Tracking Material Usage

This chapter provides an overview of the material usage and reconciliation business process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Material Usage and Reconciliation Business Process

To set up consumer usage, use the Consumer Usage (USAGE_INV_GBL) component.

PeopleSoft Inventory provides tools for capturing and tracking material usage from locations and receipt of goods into locations. These tools track information for par and internal locations, including the captured usage by consumers and the purchase receipts or internal issues of stock. This enables you to reconcile data and account for the stock.

If you integrate with a third-party consumer management system, you can capture and synchronize information about consumer usage. If you integrate with third-party consumer billing or costing accounting systems, you can use consumer usage data in the costing and billing functions. Generic enterprise integration points (EIPs) support integration with these third-party systems and enable the exchange of applicable consumer and consumer usage data.

While the ability to track material usage is common in the healthcare industry, the PeopleSoft Inventory material usage features enable you to work with any business that uses par locations.

Before tracking material usage, you must capture basic consumer information in PeopleSoft Inventory by either:

Data sent with the Consumer Message EIP include basic consumer information, such as consumer name, consumer ID, and service encounter with the consumer. For example, a hospital might use the Consumer Message EIP to import patient data from the system that handles admissions, discharges, and transfers. At a minimum, the hospital would import the patient name, patient ID, and the reason and date for the admission. Using the patient ID and service encounter information, you can distinguish and bill for items issued to the same consumer on different encounters.

After consumer data is sent to PeopleSoft Inventory, you can:

  1. Print a charge sheet for the consumer, using the Consumer Charge Sheet Report page.

    The report consists of a header with basic consumer data, in both bar-coded and human-readable form, and preprinted blank boxes. When you dispense an item from the par location supplies to a consumer, you transfer the bar-coded item label from the dispensed item to a box on the consumer’s charge sheet. You do this for each item dispensed to a consumer from par location supplies.

  2. Gather the charge sheets and update the PeopleSoft Inventory system with the consumer usage information.

    You can enter the consumer usage information on the Consumer Usage Entry page using a keyboard wedge device for quick data entry. Item usage can also be entered manually for each consumer’s service event, using the Consumer Usage page.

  3. Push usage data for the consumer to the billing or costing system, using the Consumer Usage EIP.

    When activated, consumer usage data is published when you save the Consumer Usage Entry page or the Consumer Usage page.

The following scenarios illustrate possible applications of material usage and reconciliation in different industries.


A typical healthcare facility records patient information using the healthcare provider’s admissions system. On admission, the system assigns the patient an ID and assigns the visit an associated service event ID. These two data elements are then sent to PeopleSoft Inventory using the Consumer Message EIP.

During the patient’s service event, PeopleSoft Inventory accumulates material usage. The usage information is tracked by item in the dispensing unit of measure, which is the lowest unit of measure defined for the item. To gather material-usage data:

  1. The patient’s bedside or a general nursing location on the floor maintains the patient’s record or PeopleSoft Inventory-produced consumer charge sheet.

  2. The nursing staff gathers materials for the patient from a par location that is replenished through either direct issues out of inventory or direct purchases to the nursing location.

    For each item used in the patient’s service event, a PeopleSoft Inventory-produced item usage barcode label for that item is placed on the patient’s consumer charge sheet.

  3. Once a day, or after each shift, the staff collects consumer charge sheets for each location in the facility.

  4. New consumer usage information on the charge sheets is either entered manually or scanned into PeopleSoft Inventory.

    Consumer charge sheets are produced once a night, or once each shift, until the patient is discharged. Each night, patient consumer charges are sent to the healthcare provider’s accounting and billing systems, using an EIP, for final billing, costing, and analysis.

  5. In PeopleSoft, item usage information accumulated for the patient can be reconciled with the item receipts from the inventory and purchasing material replenishment functions in PeopleSoft Purchasing and Inventory.

    This reconciliation includes item usage inquiry tools as well as reporting used to account for lost charges.

Service and Retail Industries

The material usage tracking feature has cross-industry applications. For example, infrastructure and telecommunications industries can set up par location trucks and charge specific customers for materials depleted from the truck during onsite installations. Likewise, retailers can stock delivery trucks or vending machines with par location supplies, which can be tracked and invoiced as ad-hoc sales are made.

