Processing Multiple Currencies in General Ledger

This chapter provides an overview of multiple currency processing in Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Multiple Currency Processing in General Ledger

The uniquely flexible PeopleSoft structure enables you to manage financial information in multiple currencies—you can use a ChartField to designate different currency codes within a ledger or, as required, store each currency in a different ledger.

PeopleSoft also provides specific input, processing, and reporting features that satisfy the most demanding requirements of multinational financial management. We support the European common currency (euro), as well as currency conversions, remeasurement, revaluation, and translation. We also provide a complete audit trail of all multicurrency processing.

PeopleSoft also includes position accounting, which enables you to identify and track the risks associated with holding financial assets in currencies other than your base currency.

See Also

Setting Up Position Accounting

Click to jump to parent topicPreparing to Revalue Account Balances

Periodically, you may need to revalue the base currency of the balance sheet accounts that you maintain in foreign currencies to reflect changes in value due to fluctuations in exchange rates. The General Ledger Revaluation process (FSPCCURR) adjusts the base currency value of the account balances by creating adjusting entries for the accounts being revalued. It creates corresponding entries for any gain or loss that results from the revaluation. Revaluation typically takes place at the end of each accounting period prior to translation.

For example, suppose that a company whose base currency is U.S. dollars (USD) made the following cash deposits in Swiss francs (CHF):

Transaction Date

Swiss Francs

Exchange Rate

U.S. Dollars

January 10, 2003




January 15, 2003




January 20, 2003




January 31, 2003 Balance




At month end, revaluation takes place at the CHF to USD exchange rate of 0.55. The account is revalued at 165 USD (300 * 0.55 = 165). The following journal entry recognizes the increase in value with a debit of 15 USD to the asset account and a corresponding credit to the revaluation gain account:




Cash in Bank

15 USD


Revaluation Gain


15 USD

Note. General Ledger revalues ledger balances for all foreign currencies.

When you want the results of revaluation to go into accounts that are different from the source accounts, use the Target ChartField Entry page, on which you can indicate target unrealized gain and loss accounts.

Setting Up Revaluation

In General Ledger, the following processing takes place when you revalue accounts:

You can choose to:

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Revaluation Steps

To define revaluation steps, use the Revaluation Step component (REVAL_STEP).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Revaluation Steps

Page Name

Object Name



Ledger and TimeSpan


General Ledger, Process Multi-Currency, Define and Process, Revaluation Step, Ledger and TimeSpan

Define a ledger, TimeSpan, and rate type for revaluation.

Source Chartfields


General Ledger, Process Multi-Currency, Define and Process, Revaluation Step, Source ChartFields

Identify accounts to revalue.

Output and Journal Options


General Ledger, Process Multi-Currency, Define and Process, Revaluation Step, Output and Journal Options

Specify output options, journal information, and revaluation reversal options.

Also, use the Translation Step - Output and Journal Options version of this page to determine whether General Ledger automatically posts translated amounts to the ledger or generates journal entries for subsequent posting.

Gain and Loss Chartfields


General Ledger, Process Multi-Currency, Define and Process, Revaluation Step, Gain and Loss ChartFields

Identify the revaluation gain and loss accounts or specify the specific accounts where you record translation gain or loss.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying a Ledger and TimeSpan for Revaluation

Access the Ledger and TimeSpan page.

From Ledger Group and Ledger

Specify the from ledger group and specific ledger in which you want to perform the revaluation. You cannot specify a translation ledger for revaluation. If you do not specify a ledger, revaluation revalues the amounts of all the ledgers in the ledger group. In order to revalue a ledger group with KLS (keep ledgers in sync) selected, you must leave the Ledger field blank.

Note. The effect of a base amount adjustment resulting form a revaluation of a primary ledger within a ledger group that has keep ledgers in sync (KLS) on, is carried down to a translate ledger if it is a secondary ledger in that KLS ledger group by either a journal edit or by a revaluation if the edit option is not selected.

To avoid this impact to a translation secondary ledger, do not use a translation secondary ledger in a KLS ledger group and use a separate ledger group for translation ledgers where you can use separate translation processes rather than the translate within ledgers process.


