Assigning Resources

This chapter provides an overview of resource assignments in PeopleSoft Resource Management and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Resource Assignments in PeopleSoft Resource Management

The assignment process pairs a resource with a unit of work. Assignments interact with the other key data components—resource profiles, resource schedules, and service orders—that support the staffing process. When you create an assignment and process it through various states, PeopleSoft Resource Management creates a new resource schedule entry or updates an existing entry. When you assign a resource to a project or a resource completes the assignment, PeopleSoft Resource Management updates the resource profile with work experience information. When you select a resource to fulfill a resource request on a service order, an assignment is created and can be viewed from the service order to reflect service order fulfillment progress. Once the number of resources assigned equals the quantity of resources requested for an order, the service order is closed.

You can view or update assignments based on your user role from the folder navigation, the Staffing Workbench component, or the My Assignments component.

This section lists prerequisites and discusses:

See Also

Data Components That Support the Staffing Process

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before creating assignments, you must establish assignment approval and email notification options.

See Also

Specifying PeopleSoft Resource Management Business Unit Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssignment Processes

You can use any of these methods to create an assignment in PeopleSoft Resource Management:

PeopleSoft Program Management, if installed, should be the primary system used to manage assignments and resources. PeopleSoft Program Management uses a project calendar that accounts for holidays when calculating duration and work effort. Because of this, the resource assignment schedule should accurately reflect the project calendar.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssignment Statuses

The assignment status controls much of the workflow within PeopleSoft Resource Management business processes. It determines whether a service order is fulfilled and whether tasks are created on resource schedules, and it can trigger additional workflow approvals and email notifications.

Actions Triggered by Assignment Statuses

As an assignment moves through various stages and its status is updated, it triggers certain events in other areas of the application. Assignment statuses determine the resource fulfillment progress of resource requests and service orders in PeopleSoft Resource Management, and project resource lists in PeopleSoft Program Management. Statuses also determine which assignments appear on resource schedules and in the work history section of resource profiles.

This table describes assignment status values and lists the actions that each value triggers:

Assignment Status


Triggers These Actions


The resource's assignment is confirmed. To change the status to Assign you can:

  • Select the Assign status on the Assign Resource page.

  • Select the Assign action on the Staffing Workbench.

  • In the PeopleSoft Program Management system, select the Requested resource status on the Resources page.

Note. If approval workflow is required, the Assign status value changes to Pending Approval until the assignment has completed the approval workflow. In the PeopleSoft Program Management system, choose Requested and save the page to trigger assignment approval workflow. If approval workflow is not enabled , the resource status changes to Committed upon saving the page.

This status updates the resource schedule and resource profile in the PeopleSoft Resource Management system, and the project resource list in the PeopleSoft Program Management system. If the assignment fulfills the quantity on the resource request, the resource request is closed and other assignments that are attached to this resource request that are not in a status of Assign are canceled.


The assignment is canceled. To change the status to Cancel you can:

  • Select the Cancel status on the Assign Resource page.

  • Select the Cancel action on the Staffing Workbench.

  • In the PeopleSoft Program Management system, select the Cancelled resource status on the Resources page.

Alternatively, the system can change the status automatically during workflow processing as follows:

  • If you fulfill the quantity required on a resource request, the outstanding assignments for the resource request that are not yet Assigned are automatically canceled.

  • If you close a resource request, the outstanding assignments for the resource request that are not yet Assigned are automatically canceled.

If you cancel an assignment on the Assign Resource page, the Assign Resource - Assignment Status page appears for you to enter an effective date. This status updates the resource schedule, resource profile, resource request, and project.

These actions occur if you cancel an assignment from the Resources page in the PeopleSoft Program Management system:

  • If the cancellation occurs after the assignment schedule start date but before the schedule end date, PeopleSoft Resource Management assignment status is set to Cancel as of the date of the cancellation.

  • If the cancellation occurs before the assignment schedule date, the assignment is canceled in PeopleSoft Resource Management as of the date of the cancellation.

  • If the cancellation occurs after the assignment schedule end date, the PeopleSoft Resource Management assignment status is set to Cancel. Start and end dates do not change for the assignment, and calendar entries are not deleted.

Canceling an assignment does not remove the resource from the project resource list in PeopleSoft Program Management or the project team in PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Note. If no assignments exist in a status of Assigned on a service order and the service order is canceled, all of the resource requests on the service order are automatically canceled and the service order is no longer editable.