These trucks and machines are point-of-service locations that can be replenished using the par location inventory replenishment feature in PeopleSoft Inventory. Just as healthcare facilities need to reconcile material usage with a patient, these service and retail companies need to reconcile material usage with the customer being serviced.

See Also

Managing Par Inventory

Managing Inventory by Item Status

PeopleSoft Enterprise Supply Chain Management Integration PeopleBook

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Consumer ID

The ID of the person for which you want to retrieve report data.

Service ID

The ID associated with a service for which you want to retrieve usage data. For each consumer, there can be several service IDs, each with its own start and end date and time, current location code, and other informational data. default, this ID is the most current service event for a consumer ID.

Last OprID (last operator ID) and Last User ID

The last person to alter a material usage object.

Start Date/Time

The beginning of a material usage action.

Last Dttm (last date and time)

The last date and time a change was made to a material usage object.

End Date/Time

The ending of a material usage action.

Charge Code

The charge code defined for the item. Charge codes are established on the Charge Codes page under Define Item Controls.

Usage Tracking

The method of usage tracking designated for an item. If this is a par location item, the default value comes from the Define Par Location - Line Details page. If this is not a par location item, the default value comes from the Define Business Unit Item - General: Usage page. If the item is not defined on the business unit level, the default value comes from the Define Item - General: Usage page. The following values are available:

  • Billing: The usage is tracked for consumer billing.

    This method compiles consumer and procedure usage information to bill the consumer directly for items used.

  • Costing: The usage is tracked for cost accounting.

    This method compiles consumer and procedure usage information to set the cost of a procedure accurately. Once the cost is set, the charge for that procedure can be determined. Over time, procedure costs can be monitored to ensure that the procedure price remains competitive and covers actual costs.

  • None: The usage is not tracked.

Quantity Used

Enter the quantity of items used in the material usage event. The default value is 1.

Click to jump to parent topicCapturing Material Usage

This section details the procedures used to capture material usage information for tracking and reconciliation purposes and discusses how to:

  1. Import consumer information with the Consumer Message EIP.

  2. Produce item usage labels.

  3. Generate consumer charge sheets.

  4. Enter consumer usage information.

  5. Export consumer usage information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicImporting Consumer Information with the Consumer Message EIP

Before capturing consumer usage information, you must define the consumer in PeopleSoft Inventory either by entering consumer information manually using the Consumer - Consumer page or by receiving data from a third-party consumer management system. PeopleSoft Inventory stores only the data required to produce meaningful material usage and reconciliation reports and then sends data to a third-party billing and cost accounting system. To protect consumer privacy, these pages should be tightly secured with PeopleTools user security features.

Consumer and service data is sent to PeopleSoft by a third-party consumer management system using the Consumer Message EIP. Changes made in PeopleSoft Inventory are not updated in the consumer management system.

The Consumer Message EIP is an inbound asynchronous service operation that receives consumer and service data from a third-party consumer management system. Data sent with the Consumer Message EIP include basic consumer information, such as consumer name, consumer ID, and service encounter with the consumer. This data is used to produce material usage and reconciliation reports.

PeopleSoft delivers the service operations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker with a default status of Inactive. You must activate each service operation before attempting to send or receive data from a third-party source or another PeopleSoft system, such as CRM.

To set up the Consumer Message EIP within PeopleSoft Integration Broker and Enterprise Components, use the information in the table below and refer to the setup instructions in the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Integrations 9.0 PeopleBook, “Implementing Integrations” chapter, Setting Up Service Operations section.

Service Operation

Direction and Type


Chunking Available?

Integrates With






Third-party consumer management systems

See Also

Setting Up Service Operations

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProducing Item Usage Labels

The system stores item usage labels with items in their par location and attaches them on a consumer charge sheet when an item is removed from the par location. Labels can be produced from PeopleSoft Purchasing and Inventory using the following conditions:

Pages from which you produce item usage labels can also be used to print labels in the dispensing (standard) unit of measure (UOM) defined for the item on the Define Item - General: Common page.

