Integrating with Commitment Control

Commitment Control is an optional feature of Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Management Solutions, Enterprise Service Automation, and Supply Chain Management product lines that enables you to control expenditures against predefined, authorized cost, or revenue budgets.

This chapter provides an overview of integrating PeopleSoft Project Costing with PeopleSoft Commitment Control and discusses how to:

Note. This chapter is supplemental to the PeopleSoft Enterprise Commitment Control 9.0 PeopleBook and provides information about the integration between PeopleSoft Project Costing and PeopleSoft Commitment Control. Refer to the PeopleSoft Enterprise Commitment Control 9.0 PeopleBook for complete information about PeopleSoft Commitment Control functionality.

See Also

Getting Started With PeopleSoft Enterprise Commitment Control

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Integration Between PeopleSoft Project Costing and PeopleSoft Commitment Control

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetup Requirements

After you enable PeopleSoft Project Costing and PeopleSoft General Ledger for PeopleSoft Commitment Control on the Installation Options - Installed Products page, complete the steps to configure Commitment Control for integration with Project Costing.

The PeopleSoft Enterprise Commitment Control 9.0 PeopleBook and PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger 9.0 PeopleBook discuss the steps required to configure those systems to integrate with PeopleSoft Project Costing, such as setting up basic Commitment Control options, source transaction types, and security.

See Setting Up Basic Commitment Control Options.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger Preface.

Complete these steps to configure PeopleSoft Project Costing to integrate with PeopleSoft Commitment Control:

  1. Set up integration templates to integrate with the appropriate general ledger (GL) business unit.

    Select the Primary Ledger Business Unit check box on the Integration Templates - General Ledger Integration page to designate the primary GL business unit to use for budget creation and budget checking when this integration template is specified on the project.

  2. Designate at the installation level the analysis groups that contain the analysis types to use to create revenue and expense budgets in PeopleSoft Project Costing.

    You can override the budget analysis group at the project level.

    See Defining Project Costing Installation Options.

  3. At the set ID level, designate the analysis types that identify the transactions that must be budget checked before they are sent to the Project Transaction table (PROJ_RESOURCE).

    Map the relationship between the source transaction definition and transactions in PeopleSoft Project Costing by using the Commitment Control Amount Type field on the Analysis Type page. PeopleSoft General Ledger delivers two source transaction definitions for PeopleSoft Project Costing—PC_JOURNAL (used for both cost and revenue transaction rows) and PC_BUDGET (used to create budgets).

    See Analysis Types.

    See Setting Up Commitment Control Source Transaction Types.

Note. There is no option to disable Commitment Control for specific projects or processes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIntegration Process Flow

The integration process flow begins with the creation of a budget in PeopleSoft Project Costing. Project budget rows and actual cost transactions can originate from several sources, such as:

See Budgeting Project Costs and Revenue.

Several different Application Engine processes play a key role in integrating PeopleSoft Project Costing and Commitment Control. The budget rows in PeopleSoft Project Costing are staged in the Project Transaction Interface table (INTFC_PROJ_RES) until the Load Third-Party Transactions Application Engine process (PC_INTFEDIT) determines which rows need to be budget-checked in Commitment Control. The Load Third-Party Transactions process triggers the Project Costing to Commitment Control Application Engine process (PC_TO_KK) to send budget rows and cost transactions that require budget-checking to Commitment Control. The Project Costing to Commitment Control process triggers the Budget Processor Application Engine process (FS_BP) to budget check the transactions against the Commitment Control budget. If the available budget amount is not sufficient or the transaction receives some other budget-related exception, the Budget Processor records errors and exceptions. Finally, the Project Costing to Commitment Control process updates the Project Transaction Interface table with the Commitment Control distribution status of error or posted. After the transaction rows successfully post to Commitment Control and the Project Transaction table, the system deletes the rows from the Project Transaction Interface table.

These diagrams show the processing flow for the Project Costing to Commitment Control process:

Project Costing to Commitment Control process flow (1 of 2)

Project Costing to Commitment Control process flow (2 of 2)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProject Costing to Commitment Control Process

The Project Costing to Commitment Control process:

The budget period is a required field on the budget journal. For budget rows that originate in PeopleSoft Grants, the Project Costing to Commitment Control process derives the budget period from the calendar ID on the Keys and Translations page in Commitment Control based on the accounting dates in the Project Transaction table. For budget rows that originate in Projects Budgeting, the budget period is based on the budget plan calendar.

