Maintaining Employee Profiles

This chapter provides an overview of employee profiles and discusses how to maintain:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Employee Profiles

Employee data is the foundation of PeopleSoft Expenses. Oracle's PeopleSoft provides centralized access to employee information, such as their cost center codes, credit card numbers, check printing addresses, direct deposit bank accounts, and transportation data. The employee profile also stores default values and settings that PeopleSoft Expenses uses to streamline the time and expense report entry.

Although we highly recommend that your human resource system regularly update your employee tables, you may need to add or edit employee profiles manually to provide data required for expense reimbursement. PeopleSoft Expenses enables you to add and maintain personal, organizational, and financial data. Because of the sensitivity of employee information, we suggest that you authorize access to these pages carefully.

To update employee data, use the Update Profile page (EX_EE_PROFILE2). You can also use the EX_EE_ORG_DTA_SETUP component interface to load data into the tables during implementation. Whenever you manually add a new employee, you must validate that new employee and associate them with a valid user ID to enable them to enter information in PeopleSoft Expenses. You perform the manual validation on the Organization Data page in the Update Profile component. Access the Authorize Users page to add a validated employee to the Authorize User table.

Note. If PeopleSoft Expenses receives data from human resources, updates from human resources may overwrite changes made through the expense system unless you customize your loading process. PeopleSoft recommends using the Employee Self-Service navigation if human resources feeds your expense system. The pages accessed through the Employee Self-Service navigation are displayed in read-only mode, with the exception of the User Defaults page.

PeopleSoft Expenses allows employees to set up their own user defaults to reduce data entry time for travel authorizations, cash advances, expense reports, and time reports, and they can easily change these defaults during data entry. Employees can also set up project defaults, accounting distributions, and number of hours worked per day.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Employee Personal Data

To update employee profiles, use the Update Profile (EX_EE_PROFILE2.GBL) component.

PeopleSoft Expenses enables you to send reimbursement checks to home addresses or other mailing addresses, such as a company location. This helps those who receive reimbursements while on long assignments away from their primary residences.

This section lists common elements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

Employee Information (group box)

Personal data originates in your human resource system or is entered manually through the Travel and Expenses navigation.

Personnel Status

Indicates whether the individual is an Employee or a Non-Employee.


Displays the employee's telephone number.

Employee Base

Indicates where the employee works.

Send Payments To

Indicates where reimbursement checks are sent. Home Address is the default.

Home Address (group box)

Displays the employee's residential address. Select a country to activate the appropriate address fields.

Mailing Address (group box)

Displays an alternate address to which to send reimbursement checks. Select a country to activate the appropriate address fields.

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Employee Profile - Employee Data



  • Employee Self-Service, Travel and Expenses, Review/Edit Profile

  • Travel and Expenses, Manage Employee Information, Update Profile

  • View employee personal information.

  • Edit employee data that PeopleSoft Expenses uses to distribute reimbursements.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Employee Personal Data

Access the Employee Profile - Employee Data page using the Employee Self-Service navigation.

This is a display-only page. Make changes through the human resources department or by editing the profile in PeopleSoft Expenses using the Travel and Expenses navigation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEditing Employee Personal Data

Access the Employee Profile - Employee Data page using the Travel and Expenses navigation.

You can edit personal information about an employee on this page; however, subsequent updates from human resources may overwrite your manual changes.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Employee Organizational Data

This section discusses employee organizational data maintenance, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Employee Organizational Data Maintenance

To process an expense reimbursement, you must assign an employee to a general ledger business unit that is enabled for PeopleSoft Expenses. This business unit and other relevant ChartFields are populated from the human resource system. The way that you set up a business unit determines expense parameters such as accounting defaults, expense report IDs, and mileage rates. All of these factors apply to each employee assigned to the business unit.

When you add employees to the PeopleSoft Expenses system, you need to validate their organizational data before PeopleSoft Expenses marks the employees as valid for expense entry. To do this, you can run the Validate Organizational Data process from the Load Employee Data page, which validates organizational data for all new employees. Another option is to add a new employee profile using the Travel and Expenses navigation and click the Validate button on the User Profile - Organizational Data page to initiate the validation process for that employee.