General Ledger generates journal entries whose amounts represent the period of time indicated by the TimeSpan for the revaluation being processed. The TimeSpan normally used for balance sheet accounts is BAL (year to date). With this TimeSpan, the system totals the account balances in periods 0 through n for balance sheet accounts.

Rate Type

Enter the exchange rate type for the process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Source ChartFields for Revaluation

Access the Source ChartFields page.


Select the ChartField (for example, Account or Alternate Account) for which values are to be revalued using the TimeSpan and rate type specified.

How Specified

List your accounts individually by selecting the Selected Detail Values check box or, more likely, select the Selected Tree Nodes check box. The latter option activates the Tree Information fields for you to specify a tree from which to select nodes. Using trees establishes rollups for the account values so that you can select particular types of accounts according to the structure of your business unit.


Use trees to establish rollups for account values.


(Optional) If the tree has levels, you can limit prompting in this field to selected levels.

ChartField Values/Tree Nodes

Select particular types of accounts according to the structure of your business unit. We recommend that you use trees whenever possible to reduce future maintenance when your ChartField values change.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Output and Journal Options for Revaluation

Access the Output and Journal Options page.

Journal ID Mask

Identifies the revaluation journal naming convention that you specify. General Ledger identifies journals by a 10-character alphanumeric identifier. The system automatically names journals starting with the mask value that you specify here. For example, if you entered a mask of RVAL1, the system supplies the remaining characters based on the next available journal ID number. If the next available journal ID number is 19, the generated journal ID would be RVAL100019. Alternatively, if you do not use the journal ID mask, the system automatically assigns the next 10–character available journal ID number.

If you use a journal ID mask, reserve a unique mask value to ensure that no other process creates the same journal ID.


Describes this revaluation step.


Identifies the source of the journals. You can select any valid source on the Source table.

Document Type

If you enabled PeopleSoft Document Sequencing in your system, select a predefined document type for your revaluation journals. Document sequencing requires that you have a document type for all of the journal entries that you create.

Create Journal Entries

Creates journal entries with a header status of V = Valid that can be posted automatically as part of revaluation processing or through the normal posting methods. Select the Post Journal(s) check box along with this option to automatically post the journals created.

Edit Journal(s)

Because values being processed are from previously edited data in existing ledger tables, journal entries are created with a valid status. However, you can submit journal entries created by revaluation to the journal edit process to be validated for such things as changes to combination edits or inactivated ChartFields. You can then review the journals using journal inquiry after you edit them.

Note. To restrict further activity for inactive accounts that have balances, you bypass journal edit and post translation journals for these accounts. Clear the Edit Journals check box to bypass journal edit. The multicurrency process handles the multibook processing features within journal edit for these journals.

Budget Check Journal(s)

Submits journal entries to the budget processor for the control budget.

Post Journal(s)

Posts the journals to the target ledger as part of revaluation processing. When you process multiple revaluation steps together, where each step depends on the results of the previous step, you must select this check box for all but the last step to provide updated ledger balances for each subsequent step. In the last step, posting the journals is optional.

The journals created by multicurrency processing are not intended or designed to be viewed using the journal entry pages before running journal edit or journal post.

Note. When you run revaluation on secondary ledgers in a multibook ledger group, the revaluation version of this page produces a journal with a journal header and journal lines for the secondary ledgers only. This is done to optimize performance. If you attempt to view these journals using the Journal Entry pages, this type of journal may appear corrupt because there are no primary ledger lines for the ledger group. If you want to view the primary ledger lines from the Journal Entry pages, the recommended procedure is to run the Journal Edit process on all multicurrency journals. The journal editing process creates the missing primary ledger lines needed to view the complete journal.

See Setting Up Multicurrency Processing.

Adjustment Period

Target to Adjustment Period

Click to specify an adjustment period as the accounting period for the revaluation journals, and enter a period in the Target Adjusting Period field.

An adjustment period revaluation journal can only be reversed to an adjustment period. If you want to reverse the journal, click the Reversal link and select the Adjustment Period check box to enter an adjustment period in the Specify field on the MultiCurrency Process Journal Reversal page.



Click the link to access the option. To facilitate period based reporting, the system generates a reversal for the period that follows the revaluation process period. The net amount that results on the target ledger represents the current period year-to-date (YTD) amount, less the reversal amount generated by the prior period process run. (The reversal journal date is calculated using the as-of date of the process request, the reversal option, and business unit calendar.)

