Using Pagelets Enabled by PeopleSoft Real Estate Management

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up PeopleSoft Real Estate Management for the PeopleSoft ALM Portal Pack

This section provides an overview of PeopleSoft Real Estate Management for the PeopleSoft ALM Portal Pack and lists the page used to set up Real Estate Management for the ALM Portal Pack.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PeopleSoft Real Estate Management for the PeopleSoft ALM Portal Pack

If you currently use PeopleSoft Real Estate Management and want to use the PeopleSoft Real Estate Management pagelets in the PeopleSoft ALM Portal Pack, you must schedule and run the Real Estate Portal Data Collector Application Engine process (RE_PGLT_DATA). The Real Estate Portal Data Collector process summarizes transaction data in order to improve response times when viewing the pagelets. The data is stored in summary tables and is displayed on pagelets according to your personalized settings. While the Real Estate Portal Data Collector greatly improves response times for reading the data, it also imposes limitations on when changes to the transaction data are reflected in the pagelets. Changes in the transaction data are not reflected in the pagelets in real time. You must periodically rerun the Real Estate Portal Data Collector process to refresh the pagelets. We recommend setting up a recurring job to execute the Real Estate Portal Data Collector on a periodic basis. How often you run the collector process depends on a number of factors such as:

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Load Pagelet Data


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Pagelets, Asset Lifecycle Management, Real Estate Management, Portal Data Collector

Run a process that creates summary data used by PeopleSoft Real Estate Management pagelets in the PeopleSoft ALM Portal Pack.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Portal Pack Default Administration

This section provides an overview and discusses how to set up portal pack default administration.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Portal Pack Default Administration

The portal pack default administration page enables you to establish default filters for your pagelets. When setting up the PeopleSoft Real Estate Management system, you need to first identify default filters from an administrative level. The administrative settings provide the default personalization values that individual users inherit if they do not establish their own values. The administration values can only be established at the Administration level. After the administrative default values are defined, each user can establish their own defaults through the Portal Pack Default Administration page.

See Understanding User Preferences.

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Portal Pack Default Administration - Real Estate Management


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Pagelets, Asset Lifecycle Management, Real Estate Management, Portal Pack Defaults

Define user defaults for each pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Portal Pack Default Administration

Access the Portal Pack Default Administration - Real Estate Management page.

Property Information

Click the links to access the personalization pages used to define pagelet default filters.

Lease Property Information

Click the links to access the personalization pages used to define pagelet default filters.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Real Property Statistics

This section provides an overview of real property statistics and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Real Property Statistics

Property statistics provides you with an immediate, high-level statistical summary of your overall property holdings broken down by ownership status. This pagelet contains Asset Management-based property information that you can be view whether PeopleSoft Real Estate Management is installed or not. The property statistics pagelet data derives from the area statistics stored in the Asset Repository.

Note. Property statistics data is not dependent on the Computer Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) system.

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Property Statistics pagelet


Click the Personalize Content link on the PeopleSoft homepage.

Select Property Statistics.

View property information such as number of properties, total area and occupancy summarized by business unit, region, and property type.

Property Statistics - Region


Click the Region link on the Property Statistics pagelet.

View property statistic by region.

Personalize Property Statistics - Administration


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Pagelets, Asset Lifecycle Management, Real Estate Management, Portal Pack Defaults, Property Statistics, Personalize Property Statistics - Administration

Setup default filter criteria for property statistics data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Property Statistics

Access the Property Statistics pagelet.


Displays whether the property is owned or leased.


Click this link to view the property detail page within that region.


Displays the total number of properties in that region.

Total Area (x1000) (total area in thousands)

Displays the total area of the property in thousands.

Current Occupancy

Displays the total current number of occupants residing on the property.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Property Breakdown by Region

Access the Property Statistics - Region page.

Click the Region link to view details on the Property Statistics page.


Click the link to view detailed property data stored in the asset repository.

Active Leases

Displays the number of active leases associated with the property. This column is visible only if the Property Class filter is set to Site or Building. This total includes all child properties for the site or building.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPersonalizing the Property Statistics Pagelet

Access the Personalize Property Statistics - Administration page.

