Setting Up On-Demand Processing

This chapter provides an overview of Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise on-demand processing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Setting Up On-Demand Processing

Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Management and Supply Chain Management provides on-demand process groups that certain users can run directly from transaction entry pages. These process groups generally consist of logically-related and sequentially-ordered processes that a transaction might require.

The process groups available depend on your user ID and whether or not a given transaction requires the processing. For example, if budget checking is not applicable to a particular voucher, the Budget Checking (BUDGET_CHK) process group is not available.

Warning! Some of the on-demand processing depends on products installed. For example, if PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger is licensed and installed, the Journal Generator (FS_JGEN) process will also execute the Journal Edit and Journal Post process. If you do not chose to license and install PeopleSoft General Ledger, clear the check box for the PeopleSoft General Ledger product on the Installation Options - Products page. This eliminates the wasted time your system will incur by executing the Journal Edit and Journal Post process when these processes are not needed. In general, clear all check boxes on the Installation Options - Products page for all products that you have not licensed.


When you finish entering a voucher in PeopleSoft Payables, you can either save the voucher and process it in batch, or you can process it on demand on the following pages:

On-demand processing is also available from the Voucher On-Demand Process component for batch processing by process group.

Processes are numbered to indicate the order of how the processes run. For example, on the Quick Invoice page if you select 4. Journal Generate, the system automatically initiates the number 1 process (Voucher Build), the number 2 process (Matching), the number 3 process (Voucher Posting), and then the number 4 process (Journal Generate). The process group used in this example is All Processes through Journal Generate (QVJGEN).

Note. The system automatically displays the on-demand processing functionality only to assigned users. Definitions configured on the User Preferences - Process Group page determine whether the system enables this functionality for a specific user, and further, a specific process.

Note. The Match Workbench uses the on-demand framework, however, it does not require that users have security to run the on-demand process groups. If you have access to the Match Workbench through permission lists, you can run the on-demand processes from the Match Workbench.

See Creating Vouchers Online.


In PeopleSoft Receivables a process group is not associated with a process; it is associated with a posting action. The posting action that is associated with a process group determines which processes to run, and when to run those processes.

Each process group (posting action) is associated with six different source transactions, for example payment worksheets and maintenance worksheets.

See Setting Up Receivable Update and Pending Group Generator.

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This table shows the process groups, their associated processes and posting actions, and the products that use them:

Process Group

Processes and Posting Actions

PeopleSoft Enterprise Products

Voucher Build (AP_VCHRBLD)

Runs the Voucher Build Application Engine process (AP_VCHRBLD).


Mass Cancellation (APPMTCNL1)

Runs the Mass Cancellation Application Engine (AP_MASSPMTCN).


Cancel, Payment Post (APPMTCNL2)

Runs the Mass Cancellation process followed by the Payment Posting Application Engine process (AP_PSTPYMNT).


Cancel, Payment Post, Voucher Post (APPMTCNL2A)

Runs three processes: first, the Mass Cancellation process, followed by the Payment Posting process, and then the Voucher Posting Application Engine process (AP_PSTVCHR).


All Processes Through Journal Generate (BLDTOPOST)

Runs the following Application Engine processes, in the order listed:

  • Voucher Build.

  • Matching.

    Note. Matching runs only if vouchers have associated copied purchase orders or receivers.

  • Document Tolerance Checking.

  • Commitment Control Budget Checking.

  • Voucher Posting.

  • Journal Generator.


Budget Checking (BUDGET_CHK)

Runs the Commitment Control Budget Chk on-demand process (FS_BCHK), which in turn calls the Budget Processor Application Engine process (FS_BP).


Document Tolerance (DOC_TOL)

Runs the Document Tolerance Checking Application Engine process (FS_DOCTOL).


Voucher Mass Maintenance (MASSMAINT)

Runs the Voucher Mass Maintenance Application Engine process (APVCHMASSMNT).


Mass Maintenance and Voucher Build (MASSMNTVB)

Runs the same process as the Voucher Mass Maintenance process group, along with the Voucher Build Application Engine Process (AP_VCHRBLD).


Voucher Maintenance and Voucher Posting (MASSPOST)

Runs the same process as the Voucher Mass Maintenance process group, along with the Voucher Posting Application Engine process (AP_PSTVCHR).


Voucher Maintenance, Post and Journal Generator (MASSPOSTGL)

Runs the same process as the Voucher Maintenance and Voucher Posting process group, along with and the Journal Generator Application Engine process (FS_JGEN).