See Also

Defining Your Operational Structure for PeopleSoft Expenses

Loading Employee Data From PeopleSoft Human Resources

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

Expenses Processing Data (section)

Indicates whether the employee's organizational data is validated, verifying that the employee is eligible for expense processing. To validate employee organizational data, select the Validate Organizational Data option when you run the Load Employee Data process or click the Validate button for new employees after you save the profile.

Valid for Expenses

The system verifies that the employee's organizational data is valid and the employee is eligible for expense processing.


Click to initiate the validation process for a new employee. This button is available through the Travel and Expenses navigation only after you add a new employee and save the information.

Default Profile

Select to make this profile the employee's default.

Some employees have more than one profile if they work in multiple departments or jobs. If an employee has multiple profiles, designate one as the default profile to enable the employee to enter expense transactions.

Reason for Status

Indicates whether the employee passed all checkpoints when you loaded your employee tables from human resources.

Ignore Authorized Amounts

Select to exempt the employee from authorized amount spending limits on expense transactions. If you select this option, the system overlooks expense location amounts defined for expense types such as hotels or meals.

Disable DCAA (disable Defense Contract Audit Agency)

Select to disable the requirement to enforce DCAA audit requirements for an employee.

Note. PeopleSoft Expenses displays this check box if DCAA Enabled is selected on the Installations Options - Expenses page and is not disabled on the Expenses Definition - Business Unit 1 page.

This check box is display-only for employees using the Employee Self-Service navigation and editable for administrators using the Travel and Expenses navigation.

Employee Status, GL Unit, and Department

Displays information about an employee's organizational affiliation. This information comes over from human resources; however, you can manually change these fields using the Travel and Expenses navigation.

Hours Per Period

Select the Use Business Unit Default check box for PeopleSoft Expenses to use the time reporting thresholds established for the employee's general ledger business unit. Clear the check box to override the general ledger business unit Per Period Thresholds settings and enter minimum and maximum hours that the employee can enter for a time reporting period.

See Defining Specifications for a Business Unit.

Supervisor Information (section)

Displays information about the employee's supervisor. This information comes over from human resources; however, you can manually change this using the Travel and Expenses navigation. The supervisor identified here may be one of the approvers for the employee's travel authorizations and expense reports as defined in the approval rules. If there is a reporting manager in the employee's HR data but no supervisor, then the system displays the reporting manager's ID instead.

Designated Approver

Select an approver for the employee. PeopleSoft Expenses displays this field if there is no HR Supervisor or Reports To employee ID defined in the employee profile.

For example, the CEO of an organization does not have a supervisor, so you can designate the CFO as the approver for the CEO.

Default ChartField Values section

Use to predefine one or more of the ChartField values for this employee profile. The system uses these values to populate the default accounting information of expense related transactions created by the employee.

Cash Advance Level

Select Business Unit to indicate that the maximum amount for the business unit applies to the employee. The system displays the amount.

Select Specific Amount to open a new field to input the maximum advance amount authorized for the employee.

Select None if the employee is not authorized for cash advances.

Expense Processing Role

You can assign an expense role to associate with the employee; however, you may only assign one expense role per employee, even if they hold more than one job in the company.

Establish roles for employees depending on their positions in the organization. Roles determine the authorized amounts employees can spend, the visibility of VAT fields, and the accounting ChartField behaviors.

See Defining PeopleSoft Expenses Processing Roles and Exceptions.

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Employee Profile - Organizational Data



  • Employee Self-Service, Travel and Expenses, Review/Edit Profile

  • Travel and Expenses, Manage Employee Information, Update Profile

  • View employee organizational information.

  • Assign an employee to a general ledger business unit and a department for expense reimbursement. The employee's business unit determines such things as accounts to charge, allowable mileage rates, and cash advance limits.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Employee Organizational Data

Access the Employee Profile - Organization Data page using the Employee Self-Service navigation.

This is a display-only page. All changes must be made by the human resources department or by editing the profile in PeopleSoft Expenses.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEditing Employee Organizational Data

Access the Employee Profile - Organization Data page using the Travel and Expenses navigation.