You can only generate labels for items defined with a usage tracking method code of Billing or Costing in the Define Par Location component, on the Define Business Unit Item - General: Usage page, or on the Define Item - General: Usage page. If the location is a par location, the usage tracking method is derived from the par location definition. For non-par locations, the usage tracking method comes from the business unit-item definition. If the item is not defined at the business unit level, the system uses the usage tracking method defined for the item at the setID level.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Consumer Charge Sheets

As stock is pulled from a par location for a consumer, you record the consumption of the stock by attaching item labels for the stock on the Consumer Charge Sheet report. The header of the consumer charge sheet includes the consumer ID, service ID, consumer name, location, and the date and time the report was printed. The consumer ID is barcode- and human-readable. The detail portion of the report includes preprinted blank boxes where you can attach item usage labels for each item used by the consumer.

Request the Consumer Charge Sheet report using the Consumer Charge Sheet Report page. You can request reports for all active consumers within a particular location or for a particular consumer. An active consumer is defined as a consumer with a start date earlier than the current date and an end date that is either blank or later than the current date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Consumer Usage Information

You can record item usage for a consumer in PeopleSoft Inventory by:

From both the Consumer Usage page and the Consumer Usage Entry page, you can enter or modify ChartField information.

All usage that you enter can be sent to a third-party from the component containing the action performed (add, update, delete) and the entire row that was modified when saving the component. The user ID of the last person to update or add a usage row is recorded along with the date and time of the modification.

Any charge can be entered for a consumer, no matter how usage is being tracked for the item. The usage tracking method is included in the data of an outbound Consumer Usage EIP for each charge so that the costing or billing system can take the appropriate action for each charge.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExporting Consumer Usage Information

With the Consumer Usage EIP, you can send the consumer usage data captured in PeopleSoft Inventory to a third-party consumer billing or cost accounting system. When activated, the Consumer Usage EIP can sent the data to a third-party system when you save your changes on the Consumer Usage or the Consumer Usage Entry pages.

In a healthcare environment, the design of the Consumer Usage EIP assumes that a patient account has already been established in the patient billing system through communication between the patient billing system and the admissions system.

The Consumer Usage EIP is an asynchronous service operation used to send consumer data captured in PeopleSoft Inventory to a third-party consumer management system for billing or costing purposes. Data sent with the Consumer Usage EIP include basic consumer information, such as, item ID, charge code, and quantity used.

PeopleSoft delivers the service operations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker with a default status of Inactive. You must activate each service operation before attempting to send or receive data from a third-party source or another PeopleSoft system, such as CRM.

To set up this EIP within PeopleSoft Integration Broker and Enterprise Components, use the information in the table below and refer to the setup instructions in the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Integrations 9.0 PeopleBook, “Implementing Integrations” chapter, Setting Up Service Operations section.

Service Operation

Direction and Type


Chunking Available?

Integrates With






Third-party consumer management systems

See Also

Setting Up Service Operations

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Click to jump to parent topicReconciling Material Usage with Receipts

Par location reconciliation begins with the Material Usage Reconciliation report (INS9070), which gathers all receipts from purchase orders and all issues from inventory for a specific par location over a specific period of time. The receipts and issues result from the Create Par Replenishment Requests process (INPGCDMD), which compares par location counts with the optimum quantity defined for the par location. If the count is less than the optimum quantity (presumably due to usage for a patient from the par location), a requisition, purchase order, or material stock request is created.

The Material Usage Reconciliation report also gathers the number of items from the par location that have been charged to a consumer. After collecting data, you can generate the Consumer Usage Reconciliation - Summary report to compare consumer usage with receipts and issues for the par location over a given period of time and identify any lost charges. For any given item in a par location, the issue and receipt quantity should equal the total quantity charged to consumers. This information is also collected for non-par locations, referred to in PeopleSoft as internal locations.

The Consumer Usage Reconciliation - Summary report lists the actual receipt transactions and usage that meet report request parameters. The report is a set of three detail reports: the Usage Detail report, Shipment Detail Report, and Receipt Detail report. The detail reports can be used in conjunction with the Consumer Usage Reconciliation - Summary report, Review Consumer Usage page, Review Shipment History page, and Receipt By Loc page to assist you in the manual process of researching items that do not reconcile for a location.

