Working with Transactions

This chapter provides an overview of transactions and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicViewing and Adding Transactions

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View and Add Transactions

Page Name

Object Name



Transaction List


Project Costing, Transaction Definitions, Transaction List, Transaction List

Enter search criteria and click the Search button.

View transactions that belong to a project activity. This page operates in deferred processing mode.

Transaction Detail


Click the Transaction Detail icon on a row in the Project Transactions grid on the Transaction List page.

Maintain detailed information on a specified transaction.

Show All Transaction Details


Click the Show All Transaction Details link on the Transaction Detail page.

View detailed information from all of the Project Costing feeder systems that are associated with a single transaction line.

Add Transactions


Project Costing, Transaction Definitions, Add Transactions, Add Transactions

Add transactions to an active project activity.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Project Transactions

Access the Transaction List page.

Analysis Group

Enter the analysis group that contains the type of transactions that you want to view. You can view only the transactions that belong to analysis groups to which you have been granted security access. Therefore, not all transactions may be accessible.

The default value is based on your user preferences.

Date Type, From Date, and Through Date

Enter search criteria for the transactions that you want to view. The default value for the Date Type field is Acct Date (accounting date). The default values for the From Date and Through Date fields are based on your user preferences.

Max Rows

Enter the maximum number of rows for the system to display in the Transaction List. The default value is 200.

If the activity has more transactions than the value that you enter in this field, use the navigation arrow icons (First Item, Previous Item, Next Item, and Last Item) to scroll through all transactions.


Click to retrieve the transactions from the Project Transaction table that match the search criteria.

Project Transactions

Click the Transaction Detail icon to access the Transaction Detail page, where you can view more detailed information for a particular transaction.

Click the Drill to Source icon to navigate to the PeopleSoft application where the transaction originated.

Click the Drill to Billing icon to access PeopleSoft Billing information. This icon appears only if PeopleSoft Billing is installed, the value in the Billing Distribution Status field is D (distributed), the Billing Business Unit field is not blank, and the transaction contains an invoice number.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Transaction Information

Access the Transaction Detail page.

Use this page to:

Detail Activity

Displays the detail activity ID that is used for charging time reports in PeopleSoft Expenses. The system uses this field only if all of these conditions exist:

  • PeopleSoft Program Management is installed.

  • The Project Charging Level option on the Project Definitions - Program Management page is set to an activity costing level of 1, 2, or 3 of the work breakdown structure.

  • The Charging Level for Time Report option is set to All Detail Activities on the Project Definitions - Program Management page.

The Detail Activity field (ACTIVITY_ID_DETAIL) stores the detail activity that is used in time report charging. The Activity field (ACTIVITY_ID) stores the parent activity at the appropriate charging level.

Rev Distribution Status (revenue distribution status)

Modify the revenue distribution status to make the row eligible or ineligible for revenue pricing. Available values are:

  • C: Created

  • D: Distributed

  • G: Generated

  • I: Ignore

  • N: Not distributed

You can not modify the field if the status is D (distributed).

GL Distribution Status (general ledger distribution status)

Modify the general ledger distribution status to make the row eligible or ineligible for submission to PeopleSoft General Ledger. Available values are:

  • D: Distributed

  • G: Generated

  • H: Hold

  • I: Ignored

  • J: Creating journals

  • M: Modified

  • N: None

  • P: To be processed

You can not modify the field if the status is D (distributed).

BI Distribution Status (billing distribution status)

Modify the billing distribution status to make the row eligible or ineligible to price for billing. Available values are:

  • D: Distributed; already billed.

  • I: Ignore; not to be billed.

  • N: New; not distributed.

  • P: Priced.

  • U: Unbillable/nonbillable.

  • W: Worksheet; billing calculations are in the Project Costing Billing Worksheet.

You can not modify the field if the status is D (distributed).

Cost Distribution Status

Modify the cost distribution status to make the row eligible or ineligible for cost pricing. Available values are:

  • C: Created

  • D: Distributed

  • G: Generated

  • I: Ignore

  • N: Not distributed

You can not modify the field if the status is D (distributed).

Profile ID

Enter an asset profile ID that is used by PeopleSoft Asset Management and Project Costing.

See Setting Up and Using Manual Capitalization.

Asset ID

Enter an asset ID that is used by PeopleSoft Asset Management and Project Costing.

Show All Transaction Details

Click Show All Transaction Details to access the Show All Transaction Details page to view the details of transactions that were sent to Project Costing from feeder systems.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Transactions

Access the Add Transactions page.

To add a transaction:

  1. Enter an analysis type for each transaction entered.

    You can enter transactions for only the analysis types that are in the specified analysis group.