You can add or edit an employee's organizational data information on this page; however, updates from human resources may overwrite the changes. The ChartFields defined in the employee's profile are used to populate the expense accounting distribution. For example, you can define defaults for the employee's business unit and other ChartFields that make up the employee's cost center in the employee profile, but define the Account ChartField default in the Expense Type or Expense Group. The combination of these ChartFields becomes the accounting distribution used to identify the appropriate cost center(s) for the employee's expenses. Project ChartField defaults can be used if an employee routinely works on one or more projects and allows you to define specific activity codes for each project. You can set up Project ChartField defaults separately between expense reports and time reports. This enables you to track time and expenses at different levels of the project if you use PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Billing type and payment type may default from the employee's profile but if you define defaults for these fields in the expense type they will supersede the defaults from the employee profile.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining User Defaults

This section provides an overview on user defaults and discusses how to set up and maintain user defaults.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding User Defaults

You can set up user defaults to minimize the amount of data entry on travel authorizations, cash advances, expense reports, and time reports and to ensure accurate reporting on project-based costs. The Employee Profile - User Defaults page is where you define general default preferences, expense type specific preferences, time report specific preferences, and project ChartField preferences.

How Defaulting Works

The user preference data appears by default onto the transaction only when using Add mode, such as when adding a new travel authorization, cash advance, expense report, or time report or adding a line into one of these reports. This functionality works when the employee enters his own report or for whomever an employee has given entry authority to.

Employees can edit the Employee Profile - User Defaults page from the Employee Self-Service menu; administrators can update the information for any employee from the Travel and Expenses menu. You can also change the defaulted information during data entry of travel authorizations, cash advances, expense reports, and time reports.

A User Defaults link appears on each transaction page that transfers you to the Employee Profile - User Defaults page where you can modify the default values. When you return to the transaction after modifying the defaults, PeopleSoft Expenses does not refresh existing fields with the new default values. The system only applies the new default values to subsequent data entry.

If you want to update the accounting defaults after transferring to the Employee Profile - User Defaults page and making changes, click the Load Defaults button on the accounting defaults page. The new information appears by default onto all distribution lines at Save and Submit time, as long as you have not previously changed the distribution information for a line. For example, if you have a transaction with three lines and you changed the distribution on line two, PeopleSoft Expenses updates lines one and three with the new split information, but the system does not change line two.

For time reports, because there is no split or distribution concept, PeopleSoft Expenses deletes all existing time detail rows, except non-policy time, and replaces them with project rows defined in the profile (if any).

Expense Defaults

During line entry on a travel authorization or expense report, when you add a new line, PeopleSoft Expenses pre-populates defaults based upon the expense type edit and the required fields that are tied to the expense type. For example, PeopleSoft Expenses pre-populates the number of nights for lines where the expense type edit is Hotel/Lodging.

Expense Type Defaults

Define payment methods, preferred merchants, and billing type by expense type in this section. You can select a preferred merchant from those defined for the expense type, or you can enter a default merchant name if there are none defined at the expense type level.

Project Defaults and Time Reporting

PeopleSoft Expenses enables you to have one set of project default values for travel authorizations and expense reports and another set of project default values for time reports.

You may add one or more rows of project accounting default values. Each row of project values may be enabled or disabled. When you create transactions, PeopleSoft Expenses copies each enabled row of values into the relevant section of your new transaction.

If PeopleSoft Project Costing is installed, then all project ChartFields will be available for default, including default percentage split for expense reports and default hours for time reports. If PeopleSoft Project Costing is installed, the name of this grid is Project Defaults.

If PeopleSoft Project Costing is not installed, then only the PC Business Unit, Project ID, and Activity ID ChartFields are available for default for time reporting. If PeopleSoft Project Costing is not installed, the name of this grid is Time Reporting.

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Employee Profile - User Defaults


  • Employee Self Service, Travel and Expenses, Review/Edit Profile

  • Travel and Expenses, Manage Employee Information, Update Profile

View or modify general default preferences and default preferences for travel authorizations, cash advances, expense reports, and time reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing or Modifying User Defaults

Access the Employee Profile - User Defaults page using the Employee Self-Service navigation.

Default Creation Method: Online

Expense Report

Set up a default method to create an expense report. You can override the default on the expense report page.

Select one of the following methods to use as a default to create new expense reports:

  • Copy From a Template: PeopleSoft Expenses will display the Create Expense Report - Select a Template page where you can select a template to use or select the expense types and date to include in the expense report.

