Purging and Archiving Inventory Data

This chapter provides an overview of the purge and archive processes and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Purge and Archive Processes

PeopleSoft Inventory maintains transaction and static data for both reporting and transactional purposes. For organizations with large transaction volumes, retaining historical data in the PeopleSoft system tables can require additional hardware for data storage, cause reduced processing speed, and affect efficiency in reporting information. To avoid these potential problems, you can schedule the Inventory Data Purge process (IN_PURGE) and the Data Archive Manager to remove or archive historical or obsolete data from system tables based on criteria that you define.

Click to jump to parent topicPurging Inventory Data

You can schedule logical purging process runs of the various purging routines by setting up multiple requests for different purge routines under one run control ID. To purge obsolete or historical data from the PeopleSoft Inventory system tables, schedule a run for the appropriate purge routine using the pages in the Inventory Purge Process component.

Warning! The purging function is very powerful. Improper use of the Inventory Data Purge process can result in the unintentional loss of data. Use the purging process only after you have been properly trained to use it. Become completely familiar with the purging process and the use the available flat-file option to conserve the historical data. Before purging, you should always perform a backup.

This section discusses how to:

  1. Specify purge process request parameters.

  2. Specify parameters for purge routines.

  3. Purge cost and accounting history.

  4. Purge counting events.

  5. Purge inactive items.

  6. Purge physical inventory history.

  7. Purge replenishment history.

  8. Purge storage areas and storage locations.

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Purge Inventory Data


Inventory, Purge Inventory Data

Specify parameters for the Inventory Data Purge process.

Purging Parameters


Inventory, Purge Inventory Data, Purging Parameters

Select parameters for a specific purge routine, limiting the rows of data that the Inventory Data Purge process removes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Purge Process Request Parameters

Access the Purge Inventory Data page.

Flat File

Select to copy the data selected for purging to a comma-separated flat file. With this option, you do not purge data from the PeopleSoft Inventory system. You can review the data in the flat file using third-party tools before purging it from the system tables.

Flat File/Purge

Select to copy data selected for purging to a comma-separated flat file and then remove the data from the system tables. When you save the page, a warning message indicates that you are about to delete data from the system.


Select to remove the selected data from the system tables without writing the data to a flat file. When you save the page, a warning message indicates that you are about to delete data from the system.

File Directory

Enter the file directory path where the flat file is to be stored. If you selected purge, this field is not available.

File Name

Enter a file name prefix for the flat file. If you selected purge, this field is not available. The system generates the rest of the file name as follows:

[prefix]_[record name]_YYYYMMDD_[sequence number], where:

  • prefix is the value that you enter for file name.

  • record name is the object name of the record that you selected to purge.

  • YYYYMMDD is the year, month, and day that the flat file was created.

  • sequence number is a system-generated unique number.

    A .csv (comma-separated format) extension is appended to the file name. For example, if you enter PURGE as the file name and purge the BU_ITEMS_INV record on June 16, 2000, the associated flat file is named PURGE_BU_ITEMS_INV_2000616_1.CSV.

Character Set

Select ANSI or Unicode to determine the character set of the data in the flat file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Parameters for Purge Routines

Access the Purging Parameters page.

Purging Selection

Specify a purge routine. Values are:

  • Costing and Accounting History

  • Counting Events

  • Inactive Items

  • Physical Inv History (physical inventory history)

  • Replenishment History

  • Storage Areas/Locations

Note. Each purging selection uses a set of specific parameters. Purging parameters that do not apply to the purging selection are unavailable for entry. The following sections provide more detail about the purging parameters for each purging selection.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPurging Cost and Accounting History

Select the Costing and Accounting History purge routine to remove obsolete stock movement transactions in the TRANSACTION_INV table in PeopleSoft Inventory and the associated costing records and accounting lines in PeopleSoft Cost Management. To maintain referential integrity across applications, the routines group related records using the putaway transaction key. All records that match the key are analyzed for purge eligibility. No records in the group are purged until all records in the group are eligible for purging.

Enter the following parameters:

Book Name

The name of the cost book to purge.

Cutoff Date

The cutoff transaction date. All records in the group matching a given putaway key must have transaction dates before the specified cutoff date before you can purge any of the records.

Include Serial/Lot Trace Trans

Select this check box to purge lot or serial tracking items from the TRANSACTION_INV record. Once this data has been purged, the lot and serial genealogy inquiries cannot display this information.