This section discusses how to:

  1. Set up reconciliation.

  2. Determine the last purchase order price paid.

  3. Research lost charges.

See Also

Researching Lost Charges

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Reconciliation

The design of the material usage reconciliation feature is based on the following assumptions:

Material charge information is defined at the setID, business unit, and par location levels. Items in both par and internal locations are available for reconciliation if they are defined as needing reconciliation at either the setID or the par location level.

Values defined for the item at the setID level become the default values at the business unit level. Based on the replenishment option, values defined at the business unit level or setID level become default values at the par location level. If the item is replenished as stock, the default values come from business unit attributes. If the item is replenished as stockless, non-stock, or non-replenished, the default values come from setID attributes. These attributes can also be overridden for each par location.

The par location is the defining entity for reconciliation setup information for par location items. Therefore, if the item attributes at the setID level are modified after setting up par locations, the changes do not cascade to the par location level. If the item is not associated with a par location, attributes at the business unit level or setID item level are the defining values.

Material usage reconciliation setup information at the setID, business unit, and par location levels consists of the following fields and options.

Selecting a Usage Tracking Method

Setup includes the following fields and options:

Assigning Charge Codes

Setup includes the following fields and options:

Using the Reconciliation Check Box

Setup includes the following fields and options:

Assigning Charge Markup Percentages and Amounts

These charge markups are supported at the setID-item level and the business unit-item level as a percentage or as a flat markup amount and are used as default values at the par location level.

Selecting Par Replenishment Options

Options include the following:

Setting Replenishment Controls

Options include the following:

See Also

Managing Par Inventory

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDetermining the Last Purchase Order Price Paid

PeopleSoft Inventory uses the following criteria to determine the price displayed in the Last PO Price Paid field.

Item Status

Method for Determining the Last PO Price

Associated with a par location.

Determined in part by evaluating the replenishment option of the item.

Not associated with a par location (or if no par location is associated with the location).

Derived from the Define Business Unit Item component using the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit. If the item is not defined at the business unit level, the last purchase price paid is derived from the Purchasing Attributes page using the setID associated with the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit.

Defined with the Stock replenishment option selected.

Derived from the Define Business Unit Item component using the PeopleSoft Inventory ordering business unit from the par location header. If the item is not defined on the Define Business Unit Item page, the last purchase price paid is derived from the Purchasing Attributes page using the setID associated with the PeopleSoft Inventory ordering business unit from the par location header.

Defined with the Stockless replenishment option selected.

Derived from the BU Specific Attributes page using the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit from the par location header. If the item is not defined on the Purchasing BU Attributes page, the last purchase price paid is derived from the Purchasing Attributes page using the setID associated with the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit from the par location header.

Defined with the Non-Stock replenishment option selected.

Derived from the Purchasing BU Attributes page using the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit from the par location header. If the item is not defined on the Purchasing BU Attributes page, the last purchase price paid is derived from the Purchasing Attributes page using the setID associated with the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit from the par location header.

Defined with the Not Replenished replenishment option selected.

Derived from the Define Business Unit Item page using the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit. If the item is not defined on the Define Business Unit Item page, the last purchase price paid is derived from the Purchasing Attributes page using the setID associated with the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicResearching Lost Charges

Researching lost charges involves auditing par location supplies for issues or receipts that were not charged to a consumer. For items in a par location or an internal location, the issue and receipt quantity should equal the total quantity charged to consumers.

Use the Consumer Usage Reconciliation - Summary and the Consumer Usage Reconciliation - Usage Detail reports as the basis of your research and to compare par location issues or receipts against consumer usage. The results are reports that show discrepancies between expected and actual charges for your par location supplies.

Run the reports as many times as needed to reconcile a location. Use the reports with the following inquiry pages to help you research lost charges and complete the manual reconciliation process.

Possible reasons for lost charges include the following:

Cross-Par Location Item Lost Charges

Because the Cross Par Location Item Inquiry page conducts a search for items across par locations, an item can be pulled from one par location to be used in a procedure in another location.

