Creating and Maintaining Forecast Views

This chapter provides an overview of forecast views and discusses:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Forecast Views

A view is a multilevel hierarchical structure that enables you to review and manipulate forecast data to best fulfill the organizational needs. Designing the view involves setting up calendars, user-defined fields, and structuring the levels of the view.

You use views to organize data into a meaningful hierarchical format. Views are built by populating each level of the hierarchy with aggregated data from the detailed lower levels. For example, use views to summarize item forecast data from level one through the top level of the forecast view. This takes the total quantity from a forecast key at the lowest level and rolls the quantity up to the next-highest level in the hierarchy.

After you create views, load forecast items into them for processing or let the system create forecast items as you process demand and adjustments. During forecast calculation, the system uses the structure and forecast item parameters to generate a forecast for each item at each level of the view independently. You can also archive views and later restore them for use.

This section discusses:

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You assign each view a unique name and define it by assigning attributes, view levels, and a forecast item key structure for each level. A forecast item may not represent only an inventory item, a forecast item might be a product, or a group of items. You define a forecast item key by using a set of fields that are contained in a user data code. The forecast item key uniquely identifies an item for which you want to forecast at a specific level in the forecast view. The system stores the forecast item key in the DP_FCITEMS record along with item attributes static data. All processing takes place within a forecast view for individual forecast items.

Forecast views include:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForecast View Structures

Each level is related in a hierarchical definition with other levels in a view. You can create views that have up to nine levels. PeopleSoft Demand Planning enables you to configure views to accommodate product, marketing, sales and distribution needs at various levels of the view. The most detailed level of any view is level one. Level one contains forecast data for each unique key combination. Forecast data is imported from external sources or PeopleSoft records and is stored in a view based on the key fields that you define for each level of the view.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFunction Locking for Views

You use view locks to prevent processes from performing concurrently causing data corruption. Normally, the system sets the lock automatically during a processing run to avoid record conflicts with other routines.

Note. Maintenance of the Lock Status field on the View Description page is intended for View management only. You should only maintain the field if a failed process has left it locked, or if the view needs to be locked down for backup or some other type of business function that requires all activity to be halted.

Note. When you create a view, it is in a locked status until you use the Authorize Role feature to build security for the view.

Options that the system uses for locking a view are Not Locked, Update Lock, and View Locked. This table describes functions that use locking rules and their behavior depending on the locking value that they encounter:

PeopleSoft Demand Planning Function

Encounters View Locked

Encounters Update Lock

Function Automatically Sets Lock During Processing

Adjustment Templates

Does not process.

Can be updated.

Does not set lock.

Adjustment Workbench

Does not process.

Does not process.

Does not set lock.

Calculate Period Weights

Does not process.

Can be updated.

Does not set lock.

Calculate Weight Estimates

Does not process.

Can be updated.

Does not set lock.

Calculation Codes Maintenance

Does not process.

Can be updated.

Does not set lock.

Control Group Maintenance

Does not process.

Can be updated.

Does not set lock.

Cross-View Reconciliation

Does not process.

Does not process.

Sets update lock.

Demand Data History Internal/External

Does not process.

Does not process.

Sets update lock.

Display Templates

Does not process.

Can be updated.

Does not set lock.

Forecast Adjustments External Load

Does not process.

Does not process.

Sets update lock.

Forecast Item Description

Does not process.

Can be updated.

Does not set lock.

Forecast Item External Load

Does not process.

Does not process.

Sets update lock.

Forecast Item Maintenance

Does not process.

Can be updated.

Does not set lock.

Forecast Item Merge

Does not process.

Does not process.

Sets update lock.

Forecast Item Refresh

Does not process.

Does not process.

Sets update lock.

Forecast Mid- Period and Period-End Processing

Does not process.

Does not process.

Sets update lock.

Forecast Period External Load

Does not process.

Does not process.

Sets update lock.


Can be accessed.

Can be updated.

Does not set lock.