Rules Used to Determine Eligibility for Purging

The following rules identify which TRANSACTION_INV records and associated costing records and accounting lines matching a given putaway key are eligible for purging:

Tables Accessed and Updated

These tables are accessed and update by the Costing and Accounting History purge process:

See Also

Costing Transactions and Creating Accounting Entries

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPurging Counting Events

Select the Counting Events purge routine to remove finished and canceled counting events for cycle and physical inventory (wall-to-wall) counts.

Enter the following parameters:

Cancelled Counting Events Only

Purge only canceled counting events.

Date From and Date To

The date range for the creation event IDs that you want to purge. Date from is the date that the counting event was created.

All Counting IDs

Include all eligible counting event IDs in the purge process.

From Count ID and To Count ID

The range of counting events that you want to purge. To specify a single counting event ID, enter the same count ID for the To Count ID field.

Rules Used to Determine Eligibility for Purging

The following rules identify which counting events are eligible for purging:

Tables Accessed and Updated

These tables are accessed and update by the Purging Counting Events process:

See Also

Counting Inventory Stock

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPurging Inactive Items

Select the Inactive Items purge routine to remove item records with an Inactive status from both the business unit and setID levels.

Enter the following parameters:


Inactive items are removed from the setID level only after they are purged from all business units associated with the setID.

Item List Option

Specify whether inactive items should be removed from a list of:

  • All items.

  • A specific category of items.

  • A specific family of items.

  • A specific group of items.

  • A range of items.

  • A single inactive item.

Rules Used to Determine Eligibility for Purging

Use the following rules to identify which items are eligible for purging:

Tables Accessed and Updated

These tables are accessed and update by the Purging Inactive Items process:

See Also

Inactivating Items

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPurging Physical Inventory History

Select the Physical Inv History purge routine to remove zero-quantity stock records from PeopleSoft Inventory’s PHYSICAL_INV table for counting inventory. Stock records in the PHYSICAL_INV table track the quantity of an item stored in a specific storage location within a business unit. These records are keyed by item ID, storage location, lot ID, serial ID, staged date, container ID, and unit of measure.

Enter the following parameter:

Item List Option

Specify whether stock records for items should be removed from a list of all items or a range of items, or whether a single inactive item should be removed. You can also specify the records to be removed by item category, item family, or item group.

Rules Used to Determine Eligibility for Purging

The following rules identify which item stock records are eligible for purging:

Tables Accessed and Updated

The PHYSICAL_INV table is accessed and updated by the Purging Physical Inventory History process.

See Also

Monitoring Inventory Quantity Balances

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPurging Replenishment History

Select the Replenishment History purge routine to remove obsolete replenishment requests from the PeopleSoft Inventory tables. This routine removes replenishment request records within a specified date range for a business unit.

Enter the following parameters:

Date From and Date To

The date range for replenishment requests that you want to purge. This is the date that the replenishment request was created.

Adhoc Requisitions Only

Select to purge ad hoc replenishment requests only.

Rules Used to Determine Eligibility for Purging

The following rules identify which replenishment requisitions are eligible for purging:

Tables Accessed and Updated

This table is accessed and update by the Purging Replenishment History process: REPLEN_RQST_INV.

See Also

Replenishing Inventory

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPurging Storage Areas and Storage Locations

Select the Storage Areas/Locations purge routine to remove records for closed storage areas or closed storage locations from a business unit. You can limit the purge to a specific location or group of locations by specifying a storage area and up to four levels of storage location detail.

Enter the following parameter:

Storage Area

Designate the storage area and up to four levels of storage location detail. All storage locations that meet the criteria that you specify are checked for purge eligibility. For example, if you enter only a storage area, all storage locations defined for that area are checked for purge eligibility.

Rules Used to Determine Eligibility for Purging

The following rules identify which items are eligible for purging:

Tables Accessed and Updated

These tables are accessed and update by the Purging Storage Areas and Storage Locations process:

See Also

Understanding Inventory Material Storage Structures

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Flat File Formats for Purging Routines

For each purging routine that you schedule, you have the option of writing the data to a flat file, deleting data from the database, or both. The data selected for purging is based on the parameters that you enter and the internal system edits. The internal system edits ensure that referential integrity is maintained, protecting the data integrity of system tables.

Use the flat-file option to confirm which data records are to be purged before running the process in purge mode. In purge mode, you can also write the purged data to a comma-separated flat file. Use this option if you need to retain purged data for a specified period of years for audit purposes. Before running purge routines, use the PeopleSoft Application Designer to verify that the file layout conforms to any ChartField configuration completed in PeopleSoft.

Note. You must use a third-party tool to analyze and maintain data written to a flat file. PeopleSoft does not provide a flat-file editor. Also, PeopleSoft offers no mechanism for restoring purged data to the system tables from a flat file.