The Project Costing to Commitment Control process does not create fund source allocations.

See Setting Up Commitment Control Security.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommitment Control to Project Costing Process

Use the Commitment Control to Project Costing Application Engine process (PC_KK_TO_PC) to post budget transactions in PeopleSoft Project Costing that you enter directly into Commitment Control. Rows are eligible to post in Project Costing if both of these conditions exist:

After you post budget journals directly into Commitment Control, if Projects Budgeting is enabled at the installation level and you run the Commitment Control to Project Costing process, the system:

If you create a budget journal in Commitment Control and run the Commitment Control to Project Costing process, if Projects Budgeting is enabled at the installation level and no current active budget plan exists for that project, the system:

For example, assume that you post Journal A and Journal B to Commitment Control. Both journals have identical ChartField values. The Commitment Control to Project Costing process creates one active budget plan that contains both journals.

If you subsequently unpost the budget journal in Commitment Control and run the Commitment Control to Project Costing process, the system:

For example, assume that you post Journal A to Commitment Control and run the Commitment Control to Project Costing process. The process creates Budget Plan A as the active budget plan. Then you unpost Journal A in Commitment Control and run the Commitment Control to Project Costing process. The system changes the status of Budget Plan A to Inactive, and creates Budget Plan B as the active budget plan, which represents the reversal of Budget Plan A.

If you create a budget journal in Commitment Control and run the Commitment Control to Project Costing process, if Projects Budgeting is enabled at the installation level and an active budget plan already exists in PeopleSoft Project Costing, the system:

For example, assume that you post Journal A to Commitment Control and run the Commitment Control to Project Costing process. The process creates Budget Plan A as the active budget plan. Then you post Journal B and run the Commitment Control to Project Costing process. The system changes the status of Budget Plan A to Inactive, and creates Budget Plan B as the active budget plan.

You must define the project ID and activity ID as key ChartFields if you create budgets directly in Commitment Control and send them to Project Costing by using the Commitment Control to Project Costing process.

The Commitment Control to Project Costing process uses the analysis groups for the revenue budget and the cost budget that are specified on the Project Costing Definition page for the project.. The process uses the first analysis type listed in the appropriate analysis group. For example, assume that you use the RBUD (Revenue Budget Group) analysis group for revenue budgets and the BUD (Budgets) analysis group for cost budgets. The analysis type RB1 (Revenue Budget 1) is listed first in the RBUD analysis group. Therefore, the process uses RB1 to post revenue budgets to the budget plan and the Project Transaction table.

When you generate a budget plan by using the Commitment Control to Project Costing process, the budget item default value is Other.

Note. If you create a budget journal in Commitment Control and Projects Budgeting is enabled at the installation level, you cannot change the default budget item in the project budget. In this way the system prevents you from changing the budget item from Other to another value, which would result in changing the ChartField values to correspond to the new budget item.

If you create budgets in PeopleSoft Project Costing, you must also adjust the budgets in Project Costing.

If you create a new budget journal in Commitment Control and Projects Budgeting is not enabled at the installation level, the Commitment Control to Project Costing process sends transaction rows to the Project Transaction Interface table and does not create a budget plan.

See Also

Setting Up Control Budget Definitions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudget Checking Errors and Exceptions

If the Commitment Control Budget Processor encounters an error, the system stores the transaction in the Commitment Control Transaction Exceptions table (KK_EXCPTN_TBL) and updates the row in the Project Transaction Interface table with a Commitment Control distribution status and budget header status of Error. Use the Review Commitment Control page to correct the errors and:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSecurity

PeopleSoft Project Costing uses the Commitment Control Budget Entry or Adjustment security event to enable you to restrict entry of a budget amount to a limited set of users.

Additionally, you can restrict users to specific budgets by using ChartField values on the Commitment Control Security Field Setup page.