Matching (MATCHING)

Note. eSettlements delivers Matching (ESMATCH).

Runs the Matching Application Engine process (AP_MATCH).


Matching, Doc Tolerance, Budget Check (MTCH_DT_BC)

Runs the Matching process, the Document Tolerance Checking process, and the Commitment Control Budget Chk on-demand process.

Only the processes that apply to the voucher are run.


Payment Post (PAYPAYPOST)

Runs the Payment Posting Application Engine process (AP_PSTPYMNT).


Payment Post and Journal Generator (PAYPOSTGL)

Runs the same process as the Payment Post process group, along with the Journal Generator Application Engine process (FS_JGEN).


Payment, Voucher Post and Journal Generator (PAYVCHRJG)

Runs the same processes as the Payment Post and Voucher Post process group, along with the Journal Generator Application Engine process (FS_JGEN).


Payment Post and Voucher Post (PAYVCHRPST)

Runs the same process as the Payment Post process group, along with the Voucher Posting Application Engine process (AP_PSTVCHR).


Payment Post (PYMNTPOST)

Runs the Payment Posting Application Engine process (AP_PSTPYMNT).


Voucher Post (PST_VCHR)

Runs the same processes as the Matching, Doc Tolerance, Budget Check process group, and also runs the Voucher Posting Application Engine process (AP_PSTVCHR).


Journal Generate (PST_VCHRGL)

Runs the same processes as the Voucher Post process group and also runs the Journal Generator process (FS_JGEN).


Voucher Post Load AM (POSTAPAM)

Runs the following Application Engine processes, in the order listed:

  • Matching.

  • Document Tolerance Checking.

  • Commitment Control Budget Checking.

  • Voucher Posting

Only the processes that apply to the voucher are run.

Runs the AP/AM Interface Application Engine process (INTFAPAM), and the Pre-Interface Loader process (AMPS1000), which in turn calls the Transaction Loader process (AMIF1000).

This posts the voucher and sends asset information to Asset Management.


Journal Gen, Load AM (POSTAPGLAM)

Runs the same processes as the Voucher Post Load AM process group, with the addition of the Journal Generator process (FS_JGEN).

This performs all possible voucher processes on the voucher, therefore there is no need to run any other process. This process sends the information to Asset Management, Payables, and General Ledger.


Payment Post (PYCNCLPOST)

Runs the Payment Posting Application Engine process (AP_PSTPYMNT).


All Processes Through Budget Check (QVBUDGCC)

Runs the following Application Engine processes, in the order listed:

  • Voucher Build.

  • Matching.

    Note. Matching runs only if vouchers have associated copied purchase orders or receivers.

  • Commitment Control Budget Checking.


All Processes through Budget Check (QVBUDGDTCC)

Runs the following Application Engine processes, in the order listed:

  • Voucher Build.

  • Matching.

    Note. Matching runs only if vouchers have associated copied purchase orders or receivers.

  • Document Tolerance Checking.

  • Commitment Control Budget Checking.


All Processes through doc tolerances (QVDOCDT)

Runs the following Application Engine processes, in the order listed:

  • Voucher Build.

  • Matching.

    Note. Matching runs only if vouchers have associated copied purchase orders or receivers.

  • Document Tolerance Checking.


All Processes through Doc Tol (QVDOCDTCC)

Runs the following Application Engine processes, in the order listed:

  • Voucher Build.

  • Matching.

    Note. Matching runs only if vouchers have associated copied purchase orders or receivers.

  • Document Tolerance Checking.

  • Commitment Control Budget Checking.


All Processes through Journal Generate (QVJGEN)

Runs the following Application Engine processes, in the order listed:

  • Voucher Build.

  • Matching.

    Note. Matching runs only if vouchers have associated copied purchase orders or receivers.

  • Voucher Posting.

  • Journal Generator.


All Processes through Journal Generate (QVJGENCC)

Runs the following Application Engine processes, in the order listed:

  • Voucher Build.

  • Matching.

    Note. Matching runs only if vouchers have associated copied purchase orders or receivers.

  • Commitment Control Budget Checking.

  • Voucher Posting.

  • Journal Generator.


All Processes through Journal Generator (QVJGENDT)

Runs the following Application Engine processes, in the order listed:

  • Voucher Build.

  • Matching.

    Note. Matching runs only if vouchers have associated copied purchase orders or receivers.

  • Document Tolerance Checking.

