Using the Agenda and History Functions

This chapter provides an overview of the agenda functions in Oracle's PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Agenda Functions in PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office

Use the agenda to organize future tasks. In the course of a day, you are likely to access many different applicant, employee, customer, order, and assignment records. In doing so, you might have to contact several individuals. The agenda helps track what you need to do in the immediate and near future and helps you manage time, contacts, and future work.

Working With the Agenda Function

The agenda is your personal to-do list. Agenda items can be added to your list a number of ways:

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Your Agenda

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Work with Your Agenda

Page Name

Object Name





  • Staffing, Agenda and History, View/Update My Agenda

  • Staffing, Agenda and History, Add/Update Manager Agenda

Track action items that you want to schedule for completion on a particular day.

Agenda Detail


  • Staffing, Agenda and History, View/Update My Agenda, Agenda Detail

  • Staffing, Agenda and History, Add/Update Manager Agenda, Agenda Detail

View additional information about an item or update information for an existing item.

Review Agenda


  • Click the Agenda Date Range Search link on the Agenda page.

  • Staffing, Agenda and History, Review Agenda

Recall and search for agenda items by event type, setID, order, date range, and so on.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Agenda Features

Access the Agenda page.


After you complete the action that is associated with an agenda item, select the associated check box to mark the item as completed, after which the item becomes unavailable for entry and updates.

Start Time and End Time

Enter the beginning and ending times for the agenda item.


The agenda event type.


Click the icon in the Detail column to view more information about the agenda item. On the Agenda Detail page, you can review (or change) all information about the agenda item. You can also copy or transfer an agenda item to another user by entering Copy or Reassign in the Change User field, and saving the page. The reassign function transfers the item to the appropriate user's list and removes it from the current user's list when you save the page. If you are using the copy function, the system adds the item to the appropriate user's list and does not remove it from the current user's list.

To reschedule an item, change the Date field, the Start Time field, or the End Time field on the Agenda Detail page. When you reschedule an item, the system automatically reschedules it to the new date and removes it from the list for the date on which it was originally scheduled.

Customer Name

The name of the customer for whom the item is scheduled (if applicable).

Resource Name

The name of the applicant, employee, or non-employee for whom the item is scheduled (if applicable).


You can change this value on the Agenda Detail page.

Click the Add button to add a new item. Enter the start time and end time, and then click the Detail button. On the Agenda Detail page, enter all information that is relevant to the agenda item, including the event type and contact method.

Note. Both times are AM by default, so you may need to manually enter PM or enter the time in military time when relevant. For example, enter 1300 to represent 1:00 PM.

Previous Day, Next Day, Next Week, Next Month,Today, and Agenda Date Range Search

Click these links to view your agenda items for the respective time period.

Click the Agenda Date Range Search link to conduct a more detailed search for agenda items.

Show Completed Items and Hide Completed Items

Completed items remain on the agenda for that day as part of the history of that record. However, you can click the Hide Completed Agenda Items button to remove the items from view, and you can click theShow Completed Agenda Items button to display them.

Note. The button that appears depends upon the options selected. For example, if completed items are displayed, the Hide Completed Items button appears.

Mark All Items Completed

Click this button to select all check boxes in the Completed column.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Agenda Details

Access the Agenda Detail page.


Enter the date on which the item is scheduled.

Contact Method

Enter the method of contact for the item: Call, Email, In-Person, Verbal, or Written.


Select this check box when you complete the item. After you do so and save the record, you can hide the item.

Start Time and End Time

Indicates the scheduled start and end time for the item.


Indicate the priority level of the item: High, Low, or Medium. This is useful when you are sorting through long lists of items on the Agenda page.

Event is Recurring

Select to have the system schedule the item for a future date after this occurrence has been completed.

On the Contact component, Staffing Information page, you can specify a default number of recurring event days. When you create an agenda item, you can set the item to be recurring. When you complete the item, the system creates a new item for the specified number of days after the original.

Note. To trigger the creation of the next item, you must first complete the current item. The system then displays the Next Event Date field.


Calculates the duration of the item based on the start and end time values.

Date Time Added

Indicates the date and time that you added the item.

Event Type

Enter the type of event that is associated with the agenda item, such as Availability or Call. You define event types as part of your Staffing Front Office configuration.

SetID and Customer ID

Enter the setID and ID of the customer who is associated with this agenda item (if applicable).

Click the adjacent customer name link to open and view the customer's information on the Customer General Information page in a new window.

SetID and Contact ID

Enter the setID and ID of the contact who is associated with this agenda item (if applicable).