Business Unit

User Preferences

Select to have the system display property statistics for only those properties with the business unit that is specified in your user preferences on the Asset Management - User Preferences page. Click the link to review or adjust the value.


Select to have the system display property statistics for properties from a business unit other than the business unit that is specified in your user preferences on the Asset Management - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must enter a business unit value.

Unit of Measure

User Preferences

Select to have the system display property statistics in the unit of measure that is specified in your user preferences on the Asset Management - User Preferences page. Click the link to review or adjust the value.


Select to have the system display property statistics in a unit of measure other than the unit of measure that is specified in your user preferences on the Asset Management - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must select a unit of measure value.

Property Class

Select to filter by a specific property class. Values are: Building or Site.

Property Sub-Class

Select to filter by a subclass. Property subclass is used to further categorize the property class. For instance, a Building can be a warehouse, an office building, a retail outlet, and so on. A Site can be a campus, a building site, empty land, and so on.

Note. Property subclass is related to property class. There is a parent-child relationship between the two. You cannot select a subclass without first selecting a property class.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Space Utilization

This section provides an overview of space utilization and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Space Utilization

View the usage statistics of each property summarized by region and the type of ownership properties with the Space Utilization pagelet. The Space Utilization pagelet enables you to view the total occupied area and the unoccupied area in the properties you selected in the personalization settings. Click the Region link to navigate to the detailed page listing all the properties by ownership status. You can display this pagelet only if ALM is installed.

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Space Utilization pagelet


Click the Personalize Content link on the PeopleSoft homepage.

Select Space Utilization.

View usage statistics of each property summarized by region and ownership property types.

Personalize Space Utilization - Administration


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Pagelets, Asset Lifecycle Management, Real Estate Management, Portal Pack Defaults, Space Utilization, Personalize Space Utilization - Administration

Define default information for the Space Utilization pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicView Space Utilization

Access the Space Utilization pagelet.

Occupied (x1000) (occupied per thousand)

Displays the total occupied space (in thousands) for all properties within the specified region.

Vacant (vacant per thousand)

Displays the total vacant space (in thousands) for all properties within the specified region.

Occupancy Rate

Displays the percentage of occupied space for all properties within the specified region. Calculation method: (Occupied Space / (Occupied Space + Vacant Space)) × 100.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPersonalizing the Space Utilization Pagelet

Access the Personalize Space Utilization - Administration page.

Business Unit

User Preferences

Select to have the system display usage statistics for only those properties with the business unit that is specified in your user preferences on the Asset Management - User Preferences page.


Select to have the system display usage statistics for properties from a business unit other than the business unit that is specified in your user preferences on the Asset Management - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must enter a business unit value.

Unit of Measure

User Preferences

Select to have the system display usage statistics in the unit of measure that is specified in your user preferences on the Asset Management - User Preferences page. Click the link to review or adjust the value.


Select to have the system display property statistics in a unit of measure other than the unit of measure that is specified in your user preferences on the Asset Management - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must select a unit of measure value.

Property Class

Select to filter by a specific property class. Values are: Building or Site.

Property Sub-Class

Select to filter by a subclass. Property subclass is used to further categorize the property class. For instance, a Building can be a warehouse, an office building, a retail outlet, and so on. A Site can be a campus, a building site, empty land, and so on.

Note. Property subclass is related to property class. There is a parent-child relationship between the two. You cannot select a subclass without first selecting a property class.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing My Lease Portfolio

This section provides an overview of My Lease Portfolio and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding My Lease Portfolio

The My Lease Portfolio pagelet is summarized by the lease type—payables, receivable, and sublease. You can view the total number of leases for each lease type and region, the total area of all leases of that region by lease type, and the average life or the sum of all the leases term divided by total number of leases in a region. The total rented area is shown in 000s (rounded to thousands).

Note. This pagelet displays only leases that you add to your portfolio; otherwise this pagelet is blank.

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My Lease Portfolio pagelet


Click the Personalize Content link on the PeopleSoft homepage.

Select My Lease Portfolio.

View a summary of leases you've added to your portfolio broken down by lease types and regions.

My Lease Portfolio


Click the Region link to view all leases in that region.

Add or view leases in your portfolio.

