Analyzing Projects

This chapter provides an overview of project evaluation and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Project Evaluation

This section provides overviews of:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProject Valuation

You can set up templates that contain evaluation criteria for project and activity summary information. The templates can be used by anyone with security access to the Project Valuation component (PC_VALN_ANALYTICS). To perform the evaluation, you select a business unit, project, and template that the system uses to calculate a summary view of different project dimensions, and an activity-based view of financial data.

Set up project-level summary data is set up with these criteria:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFlexible Analysis

Flexible Analysis is a method of analyzing a project's costs at these levels:

The Flexible Analysis page provides a view of activity costs based on the analysis groups that are specified in a flexible analysis template. Flexible analysis is an interactive tool that works effectively if you want to view one data item at a time, such as costs by source type or category. The feature does not provide an overall financial analytic of the project.

You must create a template before you can perform flexible analysis. Templates specify the analysis types that the system uses to gather project costs. A template can be saved as a user default to save time performing flexible analyses. You can modify flexible analysis templates as required.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTransactions in Progress

Projects are comprised of transactions that are in various stages of the project cycle. Transactions in progress (TIPs) are tracked so that you can see project cost information before it reaches the Project Transaction table (PROJ_RESOURCE). Project managers can identify potential problem areas and see where each part of the project stands in the overall process. TIP information focuses attention on what needs to be resolved to ensure that the project is running smoothly and is not delayed because of a particular problem.

The PeopleSoft feeder systems that have costs associated with a project send TIP data to PeopleSoft Project Costing by running an Application Engine process that is specific to each feeder system. TIP pages display fields that are associated with PeopleSoft Project Costing, and key fields that are retrieved from primary feeder tables and pooled during the Application Engine process.

This table lists the types of TIPs that PeopleSoft Project Costing delivers:

PeopleSoft Enterprise Feeder System

Transactions in Progress


Application Engine



All transactions that have been transmitted to PeopleSoft Project Costing and are either nonbillable or haven't been priced. Transactions are retrieved from the Project Transactions Summary table (PC_SUMMARY_TBL) where the Billing Distribution Status field (BI_DISTRIB_STATUS) equals U or N.


PeopleSoft Expenses


Expenses that are approved but not staged for processing in PeopleSoft Project Costing. Transactions are retrieved from the Expenses Accounting Line table (EX_ACCTG_LINE).


PeopleSoft Expenses


Time that is approved and staged for processing in PeopleSoft Project Costing. Transactions are retrieved from the Time Staging for Project Resource table (EX_PROJ_RES_STG).


PeopleSoft Inventory


Inventory costs that are not yet distributed to PeopleSoft Project Costing. Transactions are retrieved from the Inventory Accounting Distribution table (CM_ACCTG_LINE) and the Inventory Transaction table (TRANSACTION_INV).


PeopleSoft Payables


Payable expenses that are not yet distributed to PeopleSoft Project Costing. Transactions are retrieved from the Payables Accounting Entries table (VCHR_ACCTG_LINE) and the Payables Voucher Header table (VOUCHER).


PeopleSoft Purchasing


Purchase order costs that are not yet distributed to PeopleSoft Project Costing. Transactions are retrieved from the Purchase Order Line Accounting Entries table (PO_LINE_DISTRIB) and the Purchase Order Header table (PO_HDR).


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAnalysis Inquiries

By using analysis inquiries, you can view inquiry pages that display:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccumulated Costs

By analyzing projects using accumulated costs, you can view project transactions based on:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRefresh Summary Tables

The PeopleSoft system delivers these summary tables that are used internally by PeopleSoft Project Costing and PeopleSoft Program Management for analytical reporting:

All transactions that enter the Project Transaction table—whether from feeder systems, direct entry through the Add Transactions component (INTFC_PROJ_EXPRESS), or through the Load Third-Party Transactions Application Engine process (PC_INTFEDIT)—trigger the Refresh Summary Tables Application Engine process (PC_SUM_RFSH) to populate all necessary summary tables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPercent Complete

It is important to be able to determine the progress of a project and to assess progress at different levels of the project cycle. PeopleSoft Project Costing delivers tracking methods that are designed to provide information based on a project's percentage of completion.

Project managers can manually report the percent completion of their projects and activities, or the percentage of completion is calculated based on user parameters. Automatically calculated percentages are based on time that is spent on the project and are summarized at the project and activity levels.

