Maintaining Resource Schedules

This chapter provides an overview of resource schedule maintenance and discusses how to work with resource schedules.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Resource Schedule Maintenance

Resource schedule maintenance is an essential part of effectively managing resources in PeopleSoft Resource Management. Resource Management uses the resource schedule to interactively manage a resource's scheduled tasks and availability. Resource Matching uses schedule data to calculate the availability of a qualified resource and compare it to the dates specified on a resource request.

Resource schedules appear in a simple calendar format for use by resources, managers, staffing coordinators, and other members of the organization who need to view or update schedules. You can view the current month and year or navigate to previous or future months and years. You can also drill down to a weekly or daily view of the schedule.

During implementation on the Installation Options - Resource Management page, you can specify which nonassignment task categories trigger a notification message to the resource and the resource manager if a manager with authority to modify resource schedules changes a task in the specified category in the resource schedule. You can also specify which nonassignment task categories trigger a notification message to the resource manager if a resource changes a task in the specified category.

This section lists prerequisites and discusses:

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Before you work with resource schedules, you must:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTask Categories

Every entry in a resource schedule is associated with a task category. Task categories are used in Resource Matching and in PeopleSoft Resource Management reports. Most of the task categories are predefined in Resource Management; however, an organization can define additional task categories that are specific to its business needs.

The task categories are:

You can define additional task categories during PeopleSoft Resource Management implementation.

Each task category has a basic flexibility percentage that indicates the degree to which the task is a firm commitment or can be rescheduled. Assignment task categories also have a reserved status flexibility percentage that overrides the basic flexibility percentage if the task has the status Reserved. The Resource Matching feature evaluates the flexibility of the task category that is associated with appointments or assignments on a resource schedule when determining resource availability.

Task category codes, descriptions, and flexibility percentages are discussed in more detail in the chapter on enabling resource schedules.

See Also

Task Categories

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssignments and Appointments

Resource schedule entries are classified as appointments or assignments, which have the following characteristics:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicHolidays

An organization defines its holidays in the employee source database. You can establish a single holiday calendar for the organization or different holiday calendars for each country. If changes are made to a holiday calendar that is associated with a resource, the changes are automatically applied to the resource's schedule when you run the Holiday Load Application Engine process (RS_HOLIDAY) from the Load Holidays page. Additionally, resources can refresh holidays on their schedules by initiating the Holiday Load process directly from the monthly schedule.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNotification Messages

During PeopleSoft Resource Management implementation, you can set up workflow to trigger notifications when certain changes are made to the resource schedule. The workflow is triggered based on the task category of a new or modified appointment and the role of the user who makes the change. When schedule workflow is activated for a task category, any new appointments or changes to existing appointments in that task category automatically trigger a notification message to the resource or resource manager.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Resource Schedules

The resource schedules that you can view or modify are based on your user role. When you navigate to the Maintain Schedules folder and select the My Monthly Schedule link, the schedule that appears is associated with your user login. If you have access to other resource schedules, you can select the Monthly Schedules link in the Maintain Schedules folder and select a resource schedule to view or modify.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Work with Resource Schedules

Page Name

Object Name



Monthly Schedule - Resource Search


Resource Management, Maintain Schedules, Monthly Schedules, Monthly Schedule - Resource Search

Search for resource schedules to view, based on the security access of your user role.

Monthly Schedule


  • Resource Management, Maintain Schedules, Monthly Schedules or My Monthly Schedule, Monthly Schedule

  • Click View Monthly Schedule on the Assign Resource page.

  • Click the View monthly calendar icon for a resource in the Search Results or Considering grid on the Express Search page (RS_EXPRESS_SEARCH).

  • Click the Monthly Calendar icon for a resource on the Staffing Workbench.

View and modify your monthly schedule or the monthly schedule of other resources, based on the security access of your user role.

Daily Schedule


Click the numeric day of the month link on the Monthly Schedule page if an appointment or assignment occurs on that day. (If there are no schedule entries on that day, the day of the month link accesses the Appointment Details page.)

View the resource's daily schedule in half-hourly increments.

Weekly Schedule


Click the This week link on the Daily Schedule page.

View the resource's weekly schedule.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing or Modifying Resource Schedules

This section discusses how to view or modify a resource's appointments or assignments from the:

Monthly Schedule

Access the Monthly Schedule page.

To manage schedules using the Monthly Schedule page:

Daily Schedule

Access the Daily Schedule page.

The daily schedule provides a quick overview of tasks for a given day in half-hourly increments. Tasks include a description of the actual task start time, end time, and activity information. Multiple tasks within the half hour appear in order of start time. Highlighting indicates when a task overlaps with another task in a given time period.