Personalize My Lease Portfolio - Administration


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Pagelets, Asset Lifecycle Management, Real Estate Management, Portal Pack Defaults, My Lease Portfolio, Personalize My Lease Portfolio - Administration

Define default display information for the My Lease Portfolio pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing My Lease Portfolio

Access the My Lease Portfolio pagelet.


Displays the number of leases in your portfolio by lease type and region.

Area Rented (x1000) (area rented in thousands)

Displays the total rented area of all leases for that region by lease type.

Avg. Life (Yrs) (average life in years)

Displays the sum of all the lease terms divided by total number of leases in a region. This is displayed in thousands.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPersonalizing the My Lease Portfolio Pagelet

Access the Personalize My Leases Portfolio - Administration page.

Business Unit

User Preferences

Select to have the system display leases with the business unit that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page.


Select to have the system display leases from a business unit other than the business unit that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must enter a business unit value.


User Preferences

Select to have the system display leases for the region that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. Click the link to review or adjust the value.


Select to have the system display leases from a region other than the region that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must enter a region value.

Lease Status

Select to filter by one or more lease statuses.

Unit of Measure

User Preferences

Select to have the system display the area rented in the unit of measure that is specified in your user preferences on the Asset Management - User Preferences page. Click the link to review or adjust the value.


Select to have the system display the area rented in a unit of measure other than the unit of measure that is specified in your user preferences on the Asset Management - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must select a unit of measure value.

Obligation Type

Select to filter by a specific obligation type. Values are: Receivable Lease, Payable Lease, or Sub-Lease.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Lease Revenue

This section provides an overview of lease revenue and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Lease Revenue

The Lease Revenue pagelet summarizes the revenue from receivable leases that are in the status of Processed in the transaction queue. The revenue includes the recurring and non-recurring transactions for a lease. The information is summarized by region and the amounts are rounded to the thousands. The system uses the user personalization settings for unit of measure to calculate area and the currency to display the results.

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Lease Revenue pagelet


Click the Personalize Content link on the PeopleSoft homepage.

Select Lease Revenue.

View revenues from receivables leases summarized by regions.

Personalize Lease Revenue - Administration


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Pagelets, Asset Lifecycle Management, Real Estate Management, Portal Pack Defaults, Lease Revenue, Personalize Lease Revenue - Administration

Define default information for the Lease Revenue pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Lease Revenue

Access the Lease Revenue pagelet.


Displays the region. Click to access the Payment Transaction page. The system passes the current filter values through to the page so that the transaction totals match the amounts that are in the pagelet.

Amount (x1000) (amount in thousands)

Displays the revenue from receivables lease in a region. The amount that the system displays is based on the filters that you select on the Personalize Lease Revenue - Administration page.

Revenue per Rent Sq. ft. (revenue per rentable square foot)

Displays the average rent revenue per unit of measure of rentable area. This is calculated as (Total lease revenue of all receivable leases) ÷ (Rentable area on all receivable leases) . The unit of measure is based on the value selected on the Personalize Lease Revenue - Administration page. The system uses the currency from the Personalize Lease Revenue - Administration page.

Revenue per Total Sq. ft. (revenue per total square feet)

Displays the average revenue per unit of measure of total area. This is calculated as (Total lease revenue of all receivable leases) ÷ (Total area on all receivable leases) . The unit of measure is based on the value selected on the Personalize Lease Revenue - Administration page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPersonalizing the Lease Revenue Pagelet

Access the Personalize Lease Revenue - Administration page.

Business Unit

User Preferences

Select to have the system display revenue for only those leases with the business unit that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page.


Select to have the system display revenue for leases from a business unit other than the business unit that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must enter a business unit value.


The Administrator sets the maximum number of periods worth of data that will appear.


Enter the calendar that the system uses to calculate the timespan for which data is summarized in the pagelet. The system uses this value in combination with the value in the Prior Periods field to specify the start and end date filters for pagelet data. For example, if you enter Monthly for calendar and 2 for prior periods, the system populates the pagelet data for the previous two months.

Prior Periods

Specify the number of prior accounting periods from current period to be included in the calculation


User Preferences

Select to have the system display the revenue from leases in the currency that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. Click the link to review or adjust the value.