If you use PeopleSoft Program Management, you can access the Percent Complete History page and view a chart of the percent complete progression over time for projects and activities.

See Also

Viewing Percent Complete History

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up and Using Project Valuation

To set up project valuation, use the Project Valuation Template component (PC_VALN_TEMPLATE).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up and Use Project Valuation

Page Name

Object Name



Valuation Template


Project Costing, Interactive Reports, Valuation Template, Valuation Template

Set up project valuation templates for business units.

Project Valuation


  • Project Costing, Project Definitions, General Information

    Click the Project Valuation link on the Project Definitions - General Information page.

  • Project Costing, Interactive Reports, Project Valuation, Project Valuation

  • Project Costing, My Projects

    Click the Drill to Project Valuation icon on the Amounts tab of the My Projects page.

  • Click the project ID link in the Top Projects operational summary portal pagelet that is available in the PeopleSoft ESA Portal Pack.

View project-level summaries based on user-specified criteria for transaction groupings and project overview information.

Activity Valuation


Select the Activity Valuation tab on the Project Valuation page.

View a breakdown by activity of the transaction group criteria from the project valuation template.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Project Valuation

Access the Valuation Template page.

This page contains all of the valuation templates for the business unit. Use the links and icons in the scroll area navigation bar to scroll through the templates or view all templates. Click the plus symbol (+) in the scroll area to add a new template, and click the minus symbol (-) to delete a template.

Template ID

Enter a unique ID for the valuation template.


Enter a description that will help users identify this template.

Transaction Group Criteria

Enter up to ten transaction group criteria rows that the system summarizes for specific projects and displays on the Project Valuation page.

Transaction Grouping Label

Enter a label that describes the transaction groups that you set up on this page, such as Budget vs. Actual Comparisons. The label appears as the transaction group box label on the Project Valuation page for specific projects.

Criteria ID

Displays the order in which transaction summary rows appear on the Project Valuation page.

Note. You cannot rearrange the sequence of criteria IDs to change the order of rows that appear on the Project Valuation page. To change the order of transaction summary rows, create a new template and enter the rows in the order that you want them to appear when you view the summary data on the Project Valuation page.


Enter a label that describes the unique combination of analysis group, source type, category, and subcategory values in the corresponding transaction group row. Each label appears as a transaction summary row label on the Project Valuation page.

Analysis Group, Source Type, Category, and Subcategory

Enter a value in one or more fields for the system to use as the basis for summarizing transactions on the Project Valuation page.

Reporting Calculations

Enter up to three formulas that the system uses to calculate results and display them on the Project Valuation page for a specific project. To define the formulas, you can add, subtract, multiply, or divide the transaction summaries that you set up in the Transaction Group Criteria grid. For example, you can calculate a budget percent variance amount as: (budgeted cost amount − actual cost amount / budgeted cost amount).

If a formula contains a division, the system multiplies the results by 100 and displays the results in a percentage format. For example, if a calculation row results in a value of 0.25, the system displays the results as 25.00%.

The results of the reporting calculation rows appear below the transaction group summary rows on the Project Valuation page for a project.


Enter a label, such as Actual Labor as % of Budget, that describes the formula that you enter in the corresponding reporting calculation row. Each label appears on the Project Valuation page with the results of the reporting calculation row.


Enter a parenthesis as required to specify the sequence of calculations in the reporting calculations row.

Criteria ID

Enter the transaction group criteria ID row number to include in the formula. You can include up to three transaction groups in the formula.


Enter the operator symbol to add (+), subtract (−), multiply (*), or divide (/) the amount of the transaction group that you enter to the left of the Operator field, by the amount in the transaction group that you enter in the field to the right of the Operator field.

Example of Transaction Group Summary and Formula Results

This is an example of transaction group results on the Project Valuation page that are based on the sample data that is illustrated on the Valuation Template page:

Project Overview

Enter analysis groups that the system summarizes and further divides the amounts by source, category, and subcategory. For example, you can combine the labor source type with the consulting category, label it as the Consulting Labor summary, and view the summary amounts for specified analysis groups on the Project Valuation page. You can enter up to three analysis groups and four ChartField combinations.

Project Overview Label

Enter a label that appears as the project overview group box label in the Project Valuation page.

Analysis Group Columns - Label

Enter a column label for each analysis group that you select to appear in the Project Valuation page.