Life Profile Calculate Forecast

Does not process.

Does not process.

Sets update lock.

Life Profile Maintenance

Does not process.

Does not process.

Does not set lock.

Life Profile Recalculate Weights

Does not process.

Can be updated.

Does not set lock.

Mass Item Change

Does not process.

Does not process.

Sets update lock.


Does not process.

Does not process.

Sets update lock.

Publish External/Internal

Does not process.

Can be updated.

Does not set lock.

Seasonality Profile Calculation

Does not process.

Does not process.

Sets update lock.


Does not process.

Can be updated.

Does not set lock.


Does not process.

Does not process.

Sets update lock.

View Maintenance

Does not process.

Can be updated.

Sets view lock on new views.

View Restore

Does not process.

Can be updated.

Sets view lock.

Work Queue Alerts Purge

Does not process.

Does not process.

Sets update lock.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up and Maintaining Forecast Views

To set up forecast views, use the Define Forecast Views component.

This section discusses how to:

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Page Name

Object Name



Define Forecast Views


Demand Planning, Define Forecast Elements, Forecast Views, Define Forecast Views

Create and maintain forecast views. You can change this information at any time.

Define Forecast View Levels


Click the Define Levels link on the Define Forecast Views page.

Define forecast view levels and keys that comprise the structure of the view. After a view has forecast items assigned to it, you cannot change the key structure or add levels to it.

Control Data


Demand Planning, Define Forecast Elements, Forecast Views, Define Forecast Views, Control Data

Create and maintain forecast control data by entering general parameters for the view as well as the period control data. This information is required for the operation of a view.

User Forecasts


Demand Planning, Define Forecast Elements, Forecast Views, Define Forecast Views, User Forecasts

Establish user forecasts that are specific for use with the view.

User Period Data


Demand Planning, Define Forecast Elements, Forecast Views, Define Forecast Views, User Period Data

Establish user period data that is specific for use with the view.

MAPE Updates


Demand Planning, Define Forecast Elements, Forecast Views, Define Forecast Views, MAPE Updates

Define forecasts in which to update MAPE fields during processing.

Copy Forecast View Structure


Demand Planning, Define Forecast Elements, Forecast Views, Copy Forecast View Structure

Create a forecast view structure by copying the parameters of an existing view. The system does not copy forecast items or item data as part of the view.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating and Maintaining Forecast Views

Access the Define Forecast Views page.

Before you begin to create views, make sure that you define user data codes, calendars, period codes, and weight profiles. The first stage in adding a new view involves defining the attributes of the view. These attributes apply to the view as a whole and to all forecast items at each level.

See Components of a Forecast View.

When you save the forecast view, the system creates all view-related information and updates these records:

You can change level keys, calendars, and periods for views; however, after you save a view, you cannot change the user data code. To change the user data code, you have to delete the view and add it again. After you assign forecast items to the view, you cannot change level keys, calendars, or period information.

Note. After creating a view, use the Authorize Roles feature to build security for the view. The view will not be available in drop-down lists until the role is authorized access to the view.

Define Levels

Click to access the Define Levels page, where you can structure the forecast view by defining levels for the view. You can define up to nine levels. Before you define levels, you must enter a user data code and the number of configuration levels in the view.

See Defining Forecast View Levels and Keys.

User Data Code

Select the value that determines the user-defined fields available for use in creating items contained in a view. All forecast items within a view share the same set of user-defined fields. This field is required.

The Define Levels link appears after you make a selection in this field. Use the link to define view levels. After you save a forecast view, you cannot change the user data code. To change the code, delete the forecast view and add it again.

See Creating User-Defined Fields and User Data Codes.

Calendar ID

Select a calendar for use by the forecast view. Calendars provide the time horizon over which the forecast view operates. It can contain multiple sets of period definitions. This field is required.

Period Code

Select a code for the selected calendar for the forecast view. A period definition is comprised of a number of periods per year and a total number of periods within a date range. The period codes define the size of the forecast time buckets that you associate with the view. This field is required.

