Structuring PeopleSoft Engineering

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up PeopleSoft Engineering Tables

Because of PeopleSoft Engineering’s relational design, the order in which you make decisions about how you’ll use PeopleSoft Engineering is not necessarily the order in which you enter information into the system. Although certain pages can be considered as a group when making important processing or implementation decisions, you must work with some pages before others when you set up your system for the first time.

These sections outline, from an engineering perspective, the steps that you need to take to:

See Getting Started with PeopleSoft Engineering.

See Getting Started with PeopleSoft Manufacturing.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Engineering Options

To set up PeopleSoft Engineering business unit-related options, use the Engineering Options (ENG_OPTIONS) component.

Use engineering options to control the ability to copy engineering BOMs (EBOMs) and engineering routings (ERTGs) to manufacturing. You can also indicate whether you want to automatically delete EBOMs and ERTGs once you transfer them to manufacturing. You can also enable workflow for engineering change requests (ECRs) and ECOs.

This section discusses how to set engineering options.

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Engineering Options


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Engineering, Engineering Options

Define engineering options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Engineering Options

Access the Engineering Options page.

Allow EBOM copies to MBOM

As an alternative to using engineering transfers to move BOMs and routings between PeopleSoft Engineering and PeopleSoft Manufacturing, you can additionally copy engineering BOMs and routings to manufacturing using the BOM and routing copy processes. By selecting this check box, you can make copies of EBOMs to MBOMs using selective or same as except functionality. When copying in this manner, the MBOM is completely replaced by the EBOM.

If you clear this check box, you're ensuring that all BOMs transferred from PeopleSoft Engineering are completed by using engineering transfers only.

Allow ERTG copies to MRTG

Select this check box to allow users to copy engineering routing into PeopleSoft Manufacturing using selective or same as except functionality. When copying in this manner, the manufacturing routing is completely replaced by the engineering routing.

If you clear this check box, you're ensuring that all routings transferred from PeopleSoft Engineering are completed by using engineering transfers only.

Delete EBOMs upon Transfer

Select this check box to have the system delete EBOMs from the engineering database as they are transferred to PeopleSoft Manufacturing, using the Engineering Transfer pages. This option applies only when you are transferring EBOMs to PeopleSoft Manufacturing.

Delete ERTGs upon Transfer

Select this check box to have the system delete ERTGs from the engineering database as they are transferred to PeopleSoft Manufacturing, using the Engineering Transfer pages. This option applies only when you are transferring ERTGs to PeopleSoft Manufacturing.

Engineering Workflow Options

Use these options to control whether you use workflow in your ECR or ECO approval processing. Options are:

  • Use ECR Workflow: Select if you want a workflow notification sent when an ECR is saved.

  • Use ECO Workflow: Select in order to access the Submit (workflow) button on the ECO Workflow page in the ECO Maintenance component.

Note. All PeopleSoft applications include example business processes, but don't include Approval Rule Sets. Therefore, you must create Approval Rule Sets for both ECRs and ECOs before you define the workflow options on this page.

If you want workflow to manage your ECRs, the workflow business process name must be set to ENGINEERING_ECR_NOTIFY. In addition, you'll need to define your workflow approval rule set as ECR Approval.

Note. The naming convention that you use here is extremely important because workflow PeopleCode depends on it.

To set up workflow for ECOs, you must define the business process name and the approval rule set using the ECO Approval Types page. You must associate ECO Approval Types and Business Process Names, using that page, before you select the Use ECO Workflow check box.

When using ECO workflow and an approval type associated to workflow approval rule set is established, then once the ECO is submitted for workflow processing, a workflow approval list (sequential list of roles and role users) is generated and stored with the ECO. At that time, appropriate notifications based on the target role name are generated, using email, worklist, or both; based on this list, by step order. If all approvers are set up in the approval rule set with step 1, then all approvers will be notified at the same time. Otherwise, the approvers at step 1 are notified first. When all approvers in step 1 have approved the ECO, then all approvers in step 2 are notified.

You approve ECOs in PeopleSoft Engineering by using the ECO Maintenance - Approval page. Each approving role user must have access to this page in order to approve the ECO workflow step.