The system records security errors in the Project Transaction Interface table just as it does with budget-checking errors. You can view security errors on the Review Commitment Control page.

See Setting Up Commitment Control Security.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up PeopleSoft Project Costing for PeopleSoft Commitment Control

This section lists the pages used to set up PeopleSoft Project Costing for Commitment Control and discusses how to set up Commitment Control analysis types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up PeopleSoft Project Costing for PeopleSoft Commitment Control

Page Name

Object Name



Integration Templates - General Ledger Integration


Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Project Costing, Project Options, Integration Templates, General Ledger Integration

Select the Primary Ledger Business Unit check box to designate the integration template as the primary general ledger business unit that is used for budget creation and budget checking when this integration template is specified on a project.

See Integration Templates.

Installation Options - Project Costing


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options, Project Costing

In the Analysis Groups Default group box:

  • Select an analysis group from the Cost Budget drop-down list box.

    The default value is BUD.

  • Select an analysis group from the Revenue Budget drop-down list box.

    The default value is RBUD.

    See Defining Project Costing Installation Options.

Analysis Types


Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Project Costing, Transaction Options, Analysis Types, Analysis Types

Designate a Commitment Control amount type for the analysis types that will be used for Commitment Control budget checking.

Project Costing Definition


Project Costing, Project Definitions, General Information, Project Costing Definition

If necessary, override the default budget analysis group by selecting different analysis types that identify a budget.

In the Grants group box, specify if the project is grant funded. The Grants group box is visible only if PeopleSoft Grants is installed and you access the Project Costing Definition page by using the Grants, Awards, Project portal navigation.

See Also

Defining Projects

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Commitment Control Analysis Types

Access the Analysis Types page.

Commitment Control Amount Type

To set up Commitment Control analysis types, select a Commitment Control Amount Type value to identify how transactions of this analysis type are used in Commitment Control budget checking.

Source Transaction Type

Displays either PC_JOURNAL or PC_BUDGET transaction type that is defined in the Commitment Control feature. The source transaction type maps PeopleSoft Project Costing fields to Commitment Control fields.

This table lists the delivered analysis types and amount types that are used for Commitment Control:

Analysis Type

Commitment Control Amount Type

Commitment Control Ledger Group Type


Pre-Encumbrance: Designates requisitions.



Pre-Encumbrance: Designates cost-sharing requisitions.



Encumbrance: Designates purchase orders.



Actuals and Recognized: Designates actual cost expenses for expense type ledger groups and recognized revenue for revenue type ledger groups.



See Also

Defining Analysis Types

Click to jump to parent topicBudget Checking Transactions in Commitment Control

The section discusses how to view and fix Commitment Control errors.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Budget Check Transactions in Commitment Control

Page Name

Object Name



Load Transactions


Project Costing, Third-Party Integration, Load Transactions, Load Transactions

Run the Load Third-Party Transactions process to send transactions to the Project Transaction table from the Project Transaction Interface table after they are budget checked against Commitment Control journal rows.

See Loading Transaction Data.

Review Commitment Control


Project Costing, Budgeting, Review Commitment Control, Review Commitment Control

Fix Commitment Control errors, update the Commitment Control distribution status to New, and rerun the Load Third-Party Transactions process to load the corrected transactions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Fixing Commitment Control Errors

Access the Review Commitment Control page.

Review the Commitment Control error messages and make corrections as required. This page displays budget rows with a Commitment Control distribution status of E (posting error).

Note. If you change any ChartField, ledger, ledger group, or budget item value on this page for transactions that originate in Projects Budgeting (system source of PCB), the system updates the corresponding fields on this page with the new value on rows that contain the same value of project business unit, project, activity, budget item, and sequence number. For example, if you change the Category ChartField value on the first row from blank to Cost, the Category value changes to Cost on other rows in the grid that contain the same project business unit, project, activity, budget item, and sequence number.

Send to Commitment Control

Click to initiate the PC_WRAPPER Application Engine process for the corresponding interface ID. The PC_WRAPPER process contains the Load Third-Party Transactions process, Project Costing to Commitment Control process, and the Budget Processor. Prior to sending the transactions back through the Security and Budget Processor, the system resets the Commitment Control distribution status, Project Costing distribution status, and budget header status to N (new).