  • Copy From a Travel Auth.: PeopleSoft Expenses will display the Create Expense Report - Populate From a Travel Authorization page where you can select a travel authorization to copy from.

  • Copy an Existing Report: PeopleSoft Expenses will display the Create Expense Report - Copy From an Existing Expense Report page where you can select an expense report to copy.

  • Open a Blank Report: PeopleSoft Expenses will display the Create Expense Report - Expense Report Entry page.

Time Report

Set up a default method to create a time report. You can override the default on the time report page.

Select one of the following methods to use as a default to create new time reports:

  • Copy an Existing Report: PeopleSoft Expenses will display the Create Time Report - Copy From an Existing Time Report page where you can select a previous time report to copy.

  • Open a Blank Report: PeopleSoft Expenses will display the Create Time Report - General Time Report Information page where you can enter descriptive information about a time report.

Travel Authorization

Set up a default method to create a travel authorization. You can override the default on the travel authorization page.

Select one of the following methods to use as a default to create new travel authorizations:

  • Copy From a Template: PeopleSoft Expenses will display the Create Travel Authorization - Select a Template page where you can select a template to use or select the expense types and date to include in the travel authorization.

  • Copy an Existing Authorization: PeopleSoft Expenses will display the Create Travel Authorization - Copy From an Existing Travel Authorization page where you can select a travel authorization to copy.

  • Open a Blank Authorization: PeopleSoft Expenses will display the Create Travel Authorization - Travel Authorization Entry page where you can enter a date range and descriptive information about a travel authorization.

Default Creation Method: Mobile - Laptop

Expense Report

Open a blank Report is the only default option available for Mobile expense report.

Time Report

Open a blank Report is the only default option available for Mobile time report.

Expense Defaults

Entry Method

Select the type of data entry method for the employee to use to prepare expense reports: Frequent or Occasional.

Report Description

Enter a description that you want to appear by default onto the header level of your travel authorizations, cash advances, and expense reports.

Per Diem Range

Select Hourly or Daily to define per diem reimbursement based on either hours per day or number of days. A per diem configured for hourly uses a start time and end time to identify the appropriate reimbursement rate. A per diem configured for reimbursement based on number of days on a project or at a site requires the number of days to appear by default into the expense report for the employee.

Business Purpose

Select from a predefined list (created when your organization implemented the PeopleSoft Expenses system). The business purpose that you select appear by default onto the header level of your travel authorizations, cash advances, and expense reports.

Billing Type

Select the billing action that you want to appear by default onto your travel authorizations, expense reports, and time reports.

If you use PeopleSoft Project Costing, billing codes are required to identify project costs that are both billable and charged to project costing ChartFields. PeopleSoft Expenses passes these items to PeopleSoft Billing for processing.

Originating Location

Select a city, country, or geographical area (established by your organization during system setup) that you want to appear by default onto your travel authorizations and expense reports.

Expense Location

Select a city, country, or geographical area where you will incur expenses that you want to appear by default onto your travel authorizations and expense reports.

Payment Type

Select how you pay for expenses and enable the payment type to appear by default onto your travel authorizations and expense reports.

Credit Card

Select a credit card number that you want PeopleSoft Expenses to use as a default for expense transactions with a method that may directly reimburse the vendor. For security reasons, all but the last four numbers for each credit card will be masked. The credit card information for the employee is maintained on the Employee Profile - Corporate Card Information page.

Transportation ID and Transportation Type

The system displays the employee's active transportation IDs from which to choose. Select a transportation ID that you want to appear by default onto your travel authorizations and expense reports.

Number of Nights

Enter the number of nights that you want to appear by default onto your travel authorizations and expense reports for the expense type Hotel/Lodging.

Expense Type Defaults - Expense Type Tab

Expense Type

Select an expense type. When you select the expense type on your travel authorizations and expense reports, PeopleSoft Expenses will populate the payment type, billing action, and merchant information.

Payment Type

Select how you pay for the expense type. When you select the expense type on your travel authorizations and expense reports, PeopleSoft Expenses will populate the Payment Type field with this information.

Billing Type

Select the billing action that you want to appear by default onto your travel authorizations and expense reports for the expense type.

