Structuring Leases

This chapter provides an overview of PeopleSoft Real Estate Management structure and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PeopleSoft Real Estate Management Structure

Before you can enter or process a lease for billing or payment, you must set up the tables that form the foundation of the PeopleSoft Real Estate Management system.

All tables and setup information specific to PeopleSoft Real Estate Management are discussed in the following sections.

See Defining Financials and Supply Chain Management Common Definitions.

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Effective Date

Date on which a table row becomes effective; the date that an action begins. For example, if you want to close out a ledger on June 30, the effective date for the ledger closing would be July 1. This date also determines when you can view and change the information. Pages and batch processes that use the information use the current row.


An identification code that represents a set of control table information or TableSets. A TableSet is a group of tables (records) necessary to define your company’s structure and processing options.

Status (Effective Status)

Indicates whether a row in a table is active or inactive. You cannot display inactive rows on transaction pages or use them for running batch processes. You should inactivate data that you no longer use rather than delete it to maintain an audit trail.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Lease Abstract Sections to Print

To define the lease abstract sections to print, use the lease abstract sections component (RE_ABST_SECT).

This section provides an overview of lease abstract sections and discusses how to define the abstract sections to print.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Lease Abstract Sections to Print

PeopleSoft Real Estate Management enables you to use a lease abstract worksheet to assist in quick entry of the terms and conditions of the lease. You may also print the lease abstract when you have completed lease entry to provide you with a summary.

The lease sections on the Lease Abstract page are specific pages from the Maintain Lease pages. You may specify all sections or only the sections that you choose to use.

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Lease Abstract


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Lease Administration, General Definitions, Lease Abstract

Specify the lease sections you want to view or print.

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Access the Lease Abstract page.


Select the check box to enable printing of that section. You can not view or print sections if you do not select the check box.

Lease Section

Displays the sections within a lease that can be viewed or printed on the lease abstract worksheet.


Describes the content to be printed within the lease section.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Amendment Types

To define amendment types, use the Amendment Type and Reasons component (RE_AMND_TYPE).

This section provides an overview of amendment types and discusses how to define amendment types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Amendment Types

PeopleSoft Real Estate Management requires that any changes you make to active lease terms and conditions be processed through an amendment. When you create an amendment, the system creates a copy of the current lease details and preserves this as a historical record. The system then creates a new amendment, where you can define the changes.

Amendment types work with amendment reasons to provide the lease viewers with a quick explanation as to why an amendment is being made. There is a parent-child relationship between the amendment type and amendment reason. For example, you might have an amendment type of Financial Terms Increase and a reason of Increased Parking Fees.You must define the amendment reasons specific to the amendment type to view that amendment reason for that type. Before you can create amendments to a lease, you must define amendment types and amendment reasons.

Note. The amendment type is informational only–no processing occurs.

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Amendment Types


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Lease Administration, General Definitions, Amendment Types

Define an amendment type and amendment reason. Amendment reasons defined for this amendment type are used only to further categorize this amendment type.

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Access the Amendment Types page.

Amendment Type Name

Enter an amendment type name to categorize the amendment activity.

Amendment Reasons

Amendment Reasons

Further identify the reason why an amendment is being created.

Add Reason

Click to insert a new row to capture additional amendment reasons.

Remove Reason(s)

Select the amendment reason you want to remove and click the button to delete that row.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Lease Types

To define lease types, use the Lease Types component (RE_LEASE_TYPE).

This section provides an overview of lease types and discusses how to define lease types.

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Lease types enable you to categorize leases for processing and reporting purposes. You may have many lease types, such as operating leases, warehouse leases, and subleases. The lease types are also used for statistical reporting. You can select a sublease type for a lease and run a report to track all subleases associated with a lease.

When you create a lease type, you associate it with a lease category. The lease category determines the processing of that lease type. For example, if you have a lease type of Reporting , the system recognizes that the lease associated with this lease type is for analytical reporting. No further processing occurs.

