Processing Payments for Payables Leases

This chapter provides an overview of processing payments for payables leases and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Processing Payments for Payables Leases

PeopleSoft Real Estate Management provides a facility to manage the life cycle of a lease. During the lease life cycle, various payable items are generated. These items are submitted to the landlord for payment. To generate payments for these expenses, PeopleSoft Real Estate Management utilizes the transaction generator, the transaction queue, and the interface to AP/Billing to automatically generate rent and other related expense payments from a lease directly into the PeopleSoft Payables system with the appropriate tax and accounting information.

The high-level business process flow for processing payments for payables leases consists of these steps:

  1. Create payables leases (including all general and financial terms and conditions).

  2. Activate payables leases.

  3. View pending lease payables.

  4. Run the Transaction Generator Application Engine process (RE_GENTRANS).

  5. Review transactions for processing in the transaction queue.

  6. Add manual transactions, as required (optional).

  7. Approve transactions for processing.

    This step is optional. You can set up the Auto Approve option at the business unit for recurring items.

  8. Run the Interface to AP/Billing Application Engine process (RS_TXN_INTFC).

Before you can generate a payment, you must first create a payables lease, define the amount and frequency for each recurring payable term, and activate the lease. Upon activation, you run the Transaction Generator process to load the payables items into the transaction queue. You can review the transactions in the transaction queue to ensure that the recurring payment schedules are correct. If the status is Pending, you must approve each transaction. If the Auto Approveoption is selected in the business unit setup, the system automatically sets the transactions to Approved. The system processes all transactions that are in Approved status when you run the Interface to AP/Billing process.

Note. If you need to review any of the transactions prior to processing, You should not enable the Payables Auto Approve option at the business unit level.

The PeopleSoft Real Estate Management system transfers the payable items to the PeopleSoft Payables application to generate the vouchers and payments. The Interface to AP/Billing process selects all of the eligible transactions from the transaction queue and passes them to the PeopleSoft Payables voucher staging tables. The PeopleSoft Payables application processes creates vouchers from the transactions that are loaded in the staging table, schedules the vouchers for payment, issues the payments, and posts the accounting entries to the general ledger.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

You must establish at least one active payables lease before generating payable items for payment.

See Understanding Leases.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with the Transaction Generator

This section provides an overview of the transaction generator and discusses how to run the Transaction Generator.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Transaction Generator

The Transaction Generator process generates transactions into the transaction queue by monitoring the transaction schedule and processing transactions into the queue when the schedule date is reached, less the processing lead time that is defined at the business unit level. Use the transaction queue to manage the financial transactions that are created by the transaction generator, as well as the manual ad hoc transaction entries that are entered directly in the transaction queue.

When you run the Transaction Generator process, the process picks up all recurring items that are due within the lead time that is defined for the Real Estate business unit. Note that two different lead times are defined—one for receivables leases and one for payables leases. You also use the transaction generator to manage automatic lease expiration for leases that are due to expire. When the transaction generator identifies a row that is ready for processing, the system verifies the accuracy of the transaction amounts and modifies the transaction as needed. For example, if a base rent has an indexed escalation and the new index value goes into effect, the transaction schedule amount might be out of date. When the transaction generator picks up this row, the system recalculates the amount, revises the schedule, and inserts the modified transaction into the transaction queue for further processing.

The Transaction Generator processes records in these transaction tables:

Typically, you run the Manage Transaction Generator process as a scheduled process. You can run the process automatically on a recurring basis or as needed. For efficient and timely processing of any outstanding transactions, you should set up this process to run on a nightly recurring basis. Depending on the volume of transactions that are processed within your organization, you can set up this process to run more frequently, but you should run it at least once every day. You can also initiate this process at any time in addition to the normal recurring schedule.

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Manage Transaction Generator


  • Lease Administration, Integrations, Manage Transaction Generator

  • Click the Run button.

Create a run control ID for the Manage Transactions Generator process and run the process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Transaction Generator

Access the Manage Transaction Generator page.

The system does not require any parameters. Click Run to run the Transaction Generator process.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Transactions for Payment Processing

This section provides an overview of payment processing and discusses how to manage transactions for payment processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Payment Processing

You use the transaction queue to manage the recurring transactions that are created by the transaction generator or by using manual entries. The transaction queue enables you to approve, hold, un-hold, and cancel transactions in the queue. If the Auto Approveoption is turned on at the business unit, all recurring transactions are automatically set to Approved status when the transaction generator places them into the queue. You can retain an approved transaction from further processing by selecting the transaction and clicking the Hold button; thus putting transaction on hold. When you are ready to process the transaction, you can select it again and click the UnHold button. If a lease is in dispute and the status is set to Dispute, the system sets the associated transactions on hold. After the dispute is resolved, you should manually unhold the transaction to restore the transaction to its original state.