If you use PeopleSoft Project Costing, billing codes are required to identify project costs that are both billable and charged to project costing ChartFields. PeopleSoft Expenses passes these items to PeopleSoft Billing for processing.

Expense Type Defaults - Merchant Tab

Preferred Merchant or Merchant

Select a preferred merchant or a non-preferred merchant. When you select the expense type on your travel authorizations and expense reports, PeopleSoft Expenses will populate the Preferred Merchant or Merchant field with this information.

Note. You may select a preferred merchant, a non-preferred merchant, or neither; however, you cannot select both.

Project Defaults for PeopleSoft Expenses


Select to indicate to the system to include the project as a default on travel authorizations and expense reports.

PC Business Unit

Select a business unit for a project that you want to appear by default onto your travel authorizations and expense reports.

Project and Description

Select a project that you want to appear by default onto your travel authorizations and expense reports.

Activity and Description

Select a project activity that you want to appear by default onto your travel authorizations and expense reports. You create activities in PeopleSoft Project Costing.


If the project is enabled, enter a positive, non-zero amount less than or equal to 100. The sum total of all enabled projects must equal 100 percent.

Note. PeopleSoft Expenses does not display this field if PeopleSoft Project Costing is not installed.

Source Type, Category, and Subcategory

If applicable, select for which you want to record time. If you enabled the project default line, PeopleSoft Expenses uses these entries to create the default accounting distribution for travel authorizations and expense reports.

Time Defaults

Country, State, and Locality

Select a country, state, and locality (established by your organization during system setup) that you want to default onto the header of your time reports.

Billing Type

Select the billing action that you want to default onto your time reports.

If you use PeopleSoft Project Costing, billing codes are required to identify project costs that are both billable and charged to project costing ChartFields. PeopleSoft Expenses passes these items to PeopleSoft Billing for processing.

Select Project ChartFields Display:

Select how you want PeopleSoft Expenses to display PeopleSoft Project Costing ChartFields displayed on your time reports. Options are:

  • Default: Select for PeopleSoft Expenses to use the Project Time Options selection on the Expenses Definition – Business Unit 2 page.

  • Descriptions: Select for PeopleSoft Expenses to display PeopleSoft Project Costing ChartField descriptions on time reports. Selecting this option overrides the Project Time Options selection on the Expenses Definition – Business Unit 2 page.

  • Codes: Select for PeopleSoft Expenses to display PeopleSoft Project Costing codes on time reports. Selecting this option overrides the Project Time Options selection on the Expenses Definition – Business Unit 2 page.

Project Defaults for Time


Select to indicate to the system to include the project as a default for time reports.

PC Business Unit

Select a business unit for a project that you want to appear by default onto your time reports.

Project and Description

Select a project that you want to appear by default onto your time reports for which you want to record time.

Activity and Description

Select a project activity that you want to appear by default onto your time reports for which you want to record time. You create activities in PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Time Quantity

If the project is enabled, enter the number of hours per day, per project to appear by default onto the time report. You cannot exceed 24 hours on a single enabled row and you cannot exceed 24 hours for an accumulated total of all enabled rows.

Note. PeopleSoft Expenses does not display this field if PeopleSoft Project Costing is not installed.

Source Type, Category, and Subcategory

If applicable, select for which you want to record time. If you enabled the project default line, PeopleSoft Expenses uses these entries to create the default accounting distribution for time reports.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Employee Bank Account Data

Information about employee bank accounts tells the system how and where to send expense reimbursements if an employee chooses direct deposit. There must be at least one bank account defined if an employee selects this payment method.

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Defining EFT Payment Format Codes

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Employee Profile - Bank Accounts


  • Employee Self-Service, Travel and Expenses, Review/Edit Profile

  • Travel and Expenses, Manage Employee Information, Update Profile

View or modify employee bank account information. If you use the Employee Self-Service navigation, you can only view information. If you use the Travel and PeopleSoft Expenses navigation, you can view or modify information.

Intermediary Bank Routings


Click the Routings icon on the Pay to Bank Accounts page.

(This icon is only accessible through the Travel and Expenses navigation.)

Define the intermediary bank routings if funds must pass through several banks before the final bank.