  2. Enter the source transaction amount and select the source currency for the transaction.

    If the transaction currency is different from the base currency of the project business unit, the system automatically converts the transaction amount to the business unit's base currency based on the incoming transaction rate type that is established for the business unit. For example, if the business unit's incoming transaction rate type is Source, the system converts the transaction amount to the business unit's base currency by using the default conversion rate type that is established for your user ID (the user ID of the person who is logged in to the system). However, if the business unit's incoming transaction rate type is Projects BU, the system converts the transaction amount to the business unit's base currency by using the default rate type that is specified for the business unit. The converted amount is displayed in the PCBU Transaction Amount field on the Transaction Detail page.

    You set up rate type default values on the User Preferences - Project Costing page.

    Note. If you enter an account in the General Ledger ChartFields grid on the Transaction Detail page that requires a statistics code, you must enter the statistics code for the transaction.

  3. Click Save to save the data in the Project Transaction Interface staging table (INTFC_PROJ_RES).

  4. Click Process Transactions to load the rows into the Project Transaction table (PROJ_RESOURCE) and trigger these actions:

Note. If Commitment Control is enabled for Project Costing, or if Projects Budgeting is enabled, you cannot add transactions on this page with analysis types that belong to the Cost Budget and Revenue Budget analysis groups that are specified on the Project Costing Definition page for the project. Use the appropriate budgeting application to enter these types of transactions.

To create a revenue transaction row that will be budget checked in Commitment Control, enter a negative value (credit). Failure to do so results in an increased revenue budget.

See Also

Defining Accounting Rules

Integrating with PeopleSoft General Ledger

Defining Project Costing Installation Options

Defining Project Costing User Preferences

Using Statistics

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Multiple Currencies

This section discusses how to reconcile currency.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Reconcile Currency

Page Name

Object Name



Convert Currency


Project Costing, Utilities, Convert Currency, Convert Currency

Convert transactions in Project Costing from the original currency to the project business unit's base currency.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReconciling Currency

Access the Convert Currency page.

Use the Currency Conversion program to convert transactions from the source currency code to the project business unit currency code for transactions that have not been converted to the project business unit's currency.


Select to convert currency for all projects and activities, or for specific ones. Options are:

  • All: Convert currency for all activities.

  • Business Unit: Convert currency for a selected business unit.

  • Business Unit/Project: Convert currency for a selected business unit and project.

  • Business Unit/Project/Activity: Convert currency for a selected business unit, project, and activity.

Transaction Detail

Click to access the Transaction List page to search for and view transactions. You must save the Convert Currency page before you click the Transaction Detail link.

Date Option

Select Accounting Date, All, or Transaction Date for the system to use to determine eligible transactions.

From Date and Through Date

Enter the date range of the eligible transactions. These fields appear if you select a date option of Accounting Date or Transaction Date.

Currency Effective Date Option

Select one of the following:

  • Accounting Date: Each transaction row's currency effective date is set to the row's accounting date.

  • Transaction Date: Each transaction row's currency effective date is set to the row's transaction date.

  • Value: Each transaction row's currency effective date is set to the currency effective date that you enter in the Application Options group box. The Currency Effective Date field appears only when you select Value as the currency effective date option.


Click to initiate the Currency Conversion process.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.46 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Click to jump to parent topicControlling Incoming Transactions

You can control the entry of transactions into Project Costing by using the processing status or status control options.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging the Project or Activity Processing Status

You can control incoming transactions at the project or activity level. Projects and activities that have an inactive processing status do not appear in the prompt lists of PeopleSoft cost feeder systems. Inactivating a project or activity effectively shuts off the flow of all transactions to Project Costing for that particular project or activity.

Use the Project Definitions - Status page to select a project status that is associated with the desired processing status.

Use the Activity Definitions - General Information page to modify the activity processing status.

See Also

Maintaining Project Status

Maintaining Activity Status

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Status Control Options

You can use status control options to selectively control specified transactions based on analysis types and effective dates. By using status control options, you can stop transactions from a feeder system or the Add Transactions component (INTFC_PROJ_EXPRESS) if a project or activity status changes on the Project Definitions - Status page or Activity Definitions - Status page.

For example, assume that you set up the Hold status and associate a Reject project control action with an ACT analysis type. Then you change the status of the TRAINING project to Hold. The system will prevent further transactions from entering Project Costing with an ACT analysis type for the TRAINING project.

To control transactions using status control options:

  1. Select the Enable Status Control option on the Installation Options - Project Costing Integration page.

  2. Select the analysis type and control action in the Status Control group box on the Status Types page.

  3. Change the status of the project or activity on the Project Definitions - Status page or Activity Definitions - Status page.

You can further define the option by using an effective date.

See Also

Defining Status Types

Defining Project Costing Installation Options