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Lease Types


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Lease Administration, General Definitions, Lease Type

Define lease types.

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Access the Lease Types page.

Lease Category

Select the lease category for the lease type. The category determines how to sort or report the various lease types. Values are:

Reporting: No processing occurs.

Sub Lease: When you create a sublease, you must enter the associated parent lease number. The system validates the Parent Lease field to ensure that a parent lease is associated to the sublease.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Region Codes

To define regions, use the Region Codes component (REGION_CD).

This section provides an overview of region codes.

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Regions can be physical entities or geographical areas. When a region represents a physical entity, the region code has the same characteristics as a business, that is, address and language. In PeopleSoft Real Estate Management, you must associate a region with a lease to enable cost reporting by the various regions with which your organization does business. For example, you may require a report for all leased properties in the Midwest region and in the Northeast region. By assigning a region to your lease, you are able to capture the data as required.

When creating or updating an existing region, be sure to select the category of Reporting as the default category. After you define the region, you can select the region for your lease and begin capturing the data for your reports.

See Establishing Regions and Region Codes.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining User-Defined Fields

To define user-defined fields, use the User Defined Fields components (RE_USER_DEF_FLDS).

This section provides an overview of user-defined fields and discusses how to define user-defined fields.

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Because not all businesses have the same reporting needs, PeopleSoft Real Estate Management enables you to define additional fields (up to 10) to meet your reporting requirements. When you establish a user-defined field, the field is populated on your Clauses page in the PeopleSoft Real Estate Management system, enabling you to enter the information that you want to track.

Note. User-defined fields are used for information or reporting purposes only.

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User Defined Fields


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Lease Administration, General Definitions, User Defined Fields

Define user-defined fields. Create a new user-defined field to capture additional reporting data as required by your organization.

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Access the User Defined Fields page.

Field Name

Identify the label name that should appear on the Clauses page.


Enter the description for your user-defined field. The description defines how the field is used.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Transaction Routing Codes

To define transaction routing codes, use the Transaction Routing Code components (RE_TXN_ROUTE).

This section provides an overview of transaction routing codes and discusses how to define transaction routing codes.

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Use transaction routing codes to define the routing of transactions to PeopleSoft Billing, Payables, and General Ledger. The transaction routing codes also provide the default ChartFields and taxation rules to be used by each financial application. You can associate a transaction routing code to one or more transaction types or transaction groups, providing default handling for any transaction item belonging to a group that does not have an explicit routing code assigned.

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Transaction Routing Codes


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Lease Administration, Financial Terms, Transaction Routing Codes

Define transaction routing codes.

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Access the Transaction Routing Codes page.


Billing Charge

Select a billing charge. PeopleSoft Billing uses the billing charge code to process transactions for PeopleSoft Real Estate Management. The billing charge classifies real estate transactions.

Note. Billing charges apply only to receivables lease transactions.

Withholding Code

Withholding Applicable

Select whether withholding is applicable. The withholding applicable determines whether the voucher that is generated in PeopleSoft Payables is applicable to tax withholding. Values are:

Yes: Select if withholding applies on transactions associated to this transaction routing code. Withholding does not apply if the vendor on the lease does not withhold. Withholding from Real Estate overrides the withholding in PeopleSoft Payables.

No: Select if withholding does not apply.

Note. Withholding applies only to payables lease transactions.

See Setting Up PeopleSoft Payables Withholding.

Withholding Code

Select the withholding code for the associated withholding applicable. The system applies the withholding code to the voucher in PeopleSoft Payables to determine the withholding amount for the lease transaction. If Withholding Applicable is set to Yes, and no value is selected for the withholding code, PeopleSoft Payables applies the standard default when the vendor is set up for withholding.

Note. Set up vendor information accordingly on the Procurement Control - Withholding page for proper withholding defaults.

See Setting Up PeopleSoft Payables Withholding.