Pay to Bank Accounts


Click the Bank Account icon on the Employee Profile - Bank Accounts page.

Specify a bank for the deposit of employee expense reimbursement funds.

Employee EFT Options


Click the EFT Options link on the Employee Profile - Bank Accounts page.

If the selected payment method for expense reimbursement is EFT, use the Employee EFT Options page to enter additional information for employees who live in certain countries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Bank Account Data for Employees

Access the Employee Profile - Bank Accounts page.

Organizational Data

Default Profile

When selected, indicates if this profile is the employee's default profile.

See Maintaining Employee Organizational Data.

Payment Method

Select a payment method. Options are:

  • Automated Clearing House: Send all expense payments to a central location for distribution to individual employee bank accounts. If you select this payment method, select a default bank account for reimbursement deposits.

  • Default from Distribution Bank: Payment comes from the distribution bank that is defined for the employee's general ledger business unit.

  • Electronic Funds Transfer: Reimbursement is by direct deposit to the employee's bank account. If you select this payment method, select a default bank account for reimbursement deposits.

    If required by the employee's country, enter additional information on the EFT Payment Options page.

  • Giro - EFT: Reimbursement is by EFT. Only Singapore supports this form of EFT.

  • System Check: Reimbursement is in the form of a paper check. This is the default payment method.

Note. PeopleSoft Expenses enables the Payment Method field only when you use the Travel and Expenses navigation.

Hold Payment

If selected, reimbursement will not occur during a pay cycle until you remove the hold. For example, you can choose to withhold payment until an employee clears outstanding advances.

Note. PeopleSoft Expenses enables the Hold Payment field only when you use the Travel and Expenses navigation.

Bank Account Info (bank account information) Tab


Select to indicate the default bank account for expense reimbursement if more than one bank appears in an employee profile and if the payment method is Automated Clearing House or Electronic Funds.

Click the Bank Account button to access the Pay to Bank Accounts page, where you can identify a bank for the deposit of expense reimbursement funds.


Indicates the source of the bank account information. Options are Expenses or Payroll.

Bank Name, Bank ID, Branch Name, Branch ID, and Bank Account # (bank account number)

Displays information about the bank.

Prenote Info (prenote information) Tab

Prenote is a test run performed by an organization to verify payment information, electronic funds transfer (EFT) or automated clearing house (ACH), before sending an actual payment or payment advice. If you select Electronic Funds Transfer as the payment method for an employee, use this tab to change the status of the bank account. ACH prenote is allowed for both expense and cash advance payments. When expenses and cash advance payments are sent to the pay cycle with prenote enabled in PeopleSoft Payables 9.0, pay cycle processes the prenote and updates the prenote status in PeopleSoft Expenses.

Prenote Status

Indicates the status of the test:

  • Confirmed: Prenote was sent, and the bank verified the EFT or ACH information.

  • New: Bank account is created, but prenotification has not occurred.

  • Pending: Awaiting confirmation on a prenote that was sent.

  • Rejected: Prenote was sent, but bank rejected it.

  • Submitted: Prenote was sent, and bank acknowledged it.


Select to indicate if a prenote is required.

Prenotification Date

Indicates the date that the prenote was sent to the bank.

Wait Days

Enter the number of days from the prenotification date to wait before marking the prenote status Confirmed.

EFT Options

Click to open the Employee EFT Options page and specify information for employees who live in certain countries. Use only if the payment method for expense reimbursement is Electronic Funds Transfer.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying a Bank for Deposits

Access the Pay to Bank Accounts page.

Click the Go To Address button to access the Bank Address page.

Click the Phone button to access the Phone Information page.

Click the Routings button to access the Intermediary Bank Routing page.


Enter the country of the employee's bank. The country code selected dynamically impacts the layout of the Pay to Bank Accounts page IBAN field.

Bank Name

Enter the name of the employee's bank.

Branch Name

Enter the bank's branch name.

Bank ID Qualifier

Determines which edit algorithm to use to check the Bank ID number sequence.

Account Type

Indicates the type of account, such as Check Acct (checking account).

Bank ID

Enter the routing number of the employee's bank.

Branch ID

Enter the bank's branch number.

Bank Account Number

Enter the employee's bank account number.