  • Voucher Posting.

  • Journal Generator.


All Processes through Journal Generate (QVJGENDTCC)

Runs the following Application Engine processes, in the order listed:

  • Voucher Build.

  • Matching.

    Note. Matching runs only if vouchers have associated copied purchase orders or receivers.

  • Document Tolerance Checking.

  • Commitment Control Budget Checking.

  • Voucher Posting.

  • Journal Generator.


Matching (QVMTCH)

Runs the Matching Application Engine processes, only if vouchers have associated copied purchase orders.


All Process through Matching (QVMTCHCC)

Runs the following Application Engine processes, in the order listed:

  • Voucher Build.

  • Matching.

    Note. Matching runs only if vouchers have associated copied purchase orders or receivers.


Voucher Build and Matching DT On CC Off (QVMTCHDT)

Runs the following Application Engine processes, in the order listed:

  • Voucher Build.

  • Matching.

    Note. Matching runs only if vouchers have associated copied purchase orders or receivers.


All Processes through Matching (QVMTCHDTCC)

Runs the following Application Engine processes, in the order listed:

  • Voucher Build.

  • Matching.

    Note. Matching runs only if vouchers have associated copied purchase orders or receivers.


All Processes through Voucher Post (QVPOST)

Runs the following Application Engine processes, in the order listed:

  • Voucher Build.

  • Matching.

    Note. Matching runs only if vouchers have associated copied purchase orders or receivers.

  • Voucher Posting.


All Processes through Voucher Post (QVPOSTCC)

Runs the following Application Engine processes, in the order listed:

  • Voucher Build.

  • Matching.

    Note. Matching runs only if vouchers have associated copied purchase orders or receivers.

  • Commitment Control Budget Checking.

  • Voucher Posting.


All Processes through Voucher Post (QVPOSTDT)

Runs the following Application Engine processes, in the order listed:

  • Voucher Build.

  • Matching.

    Note. Matching runs only if vouchers have associated copied purchase orders or receivers.

  • Document Tolerance Checking.

  • Voucher Posting.


All Processes through Voucher Post (QVPOSTDTCC)

Runs the following Application Engine processes, in the order listed:

  • Voucher Build.

  • Matching.

    Note. Matching runs only if vouchers have associated copied purchase orders or receivers.

  • Document Tolerance Checking.

  • Commitment Control Budget Checking.

  • Voucher Posting.


Voucher Build (QVVBLD)

Runs the Voucher Build Application Engine process (AP_VCHRBLD).


Voucher Build (QVVBLDCC)

Runs the Voucher Build Application Engine process (AP_VCHRBLD).


Voucher Build Doc Tol On CC Off (QVVBLDDT)

Runs the Voucher Build Application Engine process (AP_VCHRBLD).


Voucher Build (AVVBLDDTCC)

Runs the Voucher Build Application Engine process (AP_VCHRBLD).


Mass Maintenance & Journal Generator (UNPSTJGEN)

Runs the same processes as the Voucher Mass Maintenance and Journal Generate process groups, and also calls the Voucher UnPost Application Engine process (APVCHRUNPOST).


Voucher Post (VCHRPOST)

Runs the Voucher Posting Application Engine Process (AP_PSTVCHR).


Voucher Post and General Ledger (VCHRPOSTGL)

Runs the same process as the Voucher Post process group, with the addition of the and the Journal Generator Application Engine process (FS_JGEN).


Withhold Post and Update (WHUPDPST)

Runs the same process as the Withhold Update process group, along with the Withholding Posting Application Engine process (AP_WTHD).


Withhold Update (WTHDUPD)

Runs the Withholding Update Application Engine process (AP_WTHD_UPDT).



Posting Action: Do Not Post

Changes the posting status for the group so that the group is not processed by a scheduled run of the Receivable Update multiprocess job (ARUPDATE).


Batch Standard (ARACTIONL)

Posting Action: Batch Standard

Changes the posting status for the group so that the group is processed by the Receivable Update multiprocess job, which calls the Revenue Estimate and Budget Processor processes the next time it is scheduled to run. The Budget Processor process runs only if you have enabled the commitment control feature for Receivables and the business unit.


Batch Priority (ARACTIONN)

Posting Action: Batch Priority

Changes the posting status for the group so that the group is processed by the Receivable Update multiprocess job, which calls the Revenue Estimate and Budget Processor processes the next time it is scheduled to run with the RP_RUN_OPTIONS “PRIORITY” flag set.

