Defining Your Operational Structure for PeopleSoft Expenses

This chapter provides an overview of the expense system operational structure and discusses how to configure business units for PeopleSoft Expenses.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Expense System Operational Structure

Oracle's PeopleSoft defines a business unit as an operational subset of your organization, which enables you to plan operations around the way you work. PeopleSoft Expenses uses general ledger business units to establish defaults such as minimum receipt amounts, cash advance limits, time reporting options and thresholds, journal templates, automatic approval thresholds, and PeopleSoft Commitment Control and value-added tax (VAT) options.

Before you implement an application for your organization, look at how your business operates. To make the most of the flexible Oracle's PeopleSoft design, you must first decide how you want to map your operational business structures for PeopleSoft Expenses.

Click to jump to parent topicConfiguring Business Units for PeopleSoft Expenses

To set up business units and setIDs for PeopleSoft Expenses, use the following components:

Use the BUS_UNIT_TBL_EX component interface to load data into the tables for the PeopleSoft Expenses Definition component.

This section discusses how to:

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Page Name

Object Name



Expenses Definition - Business Unit 1


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Expenses, Expenses Definition, Business Unit 1 tab

Set up business unit parameters for PeopleSoft Expenses.

Expenses Definition - Business Unit 2


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Expenses, Expenses Definition, Business Unit 2 tab

Designate business unit specifications for journal templates, time reporting, automatic approval thresholds, project time options, and grace periods.

Expenses Definition - VAT Options


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Expenses, Expenses Definition, VAT Options tab

Establish VAT parameters for the business unit.

Expenses Options


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Expenses, Expenses Options

Establish payment defaults, Commitment Control options, and approval preferences for a setID.

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Access the Expenses Definition - Business Unit 1 page.

Update Open Periods

Click to display the Open Period Update (OPEN_PERIOD_SINGLE) page and define open period beginning and ending dates for PeopleSoft Expenses that are different from open period date ranges in PeopleSoft General Ledger. This feature enables you to control the transactions created and submitted with a specific accounting date. The accounting date of the transaction is checked against the begin and end date of the open period defined for the fiscal year to verify whether or not the transaction is eligible for submission.

Default Information

Base Currency

Displays the primary currency for a general ledger business unit, which can have only one base currency.


Select a country for PeopleSoft Expenses to use as the default country for the general ledger business unit. PeopleSoft Expenses refers to this field for VAT and distance rates.


Select an accounting entry template that specifies what ChartFields to charge for accounting entries from your expense system.

Accounting Display

Select the accounting display option at the business unit level, that is used by the system as the default value. This parameter defines the type of access that an employee has to the accounting details if the employee is not assigned to a role or if the role definition specifies that the employee must use the Accounting Display setting defined for the PeopleSoft Expenses business unit. The accounting display option is valid for expense transactions accessed through the Employee Self-Service navigation.

Accounting display options are:

  • Display Only: PeopleSoft Expenses displays links to the accounting distribution pages. On the accounting distribution pages, PeopleSoft Expenses only displays the information; users cannot edit any of the ChartFields.

  • Hide: PeopleSoft Expenses does not display links to the accounting distribution pages on travel authorizations or expense reports.

  • Update: PeopleSoft Expenses displays links to the accounting distribution pages and users can modify the accounting information.

Note. PeopleSoft Expenses checks the employee role on the Employee Profile - User Defaults page first. If the employee does not have a role identified, then PeopleSoft Expenses uses the accounting display value defined at the business unit level.

See Understanding Accounting in PeopleSoft Expenses.

Receipt Amount

Minimum Receipt Amount

Specify the minimum expense amount for which a receipt is required. For example, if you enter 75 EUR, employees from this business unit must provide receipts for expenses over 75 EUR.

Total Amount Limits

Prepayment Amount or Post-Payment Amount

Enter a maximum amount for an expense report. If the Amount Exceeded refinement is selected on the Approval Refinement Template page, PeopleSoft Expenses will direct expense reports that exceed this amount to the auditor.

The system defaults to 0 for both fields, which means that there are no limits.

Advance Options

Allow Advance

Select if this business unit uses cash advances. If selected, enter a value in the Max Advance Amount for BU (maximum advance amount for the business unit) field. If you do not select the Allow Advance check box, the system prevents employees in this business unit from creating cash advances.

If you change the Allow Advance or Max Advance Amount for BU fields, PeopleSoft Expenses automatically updates the employee profiles.

Payroll Gross Up Estimate

Gross Up Percent

Enter a percentage to use for tax calculations. For example, if an employee is to receive a net amount of 1,000 GBP and the gross up estimate for taxes is 20 percent, you would pay the employee 1,200 GBP.

When your organization agrees to pay a taxable lump sum for expenses such as moving costs, you can ensure that the employee receives the correct amount by estimating the percentage of tax and adding the amount to the committed amount.