The work assignment is complete. To change the status to Complete you can:

  • Select the Complete status on the Assign Resource page.

  • Select the Complete action on the Staffing Workbench.

  • In the PeopleSoft Program Management system, select Complete from the Resource Status drop-down list box on the Resources page.

If you complete an assignment on the Assign Resource page, the Assign Resource - Assignment Status page appears for you to enter an effective date. These actions occur:

  • If the completion effective date is before the assignment end date, the system updates the resource schedule, resource profile work history, and project. Calendar entries after the effective date of the completion are deleted.

  • If the completion effective date is after the assignment end date, the system updates only the resource profile work history.

These actions occur if you complete an assignment from the Resources page in the PeopleSoft Program Management system:

  • If the user changes the Resource Status to Complete for an assignment that is in process, the assignment status changes to Complete.

  • If transactions exist for the resource on the project, the assignment status changes to Complete.


The resource is interviewing for the assignment. You can change the status to Interview on the Assign Resource page or the Staffing Workbench.

An assignment in this status appears on the resource request, but does not change the request status.

Pending Approval

The assignment was submitted to the resource's manager and is awaiting approval. If a user selects an assignment status of Assign and approval workflow is required, the assignment is automatically placed in a status of Pending Approval until the manager approves or rejects it.

In the PeopleSoft Program Management system, on the Resources page, the Resource Status will be Requested if approval workflow is required.

This status triggers approval workflow, if enabled. This status updates the resource schedule and appears on the resource request, but does not change the request status.

If the requested quantity on the resource request is one and there is an assignment against it in a Pending Approval status, the system will not allow any more assignments in an Assigned or Pending Approval status.


The resource is proposed for the assignment. You can change the status to Propose on the Assign Resource page or the Staffing Workbench.

An assignment in this status appears on the resource request, but does not change the request status.


The assignment is rejected. The status is automatically changed to Reject during workflow processing when you reject the assignment on the Assignment Approval page.

In the PeopleSoft Program Management system, on the Resources page, the Resource Status will be Rejected if the assignment request was not approved.

This status updates the resource request and resource schedule.


The resource is reserved for the assignment. To change the status to Reserve you can:

  • Select the Reserve status on the Assign Resource page.

  • Select the Reserve action on the Staffing Workbench.

Note. The system does not reserve resources on the Resources page in the PeopleSoft Program Management system. From the Resources page you can choose one of two options. You can select a resource status of Considered, which will not generate a PeopleSoft Resource Management assignment. Alternatively, you can select a resource status of Requested, which creates a PeopleSoft Resource Management assignment with a status of Assign if assignment approval is not required, or with a status of Pending Approval if approval is required.

This status updates the resource schedule and appears on the resource request, but does not change the request status.

Valid Status Changes

This table lists available statuses in the right column that you can select for an assignment based on the assignment's current status listed in the left column:

Current Assignment Status

Available Assignment Statuses

None (new assignment)

  • Assign

  • Interview

  • Propose

  • Reserve


  • Cancel

  • Complete






  • Assign

  • Cancel

  • Propose

  • Reserve

Pending Approval



  • Assign

  • Cancel

  • Interview

  • Reserve


  • Assign

  • Cancel


  • Assign

  • Cancel

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssignment Dates

You can enter multiple date ranges on an assignment to specify that the resource is needed on the job in noncontiguous intervals. For each date range, you can specify different days per week, hours and minutes per day, start and end times, and project role.

New or modified assignment dates trigger changes to the resource's schedule, availability, and profile. You can change assignment dates based on the permissions that are associated with your user role. Based on project business unit options that you select during implementation, a resource’s manager can approve or reject schedule changes that are made to the resource’s assignment. In addition, the resource, resource manager, or project manager can receive an email notification when the resource's schedule changes.

The system validates that assignment schedules fall within the project schedule. You cannot save an assignment in a status of Assign or Reserve if the assignment start or end dates are outside of the project's date range.

If you use PeopleSoft Program Management:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssignment Holiday Schedules

If you use PeopleSoft Resource Management without PeopleSoft Program Management, and you select the Do not schedule assignments on Holidays option on the Installation Options - Resource Management page, the system does not schedule assignments on days that have tasks with a Scheduled Holiday task category as per the Resource's Holiday Schedule.