Select to have the system display revenue from leases in a currency other than the currency that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must enter a currency value.


User Preferences

Select to have the system display lease revenue for the region that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. Click the link to review or adjust the value


Select to have the system display lease revenue from a region other than the region that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must enter a region value.

Transaction Group

Select to filter by one or more transaction groups.

Unit of Measure

User Preferences

Select to have the system display lease revenue in the unit of measure that is specified in your user preferences on the Asset Management - User Preferences page. Click the link to review or adjust the value.


Select to have the system display the revenue in a unit of measure other than the unit of measure that is specified in your user preferences on the Asset Management - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must select a unit of measure value.

Lease Type

Select to filter by lease types. The values are user-defined and established at implementation.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Lease Costs

This section provides an overview of lease costs and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Lease Costs

The Lease Costs pagelet is a summary of the costs of maintaining payables leases. Lease costs include the recurring and nonrecurring transactions for a lease. The information is summarized by region and the amounts are rounded to the thousands. The system uses the user personalization settings for unit of measure to calculate area and the currency to display the results.

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Lease Costs


Click the Personalize Content link on the PeopleSoft homepage.

Select Lease Costs.

View a summary of the costs of maintaining PeopleSoft Payables leases.

Payment Transactions


Click the Region link to view the transaction queue. The data on this page is summarized on the Lease Cost pagelet.

Displays the details that make up the summary of costs for maintaining payables leases.

See Understanding Payment Processing.

Personalize Lease Costs - Administration


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Pagelets, Asset Lifecycle Management, Real Estate Management, Portal Pack Defaults, Lease Costs, Personalize Lease Costs - Administration

Define default display information for Lease Costs pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicView a Summary of Lease Costs

Access the Lease Costs pagelet.


Displays the region. Click to access the Payment Transactions page. The system passes the current filter values through to the page so that the transaction totals match the amounts that are in the pagelet.

Amount (x1000) (amount in thousands)

Displays the costs from payables leases in a region. The amount that the system displays is based on the filters that you select on the Personalize Lease Cost - Administration page.

Cost per Rent Sq. ft. (cost per rentable square foot)

Displays the average cost per unit of measure of rentable area. This is calculated as (Lease cost of all payable leases) ÷ (Rentable area on all payable leases) where the unit of measure is based on the value selected on the Personalize Lease Cost - Administration page.

Cost per Total Sq. ft. (cost per total square feet)

Displays the average cost per unit of measure of total area. This is calculated as (Total lease cost of all payable leases) ÷ (Total area on all payable leases) where the unit of measure is based on the value selected on the Personalize Lease Cost - Administration page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPersonalizing the Lease Cost Pagelet

Access the Personalize Lease Cost - Administration page.

Business Unit

User Preferences

Select to have the system display costs for only those leases with the business unit that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page.


Select to have the system display costs for leases from a business unit other than the business unit that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must enter a business unit value.



Enter the calendar that the system uses to calculate the timespan for which data is summarized in the pagelet. The system uses this value in combination with the value in the Prior Periods field to specify the start and end date filters for pagelet data. For example, if you enter Monthly for calendar and 2 for prior periods, the system populates the pagelet data for the previous two months.

Prior Periods

Specify the number of prior accounting periods from current period to be included in the calculation.


User Preferences

Select to have the system display the costs from leases in the currency that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. Click the link to review or adjust the value.


Select to have the system display costs from leases in a currency other than the currency that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must enter a currency value.


User Preferences

Select to have the system display lease costs for the region that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. Click the link to review or adjust the value


Select to have the system display lease costs from a region other than the region that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must enter a region value.

Transaction Group

Select to filter by one or more transaction groups.

Unit of Measure

User Preferences

Select to have the system display lease costs in the unit of measure that is specified in your user preferences on the Asset Management - User Preferences page. Click the link to review or adjust the value.


Select to have the system display the revenue in a unit of measure other than the unit of measure that is specified in your user preferences on the Asset Management - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must select a unit of measure value.

Lease Type

Select to filter by lease types. The values are user-defined and established at implementation.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Lease Statistics

This section provides an overview of lease statistics and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Lease Statistics

The Lease Statistics pagelet lists the ratio of total area, usable area and rented area summarized by region. You can navigate to the Lease Maintenance search page to see the list of leases of the region clicked.