The percentage that you enter in this field is an estimate of the liability to your organization. The payroll system determines the actual grossed up amount.

Payment Information

DUNS Number

Dun & Bradstreet assigns this optional field for tracking purposes.

See PeopleSoft Customers and Orders PeopleBook, “Maintaining Additional Customer Information,” Setting Up Dun and Bradstreet Information.


Select a business unit address to print on payment forms.

Expense Report Doc Type (Expense Report Document Type)

Post, Unpost, and Close

If you use document sequencing, select a document type to generate document numbers for expense reports. If you do not require various sets of document numbers, use the same document type for all three processes.

Cash Advance Doc Type (Cash Advance Document Type)

Post and Close

If you use document sequencing, select a document type to generate document numbers for cash advances. If you do not require various sets of document numbers, use the same document type for both processes.


Override Authorized Amounts

Select to allow anyone in this business unit to ignore location amounts associated with expense types.

If not selected, employees in this business unit can enter amounts up to the authorized amount plus the benchmark tolerance for any expense type. If employees enter amounts above the authorized amount plus the benchmark tolerance, the system requires them to enter an exception comment.

Override Per Diem

Select to allow an employee in this business unit to enter any amount for an expense type that is a per diem expense type. If they exceed the authorized amount plus the benchmark tolerance, the system will require them to enter an exception comment.

If not selected, employees in this business unit can enter an amount up to the authorized amount plus the benchmark tolerance for an expense type that is a per diem expense type. If an employee tries to enter an amount above the authorized amount plus the benchmark tolerance, the system will display an error message.

Disable DCAA (disable Defense Contract Audit Agency)

Select to disable the requirement to enforce DCAA audit requirements for a general ledger business unit.

Note. PeopleSoft Expenses displays this check box if DCAA Enabled is selected on the Installation Options - Expenses page.

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Access the Expenses Definition - Business Unit 2 page.

Journal Templates

Select the templates for the business unit to use for accruals, payments, closes, and cancels. Your system may have different templates if you use different accounting entry journals for PeopleSoft Expenses.

Grace Period

Establish the number of days after which employees must submit expense transactions for processing:

Cash Advance Overdue

The default is 90 days. Applies to cash advances that have not been processed and reconciled.

Credit Card Data Overdue

The default is 30 days. Applies to credit card data loaded into the expenses system but not processed in an expense report.

Inactive Employee Submissions

Enter the number of days to allow an authorized employee to enter time reports or expense reports on behalf of an inactive employee. The number of days refers to the time since the employee became inactive (using employee status and action date). At submit time, PeopleSoft Expenses checks the employee status and action date. If the employee is inactive, PeopleSoft Expenses verifies if the grace period has been exceeded and, if so, issues an error to prevent further processing of the expense transaction.

Time Reporting Options

Time Report Period

Select the frequency with which employees in this business unit report their work hours. This parameter is used for time reports to determine the number of days to display for time entry. The default is Weekly; you can also select Daily, Bi-Weekly, or Semi-Monthly.

Ending Day of Period

The default is Friday and signifies the ending day for the time reporting period. This field applies only to weekly and biweekly time collection frequencies.

Note. If you use PeopleSoft Forecast Collection, the Forecast Collection Ending Day on the Forecast Configuration page must match this ending day.

Hours Per Day

Enter the number of hours that comprise a work day for the business unit. The default value is eight, but the value can be overridden to enter a longer or shorter work day. When an employee enters their time on the Time Report Summary page, the system uses the value entered in this field to calculate the employee's overtime each day.

Time Grid Display

Select to display project, policy, or both grids on time reports. If you select to display the project or policy grid, PeopleSoft Expenses hides the other grid and the totals and functionality in the hidden grid will be inaccessible on time reports.

Time Report Thresholds

Establish thresholds for PeopleSoft Expenses to issue warnings or errors if employees submit time reports over or under the required number of hours for a time reporting period. You can set time reporting thresholds by general ledger business unit or by employee.

See Maintaining Employee Organizational Data.

Alert Actions

Select to issue warnings or errors for employees who submit time reports that are less than the minimum hours or greater than the maximum hours for a time reporting period.

Per Period Thresholds

Enter the minimum and maximum number of hours for a time reporting period for PeopleSoft Expenses to use to issue warnings or errors.

Project Time Options

Select Project ChartFields Display

Select for PeopleSoft Expenses to display PeopleSoft Project Costing ChartField Codes or Descriptions on time reports.

Disable Entry of Future Project Hours

Select to prohibit employees in the general ledger business unit from entering time against projects on a time report that has not yet been worked .

Allow Entry of Estimate to Complete

PeopleSoft Expenses displays this check box if PeopleSoft Program Management is installed. Select to enable employees in the general ledger business unit to view remaining work hours for their projects and enter a new estimate of hours to complete projects on their time reports.

If you do not select the check box, PeopleSoft Expenses will not display the Remaining Work and New Estimate fields on the Time Report Summary page.