If the item is usage-tracked, this usage causes an initial imbalance in the reconciliation of these two par locations. To correct this lost charge, when pulling the item, you need to identify that the borrowed item came from the lending par location. To do so, get an item usage label and attach it to the consumer charge sheet. Record the usage from the lending par location based on the item usage label.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Material Usage

To define service class codes, use the Service Class (SRVC_CLASS_INV) component. To define consumers, use the Consumers (CONSUMER_INV) component. To record usage information, use the Record Consumer Usage (USAGE_INV_DE) component.

This section discusses how to:

  1. Maintain service class codes.

  2. Update consumer data.

  3. Update consumer service data.

  4. Track consumer usage data.

  5. Enter consumer usage data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Material Usage

Page Name

Object Name



Service Class


Inventory, Track Material Usage, Service Class

Create service class codes for differentiating the types of services you provide to consumers. You use this information when capturing consumer and service ID data.



Inventory, Track Material Usage, Consumers, Consumer

Update basic consumer information received from a third-party consumer management system using the Consumer EIP. Use of this page is not intended to replace an admissions system or other system that tracks consumer service activity. Consumer information can also be entered here manually; however, data entered or changed in PeopleSoft Inventory is not updated in the original system.

Consumer Service


Inventory, Track Material Usage, Consumers, Consumer Service

Update basic consumer information received from a third-party consumer management system using the Consumer EIP. This page is similar to the Consumer page.

Consumer Usage


Inventory, Track Material Usage, Consumer Usage

Enter and track consumer usage information.

Consumer Usage Entry


Inventory, Track Material Usage, Record Consumer Usage, Consumer Usage Entry

Enter usage information manually or with a wedge device.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Service Class Codes

To maintain service class codes, use the Service Class (SRVC_CLASS_INV) component.

Access the Service Class page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Consumer Data

To maintain consumer data, use the Consumer Maintenance (CONSUMER_INV) component.

Access the Consumer page.

To receive consumer data from a third-party consumer management system, use the Consumer Message EIP.

The consumer data on this page and stored in PeopleSoft Inventory is the minimum amount of information you need to generate meaningful reconciliation and material usage reports. This information is also sent to third-party consumer billing or costing accounting system.

Note. Ideally, the consumer information should be populated by the Consumer Message EIP. Use Add mode only as support when the third-party consumer management system is down and material usage for a new consumer must be captured.

Consumer Name

Displays the name uploaded from the third-party product. If you are entering this information manually, enter the consumer’s name using the standard PeopleSoft naming convention.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Consumer Service Data

Access the Consumer Service page.

Each consumer entered in PeopleSoft Inventory has one or more service IDs. The service event associated with a service ID carries with it the values entered in the fields on this page.

Current Location Code

Select a code that corresponds to the consumer’s current location.

Service Class

Select a service class that corresponds to the service being performed for the consumer. Service class codes are defined on the Service Class page.

Service Manager

Enter the name of the person who managed the consumer’s service event, using the standard PeopleSoft naming format.

Service Type Code

Enter the appropriate code and description. In a healthcare environment, the service type code could be an ICD-9 code.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Consumer Usage Data

To track consumer usage data, use the Consumer Usage (USAGE_INV) component.

Access the Consumer Usage page.

The values for the Usage Tracking, Reconcile, and Charge Code fields on this page are retrieved for the selected item from the par location-line level or the setID-item level, depending upon whether the item is associated with the selected par location.

Service Date

Enter the date on which the consumer usage occurred. The default date for new rows entered is the current system date. You cannot add a charge for a consumer ID with a service date that is earlier than the service event start date or later than the service event end date.

Sequence Number

The numeric sequence in which items were used over the course of one day. The sequence number restarts from 1 when you enter a different item or when you enter the same item with a different date.

ChartField Overrides

Click to access the ChartField Overrides page, where you can view, enter, and override header-level ChartField information for default values to each usage line entered. If the selected location is a par location, the par location header-level ChartFields assigned on the Define Par Location Groups page appear as the default values on the ChartField Overrides page. If the location entered is not a par location, these ChartFields can be entered manually at the header level so that they are defaults for each usage line entered.

Quantity Used

Enter the quantity of items used in the consumer’s service event. The default value is 1.

