Integrating PeopleSoft Resource Management with Other Applications

This chapter discusses integration with:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Integration with PeopleSoft Program Management

This section discusses integration with PeopleSoft Program Management.

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Integrating with PeopleSoft Program Management enables you to perform the following tasks from PeopleSoft Program Management:

This diagram illustrates the process of assigning a resource to a project:

Assigning a resource to a project (1 of 2)

Assigning a resource to a project (2 of 2)

Create Generic Resource Request

There are two ways you can request resources in PeopleSoft Resource Management: service orders and generic resource requests. You create generic resource requests from the Resources page or Resource Detail page in PeopleSoft Program Management. A generic resource request appears in the Pool Manager Workbench in PeopleSoft Resource Management with a status of Pending or Allocated, based on your PeopleSoft Resource Management business unit options. You can either fulfill the generic resource request with a named resource, or you can simply allocate capacity.

Create Service Order

You can create service orders to assign named resources to projects on the Manage Generic Resource page in PeopleSoft Program Management. Generic resources are labor resources who do not have an employee ID associated with them; they serve as role-oriented placeholder descriptions for resources during the project planning phase. Each generic resource can generate a resource request line that is associated with the service order. Many of the service order or resource request fields, such as business unit, project, resource request dates, primary project role, and quantity requested, are populated from the generic resource.

Changes to the PeopleSoft Program Management generic resource are reflected on the PeopleSoft Resource Management resource request as follows:

You can also cancel resource requests for the project's generic resources on the Manage Generic Resource page.

Assign Resource

To assign a person who is established as a resource in PeopleSoft Resource Management, you can:

You cannot assign a resource in PeopleSoft Resource Management to more than one assignment for the same project if the assignment dates overlap. Resources can have more than one assignment for a project if the assignment dates do not conflict.

These changes are synchronized between the PeopleSoft Program Management and Resource Management:

Use Express Search

You can access the Express Search page in PeopleSoft Resource Management from the Resources page in PeopleSoft Program Management. On the Express Search page you can search for qualified candidates in PeopleSoft Resource Management and create assignments to replace generic resources with named resources. The Express Search feature is accessible only for generic resource placeholders.

View Master Resource Schedule

You can review a chart of the schedules for resources who are requested, committed, allocated, or considered for a project from the Resources page in PeopleSoft Program Management.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Integration with the Services Forecasting Feature

This section lists prerequisites and discusses integration with the Services Forecasting feature that is part of PeopleSoft Program Management.

Note. This section is optional. If you are not using the Services Forecasting feature, you do not need to complete the tasks that are discussed in this section.

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This section lists prerequisites to integrating PeopleSoft Resource Management with the Services Forecasting feature:

See Also

Defining Task Categories and Mapping to TRCs

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The information that the Services Forecasting feature collects and analyzes enables you to make decisions about recruiting, project profitability, productivity, new business, and company finances. You can anticipate utilization for one or a group of employees, compare forecasted utilization to actual utilization or actual capacity, and anticipate costs and revenue for a project.

PeopleSoft Resource Management resource schedules can be used—along with the previous forecast—to automatically prepopulate resource forecast horizons. You can prepopulate forecasts at the beginning of each forecast iteration for all, one, or selected GL business units. The prepopulation process loads schedules for assignments that have a status of Pending Approval, Assigned, or Reserved, regardless of the task category. Appointments on resource schedules are loaded to the associated time reporting code.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Integration with PeopleSoft Project Costing

Integrating with PeopleSoft Project Costing enables you to assign resources in PeopleSoft Resource Management to a Project Costing project team.

You cannot assign a resource in PeopleSoft Resource Management to more than one assignment for the same project if the assignment dates overlap. Resources can have more than one assignment for a project if the assignment dates do not conflict.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Integration with PeopleSoft Services Procurement

This section lists prerequisites and discusses integration with PeopleSoft Services Procurement.

Note. This section is optional. If you are not implementing PeopleSoft Services Procurement, you do not need to complete the tasks that are discussed in this section.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

This section lists prerequisites to integrating PeopleSoft Resource Management with Services Procurement:

If you allow non-employee data to be maintained only in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources Management (PeopleSoft HRMS) database, before you can select a PeopleSoft Services Procurement service provider for an assignment in PeopleSoft Resource Management, you must:

  1. Create the PeopleSoft Services Procurement service provider in the HRMS employee database.

  2. Establish the non-employee as a resource in PeopleSoft Resource Management.

See Also

Establishing and Maintaining Employees and Non-Employees as Resources

Setting Up User Preferences

Defining Resource Management Installation Options

PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources 9.0 PeopleBook: Administer Workforce

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Integration with PeopleSoft Services Procurement enables you to:

This diagram illustrates the process of using a PeopleSoft Services Procurement service requisition to fulfill a resource request if you allow non-employee data to be maintained in PeopleSoft Resource Management:

Fulfilling a resource request by using a PeopleSoft Services Procurement service requisition (1 of 2)

Fulfilling a resource request by using a PeopleSoft Services Procurement service requisition (2 of 2)

Generate Service Requisition

The term service provider is used to describe non-employees in PeopleSoft Services Procurement who can be selected to fulfill service requisitions in PeopleSoft Services Procurement. From the Staffing Workbench - Fulfill Orders page in PeopleSoft Resource Management, you can create a Services Procurement requisition and select a service provider to fulfill a resource request.

If you select a service provider to fulfill a service requisition in PeopleSoft Services Procurement and the requisition is used to fulfill a resource request, the system checks to see if the service provider is established as an eligible resource in PeopleSoft Resource Management. If the service provider is not an eligible resource and you allow non-employee data to be maintained in the Financials database, one of these actions occurs:

After you establish the service provider as an eligible resource in PeopleSoft Resource Management, then the system creates an assignment for the resource automatically.

Users receive a message if they try to select a service provider for a resource request that is already fulfilled in PeopleSoft Resource Management.

Create Assignment from a Service Requisition

In PeopleSoft Services Procurement you can select a candidate to fulfill a service requisition. If the requisition was generated from a PeopleSoft Resource Management resource request, the service requisition information is used to create an assignment and establish the candidate as a resource. If the assignment fulfills the outstanding demand for the resource request, the request is closed.

Note. Creating an assignment from a service requisition does not update work history in the resource profile.

View and Track Requisition Status

From the Staffing Workbench - Fulfill Orders page in PeopleSoft Resource Management, you can review the number of external requisitions initiated, filled, or canceled for each resource request.