Managing Stock Shortages

This chapter provides an overview of the Shortage Workbench and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Shortage Handling in PeopleSoft Inventory

The Shortage Workbench is an online component enables you to monitor and control stock shortages and other fulfillment issues. Users can view shortages and take action to fill the outstanding orders. The Shortage Workbench only selects:

The Shortage Workbench can perform several actions on a set of orders or a set of demand lines, including:

Note. If the Reserve Online check box has been selected on the Setup Fulfillment-Reservation page, then the Reserve Materials process is not used. You must use the Shortage Workbench to reserve all demand lines.

A template will restrict users in the Shortage Workbench to the proper actions and fields for their job positions.

In addition, by demand line, the Shortage Workbench gives you access to:

  1. The Stock Request inquiry page to view the details and status of a particular order line.

  2. The Item/Product Availability inquiry page to check item quantities and view future supply

  3. The Pegging Workbench to peg to anticipated supply at the demand lines level and the Pegging Inquiry to view existing peg chains.

    To access the pegging pages from the Shortage Workbench, the user must be defined on the User Security pegging setup page and the action must be enabled on the workbench template.

  4. The Kit Display inquiry page to view the details of a product kit entered on a sales order or material stock request.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Shortage Workbench

To enter data into the Shortage Workbench, you must define one or more templates in the Template Maintenance component. A template ID is a collection of configuration options used to dynamically generate the selection criteria and other fields that appear to the user on the workbench. The fields are organized hierarchically, first by category and then by subcategory, so that multiple sets of fields can be defined for a page within the same template. Access can be granted to a template at the set ID level, at the business unit level, by user role, or by user ID. Set up different templates for different sets of users or business units; for example, an inventory supervisor would have greater access to view and edit more fields than a shipping clerk and a customer service representative would only be interested in sales orders from PeopleSoft Order Management.

In order to add a template ID, you must identify the template code to be used. Template codes are system defined and cannot be altered. The system delivers the template code SHORT_WRKBENCH. The template code definition identifies the categories, subcategories, and fields that are valid to be added when creating a template, as well as the field types (that is, check boxes, edit boxes, and so on) and prompt tables.

For more information on Shortage Workbench templates, see the Utilizing the Fulfillment Engine chapter.

EWN Notifications and Reason Codes

You can enter a reason code and comments for any action that causes a quantity decrease to a demand line's promised, reserved or allocated quantity. A notification is launched and users can view the information using the Message Dashboard, email, or the worklist. The information can also be viewed by building your own report or inquiry. The notification includes the following information:

The reason code notification is valid for the following actions on the Shortage Workbench:

To activate the this feature:

This table lists the Message Registry processes and categories that are delivered for notification from the Shortage Workbench.

Process Name

Process Category




Provide notification that an action has been taken on the Shortage Workbench that has unreserved quantity on an MSR demand line. The notification is sent to the Message Dashboard and to the user identified on the System-Level Notifications page or the BU-Level Notifications page.



Provide notification that an action has been taken on the Shortage Workbench that has unpromised an ATP item on an MSR demand line. The notification is sent to the Message Dashboard and to the user identified on the System-Level Notifications page or the BU-Level Notifications page.



Provide notification that an action has been taken on the Shortage Workbench that has removed the hard allocation on an MSR demand line. The notification is sent to the Message Dashboard and to the user identified on the System-Level Notifications page or the BU-Level Notifications page.



Provide notification that an action has been taken on the Shortage Workbench that has unreserved quantity on a sales order demand line. The notification is sent to the Message Dashboard and to the customer service representative (CSR) on the sales order.



Provide notification that an action has been taken on the Shortage Workbench that has unpromised an ATP item on a sales order demand line. The notification is sent to the Message Dashboard and to the customer service representative (CSR) on the sales order.



Provide notification that an action has been taken on the Shortage Workbench that has removed the hard allocation on a sales order demand line. The notification is sent to the Message Dashboard and to the customer service representative (CSR) on the sales order.



Provide notification that an action has been taken on the Shortage Workbench that has unreserved quantity on a work order demand line. The notification is sent to the Message Dashboard and to the User ID listed on the Contact field for the WO task. LEAD_PERSON is the actual field name on the WO Task table (WM_WO_TSK), contact person in the LEAD_PERSON field of the work order.



