Approving Journal Entry

This chapter provides an overview of the journal entry approval process and discusses how to set up journal entry approval in Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Workflow.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Journal Entry Approval Process

In PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger, an approved journal is one that is marked to post. You can enable specific users to mark a journal to post by granting them access to certain pages in Operator Security or by approving journals through PeopleSoft Workflow using the Virtual Approver. Business process maps are useful tools to for defining the workflow process.

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBusiness Process Maps and PeopleSoft Workflow

The PeopleSoft system enables you to define graphical, process-based maps to illustrate how a particular task fits into the business process and to quickly navigate to the pages that you need. You can create maps while building workflow into business processes. You can also build business processes to implement workflow even if you do not intend to use the business processes to navigate the system.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Workflow Technology, "Designing PeopleSoft Navigator Maps"

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicJournal Entry Approvals Using PeopleSoft Workflow

Follow these steps to organize and set up data to approve journal entries using workflow:

  1. Define the roles and user profiles.

    Specify who performs each activity. Define the roles that people perform in the workflow, as well as information about the people who fill the roles. This information enables the system to route work items to the appropriate users.

  2. Define or modify the business process.

    Define or modify the process name, description, activities, worklists, business events, and routings.

  3. Define or modify the approval rule set.

    Define who has authority to approve a journal and the approval limits.

  4. Assign approval rules to business units, ledger groups, and journal sources.

    You can have as many business processes and approval rules as you want. Assign them to the appropriate business units, ledger groups, and journal sources. If you do not want to use workflow approvals, use the default value, which is Pre-Approved.

Note. When you define approval rules at the source level, they override any approval handling that you specified at the ledger group and business unit levels. Any rules specified at the ledger level override those at the business unit level.

The PeopleSoft system comes with a sample approval rule called JOURNAL_ENTRY_APPROVAL for the Journal Entry Approval business process. You activate this sample rule in PeopleSoft Application Designer.

Journal Entry Approval Workflow Definition Setup

The business process delivered in the sample data contains the activity APPROVE_DENY_JOURNAL, which comprises four events:

Event Name

Map Label


Journal Entry Approval

Further Approval Required

Generates a worklist entry for the next user in the approval hierarchy.

Journal Entry Denial

Journal Entry Denied

Sends an email to the previous user.

Journal Entry Recycle

Journal Entry Recycled

Generates a worklist entry for the previous user.

Marked to Post

Journal Entry Approved

Indicates that the journal is approved and marked to post. (This event is not tied to the sample approval rule. It exists merely for documentation purposes.)

To approve journal entries through PeopleSoft Workflow, you must configure definitions and rules. For example, to generate an email and a worklist entry for journal entry denials, modify the activity definition in PeopleSoft Application Designer. To require that two supervisors and a manager approve journals, change the approval rule set in Application Designer. The sample business process that comes with the system is JOURNAL_ENTRY_APPROVAL, and the approval rule set definition is named JOURNAL_ENTRY_APPROVAL. You can modify these definitions or use them as templates for your own definitions.

Warning! To approve journal entries using PeopleSoft Workflow, you must clear the Mark Journal(s) to Post check box on the User Preferences - General Ledger page.

Also, restrict access to the Mark Journals for Posting page so that it is available only to those who have the highest authority to approve journals because users of this page can bypass the journal approval process.

You must also hide the Mark Journal(s) to Post option on the Edit Journal Request page by replacing the entire content of JRNL_EDIT_REQ.MARK_POST_OPTN RowInit PeopleCode with the following code:


Note. You cannot post an online journal that needs approval.

Virtual Approver

The Virtual Approver has three actions associated with journal approvals. When invoked, the Virtual Approver returns a status based on the action specified and the authority of the user. The status is stored in the Journal Process Request field on the Journal - Header page.

Approval Action

Process Status


Approved (marked to post) or Pending Approval




Pending Approval

Journal Edit processes all journals—even those marked Denied or Pending Approval. Journal Post posts only those journals that are marked to post (Approved) and marked valid by Journal Edit. Online edits prevent an unedited journal from being approved.

The sample Journal Entry Approval rule uses a two-step approval process. Members of two roles—supervisors and managers—can approve journals. Supervisors can approve amounts from –1,000.00 to 1,000.00. Managers can approve from –100,000.00 to 100,000.00. Both supervisors and managers must have authority for the journal header business unit and the administrative area defined for the business process.

When you select the Submit Journal option in the process list on the Journal Entry - Lines page, the Virtual Approver determines whether you are authorized to approve the journal. If you do not select it, the Virtual Approver prompts you to send the journal into PeopleSoft Workflow. Worklist entries are created for supervisors belonging to the administrative area GL with access to the business unit on the journal header, and the journal status is set to Pending Approval.

If you are a supervisor, the Virtual Approver determines whether you are authorized to approve the amount in the total fields and the business unit. If so, the Virtual Approver returns the status Approved, and the journal is marked to post. If you do not have authority to approve the journal, the Virtual Approver returns the status Pending Approval, and a worklist entry is generated for managers meeting the administrative area and business unit criteria specified in the approval rule set.

When managers or supervisors select a worklist entry for journal approval or journal recycling, they need to access the Journal Entry - Approval page. Typically, you grant security access to this page only to people who have authority to approve the journal. On this page, you can approve, deny, or recycle the journal. You can also add comments to denial emails.

