Building Dynamic Views

This chapter provides an overview of dynamic views and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Dynamic Views

A dynamic view is a unique, two-level view that is created on a one-off basis from the data contained in a permanent view (also called a working view). Use a dynamic view to examine or interact with the forecast data in an aggregate form not supported by the working view. For example, you can use a dynamic view to make forecast adjustments by using an attribute not defined as a key field in the working view.

You can build dynamic views quickly to support occasional needs to interact with the forecast in a unique way. By using dynamic views, you can streamline working views and do not have to anticipate all requirements for the future. You can also build dynamic views to export data to other systems with a different basis of summarization.

To create a dynamic view:

  1. Design and create the view.

    You must understand the requirement and decide from which view and level to build the dynamic view. Make sure that you select a working view level that has sufficient user data to drive the dynamic view level two.

    When you create dynamic views, the working view level maps directly to the target level one, creating a one-to-one relationship between the working view level and the first level in the dynamic view.

  2. Summarize the data.

    Summarize the demand and forecasts to the dynamic group level two by using the Summarization process (DP_SUMMCALC). The default values on the summarization specifications are usually correct. With the default values, the system summarizes the actual and adjusted demand and the statistical, prorated, and adjusted forecasts. Adjustments and reasons are not summarized.

  3. Apply adjustments, if required.

    Use existing knowledge of the environment to apply manual adjustments to dynamic level two forecast data.

  4. Prorate the view if you make adjustments.

    Prorate the dynamic view level two to dynamic view level one. This transfers any adjustments made to the forecast at level two to the lower level. Use the Proration process (DP_PROCALC) to prorate the adjustments.

  5. Release the dynamic view.

    Perform this step if proration has occurred and you want to keep the results. If you want the adjustments applied to the dynamic view to be reflected in the source (or working) view, run the Dynamic View Release process (DP_DYNREL_AE). This process always copies dynamic view level one to the working view level and provides an option to delete or retain the dynamic view. Data is always deleted when you release the view. After you release the view, it is often necessary to rebalance the working view.

  6. Publish the dynamic view to external sources.

    Use the Publish Forecast process (DP_PUB_FCST) to move the forecast view information to internal or external systems.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Dynamic Views

When you create a dynamic view, you are defining the view by using parameters and levels from an existing forecast working view. The system creates a dynamic view immediately and stores it in the database when you save it. The view crosses multiple tables that contain groups of related records linked by a view ID and level. After creating a dynamic view, the working view becomes the parent view. You can rejoin a dynamic view with the parent view later.

This section discusses how to:

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Dynamic View Maintenance


Demand Planning, Process Forecast, Dynamic Views, Create

Build dynamic views by selecting the working view and level.

Define Levels


Click the Define Levels link on the Dynamic View Maintenance page.

Define dynamic view levels.

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Access the Dynamic View Maintenance page.

Use this page to select the working view and level. This is the parent working view from which the system creates the dynamic view.

Note. You must enter a view description and information by using the Define Levels link before you complete a dynamic view.

The Level field in the To group box appears as level one. A dynamic view has a hierarchy of two levels. Along with view details that provide control data, each level definition contains descriptive and control data that relates to the operation of the forecast at that level of the view.

The first level of the dynamic view always contains the key fields of the level that is copied from.

Because dynamic views are restricted to two levels, the to level is always one and cannot be changed. If you select a current dynamic view, the system issues a warning message indicating that the view will be overwritten and prompts you for confirmation.

View to Copy From

Select a current forecast working view on which to base the dynamic view. The views that you copy from are always working views.


Enter the level of the working view that you want to copy into the dynamic view. This level becomes level one in the dynamic view. You cannot access the Define Levels page until you enter a value in this field.

Define Levels

Click to access the Define Levels page, where you can set up levels for the dynamic view.

Next Level UOM Group (next level unit of measure group)

Select a conversion factor UOM if the dynamic view's level two UOMs are not the same as its level one UOMs. Specifying the UOM group indicates to the system what UOM to convert to at level two. The available options relate to item information on the Units page in the Maintain Forecast Items feature. The default value is No Change.

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Access the Define Levels page.

You use this page to create a tree structure of view levels by using fields from the Fields group box. When you access the page, the system automatically loads the level one values from the working view and level from which you are copying.

The left side of the screen contains a graphical tree representation of the two configuration levels and their corresponding field names, which include key and nonkey fields, that make up the view. Click each level of the tree to view the description for the level and the default forecast item. The system uses this default as a template to create other items.