Provide notification that an action has been taken on the Shortage Workbench that has removed the hard allocation on a work order demand line. The notification is sent to the Message Dashboard and to the contact person in the LEAD_PERSON field of the work order.

See Also

Setting Up the Templates for the Fulfillment and Shortage Workbenches

Setting Up and Using the Message Dashboard

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Shortage Workbench

The Shortage Workbench component consists of five pages.

  1. A search criteria page to retrieve the demand data. The layout and fields displayed on this page are controlled by the workbench template.

  2. A demand summary page that displays the search results at the order level, item ID, or product kit ID. Using this page you can perform actions on the entire order.

  3. A demand lines page that displays the search results at the demand line level.

    Using this page you can perform actions on the individual demand line.

  4. An item view page that displays all the demand lines using one particular item ID.

    Using this page you can view the overall demand for an item and perform actions on the individual demand lines to distribute the item's available quantity.

  5. A process log page that displays all completed actions on the orders and demand lines during the current session.

To use the Shortage Workbench, you will:

  1. Use the Shortage Workbench search criteria page to retrieve the desired orders or demand lines from the inventory demand tables.

  2. Use the Demand Summary page, Demand Lines page, or Item View page to:

  3. (optional) Use the Process Log page to view the actions performed during the current session.

    Not all actions are valid for all orders and demand lines, therefore; an action could fail to execute.

When working with the Shortage Workbench the following rules are enforced by the system:

Working with PeopleSoft Maintenance Management

You can use the Shortage Workbench to reserve and unreserve stock to work order demand lines from PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. Work order demand lines do not follow the same fulfillment cycle as other demand lines. Work orders remain in the fulfillment state of pending throughout the fulfillment cycle, including when reserved and allocated. When the work order task's status is set to completed the fulfillment state for the task's demand lines are set to the depleted state.

The following rules apply when using the Shortage Workbench for work orders:

See Fulfilling Work Orders from Maintenance Management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used for the Shortage Workbench

Page Name

Object Name



Shortage Workbench


Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Shortage Workbench

Enter search criteria and select the page to view your order or demand lines.

Demand Summary


  • Click the Search button on the Shortage Workbench search criteria page when you have entered the Demand Summary View option in the View By field.

  • Click the Summary Page link on the Demand Lines page.

Displays the search results at the order level, item ID level, or product kit ID level. Using this page, you can perform actions at the order or item level.

Demand Lines


  • Click the Search button on the Shortage Workbench search criteria page when you have entered the Demand Lines View option in the View By field.

  • Click the Demand Lines link on the Demand Summary page or the Item View page.

Displays the search results at the demand line level. Using this page, you can perform actions at the demand line level, including overriding the reserved quantity or picked quantity for the demand line.

Item View


  • Select the link on the item ID of the Demand Summary page or the Demand Lines page.

  • Click the Search button on the Shortage Workbench search criteria page when you have entered the Item View option in the View By field.

Provides an item-focused view of your fulfillment needs by displaying demand lines for a specific Inventory business unit and item ID combination. Using this page, you can compare demand lines competing for the same item and perform actions at the demand line level, including overriding the reserved quantity or picked quantity for the demand line.

Process Log


Select the Process Log link on the Demand Summary, Demand Lines, or Item View pages after selecting lines, selecting a detail action, and clicking the process button.

Displays the transaction log for all actions that have been processed in the current session. Once you leave or close the Shortage Workbench, this information is no longer available.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Search Criteria in the Shortage Workbench

Access the Shortage Workbench search criteria page.

The Shortage Workbench search criteria page is the entry point into the Shortage Workbench component. Enter the demand selection criteria, then click the Search button to be taken to the search results on the Demand Summary, Demand Lines, or Item View pages. The search results are restricted to a single Inventory business unit.

Template ID

Identified the template used to enter the Shortage Workbench. The fields available on this page, the options available in drop down fields, and the layout of the page are determined by the workbench template defined in the Template Maintenance component.

View By

Select the search results page to be displayed when the Search button is clicked. Your select here also determines the search fields available and the page layout based on the template. The options are:

  • Demand Summary View: Search results are displayed at the order, item, or product kit level using the Demand Summary page.

  • Demand Line View: Search results are displayed at the demand line level using the Demand Lines page.