Select a reversal code:

Do Not Generate Reversal

Select for no automatic reversal of this entry.

Beginning of Next Period

Creates a reversing entry dated the first business day of the next accounting period. The system uses the business calendar that you assigned to the business unit on the General Ledger Definition - Definition page to determine the first business day. This is the default.

End of Next Period

Creates a reversing entry dated the last business day of the next accounting period. The business calendar that you assigned to the business unit on the General Ledger Definition - Definition page determines the last business day.

Next Day

Creates a reversing entry dated the next business day. This option uses the business calendar that you assigned to the business unit on the General Ledger Definition - Definition page to determine the next business day.

Adjustment Period

Select and enter an adjustment period in the Specify field only for revaluation journals for adjustment periods.

On Date Specified By User

Click and specify a date that you want in the Reversal Datefield.

Reverse even if cross years

Reverse even if reversal occurs in the next year.

Target ChartFields


Select the ChartFields to be included in the revaluation journal entries. The ChartFields defined here relate to the ChartFields that you specified on the Specifying Gain and Loss ChartFields for the Revaluation page. If you are balancing by ChartFields, include all balancing ChartFields as your target ChartFields.

Retain Value (retain ChartField value)

You can either select this check box or enter a ChartField value in the Chartfield Value column.

If you select this check box, the ChartField values are carried over from the source transaction entries to the system-generated position accounts.

For the ledger defined on the Ledger and TimeSpan page and for a balancing ChartField as defined in the ledger group, if Retain Value is selected for the gain and loss ChartFields, it must also be selected here for the Target ChartField. If Retain Value is not selected for gain and loss ChartFields, then it is clear for the Target ChartField. All three fields must have the same ChartField value if retain value is not selected.

ChartField Value

If you did not select the Retain Value check box, use this field to specify the ChartField value that is to be used for the system-generated target account. If you enter a ChartField value here, the system ignores the ChartField value on the source transaction entry.

When a ChartField value is not included in target ChartFields, it is blank for the target journals.

Extra gain or loss entries can be created from multiple runs of revaluation, if the gain ChartField value is different from the corresponding loss ChartField value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Gain and Loss ChartFields for Revaluation

Access the Gain and Loss ChartFields page.

General ledger posts the offsetting entries that correspond to the adjusting entries created during revaluation to the accounts specified as follows—credits to the gain ChartFields, debits to the loss ChartFields.

Gain ChartKeys

Enter the ChartField and either select the Retain Value check box or enter a value in the ChartField Value field.


Indicate the ChartFields to be included in the revaluation gain and loss journal entries. If you are balancing by ChartFields, include all balancing ChartFields (do not include business unit and currency) as your target ChartFields.

Retain Value (retain ChartField value)

You can either select this check box or enter a ChartField value in the Chartfield Value field.

If you select this check box, the ChartField values are carried over from the source transaction entries to the system-generated position accounts.

Select Retain Value for a ChartField for both gain and loss, or for neither. So, for the same ChartField, either select both check boxes, or clear both.

For the ledger defined on the Ledger and TimeSpan page, for a balancing ChartField as defined in the ledger group, if Retain Value is selected for the gain and loss ChartFields, it must also be selected for the Target ChartField. If the Retain Value check box is clear for gain and loss ChartFields, then it is clear for the Target ChartField. All three fields must have the same ChartField value if Retain Value is clear (not selected).

Extra gain or loss entries may be created from multiple runs of revaluation if a ChartField is set to retain value in gain or loss but not in target. If some ChartFields are not included as target ChartFields, they will be blank.

ChartField Value

If you did not select the Retain Value check box, use this field to specify the ChartField values that are to be used for the system-generated target account. If you enter a ChartField value here, the system ignores the ChartField value on the source transaction entry.

When a ChartField value is not included in target ChartFields, it will be blank for the target journals.

Loss ChartKeys

Enter the loss ChartField and either select the Retain Value check box or enter a ChartField value. The field definitions for the loss ChartFields are the same as for gain ChartFields. If a ChartField retains value for gains, it must retain value for loss, and conversely.

