Integrating with PeopleSoft General Ledger

This chapter provides overviews of integration with PeopleSoft General Ledger, data flows, and journal line retrieval from General Ledger, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Integration with General Ledger

PeopleSoft Project Costing has a built-in integration with PeopleSoft General Ledger by way of the Journal Generator Application Engine process (FS_JGEN). The Journal Generator process transforms accounting entries into journal entries that you can post to PeopleSoft General Ledger.

The basic steps to move project transactions from PeopleSoft Project Costing to PeopleSoft General Ledger are:

  1. Distribute the transactions within PeopleSoft Project Costing based on defined accounting rules.

  2. Send the transactions to PeopleSoft General Ledger.

In PeopleSoft General Ledger:

Accounting Entry Definitions

The accounting entry definitions used with the integration between PeopleSoft Project Costing and PeopleSoft General Ledger are Projects Definition (PCDEFN) and Contracts-Projects Definition (CAPCDEFN). These accounting entry definitions map project business unit, project ID, and activity ID accounting entry field names to specific general ledger (GL) ChartFields.

Based on your ChartField configuration options, and the options that you select in the Input Control group box on the Project Costing Options page, you may be required to also map the source type, category, and subcategory accounting entry field names in the accounting entry definition. For example, if transactions require a category and subcategory, the accounting entry definition should contain a mapping for category and subcategory.

See Also

Defining Project Options

Using Journal Generator

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Data Flows

Most information that is stored in PeopleSoft Project Costing originates from feeder systems such as other PeopleSoft applications and third-party applications. Feeder system data is posted to PeopleSoft General Ledger and passed to PeopleSoft Project Costing through Application Engine processes.

There are two ways to implement the flow of enterprise data:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing a Dual-Feed Data System

This method of posting data from feeder systems simultaneously to PeopleSoft Project Costing and PeopleSoft General Ledger is recommended because:

This diagram illustrates the dual-feed enterprise data flow system:

Dual posting (simultaneous) data flow

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing a Single-Feed Data System

Consider the method of posting from feeder systems to PeopleSoft Project Costing, which then posts to PeopleSoft General Ledger, under these circumstances:

This diagram illustrates an example of data moving from feeder systems directly into PeopleSoft Project Costing and then posting to PeopleSoft General Ledger:

Single posting (sequential) data flow

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicImplementing the Data Flow System

Distribution statuses indicate where the transaction is in its lifecycle. For example, a general ledger distribution status of D (distributed) indicates that PeopleSoft Project Costing has distributed the transaction row to PeopleSoft General Ledger by means of the Process Project Accounting process. The system updates distribution statuses as the transaction flows from one system to the next. Application Engines look to the distribution status to determine which rows are eligible for integration to feeder systems.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Journal Line Retrieval from General Ledger

You can create project transactions from journal entries that are posted to PeopleSoft General Ledger by using the General Ledger to Project Costing Application Engine process (PC_GL_TO_PC). The journal entries must be in a posted status and must include all required project ChartFields.

To distribute the amount of journal entries to multiple projects, use the Allocations feature.

See Also

Defining Project Options

Processing Allocations in PeopleSoft Project Costing

Using Standard ChartField Configuration

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Single-Sided Transactions

Single-sided transactions refer to transaction rows that either have no accounting implications or have yet to be matched with a corresponding debit or credit entry before being posted to PeopleSoft General Ledger. You can enter single-sided transactions in PeopleSoft Project Costing by using the Add Transactions page, through integration with other PeopleSoft or third-party applications, or by executing PeopleSoft Project Costing-specific features such as interest calculation.

Accounting rules determine the journal lines that the system creates from project transactions for all single-sided transactions that are sent to PeopleSoft General Ledger. The Process Project Accounting process uses the accounting rules to create double-sided entries, which are placed in the Accounting Line for Contracts and Project Costing table (CA_ACCTG_LN_PC).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Single-Sided Transactions

Page Name

Object Name



Add Transactions


Project Costing, Transaction Definitions, Add Transactions, Add Transactions

Enter transactions for a project activity.

See Viewing and Adding Transactions.

Process Project Accounting


Project Costing, Accounting, Process Project Accounting, Process Project Accounting

Run the Process Project Accounting process to create double-sided accounting entries.

See Processing Transactions Using Accounting Rules.

Note. When using PeopleSoft Project Costing in a multicurrency environment, the Process Project Accounting process recalculates the base amount for each entry in the general ledger currency. The general ledger currency may differ from the original transaction base currency.