  • Item View: Search results are displayed at the demand line level for one item ID using the Item View page.

    For this option, you must enter an item ID in the search criteria.

Select Unfulfilled

Select to include demand lines in the unfulfilled state.

Select Releasable

Select to include demand lines in the releasable state.

Select WO Lines

Select to include work order demand lines from PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. These demand lines are in the pending state. In order to appear on the Shortage Workbench, the work order demand line must have been committed to inventory's demand fulfillment table (IN_DEMAND).

Note. Select at least one of the following check boxes or no search results will be retrieved; Select Unfulfilled, Select Releasable, or Select WO Lines. All of the check boxes can be selected.

Exclude Backordered Lines

Select to exclude any backordered demand lines.

Exclude Fully Reserved Lines

Select to exclude any demand lines initially picked up by the search criteria where the quantity reserved/promised is equal to the quantity requested less the quantity backordered and shipped.

Exclude Pegged Lines

Select to exclude any demand lines that have been pegged to incoming supply.

Display Shortage Only

Select to display only demand lines where the open demand for the item is greater than the business unit's available quantity of the item. This check box can be used to select lines before or after the reservations process. The system calculates total open demand as:

  • Quantity requested on the demand line (QTY_REQUESTED_BASE).

  • Less the quantity already allocated or promised (QTY_ALLOCATED_BASE or QTY_PROMISED_BASE)

  • Less the quantity backordered (QTY_BACKORDER_BASE)

  • Less the quantity pegged to an incoming supply (QTY_PEGGED_BASE)

  • Less the quantity shipped (QTY_SHIPPED_BASE). This can apply when a work order demand line has been issued at least once.

For example, suppose there are two demand lines for item ID 10001. The first demand line has quantity requested (100 units) less quantity reserved (25 units) less quantity backordered (no units). The second demand line has quantity requested (100 units) less quantity reserved (0 units) less quantity backordered (60 units). The total open demand for all lines selected is 115 units (75 + 40). If available quantity for the business unit is only 100 units, then both of these lines would be displayed in the Shortage Workbench. Please note, this selection criteria can pick up fully reserved lines since the comparison is to total open demand. For example, if a third demand line is picked up by the search criteria with requested quantity of 100 units and reserved quantity of 100 units, then the total open demand is still 115 units (75 + 40 + 0) and still greater than the available quantity of 100 units. To exclude fully reserved demand lines select the Exclude Fully Reserved Lines check box.

Filter Unfulfilled Lines

Select to retrieve demand lines based on whether the line has been processed by the Reserve Materials process or the online reservations process. Options are:

  • All: Selects all demand lines that meet the search criteria regardless of whether or not the reservations processes have attempted to reserve, promise, or set to the releasable state.

  • Prior to Reservation: Selects only demand lines that have never been picked up by any reservations process.

    If an order or demand line was picked up by the Reserve Materials process or the online reservations process but no line was reserved, promised, or set to releasable status, it would still not be displayed in the search results for this option. This option enables you to look at demand versus supply before the reservations process and make manual decisions to allocate limited stock to priority customers.

  • Post Reservation: Selects only demand lines that have been picked up by the Reserve Materials process or the online reservations process.

    This limits your search criteria to orders or demand lines that the reservations process has already attempted to reserved, promised, or set to releasable status. Used in combination with the other check boxes, this enables you to search for problem areas.

Display Unapproved

Select to display only unapproved demand lines. Leave blank to display both approve and unapproved demand lines. There are three types of approvals; stock request, backorder, and partial quantity. The options are:

  • All: Select to display only unapproved stock requests, unapproved backordered lines, and unapproved partial quantities.

  • Backorder: Select to display only unapproved backordered demand lines.

  • None: Select to not display unapproved stock requests, unapproved backordered lines, and unapproved partial quantities.

  • Partial Quantity: Select to display only unapproved demand lines with partial quantities reserved.

  • Stock Request: Select to display only unapproved stock requests.

Select Summary View

Choose to display search results by Order Summary,Item Summary, Kit Summary,or Kit Schedule within the Demand Summary page. This field is only available if you have selected the Demand Summary View option in the View By field.