Approvers have two ways to process an ECO workflow and mark a worklist item as worked. Either approvers can manually mark the worklist item as worked or they can go to the ECO Maintenance - Approval page. They can access this page either using a URL from an email notification or by using the navigation system. Once the vendor approves the ECO, the item will be marked as worked if it is a worklist item. This way, the ECO will be deleted from the worklist.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Workflow Technology

Defining ECO Approval Types

Click to jump to parent topicConfiguring Your Document Management System

The Documentum server (document database) must first be installed and accessible from the PeopleSoft NT server (UNIX is not supported). When accessing Documentum functions through a PeopleSoft Documentum-enabled internet page, the application server accessed using the PeopleSoft page must contain the appropriate Documentum runtime libraries and access to the Documentum server.

Important! The Documentum integration between PeopleSoft and Documentum may require customization as it is no longer a supported integration.

Note. If you have any questions regarding the compatibility of your Documentum system with PeopleSoft Engineering, please contact your account manager.

Prior to using PeopleSoft Engineering with Documentum:

  1. Verify that Documentum is installed and that specific Documentum library files (DLLs) are installed on the application servers.

  2. Define Documentum options by using the Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions navigation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you use PeopleSoft Documentum integration for the first time, make sure that:

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Engineering Codes

To define action codes, use the Action Codes (EG_ACTION_CD) component. To define activity codes for ECOs, use the ECO Activity Codes (EG_ACTIVITY) component. To define classification codes, use the Classification Codes (EG_CLASSIFICATION) component. To define approval type codes for ECOs, use the Approval Type (EG_ECO_APPR_ACTY) component. To define priority codes, use the Priority Codes (EG_PRIORITY) component.

There are several types of engineering codes that you can optionally define prior to using PeopleSoft Engineering. They include reason, priority, classification, action, and engineering activity codes. You can also set up automatic numbering for ECOs and ECRs.

You define reason codes and set up automatic numbering for ECOs and ECRs using pages in the Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Codes and Auto Numbering navigation.

See Also

Defining Financials and Supply Chain Management Common Definitions

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Classification Codes


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Engineering, Classification Codes, Classification Codes

(Optional) Define classification codes. By associating these codes with ECOs later, you can use these classification codes to denote type of change.

Priority Codes


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Engineering, Priority Codes, Priority Codes

(Optional) Denote an ECR’s or ECO’s priority from the perspective of a requestor or ECO analyst. The system can use this code within the ECR and ECO maintenance pages.

Action Codes


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Engineering, Action Codes, Action Codes

(Optional) Define action codes denoting the impact a specific ECR or ECO change will have on areas such as existing production and inventory.

ECO Activity Codes


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Engineering, ECO Activity Codes, ECO Activity Codes

(Optional) Define generic ECO activity codes that can represent phases or milestones pertinent to your engineering change process. Once you have defined these activities, you can link them sequentially with the ECO Approval Types page, to form ECO approval types that you can later associate with ECOs.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining ECO Approval Types

ECO approval types enable you to define a sequence of ECO activities that are defined with the ECO Activity Codes page. You can then associate this sequence of activities with an ECO to denote the appropriate ECO phases, or milestones through which the ECO must be promoted prior to final ECO approval. In addition, ECO approval types enable ECO workflow approval processing when you specify Business Process Name and Approval Rule Set.

This section discusses how to define ECO approval types.

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ECO Approval Types


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Engineering, ECO Approval Types, ECO Approval Types

Define a sequence of ECO activities that are defined with the ECO Activity Codes page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining ECO Approval Types

Access the ECO Approval Types page.

To use workflow approval processing for ECOs associated with this ECO approval type, you need to specify an ECO type business process name and Approval Rule Set.

By later associating an ECO type with an ECO, you can both track the sequential list of activities through which the ECO must be promoted (order of promotion) and set an ECO’s current activity. When an ECO approval type is defined containing ECO activities, all activities must be promoted prior to final ECO approval.

Approval Rule Set

Defines the sequence of users to include for the ECO workflow. The sequence of users is established and visible on the ECO once the ECO is submitted for workflow.

Sequence and ECO Activity

Optionally select the sequence of ECO activities that make up the ECO type. ECO activities enable you to define user-defined statuses through which the ECO will progress, in addition to the standard ECO statuses of Pending, Approved, and Released. For example, you can have one ECO routing for an item configuration change and another sequence for the change process needed to modify production documents.

You can enter an unlimited number of ECO activities.

Note. The presence of ECO activities has no bearing on workflow approval routes, and can be used with or without workflow.

Using workflow with ECO approval types is independent of the number of ECO activities through which the ECO must be promoted. For example, you can define an ECO type associated to an approval rule set that requires several user approvals but has only a single activity to be promoted.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Workflow Technology