You can also cancel a transaction. After you cancel the transaction, no further processing occurs and you cannot reinitiate processing for that transaction in the future. Cancelling a recurring transaction does not cause the transaction generator to recreate a new recurring row. But if you cancel a row that came to the transaction queue from the security deposit processing or on one of the processing worksheets, such as a manual transaction, sales report or operating expense reconciliation or audit, the system reopens that worksheet so you can modify it further.

You can create manual transactions for nonrecurring charges, such as rekeying locks in a building, carpet cleaning, broken window repairs, and other charges that are not included in the lease.

The transaction queue is the final point in PeopleSoft Real Estate Management that any payables transaction can be processed, modified, or cancelled. This component serves as a workspace for any pending transactions and enables you to add transactions as necessary, such as holding or cancelling transactions. It also serves as a historical log of past transactions, with links to various subsystems for further research and status verification.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can select recurring transactions for payment processing, you must create and activate payables leases and run the Transaction Generator process.

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Payment Transactions


Lease Administration, Payables Leases, Processing Payments, Payment Transactions

Manage and review transaction items that are generated by the transaction generator and any transaction items that are added through manual entry.

Payment Transactions - Create Payable Manual Fees


  • Lease Administration, Payables Leases, Create Manual Payables, Payment Transactions - Create Payable Manual Fees

  • Lease Administration, Payables Leases, Processing Payments, Payment Transactions

    Click the Create Payable Manual Fees button.

Enter manual fees, distribute them amongst leases and payees, and create multiple transactions from one group of manual fees.

Payment Transaction - Maintain Payable Manual Transaction


  • Lease Administration, Payables Leases, Maintain Manual Payables, Payment Transactions - Maintain Payable Manual Transaction

  • Lease Administration, Payables Leases, Processing Payments, Payment Transactions

    Click the Update Selected Manual Fees button.

Update manual fees, distribute them amongst leases and payees, and create multiple transactions from one group of manual fees.

Payment Transaction Details


Click the link in the Transaction Group column on the Billing Transactions page.

View transaction details such as categories, amounts, and voucher IDs.

Note. Voucher IDs are only available when the transaction status is Processed.

Billing Interface Error Details


Click the on the Payment Transactions page under the Transactionstab.

View the error description for specific transactions that are set to Error status during interface processing.

Note. The Error button is only available when the transaction status is Error.

Payment Transactions - Historical Details


Click the View Historical Details link on the in the Status Details tab on the Payment Transactions page.

Review historic details for the transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting and Approving Transactions for Payment Processing

Access the Payment Transactions page.

Specify the business unit for which to view transactions. To view all transactions for a business unit, leave the remaining search fields empty and click the Search button.

To view a filtered list of transactions, enter or select criteria in one or more of the fields in the Search for Payment Transactions group box, then click Search. The page displays the transactions that match the search criteria in the Payment Transactions grid. Click Clear to clear all of the search criteria and results.

You can select multiple transaction statuses and multiple transaction groups. For example, if you select Processed and Approved transaction statuses and Base Rent and Security Deposit transaction groups, the system returns all base rent and security deposit transactions that are either processed or approved.

Create Payable Manual Fees

Click to access the Payment Transactions - Create Payable Manual Fees page to create manual transactions for payment. Manual payment transactions can be one-time miscellaneous expense payments to the landlord or payee, such as minor repair costs, rekeying of locks, or transactions that are not included as part of the recurring terms.

Update Selected Manual Fees

Click to access the Payment Transactions - Maintain Payable Manual Transaction page to update an existing manual fee transaction. You must first select which manual fee transaction in the Payment Transactions grid that you want to update. You can access this page only for transactions that are in the Manual Fee transaction group.

Approve for Payables

Click to approve the selected transactions for payment. If you selected the Auto-Approve option when you established your business unit, the system automatically approves all transactions in the transaction queue.


Click the button to hold selected transactions from further processing.

Note. A lease that is put on hold due to a dispute automatically puts the pending and approved transactions for that lease on hold status until the dispute is resolved. After the dispute is resolved, you should manually unhold the transaction to restore transaction to previous status.

See Understanding Leases.


Click the button to un-hold transactions that were previously on hold from further processing. The system automatically changes the status back to the initial status of the transaction prior to the hold.


Click to cancel the selected transaction.

Note. After a recurring transaction is cancelled, you must create a new manual transaction if one is required. The system does not regenerate a new recurring transaction.