The information displayed is summarized by region. You can view the total area data, usable area, and rented area specified by your personalization filters. The total area is the sum of the total area of the filtered leases by region; usable area is the sum of total usable area of the filtered leases; and rented area displays the total rented area of the filtered leases. All the area calculations are in 000s (rounded to thousands). Clicking the Region link takes you to the Lease Maintenance search page, which lists all of the filtered leases for that region.

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Lease Statistics pagelet


Click the Personalize Content link on the PeopleSoft homepage.

Select Lease Statistics.

View the ratio of total area, usable area and area actually rented, summarized by region. You can navigate to Lease Maintenance search page to see the list of leases for the region selected.

Personalize Lease Statistics - Administration


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Pagelets, Asset Lifecycle Management, Real Estate Management, Portal Pack Defaults, Lease Statistics, Personalize Lease Statistics - Administration

Define default information for the Lease Statistics pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Lease Statistics

Access the Lease Statistics pagelet.


Displays the region. Click to access the Lease Maintenance search page, which lists all of the filtered leases for that region.

Total Area

Displays the sum of the total area of the leases by region.


Displays the sum of the total rental area of the leases by region.


Displays the sum of the total usable area of the leases by region.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPersonalizing the Lease Statistics Pagelet

Access the Personalize Lease Statistics - Administration page.

Business Unit

User Preferences

Select to have the system display the area for only those leases with the business unit that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page.


Select to have the system display the area for leases from a business unit other than the business unit that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must enter a business unit value.

Unit of Measure

User Preferences

Select to have the system display the area in the unit of measure that is specified in your user preferences on the Asset Management - User Preferences page. Click the link to review or adjust the value.


Select to have the system display the area in a unit of measure other than the unit of measure that is specified in your user preferences on the Asset Management - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must select a unit of measure value.

Lease Status

Select to filter by one or more lease statuses. If you do not select any statuses, then no data appears in the pagelet.

Lease Type

Select to filter by lease types. The values are user-defined and established at implementation.

User Assigned

Lease Administrator and Portfolio Manager

Select to filter by specific lease administrator or portfolio manager.


User Preferences

Select to have the system display the area for the region that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. Click the link to review or adjust the value


Select to have the system display the area from a region other than the region that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must enter a region value.

Lease Obligation

Select Payables or Receivables to display the total, rentable, and usable area in the pagelet for the payables leases or the receivables leases.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Lease Optimization

This section provides an overview of lease optimization and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Lease Optimization

The Lease Optimization pagelet summarizes the costs of maintaining payables leases and the revenues from subleasing activity. It also provides information on the subleasing ratio and cost recovery ratio. The subleasing ratio is the ratio of subleased area to the total area of subleased payables leases. The cost recovery ratio is the ratio of sublease revenue to the costs of subleased payables leases. Lease costs include the recurring and non-recurring transactions for all payables leases which are subleased and sublease revenue includes recurring and non-recurring transactions from subleasing.

You can view the lease cost, sublease revenue, sublease ratio, and cost recovery ratio based on your personalization filters. The system displays the information summarized by region. The lease cost and sublease revenue are in the thousands. You can click a lease cost to transfer to the Lease Cost page on which you can view all of the filtered leases for the region row that you select. You can click a sublease revenue to access the Sublease Revenue page on which you can view all of the filtered leases from the region row that you select.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Lease Optimization

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Lease Optimization pagelet


Click the Personalize Content link on the PeopleSoft homepage.

Select Lease Optimization.

View the ratio of subleasing with respect to total leased area and the ratio of recovery of lease cost by subleasing activity.

Lease Cost - <Region>


Click a lease cost link in the Lease Optimization pagelet.

View the details for the summary of costs for payables leases.

Sublease Revenue - <Region>


Click a sublease revenue link in the Lease Optimization pagelet.

View the details for the summary of sublease revenues.

Personalize Lease Optimization - Administration


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Pagelets, Asset Lifecycle Management, Real Estate Management, Portal Pack Defaults, Lease Optimization, Personalize Lease Optimization - Administration

Define default information for the Lease Optimization pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Lease Optimization

Access the Lease Optimization pagelet.