Analysis Group Columns - Analysis Group

Enter analysis groups that appear as columns in the project overview group box on the Project Valuation page. The system summarizes specified project-related ChartField amounts for the analysis groups that you enter in this field.

Project Chartfield Rows - Label

Enter a row label for each ChartField that you select to appear in the Project Valuation page.

Project Chartfield Rows - Source Type, Category, and Subcategory

Enter a value for one or more project-related ChartFields that the system uses to summarize analysis group amounts for this transaction group row on the Project Valuation page.

Example of Project Overview Results

This example of a project overview on the Project Valuation page is based on the sample data that is illustrated on the Valuation Template page:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEvaluating Project Summary-Level Information

Access the Project Valuation page.

Note. To find an existing project valuation when multiple valuation templates are defined for the business unit, enter the template ID in the Project Valuation component search page to narrow the list of project valuations from which to choose.

Select the business unit, project ID, and template ID.

Note. The system automatically calls the Project Valuation Calculation Application Engine process (PC_VALN_CALC) to calculate project and activity summary information.

The Project Valuation page appears with the selected project and template in the header. The default values for the From Date and To Date fields are based on your user preferences. If both dates are blank, the system returns all data that meets the search criteria. You can choose a different date range and the data on the project and activity valuation pages changes to display data only for the date range selected.

The valuation report uses the Project Transactions Summary table. Transactions in this table are grouped by month and posted using the first date of the current month. For example, a transaction with an accounting date and transaction date of November 14, 2005, appears in the Project Transactions Summary table with a date of November 1, 2005. If you want to include any transactions for a particular month in the valuation report, your selection criteria must include the first day of that month. For example, to retrieve results from transactions with dates that range from November 10, 2005 to November 20, 2005, you must select a From Date of November 1, 2005.

The currency code is based on the currency defined for the project business unit. Transactional data is based on the Project Transactions Summary table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEvaluating Activity Summary-Level Information

Access the Activity Valuation page.

Use this page to view a breakdown by activity based on the transaction group criteria from the Project Valuation template.

If the project contains summary activities, click the plus symbol (+) to expand summary activities and view activity detail.

Click to jump to parent topicPerforming Flexible Analysis

To create a flexible analysis template, use the component (PC_SUM_TMPL).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Perform Flexible Analysis

Page Name

Object Name



Flexible Analysis Template (new)


  • Project Costing, Flexible Analysis Template, Flexible Analysis Template

  • Click Create New Template on the Flexible Analysis Template page for an existing template.

Create flexible analysis templates.

Flexible Analysis Template (existing)


Project Costing, Flexible Analysis Template, Flexible Analysis Template

Modify flexible analysis templates.

Flexible Analysis User Default


  • Project Costing, Flexible Analysis User Default, Flexible Analysis User Default

  • Click the Change Default Template button on the Flexible Analysis Template page for an existing template.

Edit the default flexible analysis template for a specific user.

Flexible Analysis


Project Costing, Interactive Reports, Flexible Analysis, Flexible Analysis

View project costs by activity group and drill down to view activity costs.

Refresh Summary Tables


Project Costing, Utilities, Refresh Summary Tables, Refresh Summary Tables

Run the Refresh Summary Tables process to refresh PeopleSoft Project Costing summary tables.

Note. PeopleSoft Project Costing integration processes automatically update the summary tables that are used in Project Costing analytics. Use this page only under rare circumstances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Flexible Analysis Templates

Access the Flexible Analysis Template page.


Enter the number that represents the order of the analysis group columns that appear in the Flexible Analysis page.

Analysis Group

Select analysis groups that have:

  • The Perform Multiplication option selected.

  • Values defined in the Quantity Multiplier and Amount Multiplier fields.

    See Analysis Groups.

Field Heading

Enter the label that appears as the column heading for the analysis group on the Flexible Analysis page, or use the description of the analysis group that appears by default.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Project Summary Costs

Access the Flexible Analysis page.

The Flexible Analysis page uses information from the Project Activity Summary table (PC_ACTIVITY_SUM) that is extracted by the Project Costing Summary Application Engine process (PC_SUM). Summary tables are inception to date.

The Project Activity Summary table contains:

This page operates in deferred processing mode.