Payment Transactions - Transactions tab

Schedule Date

Displays the date on which the transaction is scheduled for payment. For example, if the transaction is due on the first day of the month, the system generates the transaction prior to the first day of the month using the lead time that is defined for the business unit for the user to approve for payment before the scheduled date. Therefore, when the transaction originates from a recurring term, the schedule date can be either a regular recurring term (such as every 15th day of the month), or a schedule date that is added when you create the lease for proration purposes.

Click to review the error description for specific transactions that are set to error during interface processing.

Note. The Error button is only available when the transaction status is Error.

Transaction Group

Displays the categories of each transaction. Click the category link to view details such as expense type, description, amount, and voucher ID.

Note. Voucher ID is only available when the transaction status is pending. You can click the Voucher ID link to view the voucher status in the PeopleSoft Payables system.

Prior Period Variance

Displays the percentage difference between the recurring rent payment and the same recurring rent payment for the prior month. This information can be helpful in identifying large variances from month-to-month, which are sometimes for escalations. For example, a rent payment of 1000 USD for the month of December is processed, but in January, an escalation takes effect and the new rent payment is 1200 USD. The prior period variance is 20 percent.

Payment Transactions - Lease Information tab

The Lease Information tab displays the lease number, lease name, and region information associated with that transaction.

Payment Transactions - Status Details tab

Modified By

Displays the user who made modifications to the transaction.

View Historical Details

Click to access the Payment Transactions - Historic Details page where you can view a history of all of the status changes to the transaction. The system displays the type of change, the reason for the change, the originator of the change, and the time at which the change occurred.

Note. The system does not display the posted status for payables transactions. If the status is Processed, then the payment has successfully posted.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Manual Payment Transactions

This section provides an overview of manual payment transactions and discusses how to create manual payment transactions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Manual Payment Transactions

As a tenant, you may receive a statement from a landlord for one or more nonrecurring charges for multiple leases. For example, if you are a retail tenant who operates more than one store in a large shopping complex. A separate lease would cover each store, but the landlord may combine the charges onto one statement. PeopleSoft Real Estate Management enables you to manually enter these nonrecurring transactions into one payment that spans multiple leases. You can enter a single statement that you can assign to multiple leases and distribute those amount to multiple payees. You can allocate the charges by amount or percentage and distribute the charges using these methods:

After you allocate the individual amounts to each lease, you can send all of the resulting transactions to the transaction queue at one time. The system creates each of the transactions in pending status. You can edit or approve the transactions using the transaction queue. After you approve the transactions, you can run the Interface to AP/Billing process to post the transactions to PeopleSoft Payables.

Transaction Status for Manual Payments

This diagram illustrates the transaction status process flow for manual payments:

Manual payment transaction status process flow

When you create manual transactions, the system sets each transaction to a status of Draft. You can modify, remove, or replace transactions while they are in draft status. After you commit the transactions, the system sets the status to Pending, and sends the transactions to the transaction queue. Use the Payment Transactions page to edit, hold, or approve the transactions.

If you dispute a lease, the system places all of its pending transactions in Hold status. If you cancel a manual fee transaction, the system returns the status of that transaction to Draft.

If you create the manual transactions as a group of transactions. After you commit the group of transactions, each transaction is processed individually. If the status of a transaction is updated, by either you or the system, only the transaction whose status changed is updated; the other transactions in the group are not affected.

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Payment Transactions - Create Payable Manual Fees


  • Lease Administration, Payables Leases, Create Manual Payables, Payment Transactions - Create Payable Manual Fees

  • Lease Administration, Payables Leases, Processing Payments, Payment Transactions

    Click the Create Payable Manual Fees button.

Add manual fees, distribute them amongst leases, and create multiple payment transactions.

Payment Transactions - Maintain Payable Manual Transaction


  • Lease Administration, Payables Leases, Maintain Manual Payables, Payment Transactions - Maintain Payable Manual Transaction

  • Lease Administration, Payables Leases, Processing Payments, Payment Transactions

    Click the Update Selected Manual Fees button.

Update manual fees, distribute them amongst the desired leases and create manual payment transactions.

Maintain Payable Manual Transaction - Lease Search by Payee


Click the Payee button in the Add Lease By group box on the Payment Transactions - Create Payable Manual Fees page.

Search for leases by payor and select the leases to add to the Transaction Details grid on the Payment Transactions - Create Payable Manual Fees page.

Manual Fees - Leased Property Search


Click the Property button in the Add Lease By group box on the Payment Transactions - Create Payable Manual Fees page.

Search for leases by property and select the leases to add to the Transaction Details grid on the Payment Transactions - Create Payable Manual Fees page.