Note. When you balance by ChartFields, if a balancing ChartField is designated as a gain or loss ChartField, then the balancing ChartField overrides the value specified on this page.

Click to jump to parent topicPreparing to Translate Ledger Balances

General Ledger translates posted balances into different currencies according to the rules you define, and calculates gains or losses due to restatement. You can run translation at any time because it is a background process. General Ledger can perform regular translation on any type of ledger.

If you perform multiple translations for each business unit—such as a remeasurement followed by translation— General Ledger enables you to define a separate set of processing rules for each translation. It considers each translation as a translation step.You can process as many translation steps as you require at one time.

Note. Although remeasurement is considered a separate process to precede translation under FASB 52, it is defined in General Ledger as a translation step with different exchange rates. To perform a remeasurement, set up a translation step as described in this section to translate your base currency balances to functional currency balances. You can also use the multibook feature to maintain a secondary ledger in your functional currency.

See Also

Understanding Ledgers

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Translation Rules

Because different accounts are translated according to different exchange rate rules, you can use the Translation Rule pages to define which accounts are processed with which conversion rate types. This information defines your approach to translating types of accounts. For example, you can translate your asset and liability accounts at the current rate, but use historical rates to translate equity accounts. You refer to these rules when you define your translation steps.

To set up translation rules, use the Translation Rule component (TRANS_RULE).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Translation Rules

Page Name

Object Name



TimeSpan and Rate


General Ledger, Process Multi-Currency, Define and Process, Translation Rules, TimeSpan and Rate

Define TimeSpans and rates for a translation rule.



General Ledger, Process Multi-Currency, Define and Process, Translation Rules, Chartfields

Indicate the ChartFields for the translation rule.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining TimeSpans and Rates for a Translation Rule

Access the TimeSpan and Rate page.


General Ledger generates journal entries for amounts that represent the period of time indicated by the TimeSpan for the translation rules being processed. The TimeSpan normally used is ITD (inception-to-date profit and loss accounts) or BAL (balance sheet accounts). With these TimeSpans, the system sums the account balances in periods 1 through n for profit and loss accounts and periods 0 through n for balance sheet accounts.

Rate Type

Select the applicable exchange rate type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining ChartFields for a Translation Rule

Access the Chartfields page.


Select the ChartField (Account) to be translated using the TimeSpan and rate type specified. For example, assets and liabilities are typically translated as balances (BAL) at the current exchange rate (CRRNT), while retained earnings are translated at a historical exchange rate (HSTRE).

How Specified

For example, list your asset accounts individually by selecting the Selected Detail Values check box or, more likely, select the Selected Tree Nodes check box. The latter option activates the Tree Information fields for you to specify a tree from which to select nodes.


Enter each tree node; entering level is optional. If the tree has levels, you can limit prompting in this field to selected levels. Using trees establishes rollups for the account values so that you can select particular types of accounts according to the structure of your business unit. We recommend that you use trees whenever possible to reduce future maintenance when your ChartField values change.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Translation Steps

Use the Translation Step pages to define how a specific translation is to be processed.

To define translation steps, use the Translation Step component (TRANS_STEP).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Translation Steps

Page Name

Object Name





General Ledger, Process Multi-Currency, Define and Process, Translation Steps, Ledger

Specify the source and target ledger group and ledgers for a translation step.



General Ledger, Process Multi-Currency, Define and Process, Translation Steps, Rule

Specify which translation rules to use in this step.

Output and Journal Options


General Ledger, Process Multi-Currency, Define and Process, Translation Steps, Output and Journal Options

Use the Specifying Output and Journal Options for Revaluation page to determine whether General Ledger automatically posts translated amounts to the ledger or generates journal entries for subsequent posting.

Gain and Loss Chartfields


General Ledger, Process Multi-Currency, Define and Process, Translation Steps, Gain and Loss Chartfields

Specify the specific accounts where you record translation gain or loss.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Ledgers for Translation

Access the Ledger page.

From Ledger Group

Specify the ledger group to be translated.

From Ledger

Required for translation. You can translate any type of ledger in a group, including secondary, primary, and translation ledgers.