To generate the flat-file formats for the purging routines, print the record definitions for the tables updated by each routine by using PeopleSoft Application Designer.

Note. The flat files generated by the purging routines match the record definitions of the updated tables as the tables are shipped. Save a copy of the original record definitions to use as the flat-file definitions before making modifications to the records. If changes have been made to the original tables, be sure that the delivered file layout object for the table has been properly updated.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer

Click to jump to parent topicArchiving Shipping and Pegging History

Use the Data Archive Manager in PeopleTools to move shipped demand lines and peg chains from the transaction tables to the history tables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicArchiving Shipping History

Use the Data Archive Manager in PeopleTools to remove shipped and canceled demand lines from a business unit with ship dates that fall within a specified date range.

Rules Used to Determine Eligibility for Archiving Shipping History

The following rules identify which demand lines are eligible for archiving:

Tables Accessed and Updated for Shipping History

The Data Archive Manager archives and then purges the following tables:

The Data Archive Manager purges the historical data in the IN_SHIP_DOC_TRK table without archiving it. Data from this file cannot be recovered once it is purged.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicArchiving Pegging History

Use the Data Archive Manager in PeopleTools to move peg chains in the IN_PEGGING table to its history table, IN_PEG_HIST. This routine removes completed and canceled peg chains within a specified date range.

Table Accessed and Updated for Pegging History

The IN_PEGGING table is accessed and updated by the Data Archive Manager.

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Archive Data To History


PeopleTools, Data Archive Manager, Archive Data To History

Use this page to submit batch Application Engine jobs to move shipping data and peg chains between the transactional tables and the history tables.

Define Archive Query Binds


Select the Define Binds link on the Archive Data To History page.

Enter the bind variables for shipping and pegging history.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Data Archive Manager

Access the Archive Data To History page.

PeopleSoft Data Archive Manager provides an integrated and consistent framework for archiving data from PeopleSoft applications. Using the Archive Data To History page you can define a job to move shipping data and peg chains from transactional tables to history tables.

Archive Template

Select the archive template, INDEMAND, to move shipping data from transactional tables to history tables. Select the archive template, INPEG to move peg chain data to the history table.

Process Type

Select the type of action to be performed, the options are:

  • Delete: Select to delete data from transaction tables. Data rows will be deleted from the transaction tables only if they've already been archived in the history tables.

  • Remove from History: Select to delete data from the history tables.

  • Rollback: Select to copy data from history tables back to transaction tables.

  • Selection: Select to copy data from transaction tables to history tables.

Selective Query

Specify the archive query defined within the archive template to use at runtime. If there are bind variables, you will be prompted to enter the bind variables when you click the Define Binds link.

  • For the INDEMAND archive template, there is one archive query, IN_ARCH_DMD_BU_DT_QUERY (archive demand lines by business unit and date).

  • For the INPEG archive template, there is one archive query, IN_ARCH_PEG_QUERY (archive pegging).

Once you enter the archive query, the Define Binds link is displayed.

Define Binds

Select this link to access the Define Archive Query Binds page where you can enter the bind variables for shipping and pegging history.

Batch Number

For archiving processes that are based on data in the history tables (such as delete data from transactional tables, copy data from history tables to transactional tables, and delete data from history tables), you will be prompted to enter an Archive Batch Number.

Commit at End

Data Archive Manager processes data using set-based processing, but doesn't issue any commits to the database server until the entire process has completed.

For example, if your Archive Template is defined with Pre- and Post- Application Engine programs, the Data Archive Manager first executes the Pre-Application Engine program, then it processed all of the tables in the Archive Template, next it executes the Post-Application Engine program. Upon successful execution of all these steps, a commit is issued to the database.

When you select this option, the set-based processing option is automatically selected as well.

Set-Based Processing

Data is processed by passing a single SQL statement per record to be archived to the database server. A commit is issued to the database server after successful completion of each SQL statement.

Row-Based Processing

Data Archive Manager processes data one row at a time using PeopleCode fetches. This method of archiving is more memory intensive and takes longer than set-based processing. However, for archiving processes that contain significant amounts of data, row-based processing could be used to reduce adverse affects on the database server.

Row-based processing is appropriate when you're archiving large amounts of data from transactional tables and wish to issue commits more frequently. If you select this option, you must enter a commit frequency.

Commit Frequency

Specify the number of rows to process before issuing a commit to the database.

Audit Row Count

Select to audit the number of rows in the record that meet the criteria. This number is displayed in the Number of Rows field on the Audit Archiving page

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Data Management, “Using PeopleSoft Data Archive Manager”