Payable Manual Fee - Transaction Details


Click the Details icon for a lease in the Transaction Details grid on the Payment Transactions - Create Payable Manual Fees page.

Review the manual statement transaction details for a specific lease.

Payable Manual Fee Transaction - Action History - Historic Details


Click the Revision History link in the Transaction Details grid on the Payment Transactions - Create Payable Manual Fees page.

Review historic details for the transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Manual Payment Transactions

Access the Payment Transactions - Create Payable Manual Fees page or the Billing Transaction - Maintain Payable Manual Fees page.

When you first create manual fee transactions, the page name is Create Payable Manual Fees page. After you save an exit the page, to access the information again, you access the Maintain Payable Manual Transaction page. The pages function similarly. Only the Create Payable Manual Fees page is shown. The status of the transactions control what you can edit on the page:

Add Charge

Click to add a new manual fee. The system adds a row to the Charge Details grid.

Manual Fee Name

Enter the manual fee name. The available manual fees are based on the active manual fee types.

See Defining Manual Fee Types.


Enter the amount of the manual fee that you want to distribute between leases. You can enter positive or negative amounts, but the amounts that you enter must either be all positive or all negative. If you want to issue a charge and a credit for the same group of transactions, you must enter them on two different worksheets.


Enter the description of the manual fee. This field is only for informational purposes.

Calculate Total

Click to calculate the total amount of manual fees. The system adds the values in the Amount field and populates the Total Charges field with the total amount.

Add Lease By


Click to insert a new empty row into the Transaction Details grid. You can click the Look up Lease Key icon in the Lease Number column to search for a lease.


Click to transfer to the Maintain Payable Manual Transaction - Lease Search by Payee page on which you can search for leases by payees and select the leases to add to the Transaction Details grid.


Click to transfer to the Manual Fees - Leased Property Search page on which you can search for leases by properties and select the leases to add to the Transaction Details grid.



Click to distribute the total charges evenly between the leases in the Transaction Details grid. The system calculates the amount with this formula:

By Area

Click to distribute the total charges based on the proportional amount of rentable area by each lease in relation to the total area of all leases in the Transaction Details grid.

Allocate By


Select to use the Amount field to calculate the charges allocated to the lease transactions.


Select to use the Percent field to calculate the charges allocated to lease transactions.

Transaction Details

Lease Number

Enter the lease to which the transaction will be allocated. You can select from leases that are in Active, Holdover, or Expired status.


Click the Details icon for a lease to access the Payable Manual Fee - Transaction Details on which you can view a summary of the transaction details for that lease.


Enter the entity who to receive the payments. The system uses the landlord as the default. You can override this value.

Transaction Status

Displays the transaction status. The system initially creates each transaction with a status of Draft. After you commit the transactions, the system sets the status to Pending.


Enter the total amount of charges to allocate to this transaction. The sum of all the amounts that you enter must equal the total charges from the Charge Details amounts. You can enter positive or negative amounts, but the amounts that you enter must either be all positive or all negative. If you want to issue a charge and a credit for the same group of transactions, you must enter them on two different worksheets.


Enter the percentage of the charges to allocate to this transaction. The sum of all of the percentages that you enter must equal 100.

Rentable Area

Displays the total rentable area of the lease associated with the transaction.

Revision History

Click to access the Payable Manual Fee Transaction - Action History - Historic Details page to review the transaction history for a specific lease.

Calculate Transaction Amounts

Click to update the values in the Manual Fee Group Transaction Summary group box.

Manual Fee Group Transaction Summary

Schedule Date

Enter the date on which you want to schedule the transactions for payment.

Total Charges

Displays the total amount to be allocated. This field is the same as the Total Charges field near the top of the page.

Total Rentable Area

Displays the total rentable area for the leases associated with these transactions. The systems sums all of the values from the Rentable Area column in the Transaction Details grid.

Total Transaction Amount

Displays the total amount of charges that you have allocated. The systems sums all of the values from the Amount column in the Transaction Details grid. This value must equal the value in the Total Charges field before you can commit the transactions.

Allocated Percentage

Displays the total percentage of charges that you have allocated. The systems sums all of the values from the Percentage column in the Transaction Details grid. This value must equal 100.00 before you can commit the transactions.

Transaction Count

Displays the number of transactions from the Transaction Details grid.

