Appendix: PeopleSoft Commitment Control Reports

This appendix lists reports that are provided for Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Commitment Control and discusses how to generate selected reports and use the ChartField selection Grid.

Note. For samples of these reports, see the Portable Document Format (PDF) files that are published on CD-ROM with your documentation.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Click to jump to parent topicPeopleSoft Commitment Control Reports List and General Description

This table lists reports provided with PeopleSoft Enterprise Commitment Control. Use the table to find general information about Commitment Control reports. For more information about a report, click the link to navigate to information about the process where the report is used.

Report ID and Report Name



Run Control Page


Budget Reference

Lists all valid Budget Reference ChartField values in a setID. (Crystal)

Set Up Financials/ Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Reports, ChartField Reports, Budget Reference



Valid Budget Periods

Displays all valid Budget Period Calendars in a setID, including the budget periods for each calendar and the budget period start and end dates. (Crystal)

Commitment Control, Budget Reports, Budget Periods Report



Expenditure Analysis Budget

This PS/nVision layout contains columns for each ledger in the expenditure budgets you select, including the budget, pre-encumbrance, encumbrance, and expense ledgers. It shows the amount in each ledger for each budget row (or summarized row), along with the available budget amount. It also sums each ledger and the available budget amount across budget (or summarized) rows.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: PS/ nVision.




Revenue Analysis Budget

This PS/nVision layout contains columns for each ledger in the revenue budgets you select, including the revenue budget, recognized revenue, and collected revenue ledgers. It shows the amount in each ledger for each budget row (or summarized row), and it sums each ledger across budget (or summarized) rows.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: PS/ nVision




Available Funds

Employees of the United States Federal Government must comply with the Antideficiency Act, which prohibits entering into contracts that exceed the enacted appropriations for the year or purchasing services and merchandise before appropriations are enacted. This report provides funding information for informed management decisions. The PeopleSoft nVision layout, FUND_STATUS.xnv, is delivered as a prototype for available fund internal reporting to comply with FSIO RC 02 requirement.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: PS/nVision

See PeopleSoft Federal Government Reporting.




Project Expiration

Identifies expired projects and displays such information as project dates and managers. (Crystal)

Commitment Control, Budget Reports, Project Expiration



Budget Key Translation

Displays each key ChartField for each Ruleset in each Commitment Control ledger group in a setID, along with the ChartField’s translation tree name and budgetary tree level. (Crystal)

Commitment Control, Budget Reports, Budget Key Translations Report



Budget Control Parameters

Displays the Ruleset ChartField, Control ChartField, and Commitment Control Option for each Ledger Group in a setID, as of the date you specify. (Crystal)

Commitment Control, Budget Reports, Budget Control Report



Budget Attributes (Crystal )

Displays the attributes of all budgets in a business unit as of the date that you enter. (Crystal)

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the GLX8100 XML Publisher report to avoid manual changes to this Crystal report.

Commitment Control, Budget Reports, Budget Attributes Report, Commitment Control Budget Attributes Report, click Run to access the Process Scheduler Request page and select Budget Attributes



Budget Attributes (XML format)

Displays the attributes of all budgets in a business unit as of the date that you enter. (XMLP)

Crystal reports require manual changes when there are ChartField configurations. XML Publisher reports do not require manual changes to support ChartField configuration and use the same criteria as the Crystal reports.

Commitment Control, Budget Reports, Budget Attributes Report, Commitment Control Budget Attributes Report, click Run to access the Process Scheduler Request page and select XMLP: Budget Attributes



Associated Budgets (Crystal )

Displays all associations between expenditure and revenue budgets for a business unit, including the budgets’ Commitment Control ledger groups and ChartField combinations, along with the revenue linking method, revenue cap, and revenue percentage. (Crystal)

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the GLX8110 XML Publisher report to avoid manual changes to this Crystal report.

Commitment Control, Budget Reports, Associated Budgets Report, Commitment Control Associated Budgets Report, click Run and select Associated Budgets



Associated Budgets (XML Publisher)

Displays all associations between expenditure and revenue budgets for a business unit, including the budgets’ Commitment Control ledger groups and ChartField combinations, along with the revenue linking method, revenue cap, and revenue percentage. (XMLP)

Crystal reports require manual changes when there are ChartField configurations. XML Publisher reports do not require manual changes to support ChartField configuration and use the same criteria as the Crystal reports.