Flexible Analysis Cost Summary

The costs that appear in the Flexible Analysis Cost Summary grid are based on the analysis groups that are specified in the flexible analysis template. You can view different levels of project and activity information as follows:

  1. View costs at the project level for the selected analysis groups when you enter the page.

  2. Click a link in the Project column to view the project's summary activity costs, if applicable.

  3. Click a link in the Activity ID column for a summary activity to view the costs by detail activity.

  4. Click a link in the Activity ID column for a detail activity to view costs by source type for the activity.

  5. Click a link in the Source Type column to view costs by transaction categories.

  6. Click a link in the Category column to view costs by transaction subcategories.

As you drill down to view the costs at greater levels of detail, links appear above the grid to illustrate the current level of analysis and provide access to previous levels.


Click to access the Transaction List page and view individual transactions. This button appears when you view costs at the subcategory level.

Flexible Analysis Template

Click to access the Flexible Analysis Template page to create or modify flexible analysis templates.

See Also

Viewing and Adding Transactions

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Transactions in Progress

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Transactions in Progress

Page Name

Object Name



Transactions in Progress


Project Costing, Interactive Reports, Transactions in Progress, Transactions in Progress

Enter search criteria to display a list of project transactions that are in progress.

Transactions in Progress - Projects (Graphical)


Click the Graphical View link on the Transactions in Progress page.

View project transactions that are in progress in a chart format.

Transaction in Progress Summary


Project Costing, Utilities, Transaction in Process Summary, Transaction in Process Summary

Run the Load Transactions in Progress Application Engine process (PC_PETIP_SUM) to refresh the transaction data from feeder systems that contain the PC Distribution Status field (PC_DISTRIB_STATUS) in their line records. This process evaluates the line records of PeopleSoft products with which PeopleSoft Project Costing integrates, such as PeopleSoft Purchasing, Payables, Inventory, Expenses, and so on, and refreshes the transaction data into PeopleSoft Project Costing transaction summary tables. Transactions in Progress pages use this data to display transaction status. You can schedule this process to run automatically as often as needed by your business processes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Transactions in Progress Details

Access the Transactions In Progress page.

Selection Parameters

Days Inactive Range

Select an option that reflects the number of days between the current system date and the transaction date of the TIPs that you want to view. Available options are:

31 to 60

61 to 90

< 31

> 90


Enter the remaining search criteria to filter TIPs and click Search. The list of TIPs appears in the Transactions grid.

Click the Graphical View link to view a chart that contains the listed TIPs.


This grid lists the TIPs that meet the search criteria.

Click the Drill to Source icon to access the transaction source for the corresponding row. The type of TIP determines the page that opens when you click Drill to Source.

This table lists the pages that open when you click the Drill to Source icon:

Transaction in Progress

Source Transaction Page


Transaction List page (PROJECT_EXPRESSG)


Voucher Accounting Entries page (VCHR_ACTG_ENTRIES)


View Expense Report - Expense Report Detail page (EX_SHEET_ENTRY)


Item Definition component (ITEM_DEFIN) search page


Purchase Order Inquiry - Purchase Order page (PO_LINE_INQ)


Time Report Inquiry component (TE_TIME_ENTRY_INQ) search page

Source Information

Click this tab to view information from the transaction source, such as an expense report, voucher, or purchase order. The same fields appear regardless of the type of TIP that you select.


Click this tab to view additional fields from the transaction. The fields that appear are based on the type of TIP that you select.

<Application> Specific

Click the application-specific tab to view information that is specific to the PeopleSoft application where the transaction originated. This tab is available for all types of PeopleSoft Project Costing TIPs except for the ALLTOPC type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Transactions in Progress Charts

Access the Transactions In Progress - Projects (Graphical) page.

Use this page to view an aging report for the transactions in the inquiry.

Selection Parameters

Expand this section to view the filtering options that the system used to select the TIPs for the graph.

Detail View

Click to return to the Transactions In Progress detail page to view the list of TIPs that appear in the chart.

Click to jump to parent topicAnalyzing Projects Using Analysis Inquiries

This section lists the pages used to analyze projects by using analysis inquiries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Analyze Projects Using Analysis Inquiries

Page Name

Object Name



Summarize by Analysis Type


Project Costing, Review Costs, Summarize by Analysis Type, Summarize by Analysis Type

View a basic summary of costs that includes period-to-date, year-to-date, and life-to-date totals for each analysis type. Totals that appear on this page are for the selected project and all the activities that are directly attached to that project. Child projects are not included in the totals.

Set As of Period


  • Click the Set As of Period tab on the Summarize by Analysis Type page.