Sales & Use Tax Default

Tax Applicability

Select the tax applicable to payables transactions. Use this field to determine the excise duty and sales tax applicability details. Select from these values: Direct Pay, Exempt, Exonerated, Sales Tax, and Use Tax.

Note. Tax applicability applies only to payables lease transactions.

Tax Code

Select the tax code to determine the tax percentage for a county. If Tax Applicability is set to Yes, and no value is selected for the tax code, PeopleSoft Payables applies the standard default from vendor.

See Understanding PeopleSoft-Only Sales and Use Tax Processing.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Operating Expense Categories

To define operating expense categories, use the Operating Expense Categories component (RE_EXP_CLASS).

This section provides an overview of operating expense categories and discusses how to define operating expense categories.

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When landlords lease properties to tenants, terms for recoverable expenses incurred on general operations and maintenance of the building are written into the lease. Operating expenses is also commonly referred to as common area maintenance (CAM). You can identify the different recoverable expenses incurred by assigning them to an operating expense category. Operating expense categories enable you to associate a transaction routing code to ensure that financial processing occurs to handle the expense.

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Operating Expense Categories


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Lease Administration, Financial Terms, Operating Expense Categories

Create an operating expense category.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Sales Categories

To define sales categories, use the Sales Categories component (RE_SALE_CAT).

This section provides an overview of sales categories and discusses how to define sales categories.

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Use sales categories to identify merchandise classifications for percentage rent calculations. Tenants can negotiate a lower monthly base rent in exchange for a percentage of their sales, broken down by categories. For example, a tenant may lease a building for retail sale for a set base rent, selling items such as clothing, shoes, and accessories. These items are set up as sales categories, enabling the tenant to provide the landlord a monthly report of sales by category and amount of sales. The amount or percentage of the sales paid to the landlord is determined during lease negotiations.

After you define the sales categories and percentage sales terms are negotiated, you can enter the percent rent terms specifying the breakpoints for each category. Use breakpoints to determine the percentage or amount to bill. Landlords can calculate or recalculate the billable amount by using the percent rent sales feature.

See Understanding Percent Rent Terms.

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Sales Categories


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Lease Administration, Financial Terms, Sales Categories

Define sales categories.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Miscellaneous Rent Types

To define miscellaneous rent types, use the Miscellaneous Rent Types component (RE_MISC_FEES).

This section provides an overview of miscellaneous rent types and discusses how to define miscellaneous rent types.

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Define miscellaneous rent types for miscellaneous recurring payments, such as monthly parking fees and storage fees on your lease. You can define miscellaneous rent types with a date range, schedule, amount, billing frequency, and any potential escalations.

In addition, to separate a miscellaneous rent type as a distinct bill line on an invoice, you can associate miscellaneous rent types with a transaction routing code that is specifically defined with a unique bill code.

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Miscellaneous Rent Types


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Lease Administration, Financial Terms, Miscellaneous Rent Types

Define miscellaneous rent types.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Security Deposit Types

To define security deposit types, use the Security Deposit Types component (RE_SECURITIES).

This section provides an overview of security deposit types and discusses how to define security deposit types.

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Using the security deposit type enables the system to track whether the security deposit is a bank guarantee, cash, or prepaid. Security deposit types enable you to track the deposits received and also the interest that is generated by security deposits.

Security deposit types facilitate the processing of security deposits received or paid. By selecting the appropriate category for each security deposit type, the PeopleSoft Real Estate Management system determines how the security deposit is handled. There are three security deposit categories: Charge, Guarantee and Prepaid. You can create and assign a deposit type to categories.

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Security Deposit Types


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Lease Administration, Financial Terms, Security Deposit Types

Define security deposit types.

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Access the Security Deposit Types page.


Select a category from this list of valid values:

Charge: The security deposit has been received for a receivables lease or paid by for a payables lease and the status of the deposit is pending .

Guarantee: Bank guarantee or letter of credit issued by a bank. No processing occurs; cash is not collected.