Commitment Control, Budget Reports, Associated Budgets Report, Commitment Control Associated Budgets Report, click Run to access the Process Scheduler Request page and select XMLP: Associated Budgets



Budget Checking Batch Process Statuses (Crystal )

Displays the budget checking status of source transactions that have been budget-checked. Select reports by source transaction type, process instance, and process status. (Crystal)

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the GLX8530 report to avoid manual changes to this Crystal report.

Commitment Control, Budget Reports, Budget Checking Status, Commitment Control Budget Checking Status Report, click Run to access the Process Scheduler Request page and select Comm Cntl Bud Processor Status



Budget Checking Batch Process Statuses (XML Publisher)

Displays the budget checking status of source transactions that have been budget-checked. Select reports by source transaction type, process instance, and process status. (XMLP)

Crystal reports require manual changes when there are ChartField configurations. XML Publisher reports do not require manual changes to support ChartField configuration and use the same criteria as the Crystal reports.

Commitment Control, Budget Reports, Budget Checking Status, Commitment Control Budget Checking Status Report, click Run to access the Process Scheduler Request page and select XMLP: KK Bud Processor Status



Commitment Control Activity Log (detail) Crystal

Displays budget-checking activity by Commitment Control Transaction Date, Commitment Control Transaction ID, source transaction type, Commitment Control ledger group, and ledger type (amount type). (Crystal)

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the GLX8570 report to avoid manual changes to this Crystal report.

Commitment Control, Budget Reports, Activity Log, Commitment Control Activity Log Report and click Run to access the Process Scheduler Request page and select Comm Cntrl Activity Log



Commitment Control Activity Log (detail) XML Publisher

Displays budget-checking activity by Commitment Control Transaction Date, Commitment Control Transaction ID, source transaction type, Commitment Control ledger group, and ledger type (amount type). (XMLP)

Crystal reports require manual changes when there are ChartField configurations. XML Publisher reports do not require manual changes to support ChartField configuration and use the same criteria as the Crystal reports.

Commitment Control, Budget Reports, Activity Log, Commitment Control Activity Log Report and click Run to access the Process Scheduler Request page and select XMLP: KK Activity Log



Commitment Control Activity Log Summary (Crystal )

Displays budget-checking activity summarized by budget and ledger type (amount type). Selection criteria include Commitment Control Transaction Date, Commitment Control Transaction ID, source transaction type, Commitment Control ledger group, and ledger type. (Crystal)

If you have configured ChartFields, you might want to use the GLX8571report to avoid manual changes to this Crystal report.

Commitment Control, Budget Reports, Activity Log, Commitment Control Activity Log Report and click Run to access the Process Scheduler Request page and select Comm Cntrl Activity Log Sum



Commitment Control Activity Log Summary XML Publisher

Displays budget-checking activity summarized by budget and ledger type (amount type). Selection criteria include Commitment Control Transaction Date, Commitment Control Transaction ID, source transaction type, Commitment Control ledger group, and ledger type. (XMLP)

Crystal reports require manual changes when there are ChartField configurations. XML Publisher reports do not require manual changes to support ChartField configuration and use the same criteria as the Crystal reports.

Commitment Control, Budget Reports, Activity Log, Commitment Control Activity Log Report and click Run to access the Process Scheduler Request page and select XMLP: KK Activity Log Summary



Commitment Control Security

Displays the security rules assigned to each User ID and permission list, along with details about the budgets and security events included in the security rules. (Crystal)

Commitment Control, Define Budget Security, Security Report



Closing Rules

Displays all details that define a closing rule. (SQR)

See Defining Budget Closing Rules.

Commitment Control, Close Budget, Closing Rules Report



Closing Set Validation

Displays the budget period transfer set or fiscal year, closing rules, Commitment Control ledger groups, and ledgers (amount types) to include in balance forward calculation. Validates the closing set, displaying error or warning messages for conditions that could cause errors in the Budget Close process. (SQR)

See Defining and Validating Budget Closing Sets.

Commitment Control, Close Budget, Validate Closing Set



Closing Run Control Validation

Displays information similar to that which is displayed by the Closing Set Validation Report (GLS1210); however the Closing Run Control Validation Report validates a Budget Closing run control ID, thereby capturing errors across closing sets. (SQR)

See Running and Validating the Budget Close Process to Close and Reopen Budgets.

Commitment Control, Close Budget, Validate Run Control



Budget Close Status

Displays the budget close status of the budgets you request. (SQR)

See Inquiring and Reporting on Budget Closing Results.

