Defining Resources

This chapter provides an overview of resources and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Resources

This section lists common elements and discusses resource setup.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Crew Status, Machine Status, and Tool Status

This field is for informational purposes. Values are:

  • Available: The resource is available for use.

  • Pending: The new resource is not yet approved for use in production and cannot be associated with a work center.

  • Unavail (unavailable): The crew is not available, but you can associate it with work centers, tasks, routings, and production. This is only an option for crew status.

  • In Repair: The resource is in repair, but you can associate it with work centers, tasks, routings, and production. This is not an option for crew status.

  • Schd Maint (scheduled maintenance): The resource is scheduled for maintenance. This is not an option for crew status.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicResource Setup

Resources are the crews, machines, and tools used at work centers to complete tasks. Resources are consumed for the duration of a task and can be reused after the task is complete. You can also use PeopleSoft Supply Planning to analyze resources.

Before using resources, consider these steps:

  1. If you are using PeopleSoft Asset Management, you can link PeopleSoft Manufacturing machines and tools to asset information maintained in PeopleSoft Asset Management.

    To make that link, define machines and tools as assets in PeopleSoft Asset Management. This link enables you to view detailed machine and tool asset, service, and repair information from the Define Machine page and the Define Tool page.

  2. Define tools as a noncosted item in PeopleSoft Inventory to maintain quantity on-hand information for tools, as well as stock them in regular inventory locations.

    This enables you to purchase, receive, and stock tools without including them in the asset balance.

See Also

Understanding PeopleSoft Bills of Material and Routings

Defining Item Control Values

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Resources

To define resources, use the Define Crew Resource (EN_CREWS), Define Machine Resources (EN_MACHINES), and the Define Tool Resource (EN_TOOLS) components.

This section provides an overview of resource planning and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Resources

Page Name

Object Name



Crews - Define Crew


Manufacturing Definitions, Resources and Routings, Resources, Crews, Define Crew

Define crews that you can later associate with work centers.

Crews - Text


Manufacturing Definitions, Resources and Routings, Resources, Crews, Text

Enter crew text.

Machines - Define Machine


Manufacturing Definitions, Resources and Routings, Resources, Machines, Define Machine

Define the machines that you can later associate with work centers on the routings.

Machines - Manufacturer


Manufacturing Definitions, Resources and Routings, Resources, Machines, Manufacturer

Define the machine manufacturer and associated data.

Machines - Text


Manufacturing Definitions, Resources and Routings, Resources, Machines, Text

Enter machine text.

Tools - Define Tool


Manufacturing Definitions, Resources and Routings, Resources, Tools, Define Tool

Define tools that you can later associate with work centers on the routings.

Tools - Location


Manufacturing Definitions, Resources and Routings, Resources, Tools, Location

Define the tool location, including the inventory attributes and typical storage location.

Tools - Manufacturer


Manufacturing Definitions, Resources and Routings, Resources, Tools, Manufacturer

Define the tool manufacturer and associated data.

Tools - Text


Manufacturing Definitions, Resources and Routings, Resources, Tools, Text

Enter text for a tool.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Crew Attributes

Access the Crews - Define Crew page.

Crew Size

The system uses crew size as the default value on work center, task, routing, and production pages if, on those pages, you specify the crew as the primary crew. When you specify a work center on an item's routing, the system uses crew size as a factor when it calculates the item's labor costs.

Calendar Code

Select an associated calendar code. Define calendar codes on the Calendar Code Definition page.

See Also

Defining Calendar Codes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Machine Attributes

Access the Machines - Define Machine page.

Machine Status

Values are:

  • Available: The machine is available for use.

  • In Repair: The machine is in repair, but you can associate it with work centers, tasks, routings, and production.

  • Pending: A new machine is not yet approved for use in production and cannot be associated with work centers.

  • Sched Maint (scheduled maintenance): The machine is scheduled for maintenance.

    This field is informational only.

Link to AM (link to asset management)

To track the machine as an asset by linking an asset number to the tool, select AM Asset.

The PeopleSoft Asset Management Business Unit and Asset ID fields then become active.

If you select Non-AM, the system does not create a link to PeopleSoft Asset Management.