Target Ledger Group

Select the target ledger group that is to receive the results. Translation only creates journals to a ledger group that is defined as a translation ledger in the Ledger Group Type field on the Detail Ledger Group page. Translation creates balances for the primary ledger of the target ledger group. Other adjustment journals are allowed to this ledger.

From Currency Type

Select one of the following values:

  • L (ledger base currency): The system uses the base currency of the from ledger.

  • S (specify): Specify a value in the From Currency field.

Translation translates to the base currency of the target ledge, and populates both the foreign amount and the monetary amount on the journal, which in turn populates the POSTED_TOTAL_AMT and POSTED_BASE_AMT on the translation ledger. These two fields always are the same on the ledger. In other words, the foreign currency and the base currency will always be the same for the journals posting to this ledger.

From Currency

If you selected S (specify) in the From Currency Type field, select the currency code in the from currency drop-down menu.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Rules for Translation

Access the Rule page.

Translation Rule

Select the translation rules while keeping in mind that any translation rules that you select here you must have already defined in the Translation Rules table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Output and Journal Options for Translation

Access the Output and Journal Options page.

Use the section discussing Specifying Output and Journal Options for Revaluation page to complete this page. General Ledger can generate journal entries for subsequent posting.

See Also

Specifying Output and Journal Options for Translation Within Ledger

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Gain and Loss ChartFields for Translation

Access the Gain and Loss ChartFields page.

Use the section discussing Specifying Gain and Loss Chartfields for Translation Within Ledger to complete most of this page, which determines the specific accounts for which you record translation gain or loss.

However, the following two check boxes appear only on the translation step version of this page:

Check Balance of Step

Select this check box to have the system check the balances of your step entries to ensure that they are balanced. Checking the balance on your translation step definition entries protects the integrity of your target ledger. If you specify your target ledger as a balanced ledger and you clear this check box, you must select the Generate Adjustment check box so that your target ledger stays balanced.

Generate Adjustment

Select this check box to have the system calculate a currency adjustment. If you do a partial translation, your gain or loss includes an offset required to bring your step into balance in addition to the actual currency adjustment. If you clear this check box, the gain ChartFields and loss ChartFields are unavailable.

See Also

Specifying Gain and Loss ChartFields for Translation Within Ledger

Click to jump to parent topicPreparing for the Translate Within Ledger Process

At the end of the accounting period, you can run the Translate Within Ledger translation process against the translation ledger to produce the appropriate gain or loss adjustment. This process handles the translation ledger in the same manner as revaluation processing. The Translate Within Ledger process only processes translation ledgers. (Revaluation processes regular secondary ledgers but not translation ledgers.)

Prepare for this process on the Detail Ledger Group - Definition page by establishing a particular ledger as a translation ledger.

When journal lines are generated online for the secondary ledgers of a multibook ledger group, the base currency is calculated differently for currency (multibook) translation ledgers than for normal secondary ledgers. Normal secondary ledger lines contain a foreign currency and foreign amount equal to the transaction currency and transaction amount of the primary ledger. For multibook translation ledgers, lines are generated with the foreign currency and foreign amount equal to that of the base currency and base amount of the primary ledger. This results in multibook translation ledgers having at most one foreign currency at any time. This foreign currency will always be the base currency of the primary ledger of the ledger group.

The Translation Within Ledger process generates a translation adjustment with the multibook translation ledger for specified accounts in order to maintain a real time balance for the accounts. Use the Translate Within Ledger Group pages to define the criteria for running this process.

To prepare for the Translate Within Ledger process, use the Translation Within Ledger component (MBXLAT).

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Linking Ledgers to a Ledger Group

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used for the Translate Within Ledger Process

Page Name

Object Name



Ledger and TimeSpan


General Ledger, Process Multi-Currency, Define and Process, Translation Within Ledger, Ledger and TimeSpan

Define a ledger and TimeSpan for the Translate Within Ledger process.



General Ledger, Process Multi-Currency, Define and Process, Translation Within Ledger, Chartfields

Identify the accounts that you want to include in your step.

Output and Journal Options


General Ledger, Process Multi-Currency, Define and Process, Translation Within Ledger, Output and Journal Options

Determine whether General Ledger automatically posts translated amounts to the ledger or generates journal entries for subsequent posting.