Weight Profile

Select the weight profile that you want to use as the default for the forecast view. The profile determines the weights that are associated with each time period. The system uses the weights to spread the quantities across a time period when you publish the forecast. The system also associates weight profiles with a calendar. You can overwrite this code at the forecast item level.

Rounding Decimals

Enter the number of rounding decimals that you want the forecast to use for numeric values, such as forecast or demand quantities. For example, you can round to tenths (.01) or hundreds (.001). You can round up to four decimal places.

Note. Rounding decimals for PeopleSoft Demand Planning might be different from those defined in PeopleSoft Inventory.

Configuration Levels

Indicates the total number of levels for a forecast view. You must enter a value between 1 and 9before you use the Define Levels link to create details about each level of the view. If you change the number of configuration levels on a view, the underlying levels on the Define Levels page also change.

Note. If you specify fewer levels than currently exist for the view, the system removes those levels from the Define Levels page. Conversely, if you increase the number of levels, the system adds those levels to the view and you must define them before you can save the view.

After you assign items to the forecast view, you cannot change this field.

Lock Status

Select an option to indicate if the forecast view is locked for processing. When a view is locked, you cannot make changes to it or any of its forecast items until the lock is released. Normally, the system sets the lock during a processing run to avoid record conflicts with other routines; however, you can override the lock to perform maintenance on the forecast view, or to unlock the view to continue an aborted process run.

Values include:

  • Not Locked: Make changes to the view and its items. The system sets the lock automatically when it processes a view.

  • Update Lock: Locks the view so that you can run only those routines not requiring the ability to update the forecast data. This status is usually set by the system during a large processing run to avoid record conflicts with other routines.

    See Function Locking for Views.

  • View Locked: Locks the view so that you cannot make changes to it. You cannot update the forecast view or its forecast items until the lock is released, however you can access inquiries. This status is set when the system cannot perform any functions on the view. For example, the archive and restore functions require individual access to the view, so the lock is set for the duration of those functions. You can override the selection by selecting Not Locked.

Warning! Use caution when unlocking a view. Unlocking a view when a function is in process corrupts data if you start another function.

Locking Function

Displays which function or process currently has the forecast view locked. For example, if the system is performing an archive function or is running proration, it locks the view and displays which function or process is setting the lock.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Forecast View Levels and Keys

Access the Define Forecast View Levels page.

Use this page to define a tree structure of the view hierarchy by using available user-defined fields from the user data code. These fields appear in the Field Name column of the Fields grid. If you are defining levels for the first time, this page initially appears with the number of levels that you define in the Configuration Levels field on the View Description page. You can define up to nine levels for a forecast view.

The left side of the page contains a graphical tree of all the configuration levels and their corresponding field names, including key and non-key fields that make up the view. As you click each level of the tree, you can maintain the description for the level and the default forecast item. The system uses this default as a template to create other items. Items that display an exclamation (!) following the field length are defined as invisible to a specific level in the view.

To define levels for a view:

  1. Select the forecast view level that you want to define from the tree.

    Levels appear as folders in the tree. The number of levels that is available is the number that you enter in the Configuration Levels field.

  2. Enter the level description and default forecast item that is associated with the level at the top of the page.

  3. Click the Apply button.

    This saves the entry and updates the name of the folder for the level. The changes appear in the tree. Repeat steps one and two for each level in the view.

  4. Select the Key Field check box to indicate which fields you want to define as keys for each level.

    Key fields are valid to all levels unless you select a valid to level.

  5. Select a valid to level to define the level to which the key field is valid in the view structure.

    As you select valid to levels, you can click Apply to place the selection in the appropriate folder in the tree. Or, you can make all of the selections before applying the changes.

  6. Select a value in the Invisible To Levels field.

    This level determines the level in the view structure to which this field is invisible. Remember the Invisible To Level field value must be less than the Valid To Level field value.