Commitment Control, Close Budget, Closing Status Report



Budget Close Calculation Log Report

Displays the results of the Budget Close process. (SQR)

See Inquiring and Reporting on Budget Closing Results.

Commitment Control, Close Budget, Closing Calculation Log Report



Budget Ledger Detail

Displays budgets and their budget journals. (SQR)

Commitment Control, Post Control Budget Journals, Budget Ledger Details Report



Budget Transaction Detail

Displays transaction line details (budget post date, source transaction type, document ID, ledger amounts, override user ID) for budgets. (SQR)

Note. Select User Budget Override to limit the report to transaction lines that were successfully budget-checked after an override. Displays the user ID of the user who performed the override.

Commitment Control, Budget Reports, Budget Transaction Detail



Budgetary Control Tree Audit

Audits all budget key ChartField translation trees for completeness and accuracy and displays various error and warning messages. The report verifies the tree structure and definition options and identifies all ChartField values not defined as tree nodes or represented as tree details. (SQR)

See Defining Translation Trees for Budget Key ChartFields.

Commitment Control, Budget Reports, Budgetary Control Tree Audit



Budgets Actuals Reconciliation

Reconciles budget-checking transaction activity with Commitment Control ledgers (LEDGER_KK) and general ledger actuals ledgers. (SQR)

Commitment Control, Budget Reports, Budgets/Actuals Reconciliation



Budget Status

Displays all Commitment Control ledger amounts (budgeted, pre-encumbrance, encumbrance, expense, collected, recognized) and the available balance for the budgets you select. (SQR)

When using the ChartField selection grid all selected sub-total check boxes must be in sequence and there must be no gaps in the sequence. For example, to report subtotals for given accounts within a given budget reference, you sequence the ChartField Budget Reference as 1 and Account as 2 and check the Subtotal check box for each. This produces a Budget Status report with subtotals for all accounts that you specify within the specified budget reference subtotal.

Commitment Control, Budget Reports, Budget Status



Ledger Details

Displays such details as amounts and currency for each ledger (amount type) in the control budgets you select, as well as the available amount for the budget. (SQR)

Commitment Control, Budget Reports, Ledger Details


Click to jump to parent topicManaging ChartFields for Reports

The following discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing XMLP Reports to Support Configured ChartField

Oracle XML Publisher (XMLP) technology is accessible from PeopleTools 8.48 PS Query and all PeopleTools 8.48 based applications. This technology enables PeopleSoft Enterprise to deliver XML Publisher reports to supplement some Crystal reports, which require manual changes if you implement ChartField configuration. These XML Publisher reports do not require manual changes to support ChartField configuration and use the same criteria as the Crystal reports.

The following is a list of the Commitment Control reports and other application reports that can be generated in both Crystal and XML Publisher:

See Application Fundamentals Reports.

See PeopleSoft Financials Global Reports.

See General Ledger Reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the ChartField Selection Grid for SQR Reports

The ChartField Selection grid enables you to select the ChartFields combinations you want to view.

To enter report selection criteria in the ChartField Selection Grid:

  1. Enter the header selection criteria and click Refresh to populate the grid with rows for each ChartField.

  2. Click Include CF for the ChartFields that you want to include values for in the report.

    PeopleSoft delivers reports with a fixed number of lines on the report heading. This number is determined based on the most common business practice. There is just enough space for a few ChartFields on the heading and still retain enough space for detail lines on each page. If you elect to include more ChartFields, the report will not have enough space to print all ChartField headings. This results in report heading and detail lines that overlay each other. If your circumstances require you to print more than the optimum number of ChartField values, change the report to increase the report heading lines. Increasing the number of ChartFields is a customization and is not supported by PeopleSoft.

  3. (Optional) Use the Value field to enter ChartField values for the budgets you want to report on.

    Leave blank to select all values for the ChartField. Some Commitment Control report request pages include Value From and Value To fields to enable you to select ranges of ChartField values.

  4. (Optional) Change the Sequence in which the ChartFields appears on the report.

    For example, if you are reporting by Account and Department and you select Account as first in the sequence, then the report displays budget rows as follows:















    The default sequence is alphabetical.

  5. (Optional) Select Descr to include a description of the ChartField value.

  6. (Optional) Select Subtotal to include a subtotal of all amounts for the ChartField.

    For example, if you are reporting by Account and Department as in the above example, and you select Subtotal for Account, the report displays a subtotal amount for each Account:


