Gain and Loss Chartfields


General Ledger, Process Multi-Currency, Define and Process, Translation Within Ledger, Gain and Loss Chartfields

Specify the specific accounts where you record translation gain or loss.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying a Ledger and TimeSpan for Translation Within Ledger

Access the Ledger and TimeSpan page.

Although the Translation Within Ledger - Ledger and TimeSpan page is a different object from the Revaluation - Ledger and TimeSpan page, both pages have all their fields in common.

From Ledger Group and Ledger

Specify the from ledger group and specific ledger in which you want to perform the Translate Within Ledger process. You must specify a translation ledger for this process. If you do not specify a ledger, the Translate Within Ledger process is run by the system against all the translation ledgers in the ledger group.


General Ledger generates journal entries for which the amounts represent the period of time indicated by the TimeSpan for the step definition being processed. The TimeSpan typically used is BAL (balance sheet accounts). With this TimeSpan, the system totals the account balances in periods 0 through n for balance sheet accounts.

Rate Type

Enter the applicable rate type for the process.

See Also

Specifying a Ledger and TimeSpan for Translation Within Ledger

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying ChartFields for Translation Within Ledger

Access the Chartfields page.

Although this ChartField page has a different object name than the Revaluation - Source Chartfields page, both pages have their fields in common. See the Specifying Source ChartFields page for the revaluation topic.


Select the accounts to be processed in the Chartfields group box. For example, you can list your balance sheet accounts individually as detail values or, more typically, you can define tree nodes. Using trees establishes rollups for the account values so that you can select particular types of accounts according to the structure of your business unit.

See Also

Specifying Source ChartFields for Revaluation

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Output and Journal Options for Translation Within Ledger

Access the Output and Journal Options page.

Refer to the discussion about the Specifying Output and Journal Options for Revaluation page when specifying output options, journal information, and revaluation reversal options for the Translation Within Ledger process.

See Also

Specifying Output and Journal Options for Revaluation

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Gain and Loss ChartFields for Translation Within Ledger

Access the Gain and Loss Chartfields page.

Refer to the discussion of the Specifying Gain and Loss Chartfields for Revaluation page when specifying your Translate Within Ledger gain and loss accounts.

See Also

Specifying Gain and Loss ChartFields for Revaluation

Click to jump to parent topicCombining Steps into a Multicurrency Group

Once you have defined the steps necessary to accomplish your desired revaluation, translation, or Translate Within Ledger process, you define a multicurrency group that specifies the processing sequence for these steps.

To combine steps into a multicurrency group, use the Currency Group component (CURR_GROUP).

This section discusses how to combine steps in a multicurrency group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Combine Steps in a Multicurrency Group

Page Name

Object Name



Multi-Currency Process Group


General Ledger, Process Multi-Currency, Define and Process, Define Process Group, Multi-Currency Process Group

Define a multicurrency group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCombining Steps in a Multicurrency Group

Access the Multi-Currency Process Group page.


Determines the order in which the system performs the steps. Because the ledger may be updated with each step, it is important to perform the steps in the appropriate sequence.

Process Step

Enter the revaluation, translation, or Translate Within Ledger Process step. The system displays the description for the process step. After defining a step, you can select it for the multicurrency group sequence. You can also reuse steps from other multicurrency groups.


Click this link to indicate that even if this step fails, processing should continue to the next step.

Click to jump to parent topicInitiating Multicurrency Processing

This section discusses how to request multicurrency processing.

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Page Name

Object Name



Multi-Currency Process Request


General Ledger, Process Multi-Currency, Define and Process, Request Process, Multi-Currency Process Request

Once you have specified the multicurrency group, use this page to set up a multicurrency processing request.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRequesting Multicurrency Processing

Access the Multi-Currency Process Request page.


Identify the multicurrency group to be processed with this request, for example,REVALBAL for Revaluation processing.

When errors occur and processing aborts, you can restart processing at the step that failed by selecting the Start Step check box rather than processing all the steps in a process group. This option becomes available only if errors occurred during processing.

Calc Log (calculation log)

Select this check box if you want the system to create a log of all the calculations performed during processing.

Request Date Option

You can select the As of Date, and then specify a date in the As of Date field. You can define steps using relative TimeSpans, such as BAL (current balance). A relative time span causes the process that you are running to retrieve ledger amounts relative to the as of date specified on the MultiCurrency Process Request page. The steps processed by this multicurrency process request must be effective on or before the as of date.