If you clear the Do not schedule assignments on Holidays option, and you create an assignment that conflicts with a resource holiday, the system gives you an option to either save the assignment with the schedule conflict, or return to the Assign Resource page to correct the assignment schedule.

Note. If you use PeopleSoft Program Management, the system does not schedule assignments on resource holidays if you use the resource calendar to schedule the assignment, and does not schedule assignments on project holidays if you use the project calendar to schedule the assignment. However, if you use the project calendar to schedule the assignment, and the assignment schedule conflicts with a holiday on the resource's calendar, the system gives you an option to either save the assignment with the schedule conflict, or return to the Assign Resource page to correct the assignment schedule.

Holiday Schedule Changes

If you associate a new holiday schedule with a resource, assignments that are created for that resource after the change will use the new holiday schedule. All existing assignments for the resource, regardless of the assignment date ranges, will continue to use the original holiday schedule that was specified for the resource at the time of original assignment creation. This scenario applies if you use PeopleSoft Resource Management without PeopleSoft Program Management, or if you use PeopleSoft Program Management and use the resource calendar to schedule assignments.

If you use PeopleSoft Program Management and use the project calendar to schedule assignments, and you associate a new business calendar with the project, assignments that are created for that project after the change will use the new business calendar. All existing assignments for the project will continue to use the original business calendar that was specified for the project at the time of original assignment creation.

You can cancel or complete existing assignments and create new assignments after changing resource or project calendars.

Note. If you add or remove a holiday from a schedule that is specified for a resource, and run the Holiday Load process runs, existing assignments that are based on the resource’s calendar do not change. The existing assignments will retain the holiday schedule that was in place when you created the assignment. Therefore, administrators should set up holiday schedules as far into the future as possible.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssignment Workflow

You specify a project business unit's workflow options for assignment approvals or notification messages on the Resource Management Options page during implementation.

You determine:

See Scheduling and Managing Resources.

Important! For all resources, if you select Supervisor instead of Pool Manager in the Resource Manager Options group box on the Resource Management Options page, a manager must exist for the resource on the Update Employee Data - Employee Job page before you can use workflow to send assignments for approval or notification to the resource manager.

Click to jump to parent topicAssigning Resources

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Assign Resources

Page Name

Object Name



Assign Resource


You can access the Assign Resource page through multiple navigation paths. This list presents five frequently used paths. The primary path appears first.

  • Resource Management, Assign Resource, Assign Resource

  • Resource Management, Express Search, Express Search

    Click Assign on a resource row on the Express Search page.

  • Resource Management, Staffing Workbench, Manage Utilization

    Click the Create Assignment icon in a resource row on the Staffing Workbench - Manage Utilization page.

  • Resource Management, Request Resources, Create or Review Service Order, Order Summary

    Click the Assignment Status link in the Assigned Resources group box.

  • Resource Management, Staffing Workbench, Fulfill Orders

    Click the Status link in a resource row on the Staffing Workbench - Fulfill Orders page or Staffing Workbench - Manage Utilization page.

Create, modify, or view assignments.

Assign Resource - Attach Service Order


Click the Create Link to Service Order link on the Assign Resource page.

Associate assignments with existing service orders and resource request line numbers.

Assignment Dates in Conflict


Click the View Conflicts link on the Assign Resource page.

View dates on resources' schedules that overlap assignments.

Assign Resource - Schedule Chart


Click the View Schedule Chart link on the Assign Resource page.

View resource schedules in a bar chart format.

Assign Resource - Assignment Status


  • Click the Status History link on the Assign Resource page.

  • Change the assignment status to Cancel or Complete.

Enter new assignment statuses and effective dates, and view the assignment status history.

Job Scorecard for <Resource>


You can access the Job Scorecard for <Resource> page through multiple navigation paths. This list presents five frequently used paths.

  • Click View Score Card on the Assign Resource page (if the assignment is associated with a service order).

  • Resource Management, Staffing Workbench

    Click a qualification or availability score for a resource on the Staffing Workbench - Fulfill Orders page.

  • Click a qualification or availability score for a resource on the Staffing Workbench - Manage Utilization page.

  • Resource Management, My Assignments, Job Spy

    Click a qualification, preferences, or availability score on the Job Spy page.

  • Resource Management, Express Search, Express Search

    Click a qualification or availability score for a resource in the Search Results grid on the Express Search page.