The Exceptions tab displays the activity, budget item, sequence number, amount, and error that are associated with the budget row. Modify the Foreign Amount field as required.

Drill to Source

Click to access the Budget Detail page for the budget plan if the entry originated in Projects Budgeting. Click Drill to Source to access the Transaction List page if the transaction originated from Grants Budgeting, or the Add Transactions page. Click Return to Review Commitment Control to return to the Review Commitment Control page.

Header Details

Click to access the Commitment Control PC Budget Exceptions page in a new browser window. Close the new browser window to return to the Review Commitment Control page.

Line Details

Click to access the Commitment Control PC Line Exceptions page in a new browser window. Close the new browser window to return to the Review Commitment Control page.

Budget Plan

Click to access the Budget Plan page for the project.

Projects Detail

On the Projects Detail tab you can modify the project ChartField values for the source type, category, subcategory, and other resource-related information.

Projects Distribution Status

Displays the Project Costing distribution status. Values are:

Not Distributed (N): The new transaction row is created in Projects Budgeting but is not distributed to the Project Transaction table.

Distributed (D): The Projects Budgeting transaction row is distributed to the Project Transaction table.

Transaction ID

Displays the transaction ID that the system creates during the Project Costing to Commitment Control process.

Commitment Control Detail

Budget Header Status

Displays the budget checking header status. Values are

Error (E): The transaction failed the budget posting process.

Valid (V): The transaction passed budget checking and posted correctly.

Not Chk'd (not checked) (N): The Budget Processor has not processed the transaction.

Commitment Control Status

Displays the Commitment Control distribution status. Values are:

Budget Check (B): System processing status that the Project Costing to Commitment Control process assigns to indicate that the budget is budget checked.

Budget Create (C): System processing status that the Project Costing to Commitment Control process assigns to indicate that the budget is created.

Distributed (D): System processing status that the Project Costing to Commitment Control process assigns to indicate that the budget is distributed in Commitment Control.

Posting Error (E): The transaction encountered an error during the Project Costing to Commitment Control process.

Security Error (S): The transaction encountered an error during the Project Costing to Commitment Control process due to improper security.

Set Options

Click to access the Set Options page where you can view budget ChartFields and modify budget status and budget control options.

See Defining Control Budget Attributes.

Click to jump to parent topicSending Commitment Control Transactions to PeopleSoft Project Costing

This section discusses how to run the Commitment Control to Project Costing process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Send Commitment Control Transactions to PeopleSoft Project Costing

Page Name

Object Name



Commitment Control


Project Costing, Budgeting, Retrieve Commitment Control, Commitment Control

Send budget transactions that you enter in Commitment Control to the Project Transaction Interface table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Commitment Control to Project Costing Process

Access the Commitment Control page.

Date Option

Select an option to specify which transactions to include in this run control. Available options are:

All: Selects all rows from Commitment Control regardless of the accounting date or transaction date.

Accounting Date: Selects rows based on the journal date from the budget header.

Transaction Date: Selects rows based on the budget date from the budget line.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Entry Events

The section provides an overview of project budgeting with entry events, lists the pages used to define entry events, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Project Budgeting with Entry Events

Entry events enable applications to create standard accounting entries automatically based on accounting lines that are generated by document posting routines. If the Commitment Control ledger on the detailed budget row is enabled for entry events, you can assign an entry event code to the budget row. After the Journal Generator Application Engine process (FS_JGEN) successfully posts the budget rows to the general ledger, you can use the Project Costing Budget Entry Event Processor (PC_TO_EE) to generate additional standard accounting entries based on the entry event code. The additional journal entries are posted to the general ledger for you to use to track transactions within the Commitment Control ledger.

Project Budgeting with Entry Events Process Flow

The diagrams in a previous section in this chapter show the processing flow for the Project Costing to Commitment Control process. The following diagram shows a high level process flow of using entry events in project budgeting, which begins after the Project Costing to Commitment Control process successfully posts budget rows to the Commitment Control ledger data table (LEDGER_KK):

Entry events in project budgeting process flow (1 of 2)

Entry events in project budgeting process flow (2 of 2)

PeopleSoft Project Costing Budget Entry Event Processor

The Project Costing Budget Entry Event Processor uses the Entry Event Generator Application Engine process (FS_EVENTGEN) to process PeopleSoft Project Costing budget transactions and generate supplemental accounting entries. You can run the Project Costing Budget Entry Event Processor by using either of these two methods:

The Project Costing Budget Entry Event Processor applies only to budget transactions, not to actual cost transactions.