  • Project Costing, Review Costs, Summarize by Category, Set As of Period

Change the period for the Summarize by Analysis Type and Summarize by Category pages, which enables you to analyze the project life-to-date costs as of a specific period.

Summarize by Category


Project Costing, Review Costs, Summarize by Category, Summarize by Category

View a cost summary by analysis type, source type, and category.

Time by Activity


Project Costing, Review Costs, Time by Activity, Time by Activity

Review labor by activity in a chart format. The system retrieves transactions from the Project Transactions Summary table (PC_SUMMARY_TBL) for transaction rows with an analysis type that belongs to the LABOR analysis group.

Time by Employee


Project Costing, Review Costs, Time by Employee, Time by Employee

Review project labor by employee in a chart format. The system retrieves transactions from the Project Transactions Summary table (PC_SUMMARY_TBL) for transaction rows with an analysis type that belongs to the LABOR analysis group.

Click to jump to parent topicAnalyzing Projects Using Accumulated Costs

This section lists the pages used to analyze projects by using accumulated costs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Analyze Projects Using Accumulated Costs

Page Name

Object Name



Review Assets


Project Costing, Review Costs, Accumulated Costs, Review Assets, Review Assets

Review and approve asset costs, and send assets to PeopleSoft Asset Management tables.

See Reviewing and Approving Assets.

Employees by Job Code


Project Costing, Review Costs, Accumulated Costs, Employees by Job Code, Employees by Job Code

View a list of employees for specific job codes.

Commitment Control Budget Exceptions


Project Costing, Review Costs, Accumulated Costs, Budget Exceptions, Budget Exceptions

Review projects costs that are related to Commitment Control budget exceptions.

Employee Costs by Activity


Project Costing, Review Costs, Accumulated Costs, Employee Costs by Activity, Employee Costs by Activity

View employee costs by activity. Drill down to personal data for a selected employee ID.

Employee Costs by Project


Project Costing, Review Costs, Accumulated Costs, Employee Costs by Project, Employee Costs by Project

View employee costs by project. Drill down to personal data for a selected employee ID.

Inventory by Activity


Project Costing, Review Costs, Accumulated Costs, Inventory by Activity, Inventory by Activity

View inventory costs by activity and drill down into PeopleSoft . The system retrieves transactions from the Project Transaction table where the inventory item ID is not blank.

Invoices by Activity


Project Costing, Review Costs, Accumulated Costs, Invoices by Activity, Invoices by Activity

View invoices that are associated with an activity.

Journal Entries by Activity


Project Costing, Review Costs, Accumulated Costs, Journal Entries by Activity, Journal Entries by Activity

View journal entries that are associated with an activity and drill down to PeopleSoft General Ledger. The system retrieves transactions from the Project Transaction table where the journal ID is not blank.

Orders by Activity


Project Costing, Review Costs, Accumulated Costs, Orders by Activity, Orders by Activity

View orders that are associated with an activity and drill down to PeopleSoft Enterprise Order Management. The system retrieves transactions from the Project Transaction table where the order number is not blank.

Purchase Orders by Activity


Project Costing, Review Costs, Accumulated Costs, Purchase Orders by Activity, Purchase Orders by Activity

View purchase orders that are associated with an activity and drill down to PeopleSoft Purchasing. The system retrieves transactions from the Project Transaction table where the purchase order ID is not blank.

Vouchers by Activity


Project Costing, Review Costs, Accumulated Costs, Vouchers by Activity, Vouchers by Activity

View vouchers that are associated with an activity and drill down to PeopleSoft Payables. The system retrieves transactions from the Project Transaction table where the voucher ID is not blank.

Click to jump to parent topicCalculating Percent Complete

This section discusses how to calculate project progress.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Calculate Percent Complete

Page Name

Object Name



Calculate Percent Complete


Project Costing, Utilities, Calculate Percent Complete, Calculate Percent Complete

Specify run control parameters and run the Percent Complete Application Engine process (PC_PERCENT) to calculate project progress expressed as a percentage of the complete project.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating Project Progress

Access the Calculate Percent Complete page.

The Percent Complete field displays a project's progress at various levels of a project, and it is updated by the Percent Complete process. This process runs automatically when you change activity durations from these pages:

When you save one of these pages, the Percent Complete process updates the Percent Complete field values that appear on these pages.

The methods for calculating percent complete are specified at the business unit level on the Project Costing Options page, and can be overridden at the project level on the Project Costing Definition page.

See Also

Defining Project Options

Defining Projects