Lease Cost (x1000)

Displays the sum of recurring and non-recurring financial terms for all payables leases that have sublease activity. The system displays the amount based on all of the filters defined on the Personalize Lease Optimization - Administration page. The system includes processed transactions for this pagelet.

Sublease Revenue (x1000)

Sum of recurring and non-recurring financial terms for subleases.

The amount will be subject to all the filters defined. The system displays the amount based on all of the filters defined on the Personalize Lease Optimization - Administration page. The system includes processed transactions for this pagelet.

Sublease Ratio

Displays the sublease ratio that is calculated as (Total area of all subleases) ÷ (Total area of all payable leases that are subleased) .

Cost Recovery Ratio

Displays the cost recovery ratio that is calculated as (Sublease revenue) ÷ (Lease cost) .

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPersonalizing the Lease Optimization Pagelet

Access the Personalize Lease Optimization - Administration pagelet.

Business Unit

User Preferences

Select to have the system display values for only those leases with the business unit that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page.


Select to have the system display the values for leases from a business unit other than the business unit that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must enter a business unit value.

Calendar ID


Enter the calendar that the system uses to calculate the timespan for which data is summarized in the pagelet. The system uses this value in combination with the value in the Prior Periods field to specify the start and end date filters for pagelet data. For example, if you enter Monthly for calendar and 2 for prior periods, the system populates the pagelet data for the previous two months.

Prior Periods

Specify the number of prior accounting periods from current period to be included in the calculation.

Transaction Group

Select to filter by one or more transaction groups. .


User Preferences

Select to have the system display the values from leases in the currency that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. Click the link to review or adjust the value.


Select to have the system display the values from leases in a currency other than the currency that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must enter a currency value.


User Preferences

Select to have the system display values for the region that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. Click the link to review or adjust the value


Select to have the system display values from a region other than the region that is specified in your user preferences on the Lease Administration - User Preferences page. If you select Specify, you must enter a region value.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing My Tasklist

This section provides an overview of the tasklist and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Tasklist

You can view a summary of all critical dates assigned to you. This pagelet displays the details and the critical date assignments summarized into incremental timelines. The option column shows the different types of lease options with critical dates assigned. This column provides a link enabling you to drill down into the Lease Maintenance search page showing all the leases and the selected lease options by lease and timeline.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View My Tasklist

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My Tasklist pagelet


Click the Personalize Content link on the PeopleSoft homepage.

Select My Tasklist.

View a summary of all critical dates for a specific user.

My Critical Dates


Click the link in the Options column on the My Tasklist page.

View all leases with the specified lease option within the supplied date range.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicView My Tasklist

Access the My Tasklist pagelet.


Displays the different types of lease options with critical dates assigned.


Displays the count of lease options with critical dates that fall within this timeline (0 - 7 days from report date). You can click the number link to view the lease options that require action.

30 Days

Displays the count of lease options with critical dates that fall within this timeline (8 - 59 Days from report date). You can click the number link to view the lease options that require action.

60 Days

Displays the count of lease options with critical dates that fall within this timeline (60 - 89 Days from report date). You can click the number link to view the lease options that require action.

90 Days

Displays the count of lease options with critical dates that fall within this timeline (90 Days + from report date). You can click the number link to view the lease options that require action.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing My Critical Dates

Access the My Critical Dates page.

Date From and To

Select to filter lease options by the date range. You can view all lease options that fall within that date range.

Lease Option

Select to filter by lease options. You can view all critical dates associated with that option.

Critical Date Status

Select to view active or inactive statuses for that critical date.

Show Completed Tasks

Select to display all tasks you've marked completed.

Task Complete

Select to mark the task as complete for the option. By selecting the task as complete, you can filter your search to view only tasks that require action.

Note. This is not part of PeopleSoft Workflow. This enables you to keep track of actions you have taken with the lease options.

Option Date

Display the lease option expiration date. Any action required for this option needs to occur prior to this date.

Lease Name

Click the link to view all lease options associated with the lease. This link takes you to the Options page in the Maintain Lease component.

Date Completed

Displays the date the you completed the task. When you mark a task complete, the system populated this field with the date you completed the task.