To define levels for a dynamic view:

  1. Use the Dynamic Views Maintenance page to select the working view from which you are creating the dynamic view and define the level of the working view that you want to copy to level one of the dynamic view.

  2. Click the Define Levels link.

    The system displays the fields for the view level that you entered on the Dynamic Views Maintenance page.

  3. Add key fields for level two of the dynamic view by selecting the Key Item field and specifying the level to which the field is valid in the Valid to Level field. You can use either key or nonkey fields for level two keys in the dynamic view.

    The system populates the tree with the item up to the level that you define that it is valid to.

    Click Apply to update changes as you make selections. Use the Up and Down arrows to change the order of individual fields in the level. Moving the field at one level does not affect the order in which it appears at other levels.

    To add fields to levels that are not keys, select the valid to level and click Apply.

  4. Enter a forecast item as the default value and a description for level two if you do not want to use the current default value. You normally use the default forecast item as the template.

Note. When you create a dynamic view, use the Authorize Roles page to authorize access to the view.


Displays the level and description with which you are working. These change when you select another level.

Default Forecast Item

Enter a default forecast item that you want to use as a template when creating new forecast items at this level. You must enter a default item for each level before saving this page. The default item is not validated and so may contain any initial value or can be left empty.


Select to update level information you entered on this page.

The Fields group box provides a list of system- and user-defined fields from which you can select to create the keys for the new dynamic view. The fields available are the ones that were defined for the user data code that you selected on the View Description page.

Key Field

Displays fields that have been defined as key fields for levels in the view. You cannot change existing values, but you can select a new field to add as a key for the dynamic view.

Each level in the view must have at least one key field.

Field Name

Displays fields available for the view level that you selected on the Dynamic View Maintenance page.

Valid To Level

Select a level of the view to which a field is valid. The system uses valid to levels during summarization to carry data in user-defined fields to forecast items at a higher level in the view. Dynamic views have only two levels.

Invisible To Level

Indicates the level to which a field is visible in the forecast item. Because you are limited in the length of an item, you can use invisible fields to save space in the item. The system still uses the field as a key field, but it does not appear in the item.

See Also

Creating and Maintaining Forecast Views

Click to jump to parent topicPopulating Dynamic Views

When the system populates a dynamic view, it builds forecast items and their related data from the view definition that you created for the view. The source data for the view is the forecast item data at the specified level of the source view. In addition, other information—such as UOM conversions, control groups, and seasonality profiles—is copied for the new view. The PeopleSoft Application Engine populates dynamic views.

Note. You only create forecast items for level one when you populate a dynamic view. To create level two records, run the Summarization process against the dynamic view.

This section discusses how to load dynamic views.

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Populate Dynamic Views


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Load dynamic views with data from the working view and level.

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Access the Populate Dynamic Views page.

To load a dynamic view, you associate the view with a run control ID.

Dynamic View

Select a view to populate. Available views include those that have been created using the dynamic view Create feature. When you select a dynamic view, the system populates the remaining fields according to how the levels and fields defined for the view.

Summarize the View

Select to accumulate data and update it from the lower level in the dynamic view to the higher level.


Displays the level from the working view on which the dynamic view is based.

Level 1

Displays the level and fields to be populated for the dynamic view.

Click to jump to parent topicReleasing and Deleting Dynamic Views

You release a dynamic view to return any adjustments that have been made in the dynamic view to the source level of the permanent view that created it originally. If you made adjustments at the second level in the dynamic view, they should first be prorated before the dynamic view is released.

This section discusses how to release and delete views.

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Release Dynamic Views


Demand Planning, Process Forecast, Dynamic Views, Release

Release and delete views.

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Access the Release Dynamic View page.

View to Release

Select a dynamic view in the From group box. The default value for this field is the first dynamic view in alphabetical order.


Displays the view's level. The default level is 1; you cannot change it. The working view and level to be updated appear in the View and Level fields in the To group box.

Delete View Definition and Data

Select to delete the dynamic view after you update the working view, thereby removing the entire view and its data from the system.

Delete Dynamic View Data Only

Select to delete only the data contained in the dynamic view data and not the view itself. You can still use the view to populate and release another set of data. You can select only this check box or only the Delete View Definition and Data check box, but not both.

Release Adjusted Forecast

Select to release the adjusted forecast to the working view.

Release User Period Data

Select to release the user period data to the working view.

Use the Items to Release grid to define specific items within the dynamic view to release.