  7. Click the Apply button.

    This places the entries into the tree. The system populates the tree with the field up to the level to which you define that it is valid.

Return to View Maintenance

Click to return to the Define Forecast Views page where you can continue to define the view. Using this link keeps the data you entered for the level definition.


Click to return to the Define Forecast Views page without keeping data you entered for the level definition.


Displays the view level that is currently selected in the tree. The forecast view is a hierarchy of levels. Each view has one or more levels defined for it. Each level definition contains descriptive and definition data that relates to the handling of forecast items at each level within the view. The highest level, the level that you enter in the Configurations Level field on the View Description page, is at the top of the page. The lower the level, the more detailed the information in it. Level one is at the bottom of the hierarchy.


Displays the description of the level that is currently selected in the tree. You should define this to be a meaningful representation of this level of aggregated data in the view. The default value for the description is the first unique field in the key for this level.


Click to apply the entries and save levels you defined for the tree.

Default Forecast Item

Enter a default forecast item that you want to use as a template when creating new forecast items at this level. You must enter a default item for each level before saving this page. The system does not validate the default item, so you can enter any initial value that you want.

Key Field

Click to indicate that this is a field that the system uses in configuring the forecast item key for this view. When you add a field, the system uses the field's short description as part of the item key. The system stores forecast items for each level in the view hierarchy. Each view and level combination contains a definition of the fields that make up the components of the forecast item key for that level.

Field Name

Displays the user data code that you assign to the view on the Define Forecast Views page determines the fields that appear in this column. The view inherits the information for each of these fields from the definition that is assigned for that particular user data code.

Valid To Level

Indicates the level in the view to which the system stores data for this field. For key fields, this indicates to what level the field is part of the key. As a default value, each field is valid to level one of the view.

Invisible To Level

Indicates the level to which a key field is invisible in the view.

Up and Down Arrows

Re-sequence the order of the key structure by moving the fields up or down in the level. The arrows are highlighted when you click a key field at any level of the tree.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating and Maintaining Forecast Control Data

Access the Control Data page.

Period Information

Use to create and maintain information relating to time-phased elements of the forecast view.

Periods Per Year

Displays the number of periods that are defined in each year for this forecast view. Periods are established using Structure in calendar maintenance. The calendar and the period code that you select for this forecast view control the value in this field.

Historical Periods

Enter the number of periods of historical demand data that is maintained for the items in this view. The number of historical periods should be at least twice the periods per year (two years) to support the development of seasonal models that are based on an item's demand history. This field is required.

Note. The maximum number of historical periods cannot exceed six years.

Future Periods

Enter the number of future forecast periods that are maintained for this view. The default for the number of future periods is set at two years of data, 24 months or 104 weeks, depending on the forecast time period. The system defines the period length by using the period type code and the calendar code that you enter on the Define Forecast Views page. This is a required field.

Note. The maximum number of future periods may not exceed three years.

Forecast Start Year

Enter a four-digit year when you want the forecast to begin. The year should correspond to a year that is defined in the calendar for this view. This is a required field.

Forecast Start Period

Enter a number that represents the period component of the forecast view start date. Valid period values are from one to 999. The upper limit depends on the calendar and period type that you define for this view.

Fiscal Begin Period

Enter a period number that identifies the period representing the first period of the organization's fiscal year. For example, if the time period is by month, and the fiscal year is from July to June, then the begin fiscal year period is set to 7. This period is used in the inquiry processes to view the forecast for the current fiscal year and to compare the projected total with the actual total for up to three past fiscal years.

Evaluation Periods

Enter the number of future periods to use for the calculation of forecast errors. The system performs this calculation when you generate the forecast.

The number of evaluation periods must be greater than or equal to one and less than the future periods that are defined for the view. For example, if the forecast evaluation periods are two, then the error in April 2003 after posting demand for April is determined based on the actual demand for April and the April forecast that was generated at the end of February 2003 (two periods before).