View resources' fit scores against the requirements that you specify in a search or on a resource request.

Assignments for <Resource>


  • Click View Resource's Assignments on the Assign Resource page.

  • Resource Management, Staffing Workbench

    Click the View resource assignment list icon for a resource in the expanded Requests scroll area on the Staffing Workbench - Fulfill Orders page.

  • Click the View List of Assignments icon for a resource in the Resources work space on the Staffing Workbench - Manage Utilization page.

View resources' current or past assignments, bids from resources, and recommendations for resources.

Notify Contract Administrator


Click Notify Contracts Administrator on the Assign Resource page.

Send special billing instructions for this assignment to the contract administrator.

Conflicting Dates Found - Assignment Dates Conflict


Click Save on a new or modified assignment. This page appears if the assignment dates conflict with another assignment or appointment.

Review assignments or appointments that have dates in conflict with assignments. Accept the conflicts or cancel the save and correct the assignments.

Assignment Confirmation


  • Click Save on a new or modified assignment that has no dates in conflict with another assignment or appointment.

  • Click OK on the Conflicting Dates Found - Assignment Dates Conflict.

Review assignment changes and workflows that are triggered for this action.

Assign Resource (approval)


  • Resource Management, Staffing Workbench, Worklist

    Click Details for an item with action New Assignment For Approval.

  • Log in as a resource manager and go to the Assign Resource page.

    Resource Management, Assign Resource, Assign Resource

Approve or reject assignments if approval workflow is activated.

Assignment Status


Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Resource Management, Assignment Status, Assignment Status

Administrators can modify assignment status description values on this page, if required.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Assignments

Access the Assign Resource page.

The default values that appear on an assignment are based on the assignment's origin. For example:

Note. If you use PeopleSoft Program Management, you should not modify resource assignments in both PeopleSoft Resource Management and Program Management. Choose one primary method for modifying resource assignments

Your ability to edit fields or select certain field values is based on your user role and the assignment origin.

Assignment ID

Displays the assignment ID that you enter or that the system autogenerated based on the Assignment ID Last Used value on the Resource Setup - Common Installation Options page. Autogenerated values appear as NEXT until you save the assignment.


Enter the name of the resource who will work on this assignment. The system populates the assignment hours, start time, and days of the week based on the resource. This field is required to save an assignment in any status. Only eligible resources in the Eligible Resource Cache table (RS_ELGBL_WRKR) as of the current date are available for selection.

Note. If you type the resource name in this field and there are multiple employee IDs with the same name, a message appears stating that the system selected the first employee ID that is associated with this resource name. If you want to select a different employee ID, click the Lookup Employee icon, search for the resource name, and select the appropriate resource.

Personnel Status

Displays the resource's personnel status as Employee or Non-Employee.

Department and Manager Name

Displays the name of the resource's department and manager.

Project Role

Enter the project role for this assignment.

If the assignment is created in the PeopleSoft Program Management system, the project role from the Resource Detail page populates this field and is not editable.

This field is required to save an assignment in a status of Reserve or Assign. You cannot change the project role for assignments in an Assign status.


Enter the assignment status. Available values are based on the current status of the assignment. The default value is Propose.

If you select a status of Assign and approval workflow is required, the assignment is automatically placed in a status of Pending Approval until it is approved or rejected.

Changes to status can trigger email notification to the resource, resource manager, or project manager, depending on the workflow options that you select on the Resource Management Options page during implementation. The system sends a worklist item to the resource if you create a new assignment with a status of Assigned, or modify the status of an existing assignment from any status to Assigned.


Enter a description of the assignment.


Enter the assignment task category. Use task categories to distinguish between different types of tasks on a resource's schedule, for both informational purposes and in Resource Matching calculation of the Availability fit score. Each task category is assigned a flexibility percentage, which is used in Resource Matching to identify how easily a task of that category can be rescheduled.

The default value that appears in the this field is based on the origin of the assignment:

  • If you create the assignment directly on the Assign Resource page or on the Express Search page, the Category field default value is from the Installation Options - Resource Management page.

  • If you create the assignment on the Staffing or Pool Manager Workbench, or the Generic Resource Request page, the Category field value is from the Staffing Changes Confirmation page.

  • If you create the assignment from the Resources page in PeopleSoft Program Management, the Category field value is from the Resource Detail page in Program Management.

This field is required to save an assignment.