Auto Approval Thresholds

Monetary Amount Threshold

If the total amount of the expense report, travel authorization, or cash advance is less than or equal to the monetary threshold amount, PeopleSoft Expenses automatically approves the transaction. If you do not enter an amount in this field, PeopleSoft Expenses will not automatically approve the transactions, even if you enabled the automatic approval functionality.

% Variance from Travel Auth (percent variance from travel authorization)

Enter a variance percentage for PeopleSoft Expenses to automatically approve expense reports created from travel authorizations. PeopleSoft Expenses calculates the difference between the expense report total amount and the travel authorization total amount as a percentage. If the percent difference is less than or equal to the percent variance, PeopleSoft Expenses automatically approves the expense report.

If you do not enter a percent variance, PeopleSoft Expenses will not automatically approve expense reports based on it's variance from the travel authorization, even if you enabled the automatic approval functionality. If the amount of the expense transaction exceeds the variance, but is within the monetary amount threshold, PeopleSoft Expenses automatically approves the expense report.

Note. If PeopleSoft Commitment Control is enabled, PeopleSoft Expenses will not automatically approve expense reports if the option to require a valid budget checking status prior to approval is enforced and the budget status is set to require budget checking.

The Monetary Amount Threshold and % Variance from Travel Auth fields are not available if you disable automatic approval for all transaction types.

Distance Accumulation Calendar

PeopleSoft Expenses enables you to accumulate automobile distance based on a fiscal or calendar year. When employees enter an automobile mileage expense on an expense report and specify the distance traveled, PeopleSoft Expenses looks at the calendar specified for the employees' business unit to determine which year to add the distance to.

When employees enter an expense date for an automobile mileage expense on expense reports and the distance rate is variable, PeopleSoft Expenses validates the date against the calendar that you establish on the Expenses Definition - Business Unit 2 page and updates the accumulated distance for the appropriate year.

Use Calendar Year

Select to use the calendar year (January through December) to accumulate automobile distance.

Use Specified Calendar

Select to specify a detail calendar defined on the Calendar Periods page (DETAIL_CALENDAR1). The calendar that you specify determines how PeopleSoft Expenses will accumulate automobile distance for employees within the business unit.

Warning! If you change options and employees in the business unit have accumulated miles or kilometers, PeopleSoft Expenses displays a warning that the change could invalidate the existing accumulated distance data.

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Access the Expenses Definition - VAT Options page.

VAT Fields

Physical Nature

Select Goods or Services for VAT treatment.

Record Foreign VAT

Select to record foreign VAT on expense sheets, regardless of whether you enabled VAT at the business unit level. This is for customers who want to record and reclaim foreign VAT.

Prorate Non-Recoverable VAT

PeopleSoft Expenses generates an accounting line for nonrecoverable VAT. If this check box is cleared, nonrecoverable VAT is charged to the nonrecoverable VAT account designated in the VAT code definition. When selected, nonrecoverable VAT is charged as an expense to the general ledger ChartFields that are indicated in the expense report accounting detail page.

Allocate Non-Recoverable VAT

If selected, the accounting comes from the VAT template. If cleared, the accounting comes from the VAT accounting template.

Note. The Allocate Non-Recoverable VAT check box is active only if the Prorate Non-Recoverable VAT check box is cleared.

VAT Default

Click to access the VAT Defaults Setup page.

The VAT Default Setup page is a common page used to set up VAT defaulting for all Oracle's PeopleSoft applications that are processing VAT transactions. On this page you can define the PeopleSoft Expenses business unit defaults, as applicable.

See Working with VAT.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Payment Defaults for a SetID

Access the Expenses Options page.

Payment Details

Select a rate type to perform exchange rate calculations.

If a business unit associated with this setID makes expense payments to employees, the Bank Code, Bank Account, and Payment Method fields establish defaults.

Accounting Date

Select Use Current Date as your accounting date or select Use Specific Date to open a field and enter a date.

Commitment Control Options

Require budget checking prior to approval for Expense Reports

If selected, you cannot approve expense reports until you budget check the transactions and they pass with a valid budget status. If there are multiple approvers, only the first approver is required to budget check successfully prior to approval. If an approver modifies any of the accounting details, budget checking is required again to reflect the changes. This option is only applicable to business units that are enabled for commitment control.

Require budget checking prior to approval for Travel Authorizations

If selected, you cannot approve travel authorizations until you budget check the transactions and they pass with a valid budget status. This option is only applicable to business units that are enabled for commitment control.

Approval Preferences

Select a preference for how you want PeopleSoft Expenses to behave when approving expense transactions. Although approvers may approve transactions at a summary level, they may also drill down to individual transactions to perform their approval action. The approval preference determines the behavior of the system after approvers perform their approval action.

After Approval Action

Select Proceed to Next Transaction to access the next expense transaction that is available for approval action, or select Return to List to return the approver to the Summary Approvals page from which they drilled down.