Variance Law Periods

Enter the number of periods of demand that are required to calculate the forecast deviation or error by using the statistical forecast. When an item has insufficient demand, less than the variance law periods, the system uses an alternative method, called variance law, to calculate the forecast deviation or error.

Variance laws are formulas that the system uses to calculate the forecasting error for periods with low demand history. The system uses the formula instead of the standard error calculation to produce a more accurate forecast.

MAPE Periods

Enter the number of periods for calculating the mean absolute percentage error. The recommended setting for MAPE periods is six for monthly time periods, or 26 for weekly time periods. You use MAPE to measure forecast accuracy. A MAPE value that is close to zero represents a more accurate forecast. The system calculates a MAPE value separately for each of the statistical, prorated, and adjusted forecasts and their evaluated equivalents according to the following algorithm:

MAPE = E |ABS(Actual Demand - Forecast)| * 100

E | Actual Demand |

Both sums over Last MAPE Periods

Price Periods

Enter the number of periods to use for the period-end calculation of a weighted average value for standard price and cost and average price. For example, if you enter 6, the system uses the last six periods of standard price to create a new weighted average standard price.


Establishes upper and lower ratios that are used by PeopleSoft Demand Planning as thresholds for reasonableness checks when it develops a forecast using proration. Occasionally, the Proration process (DP_PROCALC) creates proration ratios and forecasts that are unreasonable. The system uses manually entered ratios as lower and upper bounds in ratio reasonableness checks. Items with ratios that are outside the limits generate Work Queue alerts.

Proration Ratio Lower Bound

Enter the lower value for a prorated ratio. The default is 0.5.

Proration Ratio Upper Bound

Enter the upper value for a prorated ratio. The default is 2.

Calculation Codes

Indicates which calculation codes the system performs automatically during mid period and period-end forecast processing. Calculation codes represent mathematical operations which the system uses as part of its run specifications.

Mid Period Calculation

Select the calculation code that you want to use during mid period forecast calculations. When you process this view, the system processes all items that are associated with the view by using the calculation code that you select.

Period End Calculation

Select a calculation code to use for period-end processing.

Forecast View Operations

Defines a variety of decisions about operations that the system should or should not perform during processing.

Rollup Forecast Adjustments

Select if you want the system to automatically update forecast adjustments that are made at lower levels in the view to parent forecast items at higher levels. You can override this setting when you enter adjustments in the Adjustment Workbench.

Rollup Demand Adjustments

Select if you want the system to automatically update forecast adjustments that are made at lower levels in the view to parent forecast items at higher levels. You can override this setting when you enter adjustments in the Adjustment Workbench.

Suppress Calculations

Select if you do not want the system to perform forecast calculations. Views that have suppressed calculations normally have their forecasts developed in another view and introduced using the Cross-View Reconciliation process (DP_XVIEWREC). When you calculate forecasts, including period-end processing for a suppressed view, the system does not calculate a new forecast.

Update Static Price/Cost

Select if you want the system to automatically update the standard price and cost for the forecast item when you run mid-period or period-end processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing User Forecasts

Access the User Forecasts page.

Define up to 10 user forecasts that you want the system to use for this view. You can also give the forecasts descriptive labels that define their business purposes. If you select In Use for a forecast, you must also enter a caption in the Captions for User Forecasts field. The system uses the captions that you define as field names in reports, inquiries, charts, and simulations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic Establishing User Period Data

Access the User Period Data page.

Define up to 10 user period data fields that you want the system to use for this view. If you select In Use, you must also enter a caption in the Captions for User Period Data field. The system uses the captions that you define as field names in reports, inquiries, charts, and simulations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Forecasts in Which to Update MAPE Fields

Access the MAPE Updates page.

Click the types of forecasts for which you want to update MAPE fields. Mean absolute percentage error values are the absolute values of all the percentage errors that are summed. The system computes the average value. The system calculates the error rate separately for each statistical, prorated, and adjusted forecast and for their evaluated equivalents.