You can also select Business Unit Process Date, in which case the process uses the date option on the business unit general ledger definition. The system retrieves the date and uses it as the as of date.

As of Date

Used to retrieve the following:

  • Step definitions

  • Tree data

  • Currency exchange rates

If a step definition indicates that a journal should be created, then the system uses the as of date as the journal date.

Note. The journals created by multicurrency processing were not designed for viewing with the Journal Entry pages. Run the Journal Edit process against these journals before you attempt to view them.

Click to jump to parent topicPutting It All Together

Let us look at two multicurrency processing scenarios. The first scenario shows how you maintain multiple books using all multicurrency processes; the second scenario compares the single book translation to the results of maintaining a translation ledger within a multibook environment.

This section discusses how to:

Note. General Ledger must be installed and the Create MultiBook Accounting Entries in Subsystems check box must be selected on the Installed Products page for multibook functionality to be available in subsystems, such as PeopleSoft Accounts Payable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Multicurrency Processing in a Multibook Environment

In the following example, we demonstrate multicurrency processes in a multibook environment. Suppose that your company uses the following ledger structure:

Business Unit:

C007 (CHF)

Ledger Group:



  • Actuals primary ledger (CHF − inherited from C007).

  • Local (EUR).

  • Report (USD) translation ledger.

Also assume the following currency transactions:

Currency Exchanges

Exchange Rate − Transaction Date

Exchange Rate − Reporting Date










The results of using revaluation in a multibook environment is explained in the next section.

Using Revaluation in a Multibook Environment

The following topics discuss various aspects of revaluation processing in a multibook environment.

Beginning Ledger

This table shows the results of revaluation in a multibook environment. Assume that the following balances exist in the ledger. Account 2001 is a balance sheet account; 8001 is a profit and loss account. The base amount calculations are shown to exhibit the derivation of the base currency balance:

Assumed beginning ledger balances

Month End Revaluation Journal (Only Revalue Balance Sheet Accounts)

This journal results from running revaluation on the entire ledger group. The revaluation process skips the report ledger because it is specified as a translation ledger. The actuals and local ledgers are revalued. Running journal edit on this ledger carries the adjustments to the base currency of the actuals ledger down to the report ledger.

Month end revaluation

Ending Ledger

The following table contains the ending ledger amounts after the revaluation:

Ending ledger amounts

Translate Within Ledger Process

After revaluation, you run the Translate Within Ledger process, which generates the translation adjustment. Only the report translation ledger are processed. Continuing with the previous example, the report ledger balances are shown as follows.

Beginning Ledger (Report Only)

The following table contains the beginning ledger amounts to appear on the translation ledger for reports only:


Foreign Currency

Foreign Currency


Report (USD)













Month End Translation Journal

The output journal that results from the Translate Within Ledger process is shown in this example. This example assumes that the translate within ledger step is defined for balance sheet accounts only, but this need not be the case. You can, for example, define your translate within ledger step definition to include profit and loss, or income statement, accounts to be processed at an average rate.

Month end translation journal

Ending Ledger

The following table shows the ending ledger amounts after you run the translate process for reports:


Foreign Currency

Foreign Currency Balance

Report (USD)













Translation Adjustment




Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicComparing Multibook Translation Ledger Results to Translation in a Single Book Environment

Maintaining a translation ledger within a multibook ledger group results in the same ledger balances as performing a period-end translation on the actuals ledger. To show this, we start with the ledger balances for actuals from the example above, after revaluation is run on the ledger group. We perform a single book translation: actuals (CHF) to ledger group (USD).

Beginning Ledger

The following table shows the ledger balances for actuals ledger after the revaluation is run on the ledger group:


Currency Code

Transaction Amount

Actuals (CHF)













Translation Journal

The following table shows the results of running the translation process on the actuals ledger. The translation is simplified for clarity in this example. The balance sheet accounts are translated at the CRRNT exchange rate and the profit and loss, or income statement, accounts are translated at an average rate.