Select Appl (applicant) or Empl (employee or non-employee) to designate the status of the candidate who is associated with this agenda item (if applicable), and then enter the person's ID in the adjacent field.


Displays the candidate's phone number.

Staffing Branch, Business Unit, Order, and Assignment ID

Enter the branch and PeopleSoft PC business unit with which the agenda is associated and, if applicable, the order and assignment IDs.

User ID

Enter the ID of the person who is associated with the agenda record.

Previous User

Displays the previous user associated with this agenda record.

Change User

Enter Copy to send a duplicate of the item to another user's agenda. Enter Reassign to transfer the item to another user's agenda.


Enter additional information about the agenda item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic Reviewing Agenda Details

Access the Review Agenda page.

To search for agenda items, in the top part of the page enter the field values for which you want the system to search. The more information that you enter the more specific the search is. To view details for an item, click the detail icon at the end of the item's row.

You can save each inquiry's criteria as a unique name to be accessed at a later time. For example, you can save an inquiry that you want to run each week.

Completed, Reassign Work, and New User ID

Click the check box next to an item that you want to reassign, enter the user ID of the person to whom you want to transfer the item, and click the Reassign button.

When you save the page, the system transfers the item to the appropriate user's list and removes it from the current user's list.

Click to jump to parent topicResearching History

Use the history functions in PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office to help keep track of tasks that you completed in the past.

In PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office, you can view, update, and save information about transactions or conversations that have already occurred. These include many of the events in which an employee has been involved, such as past orders and assignments. The system automatically saves some events to history. However, you can add other items at your discretion.

To add history, use the Add History link that is found on many pages in the application. No limit exists to the number of history rows that you can add to a record. However, you may periodically have to purge history records to reduce volume, increase storage capacity, and improve your system performance.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Research History

Page Name

Object Name



Review History


Staffing, Agenda and History, Review History

Recall and perform predefined history searches.

History Detail


Click a View History button on the Review History page.

View, update, and save records of transactions that have already occurred.

Sent Email


Staffing, Agenda and History, Review Sent Email

Review sent emails.

Sent Email Detail


Staffing, Agenda and History, Review Sent Email

Click the Show Detailsl button on the Review Sent Email page.

Review sent emails.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the History Review Features

Access the Review History page.

You can view history records across specific dates, users, or history types. You can also create history inquiries and save them.

This page functions similar to the Review Agenda page, but includes three additional fields.

See Reviewing Agenda Details.

To view the details about a specific row of information, click its View History button.

Offer Result

Enter a candidate's decision to take or not take an assignment to further narrow your search, such as Accept, Assign, Consider, Decline, or Other.

Decline Reason

Enter a candidate's reason for declining an assignment to further narrow your search, such as Benefits, Hours, or Pay.

Other Reason

Enter the other reason status, such as No Answer, or Phone Busy.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Entering History Detail

Access the History Detail page.

The layout of the History Detail page is the same for all types of history records. The only difference is the type of history that the system retrieves. History items can be added using this page, or through links in the Applicant, Employee, Order, Assignment, Customer, and Contact components.

Actual End Date

Indicates the date on which the history item was completed.

Email ID

Click this link to view sent emails associated with this history item.

Red Flag Item

Select to indicate that the history item is of significant importance.


Displays the date for which the history item was scheduled.

Event Type

Classifies the history item based on an event category, such as Availability or Call. Event types are defined as part of your Staffing Front Office configuration.

Start Time and End Time

Indicates the scheduled start and end time for the history item.

Contact Method

Indicates the method of contact for the item, such as Call or Verbal.

Agenda Priority

Indicates the priority of the item when it was scheduled in the agenda. Priority is useful when you are sorting long lists of agenda items.

Email ID

Click to access the Sent Email page.

Customer SetID, Customer ID, Contact SetID, Contact ID, Order, and Assignment ID

These elements enable you to cross-reference history items with customers, contacts, orders, and assignments.

Offer Result

This field applies only to history items that are associated with the creation of assignments. It indicates the result that best represents why the applicant or employee accepted or declined a position.

Decline Reason

This field only applies to history items that are associated with the creation of assignments. It indicates the reason why the employee declined the position or assignment.

Other Reason

This field applies only to history items that are associated with the creation of assignments. It indicates the reason for an offer result of Other.


Enter additional information about the history item.

Date Time Added

Indicates the date and time that a user added the history record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Sent Emails

Access the Review Sent Email page.

You can enter partial text (for example, %text%) for all fields except the Date Sent field, or leave all fields blank to return all values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Sent Email Details

Access the Sent Email Detail page.

View sent email details, including text or attachments.