The Budget Processor process runs only if you have enabled commitment control for Receivables and the business unit.


Post Now (ARPOST)

Posting Action: Post Now

Runs the Receivable Update job immediately, which calls the Revenue Estimate and Budget Processor processes if you have enabled the commitment control feature for Receivables and the business unit.


Post Now to GL (ARPOSTGL)

Posting Action: Post Now to GL

Runs the Receivable Update job immediately, which calls the Revenue Estimate and Budget Processor processes if you have enabled the commitment control feature for Receivables and the business unit. Also runs the Journal Generator process (FS_JGEN), the Journal Edit process (GL_JEDIT), and the Journal Post process (GLPPPOST).


Note. If a given voucher is not asset related, then neither the Voucher Post Load AM nor Journal Gen, Load AM process groups will be available. These process groups are only available for selection if the voucher is asset related.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up On-Demand Processing Options

To set up on-demand processing options, use the On-Demand Processing Options component (RTM_OPTIONS).

Before you can use on-demand processing, you must specify the accounting entry definitions that are used by each source transaction-process group combination, along with other options. Accounting entry definitions define the record and fields that the Journal Generator process uses to extract accounting entries from the system source.

To set up on-demand processing options, use the On-Demand Process Options component (RTM_OPTIONS).

This section discusses how to set up on-demand processing options.

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Page Name

Object Name



On-Demand Processing Options


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, On-Demand Processing, On-Demand Process Options, On-Demand Processing Options

Specify Journal Generator accounting entry definitions and other processing options for on-demand process groups.

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Access the On-Demand Processing Options page.

Run Control Option

Last Process Number

Enter any three digits to define the number at which the system will begin numbering the run controls.

Run Control Prefix

Enter any three letters to identify the run control ID.

Process Option

Server Name

Enter the server on which you want to run on-demand process groups.

Use Event Notification

Select this check box to have the system run the processes in asynchronous mode, such that the processes run independently in the background and no response is required from the server.

This is the most typical mode of execution.

Journal Generator Accounting Entry Definition

For each combination of source transaction and process group that includes the Journal Generator process, specify the SetID of the accounting entry definition and the Accounting Definition Name.

See Also

Defining Accounting Entries

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Process Group User Preferences

To define process group user preferences, use the User Preferences — Process Group component (OPR_DEFAULT).

This section provides an overview of process group user preferences and discusses how to define process group preferences.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Process Group User Preferences

Each user must be assigned access to a process group to use it for a particular type of transaction.

For Payables, you assign the process groups for each of these source transactions for defined users to enable on-demand processing functionality:

For Receivables you assign the appropriate process groups to each of these source transactions for all users based on the posting actions that you want to enable each user to perform:

Note. All Receivables source transactions except Item Split (ARITSPLT) support all five process groups. Item Split (ARITSPLT) supports only Do Not Post (ARACTIONA), Batch Standard (ARACTIONL) and Post Now (ARPOST).

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Page Name

Object Name



User Preferences - Process Group


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, User Preferences, Define User Preferences, Process Group

Specify, by source transaction, the process groups a user can use for on-demand processing.

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Access the User Preferences - Process Group page.

Note. Ensure that the process groups you assign match the responsibilities of the user you are setting up.

Copy From User ID

Enter an already-defined user ID from which the system is to copy the source transaction specifications. This enables you to set up template user ID's that can then be used to copy source transaction process groups to other users with the same responsibilities.

Allow Processing

Select this check box to enable on-demand processing for this user ID.

Use Event Notification

Select this check box to have the system run the processes in asynchronous mode, such that the processes run independently in the background and no response is required from the server.

Source Transaction

Select a source transaction for which to assign associated process groups:

  • APMASSCNL (Mass Payment Cancellation v1).

  • APMASSCNL2 (Mass Payment Cancellation v2).

  • ARITSPLT (Item Split).

  • ARMNTWS (Maintain Receivables Worksheet).

  • AROPIE (Online Pending Item Entry).

  • ARPAYWS (Payment Worksheet).

  • ARTRNWS (Transfer Worksheet).

  • ARUNPOST (Unpost Groups).

  • LINEWTHD (Withholding Invoice Line Update).

  • MTCHEXPTN (Match Exception).

  • MTCHOVRD (Match Override).

  • PYMNCNCL (Payment Cancellation).

  • PYMNESCH (Payment Escheatment).

  • QUICKVCHR (Quick Invoice).