Check Digit

Enter the two numeral check digit code for the country.

DFI Qualifier (Depository Financial Institution qualifier)

Indicates what format (how many characters and numbers) appear in the DFI ID of the bank. Each type has a specific number of characters that you can enter:

  • Transit Number: Exactly 9 numeric characters, plus check digit calculation.

  • Swift ID: 8 or 11 characters; positions 5 and 6 must be a valid 2-character country code.

  • CHIPS ID: 3 or 4 numeric characters.

  • Canadian Bank Branch/Institute: No validation.

  • Mutually Defined: No validation.


If you select a DFI qualifier, then provide an identification that conforms to the banking standards of the DFI qualifier country.

IBANorIBAN Digit(international bank account number digit)

Define the account's IBAN for transmittal with other account information for the bank account. Enter either the IBAN identifier or the two numeral check digit code for the country and click View IBAN. If the system successfully validates check digit, the IBAN for this account displays.

Note. The IBAN field displays as either IBAN or IBAN Digit depending on the setting defined on the IBAN Formats page for the country code that is selected. IBAN format options are setup using the Banking menu options.

See Also

Setting Up Banks

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Intermediary Bank Routings

Access the Intermediary Bank Routings page.

Seq (sequence)

The sequence numbers indicate the relative order in which the funds flow through intermediary banks.


Select whether the routing will occur via a bank or DFI ID, and complete the appropriate fields.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Employee EFT Options

Access the Employee EFT Options page.

Payment Format

Select a format for the employee's EFT option.

PeopleSoft Payables is preloaded with payment formats, such as Check Std, Pay & Dep, or Wire. Create your own payment formats, or modify existing ones with EFT Payment Format Codes.

See Setting Up Files for Electronic Funds Transfers.

Transaction Handling

Determines which parts of the payment to include in the EFT file that is sent to the employee's bank. Select one:

  • Pay+Advice (payment plus advice): Transmit both the actual payment and the advice.

  • Prenote: Transmit a test run to verify all EFT before sending out an actual payment and advice.

  • Pymnt Only(payment only): Transmit only the payment with the EFT file.

Domestic Costs and Corr Costs (correspondent costs)

Depending on the country in which an EFT occurs, costs may be involved in executing such transactions, especially with a transfer between two countries.

Domestic Costs indicates who pays for the bank costs of the EFT. Banks assess correspondent costs if third parties are involved. When there are domestic costs or correspondent costs with an EFT transaction, select a source of payment. Options are:

  • Payee Acct (payee account): Charge the employee's account.

  • Payr/Payee (payer and payee): Charge the employee and the employer equally. This choice applies only to Domestic Costs.

  • Pyr D Acct (payer domestic account): Assess the costs to the employer's domestic account.

  • Pyr F Acct (payer foreign account): Charge the employer's foreign account.

Bank Check Drawn On

Specify that a check comes from (none), Payee Bank, or Payer Bank to generate a check for an employee's EFT transactions.

Check Forwarding

Indicate that the check goes to (none), Payee, Payee Bank, Payer, or Pyr Bank (payer bank) to forward a check.

Payment Instruction Ref 1-2

Provide any other comments regarding EFT transactions.

Complex Routing

Select to indicate that the EFT is routed to the employee's bank through an intermediate party, whose routing information you provide when you define the account.

Crossed Check

Select to indicate that the EFT involves a check that cannot be signed over to a third party.

Pmnt Inst 1-4 (payment instruction 1-4)

Add further payment instructions for this employee's funds transfers. These fields contain standard EFT instruction codes that come delivered with your system.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Employee Credit Card Data

This section provides an overview of employee credit card data and discusses how to maintain employee credit card data.

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Corporate credit card information about each employee is essential to your expense processing system. If you make payments directly to credit card vendors for employees, use credit card numbers to link payments to employee transactions and credit the appropriate accounts.

When employees perform expense transactions with a method that directly reimburses the vendor, credit card numbers that are associated with the vendor ID are used to identify employee accounts. When a company makes payments for employees, this enables the credit card vendor to apply the appropriate payments to each employee's credit card account.

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Employee Profile - Corporate Card Information


  • Employee Self-Service, Travel and Expenses, Review/Edit Profile

  • Travel and Expenses, Manage Employee Information, Update Profile

  • View employee credit card information.