Assume that these are the currency exchange rates:

 Conversion and Type

Exchange Rate on Reporting Date





Ending Ledger

The following table shows the resulting balances of this single book ledger:


Currency Code

SB Reports (USD)



(29.7 * 0.605) = 17.9685



(-29.5 * 0.604) = -17.818



(-0.2 * 0.605) = -0.121

Translation Adjustment



Compare the resulting balances of this single book translation to the balances in the report ledger of the ledger group MULTI-TRAN. The difference of .058 between the translation adjustment and the value for account 8001 is because the profit and loss, or income statement, account 8001 was translated at the AVG rate, and its offset is included in the translation adjustment. If we had defined an additional translate within ledger step earlier to process this account at the AVG rate type, the balances would be identical.

Click to jump to parent topicProducing Revaluation and Translation Reports

This section lists standard revaluation and translation reports. To run a report, select it from a menu and enter any necessary parameters. Once you enter the report parameters, use PeopleSoft Process Scheduler to run the report. PeopleSoft Process Scheduler manages the processes, tracks the status, and generates the report behind the scenes while you can continue to work on something else.

For those who want to modify our standard reports, create your own reports, or reformat report output, we offer a variety of reporting tools.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Produce Revaluation and Translation Reports

Page Name

Object Name



Translation Step Definition Report


General Ledger, Process Multi-Currency, Reports, Translation Step, Translation Step Definition Report

Specify the run parameters for the Translation Step Definition Report (GLS5000) SQR, which lists the details and rules of each currency translation step.

Revaluation Step Definition Report


General Ledger, Process Multi-Currency, Reports, Revaluation Step, Revaluation Step Definition Report

Specify the run parameters for the Revaluation Step Definition report (GLS5001), which lists detailed information for each currency revaluation step.

Translation Calculation Log Report


General Ledger, Process Multi-Currency, Reports, Translation Calculation Log, Translation Calculation Log Report

Specify the run parameters for the Translation Calculation Log Report (GLS5002) SQR, which lists translation calculation details by process instance and translation step.

Revaluation Calculation Log Report


General Ledger, Process Multi-Currency, Reports, Revaluation Calculation Log, Revaluation Calculation Log Report

Specify the run parameters for the Revaluation Calculation Log Report (GLS5003) SQR, which lists revaluation information by process instance and revaluation step.

Translation in Ledger Calculation Log Report


General Ledger, Process Multi-Currency, Reports, Translation in Ledger Calc Log, Translation in Ledger Calculation Log Report

Define parameters for the Translation in Ledger Calculation Log Report (GLS5004) SQR, which displays the details and rules of each translation step within the ledger calculation log. For each step, the report shows the description, ledger information, output and journal options, and gain and loss ChartKeys.

Translate in Ledger Report


General Ledger, Process Multi-Currency, Reports, Translation in Ledger, Translate in Ledger Report

Define your parameters for the Translate Within Ledger Step Report (GLS5005) SQR, which lists translation within ledger calculation details by process instance and revaluation step.

Translate Ledger Reconciliation Report


General Ledger, Process Multi-Currency, Reports, Translation Ledger Reconcile, Translate Ledger Reconciliation Report

Specify the run parameters for the Translate Ledger Reconciliation report (GLS1005) SQR, which reconciles the amounts in the currency translation ledger to the amounts in the primary ledger within a multibook ledger group.

You can include adjustment periods and select account type within the comparison. Click the Refresh button to select ChartFields for comparison.

Translation Ledger In-Sync Report


General Ledger, Process Multi-Currency, Reports, Translation Ledger In-Sync, Translation Ledger In-Sync Report

Specify the run parameters for the Translation Ledger In-Sync Report (GLS1006), which lists data violating the required ledger structure in the currency translation ledger within a multibook ledger.

This report shows these structural flaws:

  • Translate ledger contains non-primary base entries.

  • Translate ledger contains POSTED_TRAN_AMT not equal to POST_BASE_AMT on matching entries in primary ledger.

  • Non-zero translate ledger entries do not have matching entries in primary ledger.

  • Primary ledger entries with no matching entries in Translate ledger.

  • POSTED_BASE_AMT of translate ledger entries in primary ledger base currency do not add up to POSTED_TOTAL_AMT of entries in translate ledger base currency.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBooks: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, “Understanding Process Scheduler”

General Ledger Reports