parent Budgets, Budget Adjustments and Budget Transfers Automatically.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up and Closing Commitment Control Budgets with Entry Events

When you close Commitment Control budgets, the budget closing process creates budget journals that are posted to the budget ledger. Typically you either choose to close out the remaining balance of the budget for the period or roll forward the remaining balance into the next fiscal year and period. In both situations the budget closing process creates budget journals. If you enabled entry event in the Installation Options, you have the option of selecting an entry event code when you close the budgets. The budget journals are created in adjustment periods and the Entry Event processor also creates the closing entries in the budget journal adjustment periods. When you run journal generator for these accounting entries, it retains the adjustment periods so that they are posted in the specified ledger with budget journal adjustment period dates.

This section discusses how to:

Setting Up Entry Events for Commitment Control Budget Close

To set up entry events for Commitment Control budget close:

  1. Set up the entry event process BUDG with two entry event steps based on the entry event source transactions:

  2. Associate the appropriate ledger group and ledger.

  3. Create an entry event code such as CLOSEYEAR for the process BUDG and add these steps:

  4. Add the accounts to which you want to post the budget close accounting entries for each entry event step.

Note. Refer to the sample Entry Event Process Definition pages.

Processing Entry Events in Commitment Control Budget Close


  1. Budget for FY 2001: 1000.00 USD.

  2. Expended: 400.00 USD.

  3. Remainder: 600.00 USD.

  4. Entry Event Code: CLOSEYEAR.

Based on this example, after you run the Commitment Control Budget Close process, select the Entry Event Processor to generate these accounting lines with which Journal Generator generates journals that are posted to the ledger and ledger group specified on the Entry Event Process Definition page.


Fiscal Year

Accounting Period





600.00 USD




<600.00> USD




600.00 USD




<600.00> USD