See Also

Specifying Approval Options for the Journal Source

Defining Journal Approval Options for a Ledger

Setting Up Journal Entry Approval in PeopleSoft Workflow

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Workflow Technology , "Defining Approval Processes"

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicJournal Entry Approvals Using PeopleSoft System Security

You can use PeopleSoft system security to authorize approvals for users that PeopleTools provides. Using this method, you grant access to key pages and processes to specific users. For example, the key pages for marking a journal to post and posting are the Mark Journals for Posting page, the Edit Journal Request page, and the Post Journals page.

To prevent specific users from marking a journal to post, you do not assign them to a role that has access to these pages. If the user is not permitted to use the Journal Edit Application Engine process (GL_JEDIT) or the Journal Post COBOL process (GLPPPOST), a message displays informing them that they are not authorized to edit or post a journal using the options on the Journal Entry - Lines pages.

If you employ the user security approach rather than PeopleSoft Workflow for journal approvals, ensure that the Approval Active option in the properties is not selected for the approval rule set JOURNAL_ENTRY_APPROVAL in PeopleSoft Application Designer. You can remove the Approval Work page (APPR_WRK_01) and Workflow Functions page (WF_FUNCTIONS_01) from the Journal Entry component (JOURNAL_ENTRY_IE) in Application Designer because removing these pages decreases the number of cache files that are built when you access the component for the first time. Removal of these pages, however, is not required.

Note. By default, the Approval Check Active check box is cleared when you receive the approval rule in the sample data.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Security Administration, "Understanding PeopleSoft Security"

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Journal Entry Approval in PeopleSoft Workflow

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Workflow Technology, "Defining Approval Processes"

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer, “Using PeopleSoft Application Designer”

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Journal Entry Approval in PeopleSoft Workflow

Page Name

Object Name



Open Definition

Not applicable (NA)

Access PeopleSoft Application Designer and click File, Open.

Select Approval Rule Set in the Definition field to display a list of Approval Rule set definitions.

See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer, Using PeopleSoft Application Designer, Starting PeopleSoft Application Designer



Enter JOURNAL ENTRY APPROVAL in the Name field or click this name in the list of Definitions matching the selection criteria box on the Open Definition page, and click the Open button.

The JOURNAL ENTRY APPROVAL (Approval Rule Set) page displays.

Approval Rule


Right-click in the JOURNAL ENTRY APPROVAL page and select Definition Properties to display the Approval Rule Properties page.

Select the Approval Active check box on the General Tab page to activate the Virtual Approver.

Approval Rule Set Definition


Click one of the icons (Supervisor Approval, Manager Approval) in the JOURNAL ENTRY APPROVAL page, and select Item Properties.

Accesses the Approval Rule Set Definition.

Approval Rule Set Definition - Definition


Access the rule step Definition by clicking one of the icons in the approval rule set and selecting Item Properties.

Set up or modify the approver roles that apply to journal entry approval workflow process as well as the workflow process steps.

Approval Rule Set - Rules


Click the Rules tab on the Approval Rule Set Definition page.

Sets up the minimum and maximum amounts that you can use in selected journal records and fields, as well as the minimum and maximum quantities. Also identifies whether the row-level rules are determined by route control or SQL object.

Approval Rule Set - Events


Click the Events tab on the Approval Rule Set Definition page.

Use to associate journal approval activities with workflow events.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing the Current Workflow Approval Setup

In PeopleSoft Application Designer, access the JOURNAL_ENTRY_APPROVAL.1900–01–01 approval rule set by selecting File, Open and then clicking the approval rule set name in Open Definition dialog box.

Supervisor Approval and Manager Approval

These icons represent the workflow for approving a journal entry that is delivered with the sample data. You can click on the items and modify the workflow journal entry approval rule properties or the selected icon's workflow rule set definitions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicModifying the Workflow Approval Rule Properties

Access the properties for the approval rule by right-clicking in the approval rule set window and selecting Definition Properties.

Approval Active

Select this check box to activate the journal entry approval process using workflow.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicModifying the Rule Set Definition Properties for a Workflow Item

Access the rule step definition by clicking one of the icons in the approval rule set and selecting Item Properties.

Icon Descr (icon description)

Modify the workflow icon description.

Route to Role

Select a different role to apply to the icon.

Equally Authorize Roles

Modify the current role and click Add to add more than one approver for the role, or click Remove to remove an approver role. For example, you might have two managers approve a journal entry before the supervisor approves it.

See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Workflow Technology

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Rules for a Journal Entry Approval Workflow Item

Select the Rules tab in the Rule Step Definition window.

Amount Rule

Enter the minimum and maximum amounts for a specific record and field.

Quantity Rule

Enter the minimum and maximum quantity (for statistical journal entries) for a specific record and field.

Row-level Rule

Select the appropriate radio button if the row-level activity is based on route control or a SQL object.

If you select Route Control, enter the route control name and its related record and field values.

If you select SQL Object, enter the SQL object name and the related record and field values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Events for a Journal Entry Approval Workflow Item

Select the Events tab in the Rule Step Definition window.

On Pre-Approved

Select the activity and event that you want to occur when a journal entry is preapproved.

On Deny

Select the activity and event that you want to occur when a journal entry is denied approval.

On Recycle

Select the activity and event that you want to occur when a journal entry is recycled for approval.