View/Delete Pending Entries


Project Costing, Accounting, View/Delete Pending Entries, View/Delete Pending Entries

Review PeopleSoft Project Costing accounting lines that the Process Project Accounting process creates before they are sent to PeopleSoft General Ledger by the Journal Generator process. This page excludes PeopleSoft Contracts revenue lines.

Generate Journals Request


General Ledger, Journals, Subsystem Journals, Generate Journals, Generate Journals Request

Run the Journal Generator process to distribute transactions to PeopleSoft General Ledger.

Review Accounting History


Project Costing, Accounting, Review Accounting History, Review Accounting History

Review PeopleSoft Project Costing accounting lines after they have been sent to PeopleSoft General Ledger by using the Journal Generator process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Accounting Distributions

Access the View/Delete Pending Entries page.

Use this page to view all transactions in the Accounting Line for Contracts and Project Costing table, excluding PeopleSoft Contracts revenue lines, before they are sent to PeopleSoft General Ledger by the Journal Generator process. To delete a row, select the corresponding Delete check box, and click Confirm Rows to Delete.

Note. If you use PeopleSoft Project Costing in a multicurrency environment, each line reflects the original currency amount in the Source Amount field (FOREIGN_AMOUNT), and the converted currency in the Project Amount field (RESOURCE_AMOUNT). The converted currency is based on the currency code defined at the project business unit level.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDistributing Transactions to General Ledger

Access the Generate Journals Request page.

You can distribute transactions to PeopleSoft General Ledger after the Process Project Accounting process populates the Accounting Line for Contracts and Project Costing table.

To distribute transactions to PeopleSoft General Ledger:

  1. Enter a run control ID, such as PC_COSTS.

  2. Enter the accounting definition name, such as PCDEFN.

This process distributes transactions to the Journal Header Data table (JRNL_HEADER) and the Journal Line Data table (JRNL_LN) in PeopleSoft General Ledger.

See Also

Processing Multiple Currencies

Using Journal Generator

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing PeopleSoft Project Costing Accounting Lines from PeopleSoft General Ledger

Access the Review Accounting History page.

This page displays only rows from the Accounting Line for Contracts and Project Costing table that contain a journal ID. The page is display only.

Journal ID

Displays journal data at the top of the page from the Journal Line Data table.

GL Journal

Click to access the Journal Lines page (JOURNAL_LN_FS), where you can view all journal lines for the Journal ID.

Projects Information

PeopleSoft Project Costing data that appears in this grid comes from the Accounting Line for Contracts and Project Costing table.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Double-Sided Transactions

Double-sided transactions are created in PeopleSoft Project Costing when you:

This section discusses how to:

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Page Name

Object Name



Transaction Adjustment


Project Costing, Transaction Definitions, Transaction Adjustment, Transaction Adjustment

Adjust all or part of a transaction quantity and amount.

Generate Journals Request


General Ledger, Journals, Subsystem Journals, Generate Journals, Generate Journals Request

Run the Journal Generator process to distribute transactions to PeopleSoft General Ledger.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPerforming Transaction Adjustments

Access the Transaction Adjustment page.

Use this page to select transactions to adjust all or part of the transaction quantity or amount after the transaction is added to an activity. The system retains the original row in the Project Transaction table (PROJ_RESOURCE) and creates a new row for the adjustment.

Only those transaction rows that have an analysis type that belongs to the ADJST analysis group (such as the ACT analysis type) are eligible for transaction adjustments. Rows are not eligible for adjustment if any of the following situations exist:

Select a transaction row and click the Next button to access the Choose type of adjustment page where you enter the new quantity and amount for the transaction. From the Choose type of adjustment page you access the Transaction Adjustment page for new transactions (PROJ_RES_ADJ_NEWCF) where you select ChartFields for the new transaction row that is created during the adjustment process.

When you click Next on the Transaction Adjustment page, a message appears if you selected rows that were previously adjusted. You can either continue with the adjustment, or return to the Transaction Adjustment page with your selection cleared on the previously adjusted rows.

Note. The Ledger Distribution status selected on the Transaction Adjustment page for new transactions determines whether accounting lines will be generated upon saving the adjustment. If you select a Ledger Distribution status of Ignore, the transaction is not sent to PeopleSoft General Ledger, and all GL ChartFields become an optional selection. If you select a Ledger Distribution status of Not Done, the system automatically enters the adjustments into the Accounting Line for Contracts and Project Costing table as double-sided transactions, and enters the adjusting entries into the Project Transaction table.

The "Reviewing and Adjusting Project Costs" chapter in this PeopleBook discusses the pages used to choose types of adjustments (such as amount, quantity, and ChartField), and enter, review and finalize adjustments.