  • REGISTER (Complete Register Voucher).

  • VCHMASSCLS (Voucher Mass Maintenance Close).

  • VCHMASSDEL (Voucher Mass Maintenance Delete).

  • VCHMASSFLD (Voucher Mass Maintenance Field Update).

  • VCHMASSUNP (Voucher Mass Maintenance Unpost).

  • VCHR_MAINT (Voucher Maintenance).

  • VCHR_STM (Voucher On-Demand Processes).

  • VCHRCLOSE (Voucher Close).

  • VNDRWTHD (Withholding Vendor Update).

  • VOUCHER (Voucher Entry).

Process Group

Select the process groups that you want available for the user for the selected source transaction:

  • AP_VCHRBLD: Voucher Build (Payables).

  • APPMTCNL1: Mass Cancellation (Payables).

  • APPMTCNL2: Cancel, Payment Post (Payables).

  • APPMTCNL2A: Cancel, Payment Post, Voucher Post (Payables).

  • ARACTIONA: Do Not Post (Receivables).

  • ARACTIONL: Batch Standard (Receivables).

  • ARACTIONN: Batch Priority (Receivables).

  • ARPOST: Post Now (Receivables).

  • ARPOSTGL: Post Now to GL (Receivables).

  • BLDTOPOST: All Processes Through Journal Generate (Payables).

  • BUDGET_CHK: Budget Checking (Payables).

  • DOC_TOL: Document Tolerance (Payables).

  • ESMATCH: Matching (eSettlements).

  • MASSMAINT: Voucher Mass Maintenance (Payables).

  • MASSMNTVB: Mass Maintenance and Voucher Build (Payables).

  • MASSPOST: Voucher Maintenance and Voucher Posting (Payables).

  • MASSPOSTGL: Voucher Maintenance, Post and Journal Generator (Payables).

  • MATCHING: Matching (Payables).

  • MTCH_DT_BC: Matching, Doc Tolerance, Budget Check (Payables).

  • PAYPAYPOST: Payment Post (Payables).

  • PAYPOSTGL: Payment Post and Journal Generator (Payables).

  • PAYVCHRJG: Payment, Voucher Post and Journal Generator (Payables).

  • PAYVCHRPST: Payment Post and Voucher Post (Payables).

  • POSTAPAM: All Processes through Voucher Post, Load AM (Payables).

  • POSTAPGLAM: All Processes through Journal Generator, Load AM (Payables).

  • PST_VCHR: All Processes through Voucher Post (Payables).

  • PST_VCHRGL: All Processes through Journal Generate (Payables).

  • PYCNCLPOST: Payment Post (Payables).

  • PYMNTPOST: Payment Post (Payables).

  • QVBUDGCC: All Process Through Budget Check (Payables).

  • QVBUDGDTCC: All Process through Budget Check (Payables).

  • QVDOCDT: All Process through doc tolerance (Payables).

  • QVDOCDTCC: All Process through Doc Tol (Payables).

  • QVJGEN: All Processes through Journal Generate (Payables).

  • QVJGENCC:All Processes through Journal Generate (Payables).

  • QVJGENDT: All Processes through Journal Generator (Payables).

  • QVJGENDTCC: All Processes through Journal Generate (Payables).

  • QVMTCH: Matching (Payables).

  • QVMTCHCC: All Processes through Matching (Payables).

  • QVMTCHDT: Voucher Build and Matching DT On CC Off (Payables).

  • QVMTCHDTCC: All Processes through Matching (Payables).

  • QVPOST: All Processes through Voucher Post (Payables).

  • QVPOSTCC: All Processes through Voucher Post (Payables).

  • QVPOSTDT: All Processes through Voucher Post (Payables).

  • QVPOSTDTCC: All Processes through Voucher Post (Payables).

  • QVVBLD: Voucher Build (Payables).

  • QVVBLDCC: Voucher Build (Payables).

  • QVVBLDDT: Voucher Build Doc Tol On CC Off (Payables).

  • QVVBLDDTCC: Voucher Build (Payables).

  • UNPSTJGEN: Mass Maintenance & Journal Generator (Payables).

  • VCHRPOST: Voucher Post (Payables).

  • VCHRPOSTGL: Voucher Post and General Ledger (Payables).

  • WHUPDPST: Withhold Post and Update (Payables).

  • WTHDUPD: Withhold Post (Payables).

Note. You cannot select Payables groups for Receivables source transactions, and vice versa.

See Also

Process Groups