AM Asset (asset management asset)

Click to view the machine's asset information with the Review Assets pages in PeopleSoft Asset Management.

AM Service (asset management service)

Click to view the machine's asset service and repair details with the Review Service/Repair Detail pages in PeopleSoft Asset Management.

See Also

Adding and Maintaining Assets

Managing Asset Maintenance, Repair, Warranties, and Insurance

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Machine Manufacturer

Access the Machines - Manufacturer page.

Enter or change the manufacturer information for the selected machine:

Note. This page is only for informational purposes. If you have entered similar data in PeopleSoft Asset Management, you do not need to enter this information here.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Tool Attributes

Access the Tools - Define Tool page.

Note. Defining tools is optional.

Tool Status

Values are:

  • Available: The tool is available for use.

  • In Repair: The tool is in repair, but you can associate it with work centers, tasks, routings, and production.

  • Pending: A new tool is not yet approved for use in production and cannot be associated with work centers.

  • Sched Maint: The tool is scheduled for maintenance.

    You can associate it with work centers, tasks, routings, and production. This field is informational only.

Link to AM (link to asset management)

To track the tool as an asset by linking an asset number to the tool, select AM Asset.

The PeopleSoft Asset Management Business Unit and Asset ID fields then become active.

If you select Non-AM, the system does not make a link with PeopleSoft Asset Management.

AM Asset (asset management asset)

Click to view the tool's asset information with the Review Assets pages in PeopleSoft Asset Management.

AM Service (asset management service)

Click to view the tool's asset service and repair details with the Review Service/Repair Detail pages in PeopleSoft Asset Management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Tool Location

Access the Tools - Location page.

If you have previously defined the tool as an item in PeopleSoft Inventory, you can enter the tool's inventory attributes.

Cage Number

Enter an inventory cage number. This field is informational only.

Item ID

Select an ID for a noncosted item.

Area, Lev 1 (level 1), Lev 2 (level 2), and Lev 3 (level 3)

(Optional) Select the inventory storage area and inventory location where this tool is stored. The system displays the number of storage levels defined for each storage area.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Tool Manufacturer

Access the Tools - Manufacturer page.

Enter or change the any of the manufacturer information for the selected tool:

Note. This page is for informational purposes only. If you have entered similar data in PeopleSoft Asset Management, do not need to enter this information here.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Where-Used Resource Data

This section provides an overview of resource searching and lists the pages used to view where resources are used on work centers, tasks, routings, and in production.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Resource Searching

When viewing where-used resources data, you control the data and pages that you see by selecting resources and by changing the search selection.

Note. The system searches for the use of any individual crew, machine, or tool simultaneously. It does not search for cases where a combination of the resources is used, but rather where any one of them is used.

You can search for production, routings, tasks, work centers, or all of these. The Search field on a particular page is automatically populated by the value that mirrors the page. For example, if you access the Used on Work Centers page, the default value in the Search field is Work Centers. If you search for the default value, the system populates the current page with data after you click the Search button.

If you search for another value or search for all values, you access the page that corresponds with your choice. For example, if you are on the Used on Work Centers page, and you select Only Task, in the Searchfield, you move to the Used on Tasks page. In this example, you then click the Search button to view the tasks on which the selected resources are used. Before clicking the Search button, you can change the selected resources that are populated by the previous page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Where-Used Resource Data

Page Name

Object Name



Used on Work Centers


Manufacturing Definitions, Resources and Routings, Resources, Review Resources Where Used, Used on Work Centers

View resources used on work centers.

Used on Tasks


Manufacturing Definitions, Resources and Routings, Resources, Review Resources Where Used, Used on Tasks

View resources used on tasks.

Used on Routings


Manufacturing Definitions, Resources and Routings, Resources, Review Resources Where Used, Used on Routings

View resources used on routings.

Used in Production


Manufacturing Definitions, Resources and Routings, Resources, Review Resources Where Used, Used in Production

View resources used in production.

Resources Where Used Report


Manufacturing Definitions, Resources and Routings, Resources, Resources Where Used Report, Resources Where Used Report

View where-used information about resources on work centers, tasks, routings, and in production.

See Also

ENS1004 - Resources Where Used Report