See Also

Reviewing and Adjusting Project Cost Transactions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDistributing Double-Sided Transactions

Access the Generate Journals Request page.

Typically transactions are distributed to PeopleSoft General Ledger by the Process Project Accounting process. Adjusted transactions, however, can be distributed as double-sided transactions to PeopleSoft General Ledger without accounting rules processing.

Use this page to distribute double-sided transactions in the same way that you use it to distribute transactions that have gone through accounting rules processing. To distinguish the run control ID, enter a value such as PC_ADJUST.

See Also

Working with Transactions

Processing Multiple Currencies

Using Journal Generator

Click to jump to parent topicRetrieving Posted Journals for PeopleSoft Project Costing

This section discusses how to retrieve journal lines from PeopleSoft General Ledger.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Retrieve Posted Journals for PeopleSoft Project Costing

Page Name

Object Name



General Ledger


Project Costing, Cost Collection, General Ledger, General Ledger

Run the General Ledger to Project Costing process to retrieve posted journal lines from PeopleSoft General Ledger for use in PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRetrieving Journal Lines from General Ledger

Access the General Ledger page.

Run Control Options

The PC Distribution Status field (PC_DISTRIB_STATUS) value is maintained on the journal header and not on the detail journal line. Therefore, if you have multiple project business units, projects, and activities on any journal entries, run the General Ledger to Project Costing process for all business units. If a journal entry contains multiple project business units, projects, and activities, and you retrieve only a subset of the data, you cannot retrieve the remaining data for that journal entry at a later date.


Select a run control option to import general ledger journal entries for all transactions or specific transactions. Options are:

  • All: Imports journal entries for all projects.

    You must select this option if any journal entries contain more than one business unit.

  • Business Unit: Imports journal entries for the selected project business unit. Enter a value for Business Unit.

    Do not select this option if any journal entries contain more than one business unit. Instead, select the All option.

  • Business Unit/Project: Imports journal entries for the selected project business unit and project. Enter values for Business Unit and Project.

    Do not select this option if any journal entries contain more than one project. Instead, select the All or Business Unit option.

  • Business Unit/Project/Activity: Imports journal entries for the selected project business unit, project, and activity. Enter values for Business Unit, Project, and Activity.

    Do not select this option if any journal entries contain more than one activity. Instead, select the All, Business Unit, or Business Unit/Project option.

Application Options

Use these fields to further define the journal entries that you want to import into PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Business Unit Option

Select additional filter criteria for general ledger journal entries. Options are:

  • All: Imports journal entries that belong to all general ledger business units and meet the specified run control and application options.

  • Value: Imports journal entries that belong to a particular general ledger business unit and meet the specified run control and application options.

General Ledger Business Unit

Enter the general ledger business unit for the journal entries that you want to import into PeopleSoft Project Costing. This field appears if you select Value in the Business Unit Option field.

Journal ID Option

Select the journal IDs of the general ledger journal entries that you want to import into PeopleSoft Project Costing. Options are:

  • All: Imports all journal entries that meet the specified run control and application options.

  • Some: Imports the selected range of journal entries that meet the specified run control and application options.

From ID and Through ID

Enter journal ID values to specify the range of journal entries that you want to import. To specify a single journal entry, enter a value in the From ID field, which also populates the Through ID field by default. To import a range of journal entries, override the value in the Through ID field by entering the maximum value in the range.

These fields appear if you select Some in the Journal ID Option field.

Date Type

This field serves two purposes:

  • Filters the journal entries that you want to import into PeopleSoft Project Costing by either the journal entry posted date or accounting date.

  • Populates the Accounting Date field (ACCOUNTING_DT) for imported transaction rows in the Project Transaction table (PROJ_RESOURCE) with the field value of the specified date type in corresponding journal entry rows in the Journal Header Data table.

Note. The system populates the Transaction Date field (TRANS_DT) and the Currency Effective Date field (CUR_EFFDT) for imported transaction rows in the Project Transaction table with the Journal Date field value (JOURNAL_DATE) in corresponding journal entry rows in the Journal Header Data table.

Select a date type and enter the date range for the journal entries that you want to import into PeopleSoft Project Costing. Options are:

  • Posted Date: Imports journal entries that have a posted date within the specified date range.

    Additionally, the system maps the Posted Date field value (POSTED_DATE) of journal entry rows to the Accounting Date field in corresponding imported transaction rows in the Project Transaction table.

  • Journal Date: Imports journal entries that have a journal date within the specified date range.

From Date and Through Date

Enter a date range to specify the journal entries that you want to import by the transaction posted or journal date. To import journal entries for one particular date, enter the date in both the From Date and Through Date fields.