Prepaid: Tracks prepaid security deposits paid through PeopleSoft Payables prior to lease activation. Treated as cash during deposit refund.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Manual Fee Types

To define manual fee types, use the Manual Fee Types components (RE_SUNDRY_CHG).

This section provides an overview of manual fee types and discusses how to define manual fee types.

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You create manual fee types to classify ad hoc payments for things such as repair of a broken window, rekeying a lock for an office, or items not related to the monthly operating expense fees. When creating manual fee types, you can link these manual fee types to specific transaction routing codes for processing in PeopleSoft Billing or PeopleSoft Payables.

Use manual fee types to create ad hoc payments for transactions that are one-time only payments.

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Manual Fee Types


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Lease Administration, Financial Terms, Manual Fee Types

Define manual fee types.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Economic Index Values

To define economic index values, use the economic index values component (RE_INDEX).

This section provides an overview of economic index values and discusses how to define economic index values.

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You set up the economic index values so that the lease rent amounts or miscellaneous fees increase from time-to-time or from year-to-year. Some leases are set up so that the rent amounts increase regularly, based on an index such as the Consumer Price Index (CPI), Porters' Wage, or a user-defined index.

Note. You cannot set up the economic index without first setting up the market rate index and market rates. Perform maintenance of the index values based on the frequency defined by your organization.

See Defining Market Rates.

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Economic Index Values


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Lease Administration, Financial Terms, Economic Index

Define the economic index values. Rent increases are based on the economic index values defined.

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Access the Economic Index Values page.

View Index Definition

Click to view the Market Rate Index. This page provide the highest level of organization for market rates in the PeopleSoft system. These indices define general categories of market rates, such as exchange rates, interest rates, and commodity exchange rates.

Index Values

Date From

Select the start date.

Date To

Select the end date.


Enter the current index value for the period. These values are based on monthly updates received from an index subscription.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Clause Types

To define clause types, use the Clause Types component (RE_CLAUSE_STYPE).

This section provides an overview of clause types and discusses how to define clause types.

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You can capture and classify pertinent lease information, such as right to assign the lease, first right of refusal, parking privileges, number of parking spaces, and so on. Clause types enable you to categorize and store this information in a logical format, which can be shared with other leases. After you establish the parking privileges clause type, you can further define the clause subtype with the corresponding detail of number of parking spaces.

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Clause Types


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Lease Administration, Clauses and Options, Clause Type

Define the clause type. From this page, you can define specific clauses that you want to track.

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Access the Clause Types page.

Clause Subtypes

Enter corresponding names and descriptions that further defines the clause types. You can add multiple clause subtypes for the clause type.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Lease Options

To define a lease option definition and mail template, use the Lease Option Definition component (RE_LEASE_OPTION) and the Mail Template component (RE_OPTION_MAIL).

This section provides an overview of lease options discusses how to define:

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Lease options are used in leases to identify clauses. Lease options can be the same as a clause with a critical date as a reminder to take action for that option. You can define whether you want reminder when an action is required. Options are usually associated with critical dates (dates by which the option is exercised). Lease renewals, terminations, and early terminations are options that may require an action that is defined in the lease.

When you define your lease options, you can also create a mail template with standard messaging to notify a user when an action is to take place. The mail template enables you to enter your own message, copy from an existing option message, or combine your message with field inserts.

Click the Copy From Option button to select a message from an existing option. For example, you can have multiple termination options; however, the message that you have associated with each option may be the same. Copying from an existing option eliminates data entry redundancy.

Note. Critical dates send email notifications to specified users, as well as generate entries in a user's tasklist. However, do not confuse a tasklist with the worklist in PeopleSoft Workflow. Critical dates do not use standard PeopleSoft Workflow. When entries are created in My Tasklist, they are there for informational purposes only. They do not initiate any further downstream processing, nor is there any rerouting or validation that indicates that specific tasks are completed. Users can choose to mark entries in their tasklists as complete; however, this is for their own information. The system does not use the data in the same way that PeopleSoft Workflow might. Email notifications are generated through the Critical Dates Template - Template Option Details page setup.