Select by Date, Selection Date, andSelection Time

Narrow your selection of demand lines by choosing a specific date, date/time, or date range. Enter one of the following dates in the Select by Date field: Schedule Date, Order Date, Ship Early Date, and Orders Placed Today (for this option, enter no date in the Selection Date field).

Use Lead Days

Narrow your selection of demand lines by choosing how the fulfillment lead days are used in the search criteria. The option are:

  • Ignore Lead Days

  • Override Fulfillment Lead Days

  • Use Fulfillment Lead Days

Source and Source Bus Unit

Narrow your selection by identifying a specific PeopleSoft application as the origin of the demand lines. Use the Source Bus Unit field to identify one business unit within the source application.

Parent Product ID

Enter a product kit defined in PeopleSoft Order Management to narrow your selection to demand lines containing the kit components. A product kit can be entered on a sales order or material stock request.

Product ID

Enter the product ID defined in PeopleSoft Order Management to narrow your selection to demand lines using the item ID tied to the product ID. This field does not include product kits.

WO Type and Shop

(work order demand lines only) Enter values to narrow the selection of work order demand lines. The available values are based on the Maintenance Management business units that are tied to the Inventory business unit.

See Reserving.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Orders in the Shortage Workbench

Access the Demand Summary page.

This page displays the search results at the order level.

Selection Criteria

Displays the current selection criteria used to retrieve the demand data displayed below.

Demand Filters

Enables you to re-select your search criteria. For example, if the search result is too large, you can select additional options here and click the Refresh button to narrow the search results to a manageable size.

Header Action

Choose the action to be performed on the selected orders. Options include:

  • Approve Backorders: Approves the backordered demand line.

  • Approve Partial Quantity: Approves the partially-reserved quantity.

  • Approve Stock Request: Approves the order.

  • Cancel Backorders: Creates a canceled backorder for the order's open demand quantity.

  • Create Backorders: Creates a backorder for the order's open demand quantity.

  • Deallocate: Removes the pre-allocation created for the lot-allocated or pegged demand line in the unfulfilled state.

  • Release as Shortage: Changes the state of an unfulfilled order to releasable, bypassing all reservation and backorder rules.

  • Reserve with Rules: Attempts to reserve any soft-reserve items on the order while enforcing the reservation rules. Backorder rules are not used and the demand line is kept in the unfulfilled state.

  • Reserve without Rules: Attempts to reserve any soft-reserve items on the order bypassing the reservation rules. Demand line is kept in the unfulfilled state.

  • Set to Releasable: Changes the state of any unfulfilled lines on the order to releasable and executes the backorder rules.

  • Set to Unfulfilled: Changes the state of any releasable lines on the order back to the unfulfilled state.

  • Unpromise: Removes the promised quantity of any ATP items on the order.

  • Unreserve: Removes the reservation for any soft-reserved item on the order.

Note. The actions displayed here are determined by the template ID.


Select to initiate the header action on the selected orders.

Reason Code Defaulting

Enter a reason code and comments for any action that causes a quantity decrease to an order's promised, reserved or allocated quantity. This feature can be required or optional based on the workbench template. Use the Set as Default button to apply this reason code and comments to all selected orders. When reason codes and comments are entered, a notification is sent by the Message Registry to the Message Dashboard and the person responsible for the demand line.

See Setting Up and Using the Message Dashboard.

Demand Summary

This group box displays the search results by demand source and order number. Select the Demand Lines link to access the Demand Lines page for this individual order. This group box only appears if you have chosen the Order Summary option in the Select Summary View field of the Shortage Workbench search criteria page.

Item Summary

This group box displays the search results by item ID and item description. Select the item ID link to go to the Item View page and view the demand lines. This group box only appears if you have chosen the Item Summary option in the Select Summary View field of the Shortage Workbench search criteria page.

Kit Summary

Based on the list of component kit demand lines matching the selection criteria, this group box displays the search results by product kit ID with links to go to the Kit Display page and the Demand Lines page. Use the Kit Schedules link to view all the order lines within this product kit. This group box only appears if you have chosen the Kit Summary option in the Select Summary View field of the Shortage Workbench search criteria page.

Kit Schedule

This group box displays the search results by the order lines that are part of a product kit. This view displays the kit requested quantity and kit released quantity. The group box has links to go to the Kit Display page and the Demand Lines page. This group box only appears if you have chosen the Kit Schedule option in the Select Summary View field of the Shortage Workbench search criteria page.