Responsible For Staffing

Enter or edit the name of the staffing coordinator or person who is responsible for fulfilling this assignment. This field is for information only.

Create Link to Service Order or Service Order: <service orderID/resource request ID>

Click the Create Link to Service Order link to associate this assignment with an existing service order and resource request line. Available values are based on the project business unit.

Once an assignment is associated with a service order, a link to the order appears here. You can click the link to access the service order. Once a link is established, you cannot change or remove it.

Generic Resource Name: <resource name>

Click to access the Resources page in the PeopleSoft Program Management system and view the project resource list. This link appears if the assignment is for a resource request that is associated with a generic resource placeholder in the PeopleSoft Program Management system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Customer and Project Information

Go to the Customer/Project Information group box on the Assign Resource page.

Assignment Calendar

Select Resource or Project to schedule the assignment based on the resource's calendar from PeopleSoft Resource Management or the project calendar from PeopleSoft Project Costing. The appropriate information appears in the Schedule Detail Dates group box based on the selected assignment calendar.

  • Resource: Select to base the Hours field in the Schedule Detail Dates group box on the resource's standard hours as specified in the employee's job information.

  • Project: Select to base the Hours field in the Schedule Detail Dates group box on the project’s hours per day as specified in the Program Management defaults.

You cannot switch between the resource and project assignment calendars once the assignment is saved.

Note. This group box appears only if PeopleSoft Program Management is installed.

Business Unit

Enter the project business unit for the assignment. You can modify the business unit on assignments that are in a status of Propose or Interview. You cannot change the business unit after the assignment is saved in a Reserve, Pending Approval, or Assign status.

The business unit determines the list of service orders, projects, and customers that you can associate with this assignment. It also controls workflow options for assignment approval, date change approval, and notification messages.

This field is required to save an assignment.


Enter the project that is associated with this assignment. You can modify the project on assignments that are in a status of Propose or Interview. You cannot change the project after the assignment is saved in a Reserve, Pending Approval, or Assign status.

If the assignment is associated with a service order that has a project ID, and the service order has another assignment in a status of Assign, then the service order project ID value appears in this field and cannot be changed. If this condition does not exist on the service order, you can enter a project ID.

If the assignment is associated with a service order that has a project ID, the assignment project ID must be identical to the service order project ID. If the assignment project is different than the service order project when the assignment status changes to Assign, then the assignment project overwrites the service order project.

This field is required to save an assignment in a status of Reserve or Assign.


Enter the customer name. If the assignment is associated with a service order that has a customer ID, and the service order has another assignment in a status of Assigned, then the service order customer ID value appears in this field and cannot be changed. If this condition does not exist on the service order, you can enter a customer ID.

If the assignment is associated with a service order that has a customer ID, the assignment customer ID must be identical to the service order customer ID. If the assignment customer is different from the service order customer when the assignment status changes to Assigned, then the assignment customer overwrites the service order customer.


Enter the customer location for this assignment.

Location Details

Click to access the customer profile and view or update housing and travel information, dress code, and whether the customer allows trainees on assignments.

See Adding Information to Customer Profiles.


Enter the customer contact for this assignment.

See Working with Customer and Contact Profiles.

Contact Details

Click to access the contact profile and view information about the customer contact such as telephone number and email address.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Schedule Details

Go to the Schedule Detail Dates and Schedule Exception Dates group boxes on the Assign Resource page.

Project Role

Enter a project role for the assignment. The default value is the project role that you select in the assignment header. You must select a project role for all detail schedule rows.

Start Date and End Date

Enter the start and end dates for the assignment. If the resource will work on the assignment in noncontiguous intervals, click the Add a new row button to add a new row for each date range. For example, if a resource will work on this assignment from January 1 to January 31, and again from March 1 to March 31, enter the schedule details for the first date range on one row and the schedule details for the second date range on another row.

Assignment start and end dates must be within the project start and end dates for assignments in a Reserve or Assign status.

Note. If this assignment is associated with a project resource in the PeopleSoft Program Management system, the system automatically updates the assignment if the resource's project schedule changes.

Hours and Minutes

Enter the hours and minutes per day that the resource is expected to work. The value that appears when you enter the resource for this assignment is based on the resource's standard hours that are specified in the employee's job information and stored in the Standard Hours field (STD_HOURS) in the Job record (JOB), and the resource's standard work days that are specified on the resource profile and stored in the Standard Days field (STD_DAYS) in the Worker Table record (RS_WORKER_TBL).