See Understanding Critical Date Templates.

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Lease Options


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Lease Administration, Clauses and Options, Lease Options

Enter the lease options name.

Lease Option Mail Template


Click the Mail Template link from the Lease Options page.

Enter a message to be associated with the lease option.

Copy Mail Template


Click the Copy from Option button from the Lease Option Mail Template page.

Select the option that you want to copy into the mail template.

Insert Mail Fields


Click the Insert Mail Fields button from the Lease Option Mail Template page.

Select the template marker for values that you want to insert into your option description.

Lease Option Mail Sample


Click the View Sample button to preview the message.

Preview a sample of your mail message.

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Access the Lease Options page.

Mail Template

Click the link to access the Lease Option Mail Template page.

Option Name

Enter the lease option name that describes the lease option.

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Click to access the Lease Option Mail Template page.

Lease Option

Click to return to Lease Options page.

Mail Template

Enter the mail message that you want to associate with the lease option. Using the template keeps email formats consistent and also reduces data entry redundancy.

Copy from Option

Click to view a list of predefined values to copy into the mail message. To obtain a list of lease options template values, enter partial values and click the Search button.

Insert Mail Fields

Click to view a list of predefined values to insert into the mail template.

View Sample

Click to view a sample of the predefined mail message.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopying Mail Template

Access the Copy Mail Template page by clicking on the Copy from Option button.

Optional Name (Begins With)

Enter a partial name or the name of the option you want to search for and click the Search button.

Lease Option Name

Displays a list of available lease options to copy into a new message. Select the lease option to insert message text.

View Sample

Click to view the message text associated with that lease option.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInserting Mail Fields

Access the Insert Mail Fields page.


Select the name fields to be inserted into the mail template. When you create a lease, you select the lease options to associate with that lease. The fields that you select insert specific field data into the message template.

For example, if you select Lease Number as the marker in the message, the lease number from the lease that you associate with the lease option replaces the marker in the message field.


Display the place holder for specific text on the message template. Whether you check Lease Number, Lease Title, Action Date, and so on, the associated information defaults onto the message template when the option is used on a lease.

For example, by inserting the marker in your message (This is a notice to inform you that the %LSNBR% will expire in 30 days), your message will read as follows: This is to inform you that the lease number A30178 will expire in 30 days.


Displays the description for each marker.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Lease Option Mail Samples

Access the Lease Option Mail Sample page.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Critical Date Templates

To define lease critical date templates, use the critical date template component (RE_CRDT_TMPLT).

This section provides an overview of critical date templates and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Critical Date Templates

A lease may have a variety of events that occur throughout the lease life cycle. Some of these events may require intervention by various interested parties associated with the lease. These events are usually, but not always, associated with an option clause contained in the lease.

You may use lease events to track key milestones (such as security deposits and lease termination), lease options (such as renewals and right of first offer), or other activities (such as lease activation approval). Because it is important for each interested party to have early warning when these dates become due, the critical date template enables you to set up alerts to remind you to take the appropriate actions.

When you need to be alerted of dates for an event that requires an action or decision, you can do so by associating the critical dates template to that lease. You must define the critical date template and schedule the template to alert you once, on a specific date, or using a timetable. You can also select the lease options and the recipients that are to receive the alerts.

For example, if you want to be notified when a lease is up for renewal before it expires, you can set the critical date notification to notify you six months in advance, again every month for the final three months, once a week in the final month, and then every other day in the last two weeks.

This table describes how to set up the critical dates notification from the example above:







6 Months Prior




3 Months Prior


1 Month

15th of the Month


4 Weeks Prior


1 Week



14 Days


2 Days


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Critical Date Template


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Lease Administration, Clauses and Options, Critical Date Templates

Enter the critical date option definition.

Define Options Notifications


Click the Define Notifications button from the Define Critical Date Template page.

Define a notification schedule and the recipients for the notification. An email notification goes out to the role defined here.

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Access the Define Critical Date Template page.