See Working With Product Kits in Order Fulfillment.

Process Log

Once you have processed an action for selected rows, this link displays. Select to access the Process Log page where you can view the results.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Demand Lines in the Shortage Workbench

Access the Demand Lines page.

Demand Filters

Enables you to re-select your search criteria. For example, if the search result is too large, you can select additional options here and click the Refresh button to narrow the search results to a manageable size.

Detail Action

Choose the action to be performed on the selected demand lines. Options include:

  • Accept Override Quantity: Uses the quantity that you entered in the Planned Release Base field or the Planned Release field to override the reserved quantity for soft-reserved items, the promised quantity for ATP items, and the planned pick quantity for non-soft reserved items.

    If the Negative Available Qty Allowed check box is selected on the Setup Fulfillment-Reservation page, then you change the planned release quantity to more than the available quantity in the business unit.

  • Approve Backorders: Approves the selected backordered demand lines.

  • Approve Partial Quantity: Approves the partially-reserved quantity of the demand line.

  • Approve Stock Requests: Approves the demand line.

  • Cancel Backorders: Create a canceled backorder for the demand line's open demand quantity.

  • Create Backorders: Creates a backorder for the demand line's open demand quantity.

  • Deallocate: Removes the pre-allocation created for the lot-allocated or pegged demand line in the unfulfilled state.

  • Release as Shortage: Changes status of a unfulfilled demand line to releasable, bypassing all reservation and backorder rules.

  • Reserve with Rules: Attempts to reserve the demand line for the open demand quantity while enforcing the reservation rules.

    Backorder rules are not used and the demand line is kept in the unfulfilled state.

  • Reserve without Rules: Attempts to reserve the demand line for the open demand quantity bypassing the reservation rules.

    Demand line is kept in the unfulfilled state.

  • Set to Releasable: Changes the state of the demand line to releasable and executes the backorder rules.

  • Set to Unfulfilled: Changes the state of a releasable demand line back to the unfulfilled state.

  • Unpromise: Removes the promised quantity of the demand line for ATP items.

  • Unreserve: Removes the reservation of demand line for soft-reserve items.

Note. The detail actions displayed here are determined by the template ID.


Select to initiate the header action on the selected orders.

Process Log

Once you have processed an action for selected rows, use this link to access the Process Log page where you can view the results of your current session.

Reason Code Defaulting

Enter a reason code and comments for any action that causes a quantity decrease to an order's promised, reserved or allocated quantity. This feature can be required or optional based on the workbench template. Use the Set as Default button to apply this reason code and comments to all selected orders. When reason codes and comments are entered, a notification is sent by the Message Registry to the Message Dashboard and the person responsible for the demand line.

Demand Lines

Item ID

Select the link on the demand line's item ID to access the Item View page where you can view the current overall demand for this item.

Kit ID

If the demand line is part of a product kit, this field displays the parent product kit ID. Select the Kit ID to access the Kit Display page.

Unplanned Quantity Base

Displays the quantity not reserved. It is calculated as Requested Quantity less Reserved Quantity less Backordered Quantity less Shipped Quantity.

Pegged Quantity

Displays the current pegged quantity.

Planned Release Base

Enter a quantity expressed in the item's standard unit of measure to override the planned released quantity. The planned release quantity is the quantity to be sent downstream for picking. It is the reserved quantity for soft-reserved items, the promised quantity for ATP items, or the picking quantity for non-soft, non-ATP reserved items. This quantity override is only used if you select the Accept Override Qty option for the Detail Action field.

Line Action

Select an option to access additional pages for this demand line data:

  • Item Availability: The Item/Product Availability page where you can view the item's current available quantity and cumulative available-to-promise quantity.

  • Peg to Supply: The Pegging Workbench to look for supply that can fulfill this demand line and peg to it.

  • Show Pegged Supply: The Pegging Inquiry to view an existing peg to incoming supply.

  • Stock Request Inquiry: The Stock Requests page where you can view all the details about this demand line.

    Note. The line actions displayed here are determined by the template ID.

Reason Code and Comments

Enter a reason code and comments for any action that causes a quantity decrease to an order's promised, reserved or allocated quantity. This feature can be required or optional based on the workbench template. When reason codes and comments are entered, a notification is sent by the Message Registry to the Message Dashboard and the person responsible for the demand line.