However, if PeopleSoft Program Management is installed and you select Project in the Assignment Calendar group box, the Hours field is based on the project’s Hours Per Day as defined on the Project Definitions - Program Management page in the Project Definitions component of the PeopleSoft Program Management system.

Tasks that are equal to the number of hours and minutes that are specified here are created on the resource's schedule for every day of the week that is specified on the assignment that occurs between the start date and end date.

The assignment hours are the same for every day on a schedule detail line.

Start Time

Enter the time of day that the resource starts work. The value that appears when you enter the resource for this assignment is the standard start time that is specified on the Common Definitions - Resources Data page.

Detail Status

Displays a schedule detail row status of Pending Approval if assignment schedule changes are submitted but not yet approved. This is to indicate that new or changed data exists on the row.

Note. This field appears only if assignment schedule change approval is required and a change is submitted but not approved.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

Select the days of the week that the resource is expected to work. If you use the resource assignment calendar, the default value is based on the resource's standard work days that are specified on the resource profile and stored in the Worker Table record. If you use the project assignment calendar, the default value is based on the project calendar that you specify for the project on the Project Definitions - Program Management page.

Assignment tasks are entered on the resource's schedule for each day that you select on the assignment page that occurs between the start and end date for assignments in a status of Assigned, Pending Approval, or Reserved.


Click if this detail date row is an extension of the original assignment end date. This field is used for information only.

View Monthly Schedule

Click to view a resource's monthly schedule and assignment details based on the specified assignment calendar.

View Schedule Chart

Click to view a vertical bar chart representing the resource's work load and availability by day.

If schedule change approval workflow is activated and the assignment is in an Assigned status, the system sends the assignment to the resource manager for approval when the schedule changes.

The system sends a worklist item to the resource if you create or modify a date for an assignment in an Assigned status.

Schedule Conflicts

Access the Assignment Dates in Conflict page.

When you click View Conflicts on the Assign Resource page, this page appears if this assignment conflicts with an existing entry on the resource schedule.

Conflict Date

Click a date on an appointment row to open the resource's monthly schedule in a new browser window and view or modify the resource schedule.

Assignment ID

Click an assignment ID on an assignment row to open a new browser window and view details about the conflicting assignment. You can update or delete conflicting tasks based on the permissions that are associated with your user role, or modify the schedule of the current assignment to accommodate the conflicts.

Schedule Exception Dates

Use this feature to specify breaks in the assignment schedule, such as a scheduled vacation, or a period of time during the project when the resource is not needed on the assignment. Enter the dates, hours, and time that the resource will not work on the assignment. Add comments to explain breaks in the assignment schedule.

You can create assignment exceptions that occur within a date and time range of a schedule detail row. The scheduling logic first lays out all of the details dates, then removes all the exception dates.

Note. Use assignment schedule exceptions only to remove assignment tasks for the specified dates—they do not add tasks of another type to the resource schedule in place of the assignment task entries. For example, if you enter an exception for one week due to a vacation, the assignment task does not appear on the schedule for the specified week, and the vacation task does not appear unless you add it manually to the schedule.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Assignment Status History

Access the Assign Resource - Assignment Status page.

Assignment Status

Enter or confirm the assignment status.

As of Date

Enter the effective date of the new status. This field is required if you change the status to Cancel or Complete. Upon saving the assignment with a status of Cancel or Complete, the application removes all of the entries from the resource schedule where the date is greater than the value of the date entered, and updates the work experience entry in the resource profile with the date entered.


Enter an explanation for the status change.

Assignment Status Change History

The Assignment Status Change History group box reflects changes in status by adding a new row of data for each status change on the assignment. This group box lists the complete assignment status history in descending chronological order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccessing Additional Assignment Options

This section discusses links to additional scheduling tools that assist you in managing assignments.

View Resource's Assignments

Access the Assignments for <Resource> page.

Use the Assignments for <Resource> page to view a list of the resource assignments. You can drill down to view current or previous assignment details on the Current filter or History filter. You can view summary information or details of resource requests for which the resource has placed a bid or been recommended in the Bids filter or Recommendations filter.

The number of assignments or resource requests that are included in a filter appears in parentheses next to the filter name.