See Also

Components of a Forecast View

Click to jump to parent topicDeleting Forecast Views

You can delete all of a view or certain components of a forecast view. This section discusses how to delete views.

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Object Name



Delete Forecast View


Demand Planning, Process Deletions, Forecasts Views

Delete views or remove portions of a forecast view from the system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeleting Views

Access the Delete Forecast View page.

Select the Delete Entire View check box to remove the complete view from the system. The system removes information that is created and maintained by the view. When you select to delete the entire view, the system selects all the check boxes in the Delete View Component group box. To remove information for a specific type of view component, select the component in the Delete View Component group box.

After you have selected the information you want to delete, run the delete process by choosing one of these options:

This table lists the delete options available on this page and also shows the records the system clears for items related to the view:

Delete Option

Records Affected

Delete Entire View

This affects all the following records in this table and these:




















Delete Forecast Items.









Also deletes the associated event records for the forecast items.






After the system completes the deletion, it rebuilds security to reflect the changes.

Delete Description Templates



Delete Template Items


Delete Control Groups



Delete Seasonality Profiles



Delete Specifications






























Delete Life Profiles






Remove Life Profile as forecast method and reset item to RECALC.

Delete Calculation Codes



Click to jump to parent topicArchiving and Restoring Forecast Views

This section provides an overview of archiving and restoring views and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Archiving and Restoring Views

Archiving and restoring forecast views is a way that you can use to back up views fully intact and recover them later. This means that you can archive the view, continue to process, and if needed, restore the archived view to its original state.

In planning environments where multiple planners use the same forecast view and share responsibility for certain forecast items, it is possible to produce a forecast that is predicated on false assumptions regarding the currency of the plan and the state of the underlying data.

For example, suppose demand is not really the problem; rather, it is adjustments and other forecast type calculations that overlap each other. In this event, the resulting forecast calculations may be erroneous or simply overwrite a forecast that is in progress by another user. Depending on the point at which the problem occurs in the cycle, recalculation of forecasts could be difficult or impossible.

There are no restrictions for when you can archive and restore forecast views, however, only one archive can exist for a forecast view at any point in time. If the system archives a view for the second time, the first archive is overwritten.

Note. When you restore a view, the system restores the view to the state that it was in at the time of the archive. This means that the system overwrites any processing or data entry that occurred since the time it archived the view.

See Also

Restoring Views

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Page Name

Object Name



Archive Forecast View


Demand Planning, Process Forecast, Archive Forecast View

Archive views with the intent of restoring them later.

Restore Archived Forecast View


Demand Planning, Define Security, Restore Archived Forecast View

Restore views that have been archived.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicArchiving Views

Access the Archive Forecast View.

Use the Forecast View Archive/Restore process (DP_ARCH_PRCS) to archive all data for a forecast view. When you want to use the view again, you can restore it to the state that it was in when you archived it.

Note. If you archive a view more than once, the system overwrites the last archived view with the new one.

When you archive or restore a view, the system automatically sets the view status to View Locked. This prevents others from using the view for processing or inquiries while the system archives or restores the view.

Archive ID

Displays DP_ARCH. This is a system-supplied fixed value that you cannot change.

Forecast View

Select the view that you want to archive. Included in the archived data are any records that are keyed on forecast view. This field is required to process the archive.


Enter a description or instructions pertaining to the archiving and eventual restoration of the view.

Note. This feature archives and restores the same records that the Delete Entire View feature accesses.

See Also

Deleting Forecast Views

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRestoring Views

Access the Restore Archived Forecast View page.

After you archive a forecast, you can restore it at any time. The system restores the view to the same state in which it was archived. This means that any processing or maintenance within the view is overwritten by the archived view.

When you restore a view, the system sets the view status to View Locked automatically. This prevents others from using the view for processing or inquiries while the system archives or restores the view.

The Date/Time field displays when the view was archived.

See Also

Archiving Views