Enter new start and end times, and click Display Time, to change the timeline that appears on the daily schedule.

The Daily Schedule page functions much like the other schedule pages:

Weekly Schedule

Access the Weekly Schedule page.

The Weekly Schedule page functions much like the other schedule pages:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Holidays

Access the Monthly Schedule page.

Update Employee’s Holidays

Click to initiate the Holiday Load process to refresh holidays on the resource schedule. All of the holidays that are associated with the holiday schedule are inserted into the resource schedule as tasks with the task category SCHEDULED_HOLIDAY. A message indicates when the process is complete.

Use this button when a resource accepts a future-dated job change that changes the resource's holiday schedule.

Click to jump to parent topicScheduling Appointments

This section discusses how to:

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Page Name

Object Name



Appointment Details


  • Resource Management, Maintain Schedules, Monthly Schedules or My Monthly Schedule, Monthly Schedule

    Click a numeric date link on the Monthly Schedule page.

  • Click a numeric date link on the Weekly Schedule page.

  • Click a time link on the Daily Schedule page.

  • Click an appointment description link on the Monthly Schedule, Weekly Schedule, or Daily Schedule page.

Add, view, or modify an appointment.

Notification Message


Click Save on the Appointment Details page.

Send an email notification to the resource or resource manager if a schedule changes.

Assign Resource


Click an assignment description link in the Resource Monthly Schedule (RS_SCHED_MONTH) or My Resource Monthly Schedule (RS_SCHED_MYMONTH) component.

View or modify assignment details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Appointment Details

Access the Appointment Details page.

Start Date

Enter the appointment start date for a new appointment. The default start date is based on the numeric date link that you clicked on the resource schedule to access the Appointment Details page.

Start Time

Enter the time of day when the appointment starts. For a new appointment, the default value is the standard start time that is specified during implementation, except when you create an appointment from the Daily Schedule page. In that case, the start time is based on the time link that you selected on the Daily Schedule page.

Task Duration

Enter the number of Hours and Minutes per day that the resource spends on the appointment.


Enter the appointment task category.

Occurrence Information

Create entries for a recurring appointment in the Occurrence Information group box.


Enter the appointment frequency. Options are:

Daily: Select for events that recur every workday.

Monthly by Date: Select for events that recur every month on the same date of the month.

Monthly by Day: Select for events that recur every month on the same day of the month, such as the second Tuesday of each month. You must also select a value in the Repeat for Month field.

Once: Select for events that only occur at the day, date, and time entered. This is the default value.

Weekly: Select for events that recur every week on the same day of the week.

Yearly: Select for events that recur every year at the same month, date, and time.


Enter the appointment frequency interval. For example, enter an interval of 3 with a repeat value of Weekly to schedule the appointment every third week.


Enter the final date of the recurring appointment.

For Month

Enter a value if the event repeats monthly by day. Options are:

from first: Select to have the system count forward from the first day of the month to schedule the recurring event. For example, an appointment that starts on Thursday, January 1, and repeats monthly by day until December 31 is scheduled on the first Thursday of every month from January through December.

from last: Select to have the system count back from the last day of the month to schedule the recurring event. For example, an appointment that starts on Friday, January 30, and repeats monthly by day until December 31 is scheduled on the last Friday of every month from January through December.

This field is available only if the repeat value is Monthly by Day.

Appointment Conflicts

Access the Daily Schedule page.

Conflicting events are highlighted on the Daily Schedule page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSending a Schedule Change Notification

Access the Notification Message page.

If email notification options are active, the Notification Message page appears when you save a new or modified appointment.

During implementation on the Installation Options - Resource Management page, you can select the option to send the message to the resource, resource manager, or both. You also select the tasks that, when changed by the resource, the resource manager, or the staffing manager, trigger the workflow. You must select the Calendar Email Notification option on the Installation Options - Resource Management page to activate schedule change notification.


Enter additional comments to explain the change.


Click to commit the appointment to the schedule and send the notification message to the indicated recipients.

Note. The E-Mail To field appears blank on the Notification Message page if there are no email addresses established for the user IDs that are associated with the recipients. When you click OK on the Notification Message page, a warning appears indicating that no email message was sent because no recipients are defined on the message. The appointment is committed to the schedule. Click OK to close the warning message.


Click to cancel the message, discard the save attempt, and return to the Appointment Details page.

Note. When workflow is activated, the appointment will not save until you click OK on the notification message.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Assignment Information

Access the Assign Resource page.

The Assign Resource page appears when you click an assignment description link from the monthly, daily, or weekly resource schedule.

See Also

Assigning Resources