Click this link to view a list of the resource's assignments in a status of:

  • Proposed

  • Interviewing

  • Pending Approval

  • Assigned

Assignments that appear in this filter are based on the resource's assignment status. A resource does not have to be currently working on the assignment for it to appear in this filter. A visual indicator is used to show the current assignment for the resource based on the assignment start and end dates.


Click this link to view a list of resource requests for which the resource submitted a bid. A visual indicator is used in this filter if the resource request that placed a bid was assigned to another resource.

Bids are removed from this filter once an assignment is created for this resource-and-resource request combination.


Click this link to view a list of resource requests for which the resource received a recommendation. A visual indicator is used in this filter if the resource request was assigned to a different resource.

Recommendations are removed from this filter once an assignment is created for this resource-and-resource request combination.


Click this link to view a list of your assignments in a status of:

  • Completed

  • Canceled

  • Rejected

Assignments that appear in this filter are based on the resource's assignment status.

A green circle indicates that this is a current assignment for the resource based on the assignment start and end dates. A current assignment is defined as an assignment with a start date equal to or before the current system date, and an end date equal to or after the current system date.

This visual indicator may appear in the Current filter or History filter.

This icon indicates that another resource was selected to fulfill a resource request for which this resource submitted a bid or received a recommendation.

This visual indicator appears only in the Bids filter or Recommendations filter.

A red X may appear in the Recommendations filter or History filter.

On the Recommendations filter, this icon indicates that the resource request is canceled.

On the History filter, this icon indicates that the assignment is canceled.


Click in the Current filter or History filter to access the Assign Resource page and review assignment details. You can modify the assignment or change assignment dates based on permissions that are associated with your user role. To return to the Assignments for <Resource> page, click OK to save changes and return, or click Cancel to return without saving changes.

Click in the Bids filter or Recommendations filter to access the Job Detail page and review information about the service order and resource request. To return to the Assignments for <Resource> page, click Return to Resource Assignments.

Note. The destination of the Detail link changes based on your active filter.

See Viewing Resource Request Job Details.

Notify Contract Administrator

Access the Notify Contract Administrator page.

Use this page to send special billing instructions about this assignment to the contract administrator.


Select from the list of contract administrators, which consists of those users who are identified in the PeopleSoft Contracts system as the managers of support teams on the contract for which this project is associated.

Billing Instructions

Enter comments and instructions.


Click to return to the assignment. The message is sent when you save the assignment.

Other Scheduling Options

You can access these other resource scheduling tools from the Assign Resource page:

See Also

Working with Resource Schedules

Defining Resource Management Installation Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Job Scorecard

Access the Job Scorecard for <Resource> page.

This page is available if the assignment is associated with a service order.


Displays a concatenation of the business unit, service order ID, and resource request ID. This field does not appear if you access the Job Scorecard page from an express search.


Displays information about the resource request if this page is accessed from a service order or the Staffing Workbench.


Displays the qualifications score and lists each specified qualification. Indicates if the resource is qualified, partially qualified, or not qualified based on this accomplishment, competency, or flexible qualification factor.

In the Qualifications region, a green check mark indicates that the resource meets all of the aspects of the specified competency, accomplishment, or flexible qualification factor.

In the Preferences region, this icon indicates that the resource has indicated a desirable preference for this competency.

In the Qualifications region, a yellow check mark with a green x indicates that the resource partially meets the specified competency, accomplishment, or flexible qualification factor.

In the Preferences region, this icon indicates that the resource has no preference for this competency.

In the Qualifications region, a red x indicates that the resource does not meet the specified competency, accomplishment, or flexible qualification factor.

In the Preferences region, this icon indicates that this competency is undesirable to the resource.

Work Experience

Click this link to access the Work Experience page on the resource profile.


Click this link to access the resource's resume document attachment.


This group box displays the preferences score and lists each specified qualification. Indicates if the qualification is desirable or undesirable, or if the resource has no preference. It also includes bids and flexible preference factors.


This group box displays schedule conflicts and provides a link to the resource schedule to view schedule details.

Regarding holidays, a date conflict appears when there is an entry on the resource’s schedule with the task type of Scheduled Holiday that overlaps with the date range on the resource request. This occurs regardless of the skip holiday option that you specified on the Installation Options - Resource Management page.

If there are no schedule conflicts, a message appears indicating that there are no conflicts for the selected dates.


Click this button to return to the page where you accessed the Job Scorecard.