Entry Event System Data

These definitions are delivered with the PeopleSoft Project Costing system for use with project budgets:

Definition Type

System Data

Entry Event source


Note. Do not modify the entry event source transaction definition.

Entry Event process

PCBUDG with process steps PC_CHD and PC_PAR

Note. A process step must be defined for each ledger and ledger group combination that you will use in project budgeting.

Accounting entry


Entry Event code

PCBUD1 for both setID SHARE and FEDRL

Note. Entry Event code PCBUD1 uses the PCBUDG Entry Event process definition.

Journal Generator template


See Setting Up Commitment Control for a Business Unit and General Ledger Ledger Group.

Entry Event Code on Budget Detail Rows

When you create project budgets, you will select the entry event codes that are applicable for PeopleSoft Project Costing budget rows on the Commitment Control Detail tab of the Project Budget Items - Adjust Budget Items page. After the budget plan is saved and finalized, and the project budget is successfully posted, the Entry Event Generator process can create additional accounting entries. If you select an inactive entry event code and try to finalize the budget, the system will not proceed with the finalization process. A message appears on the Review Commitment Control page in the Error column for the corresponding budget detail row indicating that the row contains an invalid value. You must change the event entry code and refinalize the budget plan.

See Distributing Project Estimates Across Budget Items.

Drill Down to Source Data

After the Project Costing Budget Entry Event Processor generates supplemental accounting entries, and the Journal Generator successfully generates the actual journals based on those accounting entries, you can drill down from the actual journal to PeopleSoft Project Costing source data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

To use this feature you must enable entry events for Commitment Control ledger groups for applicable business units on the Ledgers For A Unit - Commitment Control Options page.

See Setting Up Commitment Control for a Business Unit and General Ledger Ledger Group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Work with Entry Events

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Object Name



Entry Event Source Definition


Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Entry Event, Source, Entry Event Source Definition

View predefined entry event source transaction definitions with the data structures and records that are used by the entry event processor.

See Reviewing Predefined Entry Event Source Transactions.

Entry Event Code Definition


Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Entry Event, Code Definition, Entry Event Code Definition

Define entry event codes that are entered in the application’s detail distribution lines as part of an accounting transaction.

See Defining Entry Event Codes.

Entry Event Process Definition


Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Entry Event, Process, Entry Event Process Definition

View a predefined series of steps that are grouped by a process for similar processing.

See Reviewing Predefined Entry Event Processes and Steps.

Accounting Entry Definition


General Ledger, Journals, Subsystem Journals, Accounting Entry Definition, Accounting Entry Definition

Identify the system source that distributes data to the general ledger. Identify the record and field names for the Accounting Entry table.

See Defining Accounting Entries.

Entry Event Budget


Project Costing, Budgeting, Entry Event Budget, Entry Event Budget

Run the Project Costing Budget Entry Event Processor to generate standard accounting entries based on the entry event code on the project budget.

Entry Event Budget Accounting Entries


Project Costing, Budgeting, Entry Event Budget Drill Down, Entry Event Budget Accounting Entries

Drill into PeopleSoft Project Costing source data from a journal entry.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Entry Event Rows

Access the Entry Event Budget page.

Enter a request ID and description, and select the process frequency.

Select from these process options and enter the criteria that the system uses to select transactions to process:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Entry Event Details

Access the Entry Event Budget Accounting Entries page.

Enter the business unit on the Entry Event Budget Drill Down search page and optionally search for a journal by journal ID, date, GL journal line number, and ledger. The Entry Event Budget Accounting Entries page appears for you to view a list of accounting entries for the journal ID. Only transactions that are created by the Project Costing Budget Entry Event Processor appear on this page.

Click the Budget Detail icon to drill down to the source transaction on the Budget Detail page.