UOM (unit of measure)

Enter the unit of measure in which the item was used. The default value is the standard (dispensing) UOM for the selected item, as defined on the Define Item - General: Common page.


Select to reconcile the item. If this is a par location item, this value is set on the Define Par Location - Line Details page. If this is not a par location item, this value is set on the Define Business Unit Item - General: Usage page. If this item is not defined on the Define Business Unit Item page, this value is set on the Define Item - General: Usage page.

Last PO Price(last purchase order price)

Displays the last price paid for the item, for informational purposes only.

The Usage Tracking, Reconcile check box, and Charge Code values on this page are retrieved for the selected item from the par location-line level or the setID-item level depending upon whether the item is associated with the selected par location.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Consumer Usage Data

To enter consumer usage data, use the Consumer Usage-Data Entry (USAGE_INV_DE) component.

Access the Customer Usage Entry page.

This data-entry page is compatible with a wedge device, enabling the wanding of the consumer ID and corresponding item labels from consumer charge sheets. The default service ID value is determined by retrieving the most current service event for the consumer ID entered.

The values for the Charge Code, Usage Tracking, and Reconciliation fields are retrieved for the item from the par location-line level, business unit-item level, or setID-item level depending on whether the item is associated with the selected par location.

Location Level ChartFields

Click to access the ChartField Overrides page, where you can view, enter, and override location-level ChartField information. If the selected location is a par location, the par location item-level ChartFields assigned on the Define Par Location - Line page appear as the defaults on the ChartField Overrides page. If the location entered is not a par location, default item-level ChartFields come from the ChartFields defined on location level.

Service Date

The date on which the consumer’s usage of the item occurred. By default, this is the current date. You cannot add a charge for a consumer ID with a service date that is earlier than the service event start date or later than the service event end date.

Material Reconciliation Flag

When selected, the item will be reconciled. If this is a par location item, this value is set on the Define Par Location - Line Details page. If this is not a par location item, this value is set on the Define Business Unit Item - General: Usage page. If this item is not defined at the business unit level, this value is set on the Define Item - General: Usage page.

Last PO Price Paid (last purchase order price paid)

Displays the last price paid for the item, for informational purposes only.

Item Level ChartFields

Click to access the ChartField Overrides page, where you can view, enter, and override item-level ChartField information. If the selected location is a par location, the par location item-level ChartFields assigned on the Define Par Location - Line page appear as the defaults on the ChartField Overrides page. If the location entered is not a par location, default item-level ChartFields come from the ChartFields defined on the location level.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Supply Chain Management Integration PeopleBook

Capturing Material Usage

Determining the Last Purchase Order Price Paid

Defining and Using ChartFields

Click to jump to parent topicInquiring About Material Usage and Receipts

This section discusses how to:

  1. Inquire about consumer usage.

  2. Search for consumer usage data.

  3. Inquire about shipment history.

  4. Search for shipment history.

  5. Inquire about receipts by location.

  6. Search for receipt data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Inquire About Material Usage and Receipts

Page Name

Object Name



Review Consumer Usage


Inventory, Track Material Usage, Review Consumer Usage

View a subset of the usage information by entering selection criteria. For example, you can view all usage for a business unit, all usage for a consumer within a particular date range, all usage for a particular par location, or all usage for a particular service encounter (service ID).

Consumer Usage Inquiry Selection Criteria


Click the Search link on the Review Consumer Usage page.

Define search parameters for consumer usage data.

Review Shipment History


Inventory, Track Material Usage, Review Shipment History

Display material stock requests that have been shipped and depleted from the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit. This page can be used in conjunction with the Receipt By Loc page to research lost charges.

Shipment History Inquiry Selection Criteria


Click the Search link on the Review Shipment History page.

Define search parameters for shipment history.

Receipt By Loc (receipt by location)


Inventory, Track Material Usage, Review Receipt by Location, Receipt By Loc

View receipt information by location.

Receipt Inquiry Selection Criteria


Click the Refresh button on the Receipt By Loc page.

Define search parameters for receipts by location.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInquiring About Consumer Usage

Access the Review Consumer Usage page.