Commit Transactions

Click to process the transactions. The system validates the transactions, sets the transactions statuses to Pending and sends them to the transaction queue. The page becomes display-only.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Interface to AP/Billing Process

This section provides an overview of the Interface to AP/Billing process and discusses how to run the Interface to AP/Billing process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Interface to AP/Billing Process

PeopleSoft Real Estate Management uses existing PeopleSoft Payables functionality to generate vouchers and payments to the landlords or payees. When you run the Interface to AP/Billing process, the system sends approved PeopleSoft Real Estate Management payment information to the PeopleSoft Payables Voucher Build and Voucher Edit staging tables. After the information is sent, the PeopleSoft Payables application continues with the process flow by generating the vouchers and payments to the landlord and also generating the appropriate accounting information for posting to the general ledger.

The Interface to AP/Billing process populates four tables:

To populate these tables, this process groups the transaction details by each lease and inserts a voucher header for each lease and payee combination. A voucher line is created for every transaction detail for that lease and payee combination and the system inserts the distribution lines that correspond to those details. The distribution detail defaults from the Contract Accounting Rules process that uses the Lease Administration Accounting Rules setup and the transaction detail information, such as the transaction routing code.

The transaction routing code that is associated with a transaction detail also provides processing information that relates to withholding tax and sales and use taxes. Since the AP Voucher Build/Edit populates most of the information that is not provided by the interface, it is recommended that you set up the transaction routing codes using the Default option.

For example, if a payables business unit and vendor are set up to use withholding, the transaction routing code Withholding is set to let the PeopleSoft Payables system provide the applicable withholding code. The default can be set to No to avoid withholding on a specific transaction detail that is not subject to withholding. Setting a transaction routing code Withholding to Yes for sending transactions to a payables business unit that is not set to collect withholding tax, or for a vendor not subjected to withholding tax, places the generated voucher in Error/Recycle state as the necessary additional withholding information is not defaulted.

To create the vouchers in PeopleSoft Payables for the PeopleSoft Real Estate Management transactions, PeopleSoft Payables runs the AP Voucher Build/Edit process, which takes the data from the staging tables after they are populated. This process uses the information provided in the tables, populates values for fields that were not populated, and verifies the integrity of the generated voucher. If any issues are found, the voucher is set in error and can be reviewed online or recycled in batch. The voucher is not available for further processing until all errors are corrected.

Note. You can also use the Interface to AP/Billing process to generate invoices to tenants for receivables leases. When generating the process, consider setting up separate run control IDs for generating billing and payables transactions. If you use only one run control ID, the system generates all transactions for both invoices and payments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you run the Interface to AP/Billing process, verify that transactions in the transaction queue are in Approved status.

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Manage Interfaces to AP/Billing


Lease Administration, Integrations, Manage Interface to AP/Billing

Enter the run control parameters to generate transactions into PeopleSoft Payables to create vouchers and payments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Interface to AP/Billing Process

Access the Manage Interfaces to AP/Billing page.

Business Unit

Enter a business unit to generate transactions that are specific to that business unit.

Lease Number

Enter a lease number to generate transactions for that lease. You must enter a business unit before you can enter a lease number.

Interface Selection


Select to send all payables transactions for the business unit and lease number parameters to the staging table. If you leave both fields blank, the system sends all approved transactions for payables leases to the payables staging table.


Select to send all billing transactions for the business unit and lease number parameters to the staging table. If you leave both fields blank, the system sends all approved transactions for receivables to the Billing staging table.

See Understanding the Interface to AP/Billing Process.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Pending Lease Payables

This section discusses how to inquire about pending lease payables (also commonly referred to as the rent roll report).

PeopleSoft Real Estate Management enables you to view the list of pending lease payables. This interactive inquiry enables you to filter the criteria and view all the active leases with pending payments and their schedules.

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Pending Lease Payables


Lease Administration, Reports, Pending Lease Payables

Inquire on the pending payments for a lease. You can view the payment types and the scheduled date that the transaction is to be processed for all payments that are associated with the lease.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInquiring about Pending Lease Payables

Access the Pending Lease Payables page.

Enter the business unit and click Search to view all of the leases with pending payments and their schedules within that business unit. To view a filtered list, enter search criteria in the fields and click Search. Click Clear to clear all of the search criteria and results.

Due Date From and To

Select the date range for pending transactions that are scheduled within that range.

Lease Administrator

Select to view pending transaction schedules that are associated with that lease administrator.

Portfolio Manager

Select to view pending transaction schedules that are associated with that portfolio manager.

Pending Lease Payables


Displays the type of transaction that is scheduled. The term can be for base rent, operating expense, miscellaneous rent, and so on.

Schedule Date

Displays the date that the transaction is expected for payment.

Generated Date

Displays the date that the transaction generator processed the transaction and placed it into the transaction queue.


Displays the entity to whom the payment is made.

Schedule Status

Displays transaction schedule status, whether the transaction is pending, or was generated to the transaction queue.