  • View or change employee credit card information.

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Access the Employee Profile - Corporate Card Information page.

Credit Card Tab

Card Number

Enter the credit card account number. For security reasons, PeopleSoft Expenses masks all but the last four digits of the credit card number after you enter the credit card number.

Expiry Date (expiration date)

Indicates the date that the credit card expires.

Charge Function

Indicates a specific purpose for the credit card: Corporate Card, Debit Card, Phone Card, or Procurement Card.

Credit Limits Tab

Maximum Credit Limit

Enter the maximum amount that the employee can spend using the credit card.

Limit Per Cycle

Enter the maximum amount that the employee can spend using the credit card per each billing cycle.

Limit Per Transaction

Enter the maximum amount that the employee can spend on a single expense transaction.


Indicates the base currency for each credit card vendor.

Transaction Limits Tab

Transactions Per Cycle

Enter the number of transactions per cycle that the employee can have on the credit card.

Transactions Per Day

Enter the number of transactions per day that the employee can have on the credit card.

See Also

Managing Procurement Cards

Click to jump to parent topicMaintain Employee Transportation Data

This section provides an overview of employee transportation data and discusses how to maintain employee transportation data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Employee Transportation Data

Mileage reimbursement requires that you establish certain transportation information. PeopleSoft Expenses requires different information, depending on whether you use Standard mileage reimbursement or Variable Rate reimbursement.

PeopleSoft Expenses allows employees the ability to update the transportation information for their own profiles. Employees and auditors can delete a record or update all fields in the transportation Identification table (except for the Transportation ID field) providing that there are no kilometers or miles associated with that Transportation ID in the Distance Traveled table.

After miles or kilometers are accrued for a transportation ID, PeopleSoft Expenses does not allow employees or auditors to delete the line. PeopleSoft Expenses does allow you to change the Status (Active and Inactive) and Status Date fields and the Lease Flag and Car Allowance Flag check boxes.

Note. The Employee Profile - Transportation Information page is available only if the distance rate associated with the employee's setID, expense type, and country is set to Varied.

See Also

Setting Up Distance Rates

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Employee Profile - Transportation Information


  • Employee Self-Service, Travel and Expenses, Review/Edit Profile

  • Travel and Expenses, Manage Employee Information, Update Profile

Review, add, delete, or modify transportation type data for an employee.

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Access the Employee Profile - Transportation Information page.

Transportation Identification

Transportation ID

Provide a description of the transportation type. After you enter the transportation ID, you may not edit it. If you need to change the name of this field, you can delete the line and re-enter a new one, providing that there are no kilometers or miles associated with it.

Transportation Type

Indicate the transportation category. Your organization defines these, and they can be based on the type of car (such as compact or luxury) or the horsepower (such as 3HP or 4HP).

You may not edit this field after kilometers or miles are accrued for the transportation ID.

Date Acquired

Indicates the date that the employee acquired the vehicle. You may not edit this field after kilometers or miles are accrued for the transportation ID.


Select Active or Inactive.

Status Date

Indicates the date when the employee received a transportation type. PeopleSoft Expenses compares this date to expense report transaction dates to determine the availability of transportation ID's on the drop down list on the report.


Select to indicate that the car is leased. This is informational only and is designed for the approver and auditor.

Car Allowance

Select to indicate that the employee receives a car allowance. This is informational only, and is designed for the approver and auditor.

Transportation Type Setup

Click to go to the Transportation Type Setup page.

Note. This link is available to employees who use the Travel and Expenses navigation, but it is not available to employees who use the Employee Self-Service navigation.

Click the Add multiple new rows button to add a new transportation identification record. When you click the Save button, PeopleSoft Expenses creates a new line in the Distances Traveled section.

Click the Delete row button to delete a transportation identification record. When you click the Save button, PeopleSoft Expenses deletes the corresponding line in the Distances Traveled section.

Note. The Delete row button is not available if you have accrued any miles or kilometers for the transportation identification record.

Distances Traveled


Indicates the year for tracking mileage.

Distance Type

Indicates tracking by Miles or Kilometers.

Total Distance

Indicates the total distance that an employee travels in a given calendar year.