You can view usage through the following filters: all usage for a business unit, all usage for a consumer within a particular date range, all usage for a particular par location, and all usage for a particular service encounter (service ID).


Displays the location from which the item was used.

Service Date

Displays the date on which the consumer usage occurred.

Sequence Number

Displays the numeric sequence in which items were used over the course of one day.

Last PO Price(last purchase order price)

Displays the last price paid for the item, for informational purposes only.

Last Change Date

Displays the date and time of the last change made to this consumer usage entry.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Consumer Usage Data

Access the Consumer Usage Inquiry Selection Criteria page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInquiring About Shipment History

Access the Review Shipment History page.

Qty Ship Base (quantity shipped base)

Displays the quantity shipped, in the item’s standard UOM.

Ext Avg Cost (extended average purchase price)

The extended average purchase price of the item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Shipment History

Access the Shipment History Selection Criteria page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInquiring About Receipts by Location

Access the Receipt By Loc page.

Total Receipt Quantity

Displays total number of items received and accepted for the selected location.

Dist Qty (distribution quantity)

Displays the actual quantity accepted on the receipt distribution line.

Base Merchandise Amount

Displays the item’s extended cost. This quantity is derived from the receiver distribution line.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Receipt Data

Access the Receipt Inquiry Selection Criteria page.

See Also

Determining the Last Purchase Order Price Paid

Researching Lost Charges

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Material Usage and Reconciliation Reports

This section discusses how to:

  1. Define Consumer Charge Sheet report parameters.

  2. Define Material Usage Reconciliation report parameters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Generate Material Usage and Reconciliation Reports

Page Name

Object Name



Consumer Charge Sheet


Inventory, Track Material Usage, Consumer Charge Sheets, Consumer Charge Sheets

Define parameters for the report.

Usage Reconciliation Report


Inventory, Track Material Usage, Usage Reconciliation Report, Material Usage Reconciliation

Define parameters for the report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Consumer Charge Sheet Report Parameters

Access the Consumer Charge Sheet page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Material Usage Reconciliation Report Parameters

Access the Material Usage Reconciliation Report page.

This page enables you to request reconciliation for a location over a user-defined time frame (date from and date to). You can generate the Consumer Usage Reconciliation - Summary Report, the Consumer Usage Reconciliation - Usage Detail Report, or both. Subtotals are provided for each item within a par location. A grand total is provided for the par location or business unit based on the run request parameters.


Produces the Consumer Usage Reconciliation - Summary Report, which quantifies the number of items issued or purchased but not recorded as usage within the reconciliation time period. This report also identifies the total cost associated with these lost charges.


Produces the Consumer Usage Reconciliation - Usage Detail Report, which provides actual receipt transactions and usage applicable for the requested report parameters.


Produces both the summary and detail reports.

See Also

Defining Consumer Charge Sheet Report Parameters

Click to jump to parent topicReporting Issues History

Reporting item utilization helps you to establish and revise vendor contracts, establish primary vendor relationships, detect utilization trends, establish and maintain budgets, and anticipate supply needs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Report Issues History

Page Name

Object Name



Issues History


Inventory, Manage Inventory, Reports, Issues History

Generate a report of item usage.

Click to jump to parent topicPrinting Item Usage Labels

Labels are barcode-readable and aid in the tracking of material usage.

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Item Usage Label


SCM Integrations, Barcode Labels, Item Usage Label

Define parameters for the Item Usage Label flat file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Item Usage Label Report Parameters

Access the Item Usage Label page.

To print a barcode-readable label, the file produced by this report page needs to be interfaced with a third-party barcode printing system.

Override File

Select to override certain default aspects of this flat file. The default value comes from the Data Collection Label Setup page.

File Directory

Enter an overriding file directory in which to create the current report. The default value is the directory name in the FILEPREFIX that you specified in SETENV.SQC during the initial system setup. If no FILEPREFIX was specified during system setup, the default directory name is the current work directory on the client or the server running the label program.

File Name

Enter an overriding file name to give the current report. Default aspects of this field (including file prefix and suffix) are defined on the Data Collection Label Setup page.

See Also

Printing Item Usage Labels

Setting Up Data Collection Labels