Planned Release

Under the Quantity Order UOM tab, you can enter a quantity expressed in the item's ordering unit of measure to override the planned released quantity.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Item Demand in the Shortage Workbench

Access the Item View page.

This page provides an item-focused view of your fulfillment needs by displaying demand lines for a specific Inventory business unit and item ID combination.

Demand Filters

Enables you to re-select your search criteria. For example, if the search result is too large, you can select additional options here and click the Refresh button to narrow the search results to a manageable size.

Detail Action

Choose the action to be performed on the selected demand lines. Options include:

  • Accept Override Quantity: Uses the quantity that you entered in the Planned Release Base field or the Planned Release field to override the reserved quantity for soft-reserved items, the promised quantity for ATP items, and the picking quantity for non-soft reserved items. If the Negative Available Qty Allowed check box is selected on the Setup Fulfillment-Reservation page, then you change the planned release quantity to more than the available quantity in the business unit.

  • Approve Backorders: Approves the selected backordered demand lines.

  • Approve Partial Quantity: Approves the partially-reserved quantity of the demand line.

  • Approve Stock Requests: Approves the demand line.

  • Cancel Backorders: Create a canceled backorder for the demand line's open demand quantity.

  • Create Backorders: Creates a backorder for the demand line's open demand quantity.

  • Deallocate: Removes the pre-allocation created for the lot-allocated or pegged demand line in the unfulfilled state.

  • Release as Shortage: Changes status of a unfulfilled demand line to releasable, bypassing all reservation and backorder rules.

  • Reserve with Rules: Attempts to reserve the demand line for the open demand quantity while enforcing the reservation rules.

    Backorder rules are not used and the demand line is kept in the unfulfilled state.

  • Reserve without Rules: Attempts to reserve the demand line for the open demand quantity bypassing the reservation rules.

    Demand line is kept in the unfulfilled state.

  • Set to Releasable: Changes the state of the demand line to releasable and executes the backorder rules.

  • Set to Unfulfilled: Changes the state of a releasable demand line back to the unfulfilled state.

  • Unpromise: Removes the promised quantity of the demand line for ATP items.

  • Unreserve: Removes the reservation of demand line for soft-reserve items.

Note. The detail actions displayed here are determined by the template ID.


Select to initiate the detail action on the selected lines.

Reason Code Defaulting

Enter a reason code and comments for any action that causes a quantity decrease to an order's promised, reserved or allocated quantity. This feature can be required or optional based on the workbench template. Use the Set as Default button to apply this reason code and comments to all selected orders. When reason codes and comments are entered, a notification is sent by the Message Registry to the Message Dashboard and the person responsible for the demand line.

Demand Lines

Kit ID

If the demand line is part of a product kit, this field displays the parent product kit ID. Select the Kit ID to access the Kit Display page.

Planned Release Base

Enter a quantity expressed in the item's standard unit of measure to override the planned released quantity. The planned release quantity is the quantity to be sent downstream for picking. It is the reserved quantity for soft-reserved items, the promised quantity for ATP items, or the requested quantity minus backordered quantity for non-soft reserved, non-ATP items. This quantity override is only used if you select the Accept Override Qty option for the Detail Action field.

Line Action

Select an option to access additional pages for this demand line data:

  • Item Availability: The Item/Product Availability page where you can view the item's current available quantity and cumulative available-to-promise quantity.

  • Peg to Supply: The Pegging Workbench to look for supply that can fulfill this demand line and peg to it.

  • Show Pegged Supply: The Pegging Inquiry to view an existing peg to incoming supply.

  • Stock Request Inquiry: The Stock Requests page where you can view all the details about this demand line.

    Note. The line actions displayed here are determined by the template ID.

Planned Release

Under the Quantity Order UOM tab, you can enter a quantity expressed in the item's ordering unit of measure to override the planned released quantity.