Template Name

Enter the name that best defines this critical date template.

Lease Option Name

Select the lease option that you want to define notifications.

Define Notifications

Click to access the Define Option Notifications page.

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Access the Define Option Notifications page.

Schedule Details

Enable Notifications

Select to enable the notification.

Send initial notifications:

prior to Option Date

Enter the number, and then select days, months, or years prior to the option date that you want to receive the notification.

Enter a number in the blank field and select one of these values:




On the Lease Start Date

Select if you want to receive the notification upon the date that the lease is activated.

Specific Date

Enter or select a specific date.


You can send recurring notifications based on the following criteria:


Select to never send recurring notifications.


Select to send daily notices. You can enter a number in the blank field in the Daily row to indicate the notification frequency. For example, if you enter 2, the system sends a notification every two days until the option date occurs.


Select to send notices weekly. You can enter a number in the blank field in the Weekly row to define the notification frequently and you can specify which day or days of the week to send the notifications. For example, if you enter 2 for the notification frequency and select Monday and Friday, the system sends notifications on Monday and Friday every two weeks until the option date occurs. If you specify a day of the week, you must enter the notification frequency.


Select to send notices monthly. You can enter a number in the blank field on the Monthly row to define the notification frequency and you can specify on which day of the month that the notification is sent.


Select to send notices yearly. Select from the Month list and define the number in the On Day field for a specific day within that month. For example, notifications can be sent in January on the fifth day of the month until the option date occurs.

Role Type

Select the role type or recipient to receive notifications. Notification are sent out to any individual in your organization who is assigned to this role type.

See Understanding Role Types.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Role Types

To define role types, use the role types component (RE_PARTY_TYPE).

This section provides an overview of role types and discusses how to define role types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Role Types

Role types enable you to define the many contacts stored within your PeopleSoft Real Estate Management system. They are also used to identify critical date recipients. You can set up a role as a role type. Role types can be a lease administrator, portfolio manager, landlord, tenant, billing clerk, payables clerk, bank contact, and so on.

Once you set up the role type, you associate the role category to determine approval processing. When auto-approval is enabled, roles assigned the role type of Internal Administrator and Internal Manager can activate leases. If auto-approval is disabled, only the role assigned to the Internal Manager role type can activate leases.

Note. You must define at least one role type for your PeopleSoft Real Estate Management system.

Note. Role types are not used as a security feature in PeopleSoft.

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Role Types


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Lease Administration, Users Roles, Role Types

Define role types.

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Access the Role Types page.

Role Category

Your selection determines the actions for each role that you define. There are four role categories to chose from:

External Contact: A contact that is not an employee of your organization. External contacts can be a vendor or service personnel, such as a sale representative from a janitorial supply company or a repair man.

Internal Administrator: An employee of your organization who has access to the PeopleSoft Real Estate Management system to enter or maintain a lease. A lease administrator or a lease entry clerk is an example of an internal administrator.

Internal Manager: A manager of your organization who has access to the PeopleSoft Real Estate Management system to validate a lease. A portfolio manager is an example of an internal manager.

Lease Principal: A landlord or tenant for a lease.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Lease Administration Roles

To define lease administration roles, use the Lease Administration Roles component (RE_LA_ROLES).

This section provides an overview of lease administration roles and discusses how to define lease administration roles.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Lease Administration Roles

Lease administration roles enable you to associate individuals in your organization to a particular role type within the PeopleSoft Real Estate Management system. You can associate multiple individuals in your organization to one role type. For example, there may be several individuals that can create and maintain a lease. By assigning a role type of Lease Administrator to each of them, each individual can perform the tasks associated with a lease administrator.

Note. You must set up role types before you set up lease administration roles.

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Lease Administration Roles


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Lease Administration, Users Roles, Lease Administration Role

Define a lease administration role.

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Access the Lease Administration Roles page.

User ID

Select the User ID of the individual in your organization who generates a transaction.

Role Name

Displays the long description from the Role Types page.