Note. The Qualifications, Preferences, and Availability scores represent the actual scores of the resource for the request. If you accessed this page from the Staffing Workbench, Pool Manager Workbench, Express Search, or the Job Spy, the scores that appear on these pages may vary from the Job Scorecard scores. The scores that appear on the workbench pages are based on the search settings and relative weights that you selected.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSaving Assignments

Click Save to save the assignment. If you save an assignment in a status of Reserve or Assign, the system verifies that the assignment schedule falls within the project date range.

Assignment Dates Conflict

If there are schedule conflicts, the Conflicting Dates Found - Assignment Dates Conflict page appears, listing the appointments or assignments that have dates in conflict with this assignment. If you accept the conflicts, the system saves assignment with the resource overbooked. This means that the resource may be scheduled to work more than the standard hours per day, depending on how many hours the resource is scheduled to work on the assignments or appointments that occur on the dates in conflict.

Click OK to save the assignment regardless of the overbooking. Click Cancel to return to the assignment and correct the dates.

If you create an assignment from an express search, you can click Apply or OK on the Assign Resource page to save the assignment. Use Apply if you want to view a confirmation of the assignment after you save it.

Saving Assignments Using Program Management

If you use PeopleSoft Program Management, and the assignment schedule dates conflict with an existing assignment for this resource and project, when you save the assignment a message appears indicating that an assignment exists for the resource for the scheduled date range. Click OK to return to the assignment and resolve the schedule date conflict. You cannot save the assignment if assignment dates overlap for this resource and project.

Assignment Confirmation

If there are no schedule conflicts when you save the assignment in a status of Assign or Reserve, or if you accept the conflicts, the Assignment Confirmation page appears with a summary of the workflow and changes that the save triggers. Click OK to return to the Assign Resource page.

If you create an assignment with a status of Assign or Reserve from an express search, click Apply to save the assignment and view the Assignment Confirmation page if there are no schedule conflicts, then click OK on the Assignment Confirmation page to return to the Express Search page. Alternatively, click OK on the Assign Resource page to save the assignment if there are no schedule conflicts, and return to the Express Search page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApproving Assignments

Access the Assign Resource approval page.

If assignments require the resource manager's approval, an assignment can be placed in a status of Assign only through the approval process or directly by the resource's manager. If you select an assignment status of Assign and approval workflow is activated, the assignment is automatically placed in a status of Pending Approval until the resource manager approves or rejects it.

Note. If two levels of approval are required, on first approval, the status does not change to Assign but rather remains in a Pending Approval status. After the second required approval, the status of the assignment changes to Assign.


Enter remarks that are pertinent to the assignment approval or rejection. The system appends this information to the assignment history.


Click to change the assignment status to Assign.


Click to change the assignment status to Reject.

Click to jump to parent topicApproving Assignment Schedule Changes

During implementation, you specify on the Resource Management Options page whether assignment schedule changes require the resource manager's approval, the project manager's approval, or both, as well as which of those managers must approve first.

This section provides an overview of assignment schedule changes and discusses how to approve assignment schedule changes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Assignment Schedule Changes

You can modify assignment schedules based on the security access of your user role. Resources access the Assign Resource update schedule page from the My Assignments - Assignments page, or by clicking Assign Resource in the Resource Management navigation folder.

These actions occur if a resource’s assignment status is Assigned or Pending Approval, someone other than the resource's manager changes the assignment schedule, and assignment schedule change workflow is activated for the project business unit on the assignment:

These actions occur if the assignment is in any status other than Assigned or Pending Approval, the assignment schedule changes, and assignment schedule change workflow is activated; or, if the assignment is in an Assigned or Pending Approval status, the assignment schedule changes, and assignment schedule change workflow is not activated:

You cannot save an assignment schedule change if it is associated with a project and the new schedule falls outside of the project's early start and late finish dates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Approve Assignment Schedule Changes

Page Name

Object Name



Assign Resource (approval)


  • Resource Management, Staffing Workbench, Worklist

    Click Details for an item with action Date Change For Approval.

  • Log in as a resource manager and access the Assign Resource page.

    Resource Management, Assign Resource

Approve or reject assignment schedule changes if approval workflow is activated.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApproving Assignment Schedule Changes

Access the Assign Resource approval page.

You approve assignment schedule changes in the same way that you approve new assignments. You can enter a justification and click Approve or Reject.