When available quantity is limited, you can use the Apportion group box to distribute the available quantity to the selected lines, changing the quantity displayed for each demand line in the Planned Release Base field. When using automatic apportionment, the following rules apply:

Apportion Quantity

Enter the quantity to be distributed among the selected demand lines. The apportion quantity cannot exceed the quantity available in the business unit. If you enter no allocation quantity, the business unit's available quantity is allocated using the method that you specify in the Apportion Method field

Apportion Method

Select the method to distribute the business unit's available quantity or the apportion quantity among the selected order lines. The options are:

  • % of Requested: Select to specify that only a percentage of an order line’s requested quantity should be fulfilled with the business unit’s available quantity or the specified apportion quantity.

    In general, only order lines that permit partial quantity fulfillment are eligible for this type of allocation. Starting with the first eligible order line in the processing sequence, the algorithm calculates the amount to allocate based on the specified percentage.

  • Max Quantity by Line: Select to restrict each demand line to a specified maximum.

    The entered quantity cannot be greater than the Apportion Quantity or the business unit’s available quantity.

  • Quantity: Select to restrict each demand line to a specified quantity.

    The combined quantity for all selected line cannot be greater than the Apportion Quantity or the business unit's available quantity.


Enter a percentage to distribute the apportion quantity or the business unit’s available quantity by allocating a percentage of the quantity originally requested. This field displays only if you have selected the % of Requested option in the Apportion Method field.

For each order line, the calculated apportion quantity is rounded according to the business rules and edited for valid conversion to the ordering unit of measure. If necessary, the apportion quantity is rounded up or down, so that a valid conversion factor is achieved. This process can result in an apportion quantity that is different from the quantity specified. For example, suppose that you specify that only 10 percent of the requested quantity should be allocated to each order line. One of the order lines being processed has a requested quantity of 10 each and another requests 1 each. Both allow partial quantity fulfillment. In this case, the order UOM equals the standard UOM for the item. Based on the specified percentage, the algorithm calculates apportion quantities of 1 each and 0.1 each, respectively. However, because the business unit does not allow fractional quantities for the item’s UOM and because the rounding rule for the UOM is to round up, the fractional apportionment is rounded up to the nearest whole number and both order lines are allocated 1 each. If neither of the lines permitted partial quantity fulfillment, the apportionment algorithm would assign no quantity to the order line requesting 10 each, but would apportion 1 each to the other line, because the calculated apportion quantity is rounded up to equal the full requested quantity for the line.

Maximum Quantity

Specify a maximum amount of the business unit’s available quantity or the allocation quantity to assign each line. This field displays only if you have selected the Max Quantity by Line option in the Apportion Method field.

Starting with the first selected demand line in the processing sequence, the algorithm compares the requested quantity with the maximum quantity and enters the lesser value in the Planned Release Base field. If the requested quantity is greater than the maximum allowed, the algorithm apportions the maximum quantity as long as the order line permits partial quantity fulfillment. Otherwise, no quantity is apportioned to the line. After the business unit’s available quantity falls below the specified maximum quantity, order lines are assigned as much of the remaining quantity as they are eligible to receive until all of the remaining available quantity or specified apportioned quantity has been allocated or until all the selected lines have been processed.

For each order line, the calculated apportioned quantity is rounded according to the business rules and edited for valid conversion to the ordering unit of measure (UOM). If necessary, the apportioned quantity is rounded up or down, so that a valid conversion factor is achieved. This process can result in an apportioned quantity that is different from the quantity specified. For example, suppose that you specify a maximum apportion quantity of 10 each for each order line. One of the order lines being processed has a requested quantity of 3 cases in the ordering UOM and permits partial quantity fulfillment. The apportionment algorithm converts the maximum 10 each to cases. Because the business unit defines 1 case as 12 each and does not allow fractions for the case UOM, the quantity of 10 each is converted to 1 case, and the quantity of 12 each is allocated to the order line.


Select to distribute the apportion quantity (if specified) or the business unit’s available quantity. The distributed quantity appears in the Planned Release Base column, overwriting previous values listed in this column.

Warning! If you apportion a quantity of zero, any previous values are replaced with zero. If the Planned Released Base is set to zero, then the quantity sent to picking and shipping is zero.

Process Log

Once you have processed an action for selected rows, this link displays. Select to access the Process Log page where you can view the results.

See Also

Establishing Quantity Precision and Rounding Rules for Items

Understanding the Order Line Processing Sequence

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Access the Process Log page.

This Process Log page is a transaction log that displays all demand lines that have been processed in the current session. Once you leave or close the Shortage Workbench, this information is no longer available.